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Jedi need more non-combat movement skills.


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I mean come on im a Jedi Dammit! I want to jump high , fall far, run fast, and do flips.I hate it every time my jedi falls 10 feet and takes dmg or there is a small ledge he cant jump too lol. Am I the only one who feels this way? I mean the movies and books are filled with Jedi jumping and flipping and falling all over the place.I hate how MMO's turn all abilities into combat related abilites.
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Mind explaining how you would balance this?


Rocket boosters and grappling hooks for the other classes? /shrug


I agree its a bit disappointing and ... "oh cmon, a Padawan can jump this!" but meh ... not something id start a thread over.

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Mind explaining how you would balance this?


Well for one I said out of combat and for two I belive "Balance" is one of the biggest destroyers of Fun in any MMO. But if you really need "Fantasy" to be balanced ( Although why non force users should be able to do what force users can is beyond me) , use cybernetics and technology to allow non force users to do what force users can. I would be much more happy grinding every day getting my guy some cool new force power then I would getting a 2% higher chance to crit or absorb slightly more dmg. Im more interested in the "Online World" of Star Wars then being better in a Raid.

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Well for one I said out of combat and for two I belive "Balance" is one of the biggest destroyers of Fun in any MMO. But if you really need "Fantasy" to be balanced ( Although why non force users should be able to do what force users can is beyond me) , use cybernetics and technology to allow non force users to do what force users can. I would be much more happy grinding every day getting my guy some cool new force power then I would getting a 2% higher chance to crit or absorb slightly more dmg. Im more interested in the "Online World" of Star Wars then being better in a Raid.


But see that is the problem, in a MMO they can't favor force using classes over non-force using classes.

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But see that is the problem, in a MMO they can't favor force using classes over non-force using classes.


Of course they can. What you ment to say is "In a wow clone you cant favor one class over another" MMO's are only balanced to keep the Herd happy imo I would be much happier if it was more like RL and not everyone is the same.If you want to be powerful role a jedi, if you want to beat a jedi and your a non force user have a stategy or backup :o

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To see how this could work, check out DCUO's travel powers.


Esp acrobatics.


You can FLY with Acrobatics there. How the hell is flying acrobatic?!?!? That's like saying with Superspeed, you can run to the moon.

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You can FLY with Acrobatics there. How the hell is flying acrobatic?!?!? That's like saying with Superspeed, you can run to the moon.


Yeah, well, that part is taking it too far. And I never mentioned superspeed.


But the running faster than normal, jumping longer than normal that comes with acrobatics could be done in this game as a force power. Force movement or something. Not a travel power per se, but something you could use sparingly. Ops/scoundrels/Troopers could get grapples. Not lore-busting either: Luke uses one in A New HOPE.


And maybe BHs would like to fly with their rocket packs? Within limits, of course. Not a complete 'fly around like a superhero' power ... but enough to boost you into the air for 5-10 secs WITH CONTROL over the movement? I'm not totally serious ..... Just throwing a few ideas out there.


The key point is that other games have enhanced movement options that work - they get knocked out of action by combat.

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would be much happier if it was more like RL and not everyone is the same.If you want to be powerful role a jedi, if you want to beat a jedi and your a non force user have a stategy or backup


Proven yet again: The reason so many gamers aren't game designers is that they are horrible at it.


The suggestion seems logical, but it completely lacks any sort of critical thinking about the implementation and most importantly the impact that it would have on virtually every other aspect of the game. Yeah, it'd be cool to have a high-jump ability (rocket jump for BHs!)... but then you have to go over all of the maps and re-examine all of the barriers which were added to direct game flow and travel patterns and raise them --perhaps to silly heights-- to achieve the same effect. Then you have to look over NPC battle AI and pathing to see what happens when high-jumping Jedi leap to inaccessible areas and back, repeatedly. And then there are the datacrons, some of which will either be trivial for Jedi or impossible for everyone who isn't a Jedi. And then there's balance... Not only did you suggest that Jedi be almost insurmountably more powerful than any other class, but their abilities make them the best at ambushing, the best at avoiding ambushes, impossible to chase and nearly impossible to outrun. This, in turn, would mean that some (most!) mobs would either be trivially easy for Jedi, or impossibly hard for non-Jedi. Why, exactly, would anyone play anything but a Jedi?


If that all sounds fine to you, then we're done here: You're hopeless and will never understand how to make decent games, or additions to games.

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You can FLY with Acrobatics there. How the hell is flying acrobatic?!?!? That's like saying with Superspeed, you can run to the moon.


Acrobatics is the art of jumping around without falling down.


Flying is the art of jumping without falling, ever.


Seems like the natural progression.


(with respects to Douglas Adams for inspiration)

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A simply way to solve this, imho, is through the "Rocket Boost" system that is already currently out.


I made a suggestion post for this a while back. I believe they should have made a class specific travel for everyone rather than just give everyone rocket boots.


Jedi/Sith would have the high jumps, force speed, flips, ect.


Troopers/Bounty would have the jetpacks and jet boots


I am not sure about the other 2 classes, but you get the idea :rak_01:

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Acrobatics is the art of jumping around without falling down.


Flying is the art of jumping without falling, ever.


Seems like the natural progression.


(with respects to Douglas Adams for inspiration)


To fly all you have to do is jump and miss the ground on the way down.



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To be honest, the very first time I jumped as a jedi knight I was dissapointed I couldn't double jump by hitting space again while in the air. ('course, that was actually one of the very first things I tried to do in the game)


And yes, I have played other MMO's that had a double jump.


Double jump for force users is easily explainable. Troopers/BH could have some sort of rocket boost that functions identically (but with different animation)


smuggerl/operative? Not sure. Maybe some sort of probe or something that appears under them just long enough for them to jump off again. Or a quick grappling hook off into infinity above them, or something.


'Course, at this point it's too late. Environments have already been built/tested against the current jumping constraints. Adding some form of double jump would probably break a LOT of stuff.

Edited by GnatB
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I think Legacy emotes have explained enough of this to prove that you can have non-combat abilities that are in fact fun. Like giving Jedi a double jump, or giving Bounty Hunters a jocket jump, or even giving Smugglers an emote to pick pockets or use a grapple gun. So long as they function out of combat (I say again: OUT-OF-COMBAT) I don't see an issue. These are just fun little things that could make the game more fun in down time. Balancing it for PvP and such? Well you can't use a speeder in Civil War even if it's outside, why not disable it there too?
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