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Is it worth coming back after 3 months break?


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Ok here is the deal. I was very excited when the game was announced and preordered it early. Had loads of fun leveling my first character, a sith warrior, to level 50 so I bought 3 months subsription. Shortly after I started leveling a bounty hunter but suddenly got bored after leaving starter planet, nevertheless I pushed on "spacing" through the normal quests and only watching class story until I've had enough at level 38. After taking a few days break I tried leveling agent and inquisitor but couldn't get past level 11-12 so I quit SWTOR at 10th of February completely.


I kept the game installed but every time I tried to get back into the game I just couldn't bring myself to push the play button on the launcher after logging in. Finally the game was uninstalled at the beginning of March. Now I see that I still have 17 days left on my account and wondering if it's worth it to come back before the sub runs out :rak_02:

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Did you have friends to play with at all? I find that I get bored of a game pretty quickly if I don't have anyone to play with. It's a grind if it's just yourself, at least imo. I'd suggest teaming up with someone and seeing if maybe that makes it better. Edited by Brosephiine
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Yeah I played with a couple of friends but due to different work schedules we couldn't level together. Although we ran flashpoints after hitting level 50 which was great fun. I didn't bother with raiding because I didn't have time for it.
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Do you enjoy the pvp in this game? If not then I would say there's nothing here for you since you said you don't have time to raid and didn't enjoy leveling your alts past a certain point. Because that's pretty much what this game has to offer right now:


1. level your main to 50

2. gear your main in hard mode FPs

3. raid with your main to keep the gear progression going

4. pvp

5. level up alts to 50 and repeat steps 2 and 3


Of course if you're in an active guild, then there's guild activities and stuff that could be entertaining, but from a mostly solo perspective, there's not much else to do

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Do you enjoy the pvp in this game? If not then I would say there's nothing here for you since you said you don't have time to raid and didn't enjoy leveling your alts past a certain point. Because that's pretty much what this game has to offer right now:


1. level your main to 50

2. gear your main in hard mode FPs

3. raid with your main to keep the gear progression going

4. pvp

5. level up alts to 50 and repeat steps 2 and 3


Of course if you're in an active guild, then there's guild activities and stuff that could be entertaining, but from a mostly solo perspective, there's not much else to do



I expect things will get better once more content is released. I'm at least being patient and am in no hurry to do anything by enjoy myself lol.

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Yes. (This is totally my opinion so you might not agree) The Republic storylines and planets are great. (Although I didn't like the JC because of all the diplomacy) I personally suggest the Trooper storyline, lots of twists and great characters! Edited by Sacrmeno
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Do you enjoy the pvp in this game? If not then I would say there's nothing here for you since you said you don't have time to raid and didn't enjoy leveling your alts past a certain point. Because that's pretty much what this game has to offer right now:


1. level your main to 50

2. gear your main in hard mode FPs

3. raid with your main to keep the gear progression going

4. pvp

5. level up alts to 50 and repeat steps 2 and 3


Of course if you're in an active guild, then there's guild activities and stuff that could be entertaining, but from a mostly solo perspective, there's not much else to do


Thus we are given...the MMO!

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Wait until 1.3, and if that is to soon 1.4 (they apparently have big plans for it). If you found it boring wait for the quality of life features to come so you can enjoy the content.
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No, not worth coming back.


Patch 1.2 really didn't improve crew skills much, cept maybe it helped RE a little.


On the plus side, patch 1.2 brought a new instance and ops.


On the down side, 80% of servers are ghost towns, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone to do the new content with.


In addition to servers being ghost towns, the only indications of server transfers we've been given is early summer.


By then, there will be Diablo 3, possibly the next WoW expansion, and of course there is Tera which was just released.


Unless you want to return to a single player version of star wars, I suggest you stay away and save your $$$.


- P

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take a look at the servers, at launch they were almost all full or very heavy.....now they are all very light or standard. the majority being very light. with the mass exodus i'd say alot of people felt the same as you. cancel this abomination of a "GAME" and bring back starwars galaxies Edited by billieyklepto
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I wouldnt come back at all. Too many other good MMO's on the way. This game aint worth any payment and should be f2p. GARBAGE!


You hate this game so much that you will tell people not to play. Are you really so bitter that even though you hate this game that you will really log in here to post this stuff?


That is sad.

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Ok here is the deal. I was very excited when the game was announced and preordered it early. Had loads of fun leveling my first character, a sith warrior, to level 50 so I bought 3 months subsription. Shortly after I started leveling a bounty hunter but suddenly got bored after leaving starter planet, nevertheless I pushed on "spacing" through the normal quests and only watching class story until I've had enough at level 38. After taking a few days break I tried leveling agent and inquisitor but couldn't get past level 11-12 so I quit SWTOR at 10th of February completely.


I kept the game installed but every time I tried to get back into the game I just couldn't bring myself to push the play button on the launcher after logging in. Finally the game was uninstalled at the beginning of March. Now I see that I still have 17 days left on my account and wondering if it's worth it to come back before the sub runs out :rak_02:


Nope. And you made the correct call when i didnt and should have back in march lol. But i pushed my way through the toons to least try them all. But once they are 50 ...then what? Im not into grinding for gear when my current moded orange gear has way better stats then the crap im being offered from npcs from pve/pvp. I finaly had enough and uninstalled this crap about 20 minutes ago. You would think they would make a better product of what they copied even better.


For the morons that love using the same line as all mmos are a copie of somthing blah blah..This game is a direct freakn copy of wow in every way. Only difference, biofailware took that copy and actualy made it worse.

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I like the game, love the individual class story line...but, (there it is) servers need merging if you ask me. Then perhaps the population can actually do something (ie, flashpoints) in a pick up group because its not happening as is.Overall, I really have enjoyed the game, minus the fact I can't get a grp for anything and the PVP que outside the 5pm to 11pm time frame is super long. Its been a solo game mostly. Why pay MMO fees is the question that prompted me to unsub.
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Nope. And you made the correct call when i didnt and should have back in march lol. But i pushed my way through the toons to least try them all. But once they are 50 ...then what? Im not into grinding for gear when my current moded orange gear has way better stats then the crap im being offered from npcs from pve/pvp. I finaly had enough and uninstalled this crap about 20 minutes ago. You would think they would make a better product of what they copied even better.


For the morons that love using the same line as all mmos are a copie of somthing blah blah..This game is a direct freakn copy of wow in every way. Only difference, biofailware took that copy and actualy made it worse.


obvious direct copy. I was wondering why the first raid encounter in SW:TOR is Molten core! Blatant Arthis references too. for shame.

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Do what makes you happy. You can come back anytime so just enjoy yourself and when the time is right you will decide. Keep track of the patch info so you will know if there's something new you might like.


Also try another game and see if you enjoy it. Maybe that will put this game in perspective.


Hugs and hope you are doing well!

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  • 3 weeks later...
You hate this game so much that you will tell people not to play. Are you really so bitter that even though you hate this game that you will really log in here to post this stuff?


That is sad.


I agree this game is awful. Don't waste your money.

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