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Is force leaping through out the huttball map intended?


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Ive had repeated games where teams of stacked sents and knights seem to be grabbing the ball and literally do 2-3 leaps across the map to friendly players and score. its a blow out everytime. is this intended?? its literally game breaking if u have a team of other classes doing this... u cant kill them fast enough before they get that second gap to leap to the other player


Yup, but people see Huttball as 'fair and balanced'. Great joke.

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So...what's your ideal huttball team guys?


2 Sorcerers (1 Dot, 1 Caster)

4 Marauders

1 Juggernaut

1 Assassin


This ensures a 2-minutes-win. All day, every day.


Yup, but people see Huttball as 'fair and balanced'. Great joke.

In Huttball everyone and everything is ridiculously OP if done correctly. So with everyone being OP it's balanced again.

Edited by Mitsch
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I would replace one of the Marauders with a shield tech merc with Iron Fist spec or something similar.


No! You must bring 4 (like the Fantastic Four) to ensure autowin.

Fantastic Four > Three Musketeers!

Edited by Mitsch
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heh, I brought this up month's ago and heard nothing but whines from force users about how it's perfectly fine...


Fact is, having Force Users on your team is better then non force users for huttball.


Juggies get 2 Different leaps, and can reset their leap

Marauders get Group Speed (and Immunity) + leap

Sorcs get Friendly Pull

and Assassins get Force Speed and Immunity


You look at Snipers/Operatives/Mercs and you're like ***, the only one that can remotely be useful is Powertech, and even he is worse in Huttball then the ones I listed.


Simply put, Charging/Being Friendly pulled/Sprint/Speed should not work while carrying the huttball, You want to score, You pass the ball, or run it in.

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heh, I brought this up month's ago and heard nothing but whines from force users about how it's perfectly fine...


Fact is, having Force Users on your team is better then non force users for huttball.


Juggies get 2 Different leaps, and can reset their leap

Marauders get Group Speed (and Immunity) + leap

Sorcs get Friendly Pull

and Assassins get Force Speed and Immunity


You look at Snipers/Operatives/Mercs and you're like ***, the only one that can remotely be useful is Powertech, and even he is worse in Huttball then the ones I listed.


Simply put, Charging/Being Friendly pulled/Sprint/Speed should not work while carrying the huttball, You want to score, You pass the ball, or run it in.


I agree with highlighted post

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I agree with highlighted post


I disagree unless you deactivate EVERY skill. Only movement and passing enabled.

That would be a compromise, else you stack shadows/assassins because of stealth and their cc-invulnerability.

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Simply put, Charging/Being Friendly pulled/Sprint/Speed should not work while carrying the huttball, You want to score, You pass the ball, or run it in.


Awesome so it basically turns into a zerg kill everytime a person gets the ball.


Great gameplay that will turn out to be. While were at it, lets make PvP turn based.


If you want easy, no skill, brainless play, I hear Solitaire is good.

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Awesome so it basically turns into a zerg kill everytime a person gets the ball.


Great gameplay that will turn out to be. While were at it, lets make PvP turn based.


If you want easy, no skill, brainless play, I hear Solitaire is good.




Above Post +10

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Marauder/Jugg leaps is not a problem if you know how they work, what angles they work from and where you should not stand.

I have 3 level 50 toons, one of which is a Juggernaut. After i grinded my Jugg to 50 (Mostly via WZ's) i very rarely have the problem of others jumping to my location - because i make an effort of not being available for them. And that goes for any toon im playing in a WZ.


Ofc sometimes i get leaped to - and in those cases i have been outplayed despite my efforts to not offer the oppertunity. And that is completly Ok imo, specially considering the ammounts of CC every class has access to.


-My oppinion about this



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I disagree unless you deactivate EVERY skill. Only movement and passing enabled.

That would be a compromise, else you stack shadows/assassins because of stealth and their cc-invulnerability.


I said deactivate every skill.... Sprint/Speed ect ect..

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Awesome so it basically turns into a zerg kill everytime a person gets the ball.


Great gameplay that will turn out to be. While were at it, lets make PvP turn based.


If you want easy, no skill, brainless play, I hear Solitaire is good.


Rofl, So making Force users basically equal to non force users is some how making PvP turn based.


But I understand, having to actually position yourself and pass the ball to a person, Or position yourself for the ball to be passed to you is incredibly hard, and requires to much skill for a person like you. Instead we should just make it incredibly easy for you to run the ball because you decided to play a Force User *grin*


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your easy mode setup.. I understand you might not be as skilled as other players.

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Ive had repeated games where teams of stacked sents and knights seem to be grabbing the ball and literally do 2-3 leaps across the map to friendly players and score. its a blow out everytime. is this intended?? its literally game breaking if u have a team of other classes doing this... u cant kill them fast enough before they get that second gap to leap to the other player


Quit being bad? Learn to play defense and knock off those pesky sages or stealths from your zone. Stop being a bad and standing on edges and get leapt to by enemies.


You do not need to kill any of them, only knock them off.

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If half their team is doing the choo choo train to your goal line and you can't defend it adapt, go for mid and prevent them from getting the ball as it respawns then hit them on the counter.

Some matches are just who can outscore the other team races with succesfull defence a rare occasion.


It's only one of "hard to defend against" tactics. They all however usually result in the attacking team overextending themselves forward making themselves vonurable at the back. Use that against them.

Edited by aeterno
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Rofl, So making Force users basically equal to non force users is some how making PvP turn based.


But I understand, having to actually position yourself and pass the ball to a person, Or position yourself for the ball to be passed to you is incredibly hard, and requires to much skill for a person like you. Instead we should just make it incredibly easy for you to run the ball because you decided to play a Force User *grin*


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your easy mode setup.. I understand you might not be as skilled as other players.


I'll accept not being able to leap with the ball when they make the whole arena one flat surface so annoying ranged classes simply can't just shoot/root/snare me unharassed while I can't do anything about it. I can leap to try and kill you, but then you just knock me straight back down.


Huttball is the most vertical WZ, and ranged classes have such a massive dps advantage it's not even funny.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Rofl, So making Force users basically equal to non force users is some how making PvP turn based.


But I understand, having to actually position yourself and pass the ball to a person, Or position yourself for the ball to be passed to you is incredibly hard, and requires to much skill for a person like you. Instead we should just make it incredibly easy for you to run the ball because you decided to play a Force User *grin*


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your easy mode setup.. I understand you might not be as skilled as other players.


Some are better at some aspects then others, operative healers are the best ballcarrier close support, snipers are the ideal defensive supremacy class for pouring it down on the most critical portions of the map, powertechs make great mid-supremacy beasts to control spawn


If I'm smart on my commando about when to use knockback on guard/jugg leapers I can operate much the way a sniper does, raining air on mid while bursting opposing ballcarriers

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If we're gimping force users for hutball I'd like to gimp all the non force users in Voidstar.


It's unfair that a slinger can prevent a cap from 35m or that all those aoe's being blasted at the node make the bomb



Horses for courses people. It adds a tactical element to the game. Don't blooddy stand on the edge of the pit, problem solved.

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Rofl, So making Force users basically equal to non force users is some how making PvP turn based.


But I understand, having to actually position yourself and pass the ball to a person, Or position yourself for the ball to be passed to you is incredibly hard, and requires to much skill for a person like you. Instead we should just make it incredibly easy for you to run the ball because you decided to play a Force User *grin*


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your easy mode setup.. I understand you might not be as skilled as other players.


And by equal ofc you mean gimped and totally vunerable.


This statement alone proves to me and any PvPer that you have no clue *** you're talking about. Especially concerning Warriors:

But I understand, having to actually position yourself and pass the ball to a person, Or position yourself for the ball to be passed to you is incredibly hard, and requires to much skill for a person like you.


And with that said I'm going to go with you just being an ignorant troll.

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Ive had repeated games where teams of stacked sents and knights seem to be grabbing the ball and literally do 2-3 leaps across the map to friendly players and score. its a blow out everytime. is this intended?? its literally game breaking if u have a team of other classes doing this... u cant kill them fast enough before they get that second gap to leap to the other player


Firstly leap/charge range is limited to 30 meters which isn't much so you won't be able to leap across the map, secondly because of it's cooldown you can't leap repetitively.


So either they were cheating with cooldown hacks etc or you just got owned and decided to exaggerate what really happened.

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I've lost 6-0 in about 2min before. Less I think.


Heres some hints:

- Have a person stand next to the center waiting for the ball respawn.

- Dont stand near your own goalline (or dont jump down at least, cause enemy who force charges you up at your spawn area is instakilled by the game.)

- sign up a bounty hunter who pulls the ball carrier straight back to be ganked after they leapt/were extricated/whatever. Preferably straight into the acid pool.

- Kill enemies that set themselves up for passing


And the difference between passing and leaping is....?

Pass can be intercepted.


ps. All these abilities make huttball more interesting, since you need teamwork for it to work. If youre having trouble against premades, well shucks.


And topic: yes it is intended.

Edited by Karkais
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The sages/sorcerers pull ability is pretty amazing, especially for those few levels you have it during 1-49 bracket.


It is especially funny when you pull over a team-mate who is new to the game and has no idea what just happened. You can see them circling around like "O_o what just happened? Why am I not dead? Oh ... I better go SCORE!"

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As a Juggernaut, I was able to take advantage of the leap/push/leap alot more in the 1-49 bracket than the 50 bracket. Its still good, don't get me wrong but it seems people finally learned not to stand on the edges. Intercede is quite amazing. It makes it to where i never have to cross a firepit without my cc breaker up. Or if i get pulled into a fire trap by an assassin/powertech i can quickly leap to the person who was running with me. The best case senario is you grap ball and intercede to somone on the catwalks. Force leap to someone thats further up towards to goal line and then force push them in a way they end up on either the back part of the catwalks (where the large vertical ramp is) or if they are close to the edge, they can end up on the back ledge where the goal line is, and then leap again to them while they are down. I can tell you, this does not happen anywhere near often unless you have a newer player that just don't understand how juggernauts work.
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