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The PvP Daily changes don't affect you, so zip it


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Dear optimist whilst your glass is half full all the time, I the realist say my glass is always full, the second half of that glass is full of the empty non-contribution vacuous AIR that does nothing, and should be rewarded with nothing for their games.


Vacuous AIR that Does nothing = 90% of the game population PuGing WZs.


If you guys are so awesome ("you guys" here having the definition of every person that reads a forum thread and thinks 'how can I answer this to make myself look awesome') then presumably you will still be awesome when facing well geared vacuous AIR.


What people say - Baddies don't deserve good gear.


What people hear - I'm scared that the only difference between me and a baddie is my gear.


The real elite players (I do not count myself among them) just sit back confidently and welcome any change that presents them with worthy competition.

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hahaha, yeah. Sure. I can't validate anything because there's no ranked pvp in SW:TOR, and you aren't from my server - but trust me, I'm one of the most feared Sorcerers and players on my server. As is my guild.


That being said - You already get enough from losing. People say they lose constantly and don't get the quest done - You're going to be losing even more, even though you're getting your quest. People are literally not going to care about wins, especially those with gear. It's going to encourage incessant farming in warzones by players who don't need the wins/care that much. A lot of us only play to get the dailies done at times to help with friends - that 99 comms and 99 ranked warzone comms isnt really that much. So, yes, everyone who loses a lot is going to get their quest done sooner; the adverse effect is going to be your net losses will either remain the same, or increase. Which to me would be more discouraging/less fun in pvp than having to play a few more warzones to win matches.


This issue with imbalance on servers is also arising because more solid "hardcore" MMO players/pvpers (no skill relation there, simply people who play a lot and have guilds) are the ones that are ruling their servers - Wound in the Force Republic groups are typicall people playing together, and they play together a lot. Our Empire population is in serious decline as well, but the groups are a lot of pugs and whatnot. The frequency of Republic wins vs Empire teams is up from what it was a few months ago (Most of us that Q empire have pretty much quit pvping/waiting on rateds) and it's becoming rather discouraging for anyone "pugging" on the Empire side. Yeah, sure, now those players get their daily done faster - but those players aren't going to be winning anymore warzones.


I guess I'm anti-implementations that do not promote winning warzones - you can call me a hypocrite but I don't really care if I win warzones at the moment because 1.) I've got plenty of gear, 2.) My friends dont play nearly as much so I'm pugging a lot. I personally don't care about this change - it does not effect me in the slightest. I win a lot of my warzones because I premade a lot - but I solo a lot too, and I already never cared if I lost or won for the most part while solo. I fear for players that enjoy winning - and I fear that people think seeing "1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 - Completed 99 comms/99 ranked commz" is going to make their pvp experience any better. They're still going to get stomped in warzones for most part. If that is FUN for the community, than I'm even closer to done with this game than I ever was (unless ranked is a complete joke.) I really hope that the majority of people advocating this change haven't thought about that yet though - the adverse effect of less stress on winning.


I didn't really mean anyone was that dense, for the record. I was just pretty angry at this change - Not encouraging winning and playing well is never good for pvp in an MMO. This game just gets more carebear and carebear and that has a lot to do with why subs are leaving and players are quickly realizing they aren't getting more than a couple warzone Qs in a few hour span. With all the people that have been leaving based on dumb pvp decisions it's going to take even longer to get your dailies done when there's no one to warzone with. None of Biowares implementations have helped in the slightest since launch - why does anyone think think one that follows the same carebear trend would?



Edit: TL;DR - There is no increase in winning here, simply an arbitrary quest completion that doesn't net much more when you consider the fact you are still losing and not getting as many Comms as you would be while winning. It is not as beneficial as people think it is - It's artificial fun: fun being given by receiving pixels, instead of playing.


TL;DR *fixed* - I am an imp and I don't want the people I annihilate to get gear or I might not be op.

Edited by Schwasted
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Which is next to impossible on servers where there are severely low population issues for one faction.


Ok fair enough, I'm totally with you that it sucks right now until they get the transfer system in place. But as a band-aid in the meantime, people COULD use General chat or some other means to form a 4 man group to queue with. Not ideal, but its probably better than solo queuing into facerolls over and over.

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As long as winning is superior to losing, people will still try to win, so this change only benefits the game.

Bingo. Winning is still superior to losing. This benefits the game. This can encourage people to queue, because they see they can still improve their toon - where as before, they could spend an hour and get virtually nothing for it, including no fun. On the whole, this is an improvement for everyone.

Edited by Kunkoh
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TL;DR *fixed* - I am an imp and I don't want the people I annihilate to get gear or I might not be op.


The Republic teams qing on our server are pretty much in half waro hero - You have no idea what you're talking about. Nice try, though. That would be valid if that was in my concerns in the slightest.


I like how that's the point you choose to take against my reasoning. This change is overall not going to make the enjoyment for players any higher - you're still going to lose. it'll be nice to get the gear, but that isn't going to change the net wins or losses at all. Simply get given gear - the enjoyment factor from PLAYING a warzone is not going to increase. But I guess that's all people want in MMOs nowadays, just to be "given" gear.

Edited by Kiyoma
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The Republic teams qing on our server are pretty much in half waro hero - You have no idea what you're talking about.


Nice try though.


being in war hero gear doesnt mean your good.just means you have time to pvp


but whatever,im pretty happy about the change.now i can smash my face against my desk for a couple hours,lose every game cuz empire on my server is horrible now.and still get my daily done


i never saw the weekly though.is it just for lvl 50s or did they remove it,cuz i checked on my alt but my alts like lvl 19

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being in war hero gear doesnt mean your good.just means you have time to pvp


but whatever,im pretty happy about the change.now i can smash my face against my desk for a couple hours,lose every game cuz empire on my server is horrible now.and still get my daily done


i never saw the weekly though.is it just for lvl 50s or did they remove it,cuz i checked on my alt but my alts like lvl 19


You need to read forum threads more closely - His comment to me was that I didn't want people gearing up. I never said a word about gear = skill, or having more gear means more wins. Because it simply does not.


Come on, the forum pvp is weak in this thread.

Edited by Kiyoma
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Bingo. Winning is still superior to losing. This benefits the game. This can encourage people to queue, because they see they can still improve their toon - where as before, they could spend an hour and get virtually nothing for it, including no fun. On the whole, this is an improvement for everyone.


i guess you think everyone pvp's for the gear huh


im sure empire will be as terrible as they've been in warzones even after the change.the only difference is,i can lose every game for a couple hours and still get my daily done.so at least i can get that done everyday

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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i guess you think everyone pvp's for the gear huh



Why else would a person do war zones? Because they are fun?


Yes being snarky, but YES, there are many that do them soley for the gear and find no real pleasure about it.

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The Republic teams qing on our server are pretty much in half waro hero - You have no idea what you're talking about. Nice try, though. That would be valid if that was in my concerns in the slightest.


I like how that's the point you choose to take against my reasoning. This change is overall not going to make the enjoyment for players any higher - you're still going to lose. it'll be nice to get the gear, but that isn't going to change the net wins or losses at all. Simply get given gear - the enjoyment factor from PLAYING a warzone is not going to increase. But I guess that's all people want in MMOs nowadays, just to be "given" gear.


Let me guess you are full WH, so they have half meaning that they are at least - 40 endurance under you. This is about 400 hp. Good duels usually are decided in this range of health. I would go on about your argument and how there is no logic but que pop...

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Why else would a person do war zones? Because they are fun?


Yes being snarky, but YES, there are many that do them soley for the gear and find no real pleasure about it.


they were fun the first 37,000 times we ran through them. Getting a bit stale now don't you think?

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Why else would a person do war zones? Because they are fun?


Yes being snarky, but YES, there are many that do them soley for the gear and find no real pleasure about it.


I guess if changes are being made simply to help a few baddies get gear, then that's cool and all. It's a good change. But it's not a good change for the health of pvp in this MMO - the longterm effect is not going to be any kind of beneficial.


Like I said in my earlier post - this change will temporarily help dailies get done. It's going to be even more difficult when you have to wait 1-2 hours in between Qs majority of the day due to lack of people interested in pvp. I don't find fun in simply grinding gear, or doing dailies for gear - I pvp to engage in a game against other human beings, and use cooldowns/abilities in a strategical way to counter players and increase throughput. This game is not promoting playing well - it's just promoting getting gear. No changes they have made have increased pvp participation since launch - what makes you think this one is going to do the same?

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Why else would a person do war zones? Because they are fun?


Yes being snarky, but YES, there are many that do them soley for the gear and find no real pleasure about it.


yeah,some people do in fact pvp for fun


but i guess when your feeble brain cant comprehend this because your to used to being a part of the crowd that killed the fun in pve and pvp in wow.then you probably dont understand


not that i care anymore about pvp anyway,considering pvp isnt really fun when the only people queueing up are casualbads who dont care if they win or lose.and it usually ends up with losing.i dont find queueing up for a couple hours everyday and losing for those couple hours as fun

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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You are right. They don't affect me because my queues still never pop and I still don't get the daily done. I'm sure cross server PvP is coming soon seeing how they're shutting down the servers every day for maintenance now. A nutless monkey could do better.
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But it's not a good change for the health of pvp in this MMO


bioware doesnt care enough about the pvp in this game to actually improve anything in the area of its health.your better off just quitting if you only care about pvp in this game


theres mmos that are leaps and bounds ahead of the pvp in this game.which is quite sad considering i remember them saying something along the lines of hiring in one of the best pvp teams,they sure as hell havent showed to anyone there the best.more hype to this overhyped game i guess

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Let me guess you are full WH, so they have half meaning that they are at least - 40 endurance under you. This is about 400 hp. Good duels usually are decided in this range of health. I would go on about your argument and how there is no logic but que pop...


I don't even know what you're trying to say - and since when does dueling have anythign to do with fun pvp in an MMO?


and no, I am not full War Hero. I have maybe 4 pieces? But I'm not interested in any more gear. The net gain isnt that much, and isn't worth my time for rateds until they come out. Simply because gear isn't everything, and time to kill in this game is already so low having a little more damage isnt that important to me.

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You are right. They don't affect me because my queues still never pop and I still don't get the daily done. I'm sure cross server PvP is coming soon seeing how they're shutting down the servers every day for maintenance now. A nutless monkey could do better.


i think hell would freeze over before cross server anything comes in this game


you can thank the wow crowd for that.i guess they have some dilussion it killed the community in that game

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You are right. They don't affect me because my queues still never pop and I still don't get the daily done. I'm sure cross server PvP is coming soon seeing how they're shutting down the servers every day for maintenance now. A nutless monkey could do better.


I believe you mean 'witless' monkey. A nutless monkey is only bad for making little monkeys.

Edited by AngryBuddhist
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Before today's patch:


- I would play 3-5 matches, get 3 wins, go do PvE dailies, maybe an op.

- other players would (do whatever other players do, don't really care)


After today's patch:


- I will play 3-5 matches, get 3 wins/2 wins+2 losses/1 win+4 losses/6 losses, go do PvE dailies, maybe an op.

- other players will (do whatever other players do, don't really care)


Its blatantly obvious that winning 3 is more advantageous than losing 6. The only difference with the new system is, you don't totally waste your time losing 6 now. Virtually no one who PvP'd prior to today is going to purposefully lose a match because there is no benefit in TRYING to lose. There IS a benefit in TRYING to win. Winning means more comms, valor, credits, plus finishing daily/weekly faster, which is yet more comms, all of which means more gear. Losing is just a consolation prize, a "2nd best" option.


TL;DR As long as winning is superior to losing, people will still try to win, so this change only benefits the game.


I agree, it's a good change. The only people whining about it are the premade guilds who like to grief people so they can't complete their daily.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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I agree, it's a good change. The only people whining about it are the premade guilds who like to grief people so they can't complete their daily.


This generalization is also untrtue, considering there's many days that I que solo most the day and take upwards of 3, 4, 5 hours to complete the daily. Sometimes I just get unlucky and Im on the recieving end of Empire premades and Republic premades for most of my time.


I support healthy pvp and competition. I don't enjoy griefing, I don't enjoy focus firing bads all day in warzones, I don't enjoy spawn camping - I enjoy matches and being challenged. This change does not effect that because it just says hey, here, don't bother trying to win. get your dailies done and get gear, keep trying to faceroll. But I digress.


Winning in this game doesn't constitute much more than losing - It's very negligible. Now it's even more negligible. I don't see how that's hard to see - I agree that when winning rewards more people will try to win. But now winning does not give more for the effort required - it's easier just to roll over. The commendations to effort ratio is much higher by just not caring in warzones.

Edited by Kiyoma
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