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Who is Anakin Skywalkers father?


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I can't see how EPIII clearly hints that Anakin was conceived by Palpatine's Master.


Palpatine (in books as well as the films) had been grooming Anakin and feeding him promises of being powerful behind everyones back for years, which is partly why Anakin became so arrogant.


Palpatine told him the story of his master to demonstrate that a force user could harness the power of life...he knew Anakin would join him if the boy thought he could save Padme..after all Palpatine seemed to know all along about the nightmares Anakin was having ^^


Also, if you want to include the books as canon, there is even a mention of why Anakin became angry when he wasn't initiated as a Jedi Master on the council - it wasn't all about simply wanting power, it was because only Masters had access to certain archives and he needed them to look for a way to save Padme.


Sadly, the film didn't quite fully demonstrate his inner torment about this :(

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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


That particular ntheory falls down when you note the date of Plageis' death, and the date of Anakin's birth. Well more than 9 months between them.

Palpy is the daddy.

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For me the answer is this quote:


He was an immaculate conception, brought into being by the midichlorians as foretold by a ancient Jedi prophecy.


This is kinda how it's being told in the movies and the whole thing about the force conceiving Anakin to bring balance back to the force.


Now i haven't read the books but this whole Darth Sidious using the force or using the life essence of Darth Plagueis just doesn't add up.

If Sidious did that then why didn't he keep an eye on Shmi with spies or take the boy at an early age to be trained in the dark side? Why let the Jedi's take him to be trained? Is there an explaination for that in the books?


It's an intresting angle, if it would of been used in Ep1, the reason for Darth Maul going to Tatooine wouldnt just be for Padme (she was needed to sign that "trade agreement") but also to retrieve Anakin for Sidious.

And the whole thing with Anakin bringing balance to the force would be quite ironic, as he was the one that ended the sith by killing Sidious who then would of been the one that also created him.


Another thing a lot of people are using, is the conversation Sidious has with Anakin about Darth Plagueis in Ep3. I always figured that Sidious was only using this story as a way to tell Anakin that Sidious had some knowledge of a way to save Padme. And this being one of the main reasons why Anakin became Sidious's apprentice. Not to give us backstory on how Anakin might of been concieved, otherwise why not have Sidoious just spit it out to Anakin and have "I am sorta your father" moment.



but for now the whole midichlorian thing gets my vote !!!

Edited by Smithie
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He was a "virgance in the Force." He had no father. The midiclorians concieved him, therefore the Force itself is Anakin's father. However, in episode III Palpatine hints that Darth Plagueis was able to influence the midiclorians to create life - therefore Palpatine probably would have learned this ability and it's possible he could have created Anakin... though I don't think so.
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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


darn you beat me to it, but yes i was about to say that it was plagueis, and that that was likely why sidious struck before he had mastered the powers possesed by him, and attacked him in an anti rule of two way.

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Ok here's what happened... Anakin has no "father" and when I say father I mean his mother never had whoopie. Sidious has a master named Darth Plageus. Darth Plageus was powerful enough to create life using midichloriens. Darth Plageus told his apprentice Sidious that he was working on a big "project" that would change everything. His project was to create a sith purely out of midichloriens (the "virgin birth" as many people refer to.) Around this same time, Sidious killed Plageus in his sleep. Plageus never revealed his entire plan to Sidious. Sidious, being unaware of the new life form, never acted on the birth. Now Schmi (spelling?) becomes pregnant with a child that just so happens to have the highest concentration of midichloriens ever. Lucas has never officially come out and said "Darth Plageus created Anakin Skywalker" but it's pretty easy to connect the dots. If any of this information is incorrect please let me know but if my memory serves correctly, that is how it all happened.
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It is hinted that Palpatine put the lifeforce of his master into a new body and that is Anakin Skywalker


Nahhhh Sidious dont know how to do that.


His former master did.


I believe pleagus did released his fury after being poisoned by palpatine and created anakin to avenge him?


It makes sense when you think about it...


Palpatine couldnt kill his master in a fair fight cause he wasnt powerfull enough, pleagius knew it and most likely was aware palpatine was persuing personal power more than persuing it for the greater cause. Palpatine was convinced he was the final manifestation of the dark side and never intended to train a padawan that could eventually become stronger than him and take his place.


I believe his master knew all that and thats why he created anakin.

Edited by crazysam
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No matter what remember the books IS NOT a valid form of info since thy are not written by or corrected by lucas... so that crap about her being pregnent by a sith is pure nonsecence LUCAS HIM SELF SAYS THERE IS NO FATHER THROUGH HIS SW1 so this debate is ponitless theres your answer THERES NO FATHER
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That particular ntheory falls down when you note the date of Plageis' death, and the date of Anakin's birth. Well more than 9 months between them.

Palpy is the daddy.


I'm no doctor or SW superfan... but this math only leads me to believe the whole "Plagueis did his midichlorian magic to create the chosen one at or soon after his death" theory, considering the human gestation period is just over 9 months...

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