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Disappointed and expectations.


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Something i forgot to add, i played through my toons campaign with my brother so we did all the missions together, the whole random role thing was cool, but throughout the whole game i never really felt like he was there with me, even during flashpoints, the characters or bots you talk too never really acknowledge both of you and you never talk or say anything about your friends (With one or two exceptions) but i guess that is because it's an MMO and it has limits.
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Not to mention the fact that there so called awesome LFG tool wont be cross server, only in server, great idea.


1.3 releases.....we que up for a LFD (Looking for Dungeon)..... we wait.....and wait....4 hours later...still in que... (Average que time: unknown) ..... yeahhh thats what the future holds. Thank god for D3, while there are many things I disagree with (changes they did), at least I can play a "MULTIPLAYER GAME" and enjoy a "COMMUNITY"......

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I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret.

All video games are a waste of time and money.


shhh, don't let that secret out..:)


I think Tor is not alone, almost every new game I have played over the last couple of years, always seems to be lacking something, it's like the dev's these days, just don't go the extra step to make a great game and are content with an ok game, a shame really since the price of games keep going up.. /sigh

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You do sum it up well and I can relate to the dissapointment in BioWare especially after the botched ME3 ending (not the game itself, which I thought was fantastic). Still there are some things you can do but it can also lead to more tedium, I was very dissapointed in my server which I had 2 50s one rep and one imp, one day I just bit the bullet deleted them and went to the Swiftsure, this was a good move, but I also wanted to create those characters that I loved over again on it. This led to some problems not only did I want to be 50 again as soon as possible I wanted to play lotsa warzones which popped constantly on a full server so I ended up way outleveling everything and getting bored of my questing which led (still) to me not having a legacy.


Anyway the real solution is for them to start doing transers and mergers as soon as possible, wait too long and this game's gonna be dead, dead, dead.


And of course the have a long way to go yet on improving the game itself.


You mean we've been playing a game? I thought this was a paid beta ? mmmm, leveling with tunnel vision maps on each planet and on a dead seerver....hell, I must of missed the memo.

Edited by UnmarkedFaith
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Oh, another thing i didn't like in SWTOR, you were the mentor character.

In the KOTOR games you were the leader of the gr.oup but you always had that character that while serving under you was much more experienced and acted as you mentor, but in SWTOR you don't have that character your companions look up to you a person who has no real experience and is just as new as them for guidence.

While i have no problem with being the leader, i woud love to be the student as well; i want sommeone to teach me about the force/military, and answer my questions with annoying riddles.

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As i write this post, i am uninstalling The old republic from my system.


The game itself was fun to play during the process of levelling up, which took me around a month to do for my first toon.


Once i hit level 50 however, i lost all devotion to this game, and to bioware (who by the way already downgraded themselves in my book with the extremely unsatisfying ending to ME3)


Back on subject -


At first, i had fun in warzones, but eventually it became more and more noticeable that the same players were always in the groups, both on republic and imperial side. Now i wont discuss which side i am on, so then it is less biased, but the balance in pvp is ridiculous, so long as you have more healers on your team, you always win.


Not to mention, the amount of time it even takes these days to find a warzone is counter-productive, my server has died that much, that it takes me upto 4 hours to find a warzone at peak time, and the same for any hard mode's or operations.


The gear you get from these is not worth having, its just as easy to buy decent mods, and skill correctly, not to mention the gear itself does not look like something from the star wars universe, instead we get something that looks like it comes of of dragon age, or skyrim. The designers failed here, and this problem needs fixing stat.


Then of course came the expansion of 1.2 which brought some new things, including a world event, and during this world event, there were people on my server doing the quests whilst i was, THREE, this game does not feel like an MMO whatsoever.


The legacy system was over-rated to hell and back, the sheer amount of money that it costs to buy anything is ridiculous and most players on these forums would refer me to the daily guide that tells you how you make 300k per day doing dailies, yes this is correct, but after so many runs, it gets to repetitive, and i end up stood in the fleet discussing how horrible the game is.


Guild banks are something that guilds need to work together, so why they have to pay to even access it is ridiculous.


fact is, if i wanted to play a game where the goal was to collect money, and play Sonic the hedgehog and collect the golden coins.


Everything in SWTOR requires an insane amount of credits, and in my humble opinion once you reach the endgame stage, you may want to save up for your characters funeral, because one day soon, you will get bored, that i can almost guarantee.


To finish this post, lets discuss my biggest problem, and the problem that every other player seems to have :


The incompetent maintenance planning, and un-tested patch releases.


This game has a public test server, and so should make use of it for every patch, always, that's why it is there right?

Here is an idea - instead of spending copious amounts of time and money introducing patches that break the game, why not hire some testers, assign them each an area, and get them to play the patch before you release it, this should be standard for any game that wants to make money, otherwise your going to loose custom.


When i saw yesterday that the game has lost 400k subscribers, and currently had 1.3m, i wondered, how many of that 1.3 million, is playing on the 30 free days given to them to apologise for the failure of 1.2?


My point is, this game needs to make drastic changes, server merges and transfers being at the top of the list.


Until then, my subscription will remain cancelled, and bioware as far as im concerned, can transfer my remaining play time to another player, and then delete all existence of my account.




Well at least you leveled to 50, I can't bring myself to even level that much :/ its so boring, every single quest is combat, combat, combat. Is that the only thing they could think of? For a "Keeper of the Peace" my jedi sure kills lots and lots of people. And why do I get the option in conversations for a "peaceful" solution KNOWING that it'll never, ever end that way...it always ends in...combat! Not all Jedi where fighters, maybe mine isn't? Thought RPGs where about choices? Guess not

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Oh, another thing i didn't like in SWTOR, you were the mentor character.

In the KOTOR games you were the leader of the gr.oup but you always had that character that while serving under you was much more experienced and acted as you mentor, but in SWTOR you don't have that character your companions look up to you a person who has no real experience and is just as new as them for guidence.

While i have no problem with being the leader, i woud love to be the student as well; i want sommeone to teach me about the force/military, and answer my questions with annoying riddles.


Yeah I agree, they give this feeling from level 1 to about 8 then bam your a full blown Jedi. Obi wan was a padawan for YEARS and YEARS....... very lame imo.

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The main reason I am not pleased with this game is because I can't stand it when I get a Heroic mission, because there is never enough people on my planet to play with. And most of my guildies are 50s. It sucks when you can't play these missions because of way too many servers. Other than that, I love the game.
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All the people having all of these complains think the grass is always greener.


2 months after Guild Wars 2 release check out their forums. The same people will be crying. Couple months from now check out tera forums, they'll be crying.

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You do sum it up well and I can relate to the dissapointment in BioWare especially after the botched ME3 ending (not the game itself, which I thought was fantastic). Still there are some things you can do but it can also lead to more tedium, I was very dissapointed in my server which I had 2 50s one rep and one imp, one day I just bit the bullet deleted them and went to the Swiftsure, this was a good move, but I also wanted to create those characters that I loved over again on it. This led to some problems not only did I want to be 50 again as soon as possible I wanted to play lotsa warzones which popped constantly on a full server so I ended up way outleveling everything and getting bored of my questing which led (still) to me not having a legacy.


EXACT same for girlfriend and me. Low pop server, got to 50, worked on a couple alts. Decided we would re-level on Swiftsure. Tried to level same characters that we liked. Got bored doing it all over again. Haven't really been playing at all anymore even with 30 free days. Stuck @ 30ish with little motivation to get back to 50.

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I'm gonna let you in on a dirty little secret.

All video games are a waste of time and money.

Oh my god... you win the internet.


The seriousness with which people treat all this. That's the real comedy gold.

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Oh my god... you win the internet.


The seriousness with which people treat all this. That's the real comedy gold.


Yes, yes it is.


People make it seem like there's blood spewing out of their eyeballs with the posts they make.




Just a game. Calm down.

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I'm having fun, my friends are having fun and our guild is having fun. Most of us are ex-military operators, wives & kids and seem to have a different bead on what matters. To a player, we are easily getting our 50¢ a day's worth of story participation and blowing stuff up. EA's stock price, first year bug blues and not having as much content as a game that's been around for nearly a decade mean nothing once we log in. If they did, we'd be spending our coin on supermarket tabloids instead of playing a video game. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yes, yes it is.


People make it seem like there's blood spewing out of their eyeballs with the posts they make.




Just a game. Calm down.


Not the impression i meant to give, im just simply voicing my thoughts, i looked forward to this game sine KOTOR II, now i wish i hadn't bothered surely you cant deny it has a serious amount of problems

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Not the impression i meant to give, im just simply voicing my thoughts, i looked forward to this game sine KOTOR II, now i wish i hadn't bothered surely you cant deny it has a serious amount of problems

Yeah, it does.


This is why I don't play it like my life depended on it. It's probably not a good idea to do that with any game really.


If you marry your MMO, well, it's going to take you on more of an emotional ride than you actually need to go on.

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Not the impression i meant to give, im just simply voicing my thoughts, i looked forward to this game sine KOTOR II, now i wish i hadn't bothered surely you cant deny it has a serious amount of problems


Oh, i don't deny that at all. It does indeed have a lot of problems and I wasn't referring to you but rather some people that love to make an entire soap opera with their posts.


Although it has it's problems and it's faults; I'm still having fun with the game and friends. And since video games are made for having fun and entertaining you; i think the game has done its job.


Can it do its job a bit better though? Yes.

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Yeah, it does.


This is why I don't play it like my life depended on it. It's probably not a good idea to do that with any game really.


If you marry your MMO, well, it's going to take you on more of an emotional ride than you actually need to go on.


I play 10-12 hours a week other times im at university, or out with friends, but i like to come back to this game now and again, the problem isnt the lack of endgame content, its the lack of being able to take part in end game content.

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You know, there is over two months of gaming at least. You get one character to 50, and get another character on the opposing side to 50. Which is why I'm dumbfounded by the people who claim that after a month they have nothing to do.
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You know, there is over two months of gaming at least. You get one character to 50, and get another character on the opposing side to 50. Which is why I'm dumbfounded by the people who claim that after a month they have nothing to do.


for me it is after 6 months almost.

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