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Totally worth the time and money!


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In an attempt to give those that like the game somewhere to voice THEIR opinions, I open this thread. :)


I for one love it!


I see so many who say I am going to go play x or y, which 9 times out of 10 are a completely different genre, like a fantasy or something else. I say this. If the genre of the game you play or the story contained within means that little to you, why both er not just playing Wow until the day it goes offline?


This game has unique things and maybe for those who like things like story and fun, its better to them then it is to you? Just cause you don't like something does not mean 'we' all do. But there are so many people who start these threads, that say things like 'we' all think this and that. Well this thread is for those who disagree with them!


I have seen a lot of people who like this game, they are usually too busy playing to be bothered coming here and arguing with those who don't.


I don't want Bioware to get only one side of the story. There are many of us who really like it, love it in fact. Not all other players, I know that, but there are many guys and girls I have seen on here, who really do like it, they are always there in most negative threads in some way to add a little of the other side. :)


Thanks for reading.

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I have to agree with the OP. While there are things I do not like (Space), there are plenty of things I do like about SWTOR. If I did not like SWTOR I would not be paying my subscription. As most other MMO's have done, SWTOR should only evolve and improve with age. So, I am happy to be playing.
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I loved the game too, it had so much potential to be a great game worth subscribing to for years. However, someone made a decision not to fix things instead nerf or remove the problems. That is not improving the game. I don't think it is worth the money being charged to play this game when there are other games out that are better, imo.
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I think I have to agree TOR is the only mmo at the moment worth the time and money. But that is fading fast with the dying servers and lack of LFG tool.


Oh and just so it's said Tera and GW2 will crash and burn. Tera is asian garbage, GW2 is pay2win RvR with crap story aka waste of time. :p D3 is singler player cash shop which was fun back in the 90s but suck today.

Edited by Neloth
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I agree, TOR is very interactive game and I love it. I remember I used to get soo much crap from mates when I would sit at a quest giver and read the quest, because I wanted to know why I was killing the dude in the tower lol.


For all of it faults it has some massive positives. Voice overs for quests, Companions, Companions doing your profs for you (I hated sitting in town spamming items), Attack animations, In depth story line, The 'pump you up' music when you get into an elite fight etc.


I'm a causal player so I'm only progressing through hard modes atm , so I can't really connect with people complaining about lack of end game content and I causally pvp as well. All up I see more pros than cons so in my book you pass :p

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I happen to enjoy TOR despite knowing there are things wrong with it. It's had a whole 5 months under live fire and is evolving nicely despite opinions to the contrary. I (like many who enjoy this game) understand it didn't launch with every player's favorite features from every MMO they have ever played. I understand it never will have every player's favorite features from every MMO they have ever played. I also understand how MMOs work - and don't work. They don't work well as substitutes for real life deficiencies. They are merely games, and this one is well worth 50¢ a day. Edited by GalacticKegger
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US$15 per month is already a very cheap form of entertainment. It is an all-you-can-eat buffet for one month. To say it is a waste of time and money is frankly a ridiculous statement. Then going to watch Avengers is also a waste of time and money. It only gave you 2+ hours of entertainment!


Having said that, still enjoying the game. In fact, there's not enough time to do all that I want. I have to spend less time on my main because I want to level my alt.

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US$15 per month is already a very cheap form of entertainment. It is an all-you-can-eat buffet for one month. To say it is a waste of time and money is frankly a ridiculous statement. Then going to watch Avengers is also a waste of time and money. It only gave you 2+ hours of entertainment!


Having said that, still enjoying the game. In fact, there's not enough time to do all that I want. I have to spend less time on my main because I want to level my alt.


This. 15$ a month is really cheap form of entertainement, 0.50$ per day isnt that expensive, Going to the cinema costs alot for lil entertainement, basically, if you pay for outside entertainements like cinema or attractions you would go bankrupt.

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I like the game but maybe i would have liked it more if it was a full rpg. I like the flashpoint and the warzone tho but on my server its impossible to do these thing so swtor feels more like a half assed rpg, running for ever from class quest to class quest. So yeah maybe ill enjoy the game for real when i get on a real server.
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I have no misconceptions about this game. It is the best mmo there is to offer from what is available right now. It has a lot of things that need fixing and added to it. Even in its current state its still more fun than whats out there.

Am I jealous of Tera's Environmental detail? yeah, and thats it. The wife bought it, I've tried it. Overall I think it sucks sh*t . Boring as hell, not to mention some features that I am totally against, that puts one guild in an advantage over others thanks to voting. I think adding Voice overs in TOR for player characters is brilliant. However, it limits the species allowed in Character creation due to not being able to speak basic. Having cut scenes are very cool. Again, this limits even more species due to character interactions during cut scenes. Some gear looks more inspired by WoW, rather than inspired from a Star Wars game like say, The Force Unleashed 2. The list goes on, but for all it's short comings, it's still more fun. Once there is a satisfactory solution to the population issues it will be even better. Those are my feelings on the subject, and yes totally worth my time and money!

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I'm not going to lie. This game is not everything I had hoped it would be. I expected more in the beginning. I am still expecting more. I feel they made some bad initial design decisions. Thankfully none of them are the core of the game so they can be improved over time. I felt (and in some cases still feel) the game was strangely lacking UI elements and guild functions that by this point I would have pegged as standard. PvP has been lacking since launch and little has been done to address it up to this point. Overall, I feel that it deserved the critical scores it received on average.


However, I am still here. I am enjoying the stories and the combat system. I've only completed the Sith Warrior story and the entire Empire faction story. There are still many other class stories for me to see and the bulk of the Republic story yet. I enjoy the Flashpoints and have yet to be in any Operations. I like going into Warzones from time to time. When I feel like making money there are plenty of dailies for me to do and I've barely scraped what the Legacy system offers. With more content coming and the subtle rumblings of full 3D space combat, mini-games such as swoop racing, and other different types of content that they're not talking to us about right now coming from the devs here and there I am excited to see what this game will bring.


I like the game as it is but I don't love it right now. I am not sticking around for what is here now. I am sticking around because of the things we have been told are coming and the hints of other things they have yet to reveal. With each major patch they release I like the game a little more and a little more. There have been a few times where I thought about quitting. For a short period of time I did. That's when I tried going back to WoW, Aion, Final Fantasy XI, and Rift. None of them did it for me. When I tried going to one of them I thought of the things TOR did better for my personal taste as I played. Where TOR could keep me occupied for a few hours they couldn't even hold me for 10 minutes anymore before I started drifting. I even tried the betas of Tera and The Secret World. For me, neither of them even came close. One of them, I will not say which though you'll probably know when you try it, was just horrid to me.


After more than 4 months I'm still here. No other MMO besides WoW held my interest the way this game has. It has issues and they need to be addressed soon but I am giving Bioware the benefit of the doubt and my money to help.

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I would like the game if i could play it, but seeing as my server is dead and I'm not about to waste all my time invested as I have been playing on my server since day 1, the game is dead for me.


What about free server transfers? Those should be next month.

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Your 15$ can get you a lot more elsewhere...


Of course, the amount you get for your 15$ here is relative. I play with a RL friend on a dead server. No 2-player RPG is worth a monthly fee. If we were lucky enough to be on a server that has players and doing more than 2-player content was easily accessible, I'd be way less bitter.

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Didnt realize id be paying 60bucks for the game and 15 per month for a story time while i attempt to play the game.


Should have taken that 199million and put it into the actual game play with real features.


Meh. The features will come. Maybe you should unsub for the time being and see if the game brings what you want it to. Unless ofcourse that's what you're already doing or planning.

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I really enjoy playing SWTOR as well. It is a very unique game and will continue to grow. I have read alot of negative things on these forums. I'm glad to see some positive things being said about the game. With the game only being out for a short time I think it's doing very well.
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Me and a friend I always played with just reached level 40... here's some random thoughts (likes/dislikes) I have had over the past few weeks:




- Decent story-driven quests. Class quests aren't predictable, which is cool.

- Warzones are cool, I like how BW is kind of able to make it fair (normalize) in the 10-49 bracket.

- Love the Heroic missions, only done two FP's but they're awesome.

- Companions are a good idea, and they do contribute if you gear them up.

- Music.

- Economy is decent, and I like how the auction house puts a suggested buyout price on items you list for sale.




- Some of the planets look the same.

- The graphics are decent, but hardly awe-inspiring. The requirements to play this game are also sort of high for something that looks dated.

- There's a lot of small, but annoying, bugs. My friend had their screen remain black (but the UI was there, and background noise could be heard) once, and I've experienced excessive lag at times despite being on good cable internet.

- Downtime happens more than other MMO's. Once a week should be the maximum, but here it's like 2-3 times a week it seems.

- Lack of a LFG tool hurts. I'm missing content because the developers were too lazy to come up with a tool like what Blizzard did in WoW. I think I read somewhere BW is doing something (finally) about this, though.


Overall this is a promising, but buggy, game. I do like it, and I'll probably stick with it and give them a chance.

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- Downtime happens more than other MMO's. Once a week should be the maximum, but here it's like 2-3 times a week it seems.


I would just like to point out here, that even though it is two times a week currently, it is better then say WoW. They have two downtimes of four hours, so all up 8 for the week. WoW has been known to have downtimes as long as 12 hours for a patch and then 2 or three more in the same week all at 4 to 8 hours each to correct bugs and whatnot.


So I would go out on a limb and say it is on average the same amount of downtime as say WoW regularly has, and when they patch and they have to fix bugs, they will do it in a shorter time. That is my opinion and experience, at play there. :)

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I would just like to point out here, that even though it is two times a week currently, it is better then say WoW. They have two downtimes of four hours, so all up 8 for the week. WoW has been known to have downtimes as long as 12 hours for a patch and then 2 or three more in the same week all at 4 to 8 hours each to correct bugs and whatnot.


So I would go out on a limb and say it is on average the same amount of downtime as say WoW regularly has, and when they patch and they have to fix bugs, they will do it in a shorter time. That is my opinion and experience, at play there. :)


WoW has different downtimes for European folks so they do not have to miss out on playing 3 evenings a week.

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