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SPOILERS!!! Darth jadus question


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I was a lvl 30 medic when I fought him, and it was pretty brutal. I kited him from where he started all the way out and down the hallway and back and forth until he died. Basically, I would use all my short cooldowns like flashbang and debilitate and then run, using kolto probe on myself and kaliyo to get health back up. After you kill him the first time, he comes back a couple times, but he''s not as hard. The final time I didn''t really have to kite him at all.
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Fought Jadus as a Medicine specced 30/31 Medic, and had Kaliyo.


Kaliyo went down after a lot of spam healing, but I kept the fight around the computer terminals with the glass displays for an easy way to break line of sight. That dropped Jadus to ~30%. I didn't keep Kaliyo's gear up very well, and have a feeling that if I did, that first step would have been less painful. Then I spammed Rifle Shot and did hit and runs around the glass displays unless Incapacitate was up -- which meant Backstab->Shiv and ****. I saved Flashbang for desperate healing situations if I got whittled down too much, and used Distraction as the primary interrupt for his really nasty long casting attack.


I forgot to revive Kaliyo for the second fight so don't know how she would have done, but it was more of the same tactics as before, except I interrupted the really long channeled heal first. And I realized I forgot to accept some quest rewards and leveled up in the process. :) Once the third time rolled around though, Kaliyo had -no- problems tanking him at all. I could just toss a probe on her to keep her up with no issue.

Edited by Teykos
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Phase 2 is by far and away the hardest part, but if you interrupt his long cast bar spell it became easy. Just kite the best you can, I used Kaliyo, and got through it. You have 2 interrupts, must use them both. He can even get the heal off if you stop the long cast force lightning effect. By far and away the hardest fight I have seen yet.
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Cant remember what level i was when I beat Jadus.


He was really easy for me as a Sniper.


Interrupted his "Force whatever" and had dps melee guy beat on him.


All times, my health went down really low but Jadus lost before i died.

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1st time u fight he's super charged and u need to stand at max range and literally use EVERYTHING u got to nuke the ***** out of him, every fight after (2 or 3 more cant remeber) gets easier and easier as u use the computer terminals. U can always bring a friend too, and let them popcorn and watch the show but help on fight


This is not true. He actually gets ****-ton harder after the 1st fight. 2nd fight he cc's your companion every chance he gets and he can heal himself. This has thus far made him goddamn impossible for me to beat at level 30.

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I've been reading this thread for some time and was thinking that the fight will be very hard. But when I get to it (two days ago), I've launched eradicators, sabotaged a ship and pwnd Jadus in all three rounds easily. Yes, the fight itself was interesting, a bit challenging, but easy enough to defeat him from first attempt.


I was level 34 operative, used cunning stim and egg, that was given to me by Vector on Alderaan.


The tactic was to interrupt his spells from time to time, heal Kaliyo and deal damage using Corrosive Dart + rifle shots and Backstab.

Edited by CorruptedFlesh
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This was the 2nd toughest fight I had on my agent as well (toughest is around lvl 39/40 and is just a bonus fight for a planetary quest). I was close to lvl when I did this, so I ground out the rest of the way to lvl off of mobs and then came back. On the first downing of Jadus, I had to pull out literally every trick in my book.


Interrupts are really the key here. You have got to make good use of interrupts, and don't let there be any unused down time.

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Flash Bang

Ambush Knockback

Cover Pulse



Defensive Cooldowns

Shield Probe




Offensive Cooldowns

Relic On-Use

Laze Target

Adrenaline Probe

Advanced Recon


I used Vector with his DoT damage stance. I honestly never needed to use Advanced Recon, even though I popped it right away in the first fight because I was completely taken aback from what was happening. For most of the fights, I just stood there and took it to the face making sure I use one of the 5 interrupts any of the times he'd cast something. Using each defensive cooldown to keep me alive and using most offensive cooldowns to ensure I did a whole metric ton of damage. I additionally found out during the 2nd fight that because Vector can slow him with Freeze, he was pretty easy to kite around and LoS as well.


The only thing I had to keep in mind was to let my cooldowns come back up before I continued the fight. Beyond that I actually found it easy as long as I used.... everything. I basically treated it as a PvP fight vs. a melee opponent.

Edited by Ayestes
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At level 29 operative; Interrupting the big nukes, letting lighting pass if interrupt not off CD, Stun, CC, At second last phase I used the 20min cd, keep stims up, let your energy recharge, had no need for the pillar humping, keep your companion(Kal) up at all times...

I also suggest you use your stun straight off the bat and use the flashbang to get a moments reprieve...

And if you honestly don't have revitalizers as operative...what the eff man...what the eff?

Oh and suggesting you get a lot of medpacks...Those things are just awesome(2k health back every 90 seconds/1.5k hp to you and your companion...oh yes)

I wouldn't suggest trying him alone as healer...You'll run out of energy way too fast and it'll take ages to kill him.

And save evasion for the times when your companion gets CC'd.(Also try to interrupt the damn whirlwind)

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At 30 I found this fight more frustrating than fun. (Conceal spec) Weeding through some of the brag posts using posters who are kind enough to try and help less elite players. Kiting him around using consoles to block that nasty cast helps your longevity immensely. Although he does get casts off through the consoles with glass and he hops on top of the lower consoles which then your basically screwed to try and recover. Keep him moving makes him have to re-cast that big hit helped more. Like another poster mentioned taking aggro off Kaliyo works best if you want to use her, she's to hard to keep up if she's tanking much easier to worry about yourself and like another poster said let her or Vector pound away while you run around works best dwindling down his health. I tried to go with the flow story wise and put a stop to the madman, cost me a small fortune in repairs and along with the frustration & time, for me next time I skip this bs and move on.
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You can also talk him into retreat. I was able to do this by explaining to him that he was being recorded, that others would find out, that without me he would not have the other half of the codes and then, as a final challenge, gave him the no-balls and told him to just go ahead and kill me. Very satisfying conclusion to Chapter 1, IMO.
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I chickened out and accepted his offer, in exchange he made me his personal killer, The Hand of Jadus :) did one quick "job" for him now apparently i am to take some time for R&R at the imperial fleet. Not even a paid holiday :( No idea what happens next. Edited by DizzyrupTor
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I found a good way to do it, finally.


To note, I was also experiencing the "Cannot see target." bug while he was on the Bridge.

I'm 0/0/21 specced Lethality Sniper, level 30, using Vector in Pheromones.


Jist of it was this. Run up to him (due to bug...) and start the fight by throwing both dots on him. Turn and run. Vector will take early threat because the dots take a moment to build up. Use your standard attack while running. When you get near max range on Cull, use it.


Interrupt ANYTHING he uses with Distraction. If he gets on top of you, use Debilitate, whether he is casting or not. When he casts "Channel the Force," his heal, use Flash Bang to break it ASAP.


He doesn't leash as you run back to the Medical area. So, around each corner, duck in and out using Cull. You should not have taken more than maybe 1 spell at this point, will be above 80% HP, and he will be whittled down to 30% or lower. Start to use Takedown, but still continue to LoS around the corners in the hall. If you get too close to the med center (ran out of corners), work your way back to the bridge.


Eventually the dots will kill him regardless if you keep them reapplied.


The second and third fight were not much harder than the first using this strategy, and it seemed to work pathetically easy.

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This fight is 100% BS. I'm level 32 I can't even start the fight as Sniper spec, unless i get right on top him to melee him. Everywhere else is "Cannot see target" You have to be right on top him to get him to attack. I tried Kaliyo and Vector and neither last longer then 10 seconds. I tried kiting him all over the place, hiding behind computers and nothing works. Interupts, stuns semi-work but he aoe knock backs that blasts when you can't even get up to get behind cover. Not to mention his DOT that keeps ticking and kill you too if you can't heal. Then he glitches and kills me when invisible when there was no way for him to see me. This fight really needs to be fixed NOW. 32 levels of awesome questing storyline and this terribly broken fight just ruins everything.
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