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RP servers: Steady subscribers? (and give us booze)


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A lot of people are going on about sub losses and what hasn't been fixed and whatnot. I personally have complaints as well but I wanted to put an idea out there.


In my guild we have quite a few people that get on and like to run FPs, ops and PvP. You know, the normal stuff. Then we geek out with our RP out. It's been about 6 months since the official launch and I haven't seen a noticable drop on my server or even people complaining that they're rage quitting... or anything. We've all gotten to know each other g-kick trolls, and even then I don't see noticeable troll behavior. We like to RP and make our stories, so we're not really concerned AS MUCH as not RP players might be. (Though we also want the kinks worked out.


Obviously not everyone has our interests other wise RP servers wouldn't be the minority, but I personally think that those of us who do RP stick around because the setting is really, truly nice.


Our major complaints? the inability to "get drunk" or sit on chains/benches in the cantinas.


Bioware, keep the faith, keep fixing stuff and give us our hangovers.

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Our major complaints? the inability to "get drunk" or sit on chains/benches in the cantinas.


Bioware, keep the faith, keep fixing stuff and give us our hangovers.


You forgot one other major complaint, can't play at the pazaak tables nor any other game.


Got a wonderful casino on Nar Shaddaa but nothing works, it's all shiny but only to look at. *cries*


Only thing I can do is dancing on them.

Edited by Kirameki
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OP I'm with you 100% !


Obviously not everyone has our interests other wise RP servers wouldn't be the minority, but I personally think that those of us who do RP stick around because the setting is really, truly nice.


I think it's also the really, really swell group of people that usually inhabit RP servers. It really makes a difference when you play with nice, like minded people (heck even the non-RP folks, on the RP servers, are great to be around).


Booze, pazaak.....what if we combined the two? ;)

Edited by JediElf
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My rl friends play on an RP-PVE server and report their experience as waaaay more positive than what I see on my PVP server. I was :eek: when she talked of Cantinas so full people took their name tags off. I do think there is a definite difference amongst groups. If it were in my power I would give the RP servers unlimited booze. ;)
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We make our own fun. We are used to not having teh game developer make our games for us, and so, we are better with keeping on-track with Bioware's apparent "slowness" with new content. Hence, we are much more contented with the game.


A playable casino would definitely add to the ambience of roleplay. The Esseles mission breaks my heart as there is a clickable gaming table on board, but it really doesn't do anything.


Bioware was trolling us in that case... :( That and the two Casinos on Nar Shadaa with minimal usage...

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A playable casino would definitely add to the ambience of roleplay. The Esseles mission breaks my heart as there is a clickable gaming table on board, but it really doesn't do anything.


I think it was put on Esseles to give us a sense that there was a lot more to the game world than what we saw on the starter planets, because pazaak is a common pastime on transport ships. The reason we get the message that it's not taking players at this time is to herd us along to the first quest giver, basically saying "hey, dude, you're not here for mindless games, there's something going to happen during this flight".


It appears that such flavorings were a bit much to put in everywhere before the game launched.

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It does seem this way. 4 out of the top 10 servers are RP/RP-PVP. A lot of the RP servers seem to be doing comparatively well. Doesn't surprise, a lot of the RPers are probably more dedicated to the game than lots of people who play it just cause its the latest MMO and wouldnt even consider an RP server.


Im playing on Ajunta Pall and Jung Ma and am really liking the community on both servers. Both are also among the top 10 in population. RP probably isn't as great as it would be on a pure RP server, but I love open world PVP (what little there is of it, at least it was worth it for the Rakghoul event on Tatooine, massive PVPs there) and the competition of WZs so I suppose that's the tradeoff.

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I'd totally forgotten about Pazzak - was a great mini game in KotOR.


It would be great to add this. Imagine players drunk and broke,

begging and offering 'favours' for credits for "just one more hand".


Exemplary RP right there :)

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