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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I'm about to cancel my sub.. I'm tierd of being a target dummy in WZ, and i'm tierd of NINJA nerfs all the time to my class..

I play bounty hunter merc arsenal, it's my main char... I mean srsly when you look on other classes, sorc, marauder, assassin to name a few they have EVERYTHING! and they can out play all classes if played correctly.

For us who play merc, we are just walking target dummies, with a big sign over our heads COME COME KILL US FREE KILL KEKEKE!


To explain what i don't like about our class, well.. I don't like we have ZERO mobility, we have one stun with 1 min cooldown (that often bugs too and don't stun, not talking about people useing shields and stuff so they immune).. I don't like the 10% dmg nerf on tracer's cuz lets face it, its not 10% it's 30%!

I don't like they made a longer cooldown on the ONLY good push back spell Jet Boost so we are even more free kill...

I HATE the ninja nerf on death from above should be renamed to "can't hit anything anymore from above" OR "tickles from above"...

I don't like the LIE about buffing heatseeker's by 10% cuz my heatseekers does LESS Dmg then they did pre 1.2 patch, i will admit right after 1.2 patch heatseekers was GREAT! then a new patch come and they desided to nerf it...

I don't like the added cooldowns on tracer's and such, i don't like the LIE about unload procs more, cuz it procs the same, and for me it does less damage too then before 1.2 patch..

I don't like that i wear HEAVY armor but i die faster then people who use light armors..

I don't like they FORCE changed the Animation of tracer missile W T F ! i played bounty hunter since BETA and used to my tracer animation, then you just change it cuz some or most say they want a different one? at least you should made it an OPTION like in preferences (old tracer animation/new) or something! it dont feel like i'm bounty hunter anymore when i use trancers, i always think "DAMN i did fusion missile again... Oh wait,,," (i mean srsly, changing animation of a spell does NOTHING but ANNOY people, and maybe make some happy who did not like it, but bet those guys already quit the game OR did not play bounty hunters to begin with....)

I don't like we are the ONLY class they refuse to give interrupt spell cuz that would make us "OP" give me a break!!!!!!

I know some of you guys will type to this post "oh my bounty hunter is fine bla bla" "you guys are fine!" thats a LIE too! you prob don't play bounty hunter if u say that, or maybe ur one of OP classes haveing to much fun getting free kills on us...


Anyways that they nerfed one of the WEAKEST classes so much as they did, and then buffed one of the strongest (Marauders) and then did NO chances to the most op class of them all Assassin makes me so angry i have no words!!!!!

But enough QQ now, game just isnt fun anymore when the nerfing game starts like this, also they did NOT bring rated WZ in 1.2 that also makes me furious.

So i will stop my subscription soon if they don't BUFF bounty hunters OR fix us! you could say "oh just reroll other class" why? i want to play bounty hunter, not other class. My class used to be OK and fun, now we are NOTHING.... We are free kills.


Also for the record i am full WAR HERO with augment gear! so it's not a gear thing!

To give an example, before 1.2 i did 700k dmg one WZ, now i do MAYBE just MAYBE 400k if LUCKY, while sorc marauders do still 700k.........!

So ye i guess i'm just "one of those guys" who is quiting soon, i just want to know how OTHER MERCS DPS feel? do you really feel you are alright?

Edited by DEuZZ
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i unsubbed,it felt good.. no door hit my behind.. no OP maras in front of me.. and at the horizon waits..D3! *ride into the sunset to live happily ever after* i burnt all my stuff! go away! no free sheet for scavangers.
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I've already unsubbed out of frustration. I'm actually considering resubbing to get my PvP fix until GW2 launches.


I play Pyro. It's better cause of mobility but I still have to fight, scratch, and claw my way to the top when a lot of other classes barely have to try.


I especially like the part where you comment about how are heavy armor is practically useless. People always fall back on saying "well, Mercs have heavy armor so your survivability is fine." I would *happily* trade in my heavy armor for a static barrier that absorbs HALF the damage that the Sorc one does. It's a joke when light armor classes have three times the survivability of our heavy armor class.


Don't even get me started on not having an interrupt. It truly is insulting the way BW has screwed over the Merc class time and time again. If you aren't part of the glowbat brigade consider yourself deprecated.

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bodyguard still the best healer out of 3.


pyro is better than arsenal in pvp.


p/s good arsenal comes in pairs.


Never heard so my rubbish in all my life Bodygaurd in pvp is rubbish now works ok in pve but in pvp



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Bodyguards and Arsenal really need babysitting to be effective in warzones. If left alone they can still change the tide of a game though.


As Arsenal against a competent mara, you will loose without heals/peals unfortunately. Best advice I can give, is make a friend with a sniper or healer and watch mara's melt. If you want to play solo, you're forced to roll with a gimp high damage, low kills spec in pyro. Until they give us some kiting tools, we will be dead in the water. As a bodyguard/op healer, arsenal is a joke solo, with no slows or inteupts they can be los all day long and pretty easily kite kille by my op. Arcane mages without blink or frost nova lol.


Bodyguard is just a joke against competent dps right now. Bubble is too easily forced by pressure and you're quickly dispatched when its on cooldown. Yes I know its a team game, but you can't always have people around to babysit you. There are plenty of times when you get into 1v1 or 2v2 and you are pretty much dead weight. Op healing is where its at now. Vanish, speed boasts, 30 sec cd stun, instant aoe blind and a low cd snare gives you a fighting chance against melee.


All in all, if you have a strong group to support you, you will as well as other AC's. Alone, you pretty much are dead weight. Dps/healing, survivability, utility all need to be looked at and rebalanced. Some classes are just obscene and quite strong in all 3 categories while others barely count in 1 of them.

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I've already unsubbed out of frustration. I'm actually considering resubbing to get my PvP fix until GW2 launches.


I play Pyro. It's better cause of mobility but I still have to fight, scratch, and claw my way to the top when a lot of other classes barely have to try.


I especially like the part where you comment about how are heavy armor is practically useless. People always fall back on saying "well, Mercs have heavy armor so your survivability is fine." I would *happily* trade in my heavy armor for a static barrier that absorbs HALF the damage that the Sorc one does. It's a joke when light armor classes have three times the survivability of our heavy armor class.


Don't even get me started on not having an interrupt. It truly is insulting the way BW has screwed over the Merc class time and time again. If you aren't part of the glowbat brigade consider yourself deprecated.


I actually tried Tera for this very reason and am very please. PVP is honestly somewhat non existent in TOR to be honest.

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i unsubbed,it felt good.. no door hit my behind.. no OP maras in front of me.. and at the horizon waits..D3! *ride into the sunset to live happily ever after* i burnt all my stuff! go away! no free sheet for scavangers.


I was basically paying this company to go into warzones and get destroyed. Heck most of the time there were only a couple of people in fleet and I wasn't even getting a WZ. I honestly think that the game has lost a ton of commandos/mercs because of this patch. They broke something or our DPS went down much larger than anticipated. I have played the merc too long to feel like rerolling to something else.


I'm still flaber gasted that they nerfed bodyguards in 1.2. I was a bodyguard for a ton of levels and I actually thouht they were gonna buff us a tad on the AE healing. To my suprise bodyguard destruction in the patch and all the best classes were improved even more. To the point of not even mentioning any longer. There is a reason that a vibrant Merc forum is now a ghost town.


If you pvp, continue to pay these guys just to go into WZs and get your a $$ kicked. I"m sure the group will love to see a merc in the WZ on their team. The community knows that the Mercs are crap and would quit out if they were smart. I noticed that the BH seems not quite as bad in lower tier pvp, but they are horrendous in 50 pvp. Not sure about PVE, since it's not my thing.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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To explain what i don't like about our class, well.. I don't like we have ZERO mobility, we have one stun with 2 min cooldown (that often bugs too and don't stun, not talking about people useing shields and stuff so they immune)..


Your stun has a 60s CD, and that shield/bug is called resolve. If you've played enough to be in full war hero you should probably know that.

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i unsubbed,it felt good.. no door hit my behind.. no OP maras in front of me.. and at the horizon waits..D3! *ride into the sunset to live happily ever after* i burnt all my stuff! go away! no free sheet for scavangers.


Yeah i'm gonna play diablo 3 too, i used to be a hardcore diablo 2 player before vanilla wow. But it's sort of sad bioware destroyed bounty hunter so much as they did. I mean before nerf we was far from being OP class... And now we pretty much just a laughing stock at least when it comes to pvp!

I was gonna play swtor & diablo 3, but like i said if they don't fix bounty hunters ASAP i unsub and just regruet i ever played this game..

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Your stun has a 60s CD, and that shield/bug is called resolve. If you've played enough to be in full war hero you should probably know that.


Yeah my bad i just wrote wrong number, it's 1 min cooldown but still don't make it better! while marauders, sorc, assassin have a million CC abilityes + interrupt and so on and so forth!

And this issue was just a fraction of the problems with bounty hunters! but yeah thanks for correcting that part.

Edited by DEuZZ
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I wish you had a news letter, I subscribe :D

agreed on all the points about our broken Mercs, it's pretty ridiculous in this day and age that BW don't even come to talk to us about it.


They seem to have gotten a pretty bad case of I.T.S.

Ivory tower syndrome,


I know a great cure for me at least will be no more subsciption to BW.

Tick - tock Dev's you're on the countdown clock.

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I'm just playing alts, checking the story and lore until the days I already bought end. As a Merc, PvP is just lame, I often find myself switching to others (undergeared) toons and doing much, much better.


< Tired of seeing what they done to Merc and just waiting GW2 to come out

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I don't see what's with all the hate for this spec or class. I made my merc AFTER 1.2 because I used to play Rep as a Shadow and got sick of stealthing around and being a force user. I love my merc. Plain and simple. Yes, you can get annihilated in pvp pretty quickly, but then again so can everyone else. Every time I go into pvp I try to stay out of the group fighting because I know that a majority of melee classes can waste me, but I don't let it get me down. The funny thing? Everyone says Arsenal Merc is broken and can't do anything. I usually top DPS charts by 50k to 100k in damage over everyone else.


This is an MMO, it evolves and the classes all change in some way, be it significant or not. You gotta learn to go along with the changes, not stick with how your class used to play in previous patches. Every class gets nerfed/buffed eventually.


All I'm saying is I don't get what's so broken about this class. I personally don't have a problem with it anywhere in the game, pvp or pve.

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I don't see what's with all the hate for this spec or class. I made my merc AFTER 1.2 because I used to play Rep as a Shadow and got sick of stealthing around and being a force user. I love my merc. Plain and simple. Yes, you can get annihilated in pvp pretty quickly, but then again so can everyone else. Every time I go into pvp I try to stay out of the group fighting because I know that a majority of melee classes can waste me, but I don't let it get me down. The funny thing? Everyone says Arsenal Merc is broken and can't do anything. I usually top DPS charts by 50k to 100k in damage over everyone else.


This is an MMO, it evolves and the classes all change in some way, be it significant or not. You gotta learn to go along with the changes, not stick with how your class used to play in previous patches. Every class gets nerfed/buffed eventually.


All I'm saying is I don't get what's so broken about this class. I personally don't have a problem with it anywhere in the game, pvp or pve.


Maybe most of us are wrong then, but since most of the community was in full BM before you even made a merc I would tend to agree with what they are saying. If it were in the sub 50s bracket i would agree. No way a guy in recruit gear is goin to be pulling these kind of numbers. Even if the class were the way it was before 1.2c. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are 50. If your Merc is not 50 then this doesn't apply to your situation, since the merc matures earlier in game then the other classes.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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With the current state of mercs it's perfectly reasonable to be dissatisfied with the class; there are GOOD players that think this. It is not a QQ or L2P issue; these are people who took the class, maybe at launch, love the mythos, abilities, dual-wielding, whatever... and want to see them better off. I would rather be seen as a QQer for wanting to see the best for the class that I love playing, than be a fotm reroller.


Likewise there are players, perhaps also from launch who are fine playing the class as is. Again, there are good players in this camp. I actually respect players who think this; it takes tenacity and a level of zen to trudge along being sub-par to many other classes. However, there is definitely a limit to this blue sky thinking that most people can stomach. I hope people understand that other players have bigger ambitions for the class and think mercs should be more competitive than they are. It is past the tipping point for many players, hence the unsubs (myself included) and massive amount of threads. These are really the only way people can get their message across to devs.

Edited by Diddley
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I really think that Barrage procs should make the unload castable while moving. That would open up some nice play with its snare you can talent. As it stands we have no snare to use while on the move besides the knockback one that gets applied (speaking of which, that should get buffed to 70%).
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i totaly agree with the OP in this thread, but i know here soon a DEV will come and lock the thread and make you post on the thread ">> Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining (PvP/PvE)" after DkSharktooth has reported this threat for beeing usless and not what he agress's with.
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With the current state of mercs it's perfectly reasonable to be dissatisfied with the class; there are GOOD players that think this. It is not a QQ or L2P issue; these are people who took the class, maybe at launch, love the mythos, abilities, dual-wielding, whatever... and want to see them better off. I would rather be seen as a QQer for wanting to see the best for the class that I love playing, than be a fotm reroller.


Likewise there are players, perhaps also from launch who are fine playing the class as is. Again, there are good players in this camp. I actually respect players who think this; it takes tenacity and a level of zen to trudge along being sub-par to many other classes. However, there is definitely a limit to this blue sky thinking that most people can stomach. I hope people understand that other players have bigger ambitions for the class and think mercs should be more competitive than they are. It is past the tipping point for many players, hence the unsubs (myself included) and massive amount of threads. These are really the only way people can get their message across to devs.


This guy is right.

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I really think that Barrage procs should make the unload castable while moving. That would open up some nice play with its snare you can talent. As it stands we have no snare to use while on the move besides the knockback one that gets applied (speaking of which, that should get buffed to 70%).


Thats a really good suggestion , you should put that one in they'r suggestion box :)

Edited by DEuZZ
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I'm about to cancel my sub.. I'm tierd of being a target dummy in WZ, and i'm tierd of NINJA nerfs all the time to my class..

I play bounty hunter merc arsenal, it's my main char... I mean srsly when you look on other classes, sorc, marauder, assassin to name a few they have EVERYTHING! and they can out play all classes if played correctly.

For us who play merc, we are just walking target dummies, with a big sign over our heads COME COME KILL US FREE KILL KEKEKE!


To explain what i don't like about our class, well.. I don't like we have ZERO mobility, we have one stun with 1 min cooldown (that often bugs too and don't stun, not talking about people useing shields and stuff so they immune).. I don't like the 10% dmg nerf on tracer's cuz lets face it, its not 10% it's 30%!

I don't like they made a longer cooldown on the ONLY good push back spell Jet Boost so we are even more free kill...

I HATE the ninja nerf on death from above should be renamed to "can't hit anything anymore from above" OR "tickles from above"...

I don't like the LIE about buffing heatseeker's by 10% cuz my heatseekers does LESS Dmg then they did pre 1.2 patch, i will admit right after 1.2 patch heatseekers was GREAT! then a new patch come and they desided to nerf it...

I don't like the added cooldowns on tracer's and such, i don't like the LIE about unload procs more, cuz it procs the same, and for me it does less damage too then before 1.2 patch..

I don't like that i wear HEAVY armor but i die faster then people who use light armors..

I don't like they FORCE changed the Animation of tracer missile W T F ! i played bounty hunter since BETA and used to my tracer animation, then you just change it cuz some or most say they want a different one? at least you should made it an OPTION like in preferences (old tracer animation/new) or something! it dont feel like i'm bounty hunter anymore when i use trancers, i always think "DAMN i did fusion missile again... Oh wait,,," (i mean srsly, changing animation of a spell does NOTHING but ANNOY people, and maybe make some happy who did not like it, but bet those guys already quit the game OR did not play bounty hunters to begin with....)

I don't like we are the ONLY class they refuse to give interrupt spell cuz that would make us "OP" give me a break!!!!!!

I know some of you guys will type to this post "oh my bounty hunter is fine bla bla" "you guys are fine!" thats a LIE too! you prob don't play bounty hunter if u say that, or maybe ur one of OP classes haveing to much fun getting free kills on us...


Anyways that they nerfed one of the WEAKEST classes so much as they did, and then buffed one of the strongest (Marauders) and then did NO chances to the most op class of them all Assassin makes me so angry i have no words!!!!!

But enough QQ now, game just isnt fun anymore when the nerfing game starts like this, also they did NOT bring rated WZ in 1.2 that also makes me furious.

So i will stop my subscription soon if they don't BUFF bounty hunters OR fix us! you could say "oh just reroll other class" why? i want to play bounty hunter, not other class. My class used to be OK and fun, now we are NOTHING.... We are free kills.


Also for the record i am full WAR HERO with augment gear! so it's not a gear thing!

To give an example, before 1.2 i did 700k dmg one WZ, now i do MAYBE just MAYBE 400k if LUCKY, while sorc marauders do still 700k.........!

So ye i guess i'm just "one of those guys" who is quiting soon, i just want to know how OTHER MERCS DPS feel? do you really feel you are alright?

He's quitting because he can't win? Well you gotta...


:rak_03:DEAL WITH IT.

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Also i would really like to say thanks to all who took theyr time to share your thoughts about merc arsenal.. I'm not a person who "whines" easy, like i said i've been bounty hunter since beta...

I just don't understand what dev or bioware is doing, i mean they must read some of these post's and fix it, but they don't.. It almost feels like they want people to quit... They should care more for us subs who after all pays them money every month..


I've seen many post's about bh before 1.2 even, i pretty much just ignored these post's as our class was ok back then, only thing i felt missing before 1.2 was interrupt, that we still don't have :\ I read a post from bioware saying "giving merc interrupt will be OP, so it will not happen" when i read that i was thinking "ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS"? in no way would we be op with an interrupt... At least thats how i feel, also thanks to you guys for not "flameing" my frustrations, you see i used to love the game, it had great potential then the nerfing and buffing game started just like in world of warcraft..


I mean i would think other people making mmo would learn what works and not work in an mmo, even blizzard made post's "nerfing and arena was a misstake"....! i mean come on!

At least blizzard nerfed since they had 2vs2 3vs3 and so on... We don't have arena, 8vs8 can't really be balanced, also much bigger maps then wow arena...

But yeah like i said i don't wanna reroll to any other class, i want to be able to play the class i want, but when the fun is out of my class cuz of so much nerf, and some ninja nerf even its just not fun anymore... I enjoy for the most part pvp, pve is ok too, but i mainly do pvp. And our class is really broken in pvp now, as i see many of you others also agree on, so again thanks for answering comment and such, i don't think he will lock this post, so if more people wanna say what you feel about merc dps or just merc feel free too.

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