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Subs down 25%


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Exactly this. What you said couldn't be truer.


For instance, of the MMO's in the next bracket on MMO Data, most tank subscriptions 'heavily' after the first year. Rift seems to have peaked at 600,000 and then dropped LIKE A ROCK to 250,000. That is an over 25% drop.


Secondly, EA keeps warhammer online around and Warhammer Online has about 100k. Lol


It's a 58% drop. 25% suddenly doesn't look so bad, eh?

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I think D3 and GW2 will impact player activity more than subscriptions.




Being that GW2 is F2P I think the largest impact will be seen across SWTOR's more casual players as their desire to get as much game time for their subs is eroded by something that is free... how long that lasts is really down to how well GW2 beds in and its first impressions it presents to them.


SWTOR to be fair did have a pretty good launch - bugs aside because that is always to be expected.

But poor performance across a wide spectrum of hardware setups combined with a U-Turn on igh res textures and lack of MMO feel across the planets has taken its toll on subs...

I wonder how much of that 1.2 Mill active subs has been padded out by the players who re-subbed to try 1.2 or who took a 1month resub in order to get that 30-day free play in... how many will likely kep subbing now 1.2 is in, with reduced content to what was highlighted ( a la RWz) and the 30 day free period ends.. I wouldn't mind seeing those figures again somewhere around the end of June maybe, not that that will happen.


However, its all very common for agame to see a decline after launch as it strives to find its happy medium of hardcore loyalists and casual on/off gamers.... I would be too suprised if by the end of the year the active subs stabilise around 750k- 1 mill subs ... question is will that be enough to keep turning a profit and keep the development going forward or will F2P become a more viable proposition, like other games have percieved and gone down the route..?

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I'd bet a ton of money that the 1.3 mil figure is including the free months subscription they gave out....

That 1.3 figure is also BEFORE DIablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 are released.


They'll be lucky to have 1 mil subscribers by the end of the month.



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Being that GW2 is F2P I think the largest impact will be seen across SWTOR's more casual players as their desire to get as much game time for their subs is eroded by something that is free... how long that lasts is really down to how well GW2 beds in and its first impressions it presents to them.


SWTOR to be fair did have a pretty good launch - bugs aside because that is always to be expected.

But poor performance across a wide spectrum of hardware setups combined with a U-Turn on igh res textures and lack of MMO feel across the planets has taken its toll on subs...

I wonder how much of that 1.2 Mill active subs has been padded out by the players who re-subbed to try 1.2 or who took a 1month resub in order to get that 30-day free play in... how many will likely kep subbing now 1.2 is in, with reduced content to what was highlighted ( a la RWz) and the 30 day free period ends.. I wouldn't mind seeing those figures again somewhere around the end of June maybe, not that that will happen.


However, its all very common for agame to see a decline after launch as it strives to find its happy medium of hardcore loyalists and casual on/off gamers.... I would be too suprised if by the end of the year the active subs stabilise around 750k- 1 mill subs ... question is will that be enough to keep turning a profit and keep the development going forward or will F2P become a more viable proposition, like other games have percieved and gone down the route..?


GW2 isn't F2P, you have to buy it.

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1.3 mil sub yeah right! give us numbers after the 30 day free game time


Majority of the free 30 days are for people who would remained subbed anyway.


There will be some people whose sub will run out on the 25th to 30th April (inactive accounts before 24th will not be given free 30 days) who chose not to play but whose subs will be extended.


But that is offset by the people whose subscription ends somewhere in the 20th to 24th April range. Anyone with common sense can see that if a subscription lasted till the 20th, that it should be counted as a sub number. They are subbed for the majority of April. But due to the cut off period of 24th, it is no longer considered a sub. Otherwise the number would be higher than 1.3 million.


So in the end, it balances out and 1.3 million is a good enough estimation. The argument that free 30 days are inflating sub numbers is frankly weak. It is about as weak as WoW using China's strange subscription model to inflate 10 million subs or them bribing people to sign up for a 1 year sub to get Diablo 3 for free, but I note the hypocrisy in people turning a blind eye to those devious methods.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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In minute 35 on the EA conference call they clarified that PAYING users are actually UP. The ones who left were predominantly people who didn't enter the payment cycle and cancelled after the free time was up.


Edited by Verce
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It's a 58% drop. 25% suddenly doesn't look so bad, eh?


58% in seven month, not 25% in three month (and who says it stops there?). But i guess it's a step in the right direction to compare SW:Tors performance to Rift. Seems about right.

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GW2 isn't F2P, you have to buy it.


+ it has a micro transaction model, so if you want to be someone in the game you must purchase items. Thats what killed GW2 for me, I would never play a game that forces me to buy items to progress or be equal to others.

Edited by RachelAnne
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this game wil be dead in 2-3 months , i must say this is a big fail from bioware for letting this to happen

Gj Bioware for ruining a great game

do people forget that despite it's many many many problems SWG NEVER went FTP?

do not underestimate the power of fandom.

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do people forget that despite it's many many many problems SWG NEVER went FTP?

do not underestimate the power of fandom.


This is true, but it's mainly due to the fact that SWG was closed right as SONY started to make it's transition to the F2P model for all it's MMO properties.

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GW2 isn't F2P, you have to buy it.


Your splitting hairs.. you know exactly what is meant.. there are no subs... you make a one off payment, then its a free to choose game....


I once bought chess set when i was 8yrs old... I have played with it for more than 30 years now and never paid to play one game since the intial purchase... splitting hairs i say! :rak_03:

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+ it has a micro transaction model, so if you want to be someone in the game you must purchase items. Thats what killed GW2 for me, I would never play a game that forces me to buy items to progress or be equal to others.
Do your research before spewing out nonsense. Items from the Cash Shop will not contribute to one's power. The emphasis is on vanity items. Edited by Metallistic
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I was there at 6 months. It was 250k at that time. MMODATA's graph only connects the lines in a broader spread of months.


So was I. Not sure how you were able to determine the number back then unless it was speculation much like the SWTOR guesses.

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Um dudes. 25% subs down this long after the games release is pretty standard for MMO's that are NOT WoW. The players who are just here to play the latest game and move on have left, those who found the game not to their liking have left, the hype has worn off so the hype drawn people leave.


Its pretty standard stuff.

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It's no surprise the sub base has dropped, what are we doing as a community to keep ourselves entertained? Instead of us all looking at how the subs have dropped how about we start making suggestions about what we all want to see and adding constructive criticism to what is wrong with this game at it's current state and how we as a community can improve it.


I'm passed the bitter stage of complaining about how this isn't SWG 2.0 or how it's not lived up to my expectations. Lets all make it a better game by actually making community events that we can all join in with.

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To OP: Do you think that I give a ****** to the fact subs dropped? I love the game, here since beta and still happy. My only concern is my dead server, but rerolling alt while waiting for transfers. Really man, if you do not like the game just move along and free our forums.
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1.3 mil sub yeah right! give us numbers after the 30 day free game time


In order to see the true net launch position , you'll need to wait until early October for their Q2 results as the initial 6 month subbers won't have expired till then ( given initial 30 + 30 added 25th Apr).

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