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Subs down 25%


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Well, they were warned- and they still decided to go through with completely imbalancing the game by ruining popular classes like operatives, mercs and sorcs- while making less popular classes like the marauder extremely OP to the point where pvping as anything else is pointless.


Everyone predicted the massive nerfs to classes that already struggled in pvp would decimate the game- and no, casual players didn't play the sorc or merc because they were OP- they did because they were easy to play, fun classes which someone could play decently regardless of their skill level- at high skill levels, marauders already were the best class, and sorcs/mercs were jokes.


Yet, they went through with ruining the classes- and look at that, 25% of the playerbase gone. I'm sure the hardcore marauders will be happy the game is going into the toilet and will continue to justify their class being grossly overpowered, but give it a few more months and there's going to be nothing but marauders in pvp anyway.


Companies need to stop underestimating how much people like to pvp as a casual, on the side thing- turning pvp into something only the hardcores/certain classes that may not be popular with casuals can do is an exceptionally bad idea- especially for a game like TOR which was long touted as a game for casuals.



The only good news is the game is still profitable. It'll likely remain profitable for a while- and if they eventually make it f2p it'll be profitable then. Don't expect them to have the cash to make good content/updates in the future though- all because of their bunging up pvp so badly.

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Please, just for a laugh, tell us how the "WoWnubs" ruined the game that they were not in any control of developing?


Ermm making fake "reviews" slagging off the game in every way possible.

Made "Torstatus" which has fake statistics making it look as if the game is dying at a rapid rate which makes people think "Oh I wont buy that game as its dying"

They also invented the dumb name of "TORtanic" and also made silly reviews which was given to game review sites and then the game review sites gave the game a bad name because of the fake reviews.

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EA's games label boss Frank Gibeau told investors last night the 400,000 subscriber drop was the result of casual gamers declining to subscribe to the MMO after going through a "billing cycle".


Which means exactly what I said it did in my posts yesterday. They define "casual" as anyone who buys the game, installs it, plays the 30 free days, and then leaves without ever allowing their credit card to be billed (ie: they cancelled before their 30 free days were up).


They also made note to comment in the anlysts call that:


Star Wars: The Old Republic now has 1.3 million subscribers, with a much higher mix of

ongoing credit card consumers, but on a lower absolute number of subs. The service is

stable, profitable and we have strong plans to grow it in fiscal 13


The above actually tells you imporant things about how they view "subs". "Ongoing credit card consumers" are what they consider their stable base, as opposed to "causual" players as they define and use the word "casual".

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Just as some useful information for people, check out this chart from mmodata.net: http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png. Where was WoW 4 months after launch? About 1.3 million subscribers.


Not to say that I expect anything like WoW's meteoric growth for SWTOR, but I do think it reinforces the point that 1.3 million subs is a great place to be at 4 months post-launch.


This says it all!

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Ermm making fake "reviews" slagging off the game in every way possible.

Made "Torstatus" which has fake statistics making it look as if the game is dying at a rapid rate which makes people think "Oh I wont buy that game as its dying"

They also invented the dumb name of "TORtanic" and also made silly reviews which was given to game review sites and then the game review sites gave the game a bad name because of the fake reviews.


Do you actually believe all of that? I would think the game itself is what chased people off. It just boggles me how people continue to dismiss legitimate claims against the game. I have watched a lot of my personal friends quit the game over the last couple of months, my large guild has gone down the tube from people quitting. I wonder what the numbers will say when they put it out for the next quarter.


Nothing wrong here folks, Nothing to see, Move along! :rolleyes:

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Ermm making fake "reviews" slagging off the game in every way possible.

Made "Torstatus" which has fake statistics making it look as if the game is dying at a rapid rate which makes people think "Oh I wont buy that game as its dying"

They also invented the dumb name of "TORtanic" and also made silly reviews which was given to game review sites and then the game review sites gave the game a bad name because of the fake reviews.


You're not serious right? You don't actually think any of that had the remotest effect on whether people unsubbed from the game or not? If half of that is even true anyway...

Edited by chaosdefined
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You're not serious right? You don't actually think any of that had the remotest effect on whether people unsubbed from the game or not?


he is actually serious. And that's the scariest part.

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There has been a good amount of speculation since yesterday that since EA says they want to grow their microtransaction model, this means their MMOs are going F2P.


However, that is an incorrect analysis. If you take time to carefully read the prepared remarks (ie: their script for the actual analyst call), it is very clear that they have a portfolio of product now that is microtransaction based (none of which includes actual MMO properties) and that they want to expand this area of their business aggressviely. Which makes sense in the context of their digital product model (where they currently place their strategic future growth).


I know some people want to think that the center of EAs universe is SWTOR. IT's NOT, never has been, and never will be. MMOs, in the context of the world wide digital entertainment market, is mice nards. Even Blizzards MMO portfolio is mice nards in this context.


Your smart phone or tablet is where they will target you for micro-transaction entertainmet, just like everyone else is clammoring to do in the marketplace. It's the shiny golden fruit for game producers, because of the huge total available market.

Edited by Andryah
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You're not serious right? You don't actually think any of that had the remotest effect on whether people unsubbed from the game or not?


People want to play a game based on how good it is.


If someone tells you how a bad a game is would you really want to play that game?


I've had friends say how great TOR looks and then they read the fake reviews and then they suddenly don't like the game.

Edited by Scerge
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People want to play a game based on how good it is.


If someone tells you how a bad a game is would you really want to play that game?


I've had friends say how great TOR looks and then they read the fake reviews and then they suddenly don't like the game.


If I read somewhere that a game is bad, then yes I won't buy it and play it.


However, if I've already bought and played it and then read a bunch of people complaining about it, that's not going to make me suddenly stop playing and unsub if I'm enjoying it.

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Except it has TOR on there and shows WoW in a huge increase of subs at the point where TOR drops right down..


The game is not going anywhere! Too many fans love Star Wars and the game has been out for a solid 4 month, yet it has 1.3 M subscribers currently active. BioWARE needs to take a step back and look at what other MMO competitiors are doing and impliment them into there design such as a LFG tool. Its the small things that matter.

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If I read somewhere that a game is bad, then yes I won't buy it and play it.


However, if I've already bought and played it and then read a bunch of people complaining about it, that's not going to make me suddenly stop playing and unsub if I'm enjoying it.


I'm enjoying it, I'm not saying all these bad reviews will effect people already playing but the possible players who might buy the game.

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There has been a good amount of speculation since yesterday that since EA says they want to grow their microtransaction model, this means their MMOs are going F2P.


However, that is an incorrect analysis. If you take time to carefully read the prepared remarks (ie: their script for the actual analyst call), it is very clear that they have a portfolio of product now that is microtransaction based (none of which includes actual MMO properties) and that they want to expand this area of their business aggressviely. Which makes sense in the context of their digital product model (where they currently place their strategic future growth).


I know some people want to think that the center of EAs universe is SWTOR. IT's NOT, never has been, and never will be. MMOs, in the context of the world wide digital entertainment market, is mice nards. Even Blizzards MMO portfolio is mice nards in this context.


Your smart phone or tablet is where they will target you for micro-transaction entertainmet, just like everyone else is clammoring to do in the marketplace. It's the shiny golden fruit for game producers, because of the huge total available market.




They might do what they did with Warhammer Online subscribtion model WITH Microtransactions. :eek:

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I'm enjoying it, I'm not saying all these bad reviews will effect people already playing but the possible players who might buy the game.


But that has nothing to do with the fact that the game has lost subscribers....and the game is not dying either...so really you're doing what you're complaining others do.

Edited by chaosdefined
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EA blames Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers fall on casuals leaving game




Yeah it was just the "casual gamers". :rolleyes:


It didn't have ANYTHING to do with the lack of LFG, Rated Warzones, the fact that its very easy to level in the game, or all the myriad different reasons many have raised on these forums.


Yep it was "the casuals".


Right. :rolleyes:


Assume he is right - isn't Casuals leaving sort of a key problem in a game designed around casuals?



Losing 25% of your Subs is not good. While many other MMOS have lost a comparable % of Subs during their 1st 6 months, several others gained subscribers during a similar time period. Furthermore, TOR’s numbers need to be measured against expectations given the Star Wars IP, A List developer and massive budget – 2 million plus was probably closer to expectation than a spike to 1.7M, with a trajectory to less than 1 million in less than a year. Just how bad the loss is depends on whether the trend will continue, and at which point it will plateau. It’s hard to predict the real rate of subscription loss since BW has skewed the data by offering the free month, but TOR seems to be following the patterns of games like RIFT and AOC that started out with large numbers, quickly plummeted, and consistently bled subscribers every month.


Unfortunately, BW isn’t helping matters with the low server Pops that make experiencing much of the content nigh impossible, and a poorly thought out end game that was not ready for launch.

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Of course you do. Fanboys rarely agree with anything that doesn't fit their very narrow view of how things are. This decline is not the end of the world. Everything you have said above is your own personal opinion. Do not tout as fact.


Let me reiterate what I've said. The playerbase needs to shrink a bit more. Most of the people posting their "sky is falling" BS need to be among those leaving.


Unlike the previous poster I was replaying to there is only black and white with you. Funny how much of what you said reflects back on you when you look at it from change one word. Stay faithful and maybe as the game shrinks they'll give you a spot on the podcast for being such a good jester. And you'll be here with me with a while so enjoy the ride.

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Pick pick pick pick. Moan moan moan moan. This is the most cherry picking Chicken Littling unrealistically hyperbolic group I've seen for a long time. Compare/contrast. Step back, be objective. Numbers are numbers, people, and they don't lie. 24% is well above the typical MMO trend from launch out, when most other MMOs are at 50% or more at 6 months.


But you'll probably continue to ignore that and try to pull that sky down just to prove you're right.


Anyway. See you all in a year when subs have trended upwards.


You aren't accounting for the free month, I promise you TOR has lost at least 25% of its subs, If I was to guess I would say 27%.


*Edited for typo.

Edited by Tuscad
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Assume he is right - isn't Casuals leaving sort of a key problem in a game designed around casuals?



Losing 25% of your Subs is not good. While many other MMOS have lost a comparable % of Subs during their 1st 6 months, several others gained subscribers during a similar time period. Furthermore, TOR’s numbers need to be measured against expectations given the Star Wars IP, A List developer and massive budget – 2 million plus was probably closer to expectation than a spike to 1.7M, with a trajectory to less than 1 million in less than a year. Just how bad the loss is depends on whether the trend will continue, and at which point it will plateau. It’s hard to predict the real rate of subscription loss since BW has skewed the data by offering the free month, but TOR seems to be following the patterns of games like RIFT and AOC that started out with large numbers, quickly plummeted, and consistently bled subscribers every month.


Unfortunately, BW isn’t helping matters with the low server Pops that make experiencing much of the content nigh impossible, and a poorly thought out end game that was not ready for launch.


InB4 Andryah marches here and tells you how BioWare/EA are using a different definition of "casual" than what the rest of the MMO world uses...


Oops! :p

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What's with the bizarre assumption some are making that the subs will magically stop bleeding once the "casuals" are gone?


Those people either have access to data we don't, have been in this exact situation before and had it end up that way, or are too stubborn to believe that "Teh Best Game Evar!!1!1!" can fail and might actually be dying.

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Also, I think server mergers - new content ('Allies' sounds promising - new playable races perhaps?)


Oh no-no-no no, I think I know what this is.


They are going to link all of the servers together so that you'll be able to play together with your Republic or Imperial allies from all servers. Maybe you can invite them over to your server or go visit theirs.


Not a bad idea if that's what it is, should have been in from the beginning.

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