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Subs down 25%


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The question is, what will those numbers look like after the free month giveaways expire?


You gotta figure that free month was to soften those quarterly numbers, and hope, that somehow, they pull a chicken out of their *** by the next quarterly report.

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Quick name a single EA MMO that is succesful. Compared to WOW, thats what i thought.


Oh that's too easy, especially since "success" or "failure" is up to the shareholders, not the players. That said, you really want me name all the successful titles?

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In case anyone missed it, they're including TRIAL PLAYERS as 'active subscriptions'.


What percentage of that 1.3m are accounts only 'active' through the free month of gametime cynically doled out by EA to coincide with the quarterly report?


No, they are NOT. Unless, of course, you have empirical data toback that up? Because trial players, you have NOT SUBSCRIBED are NOT "active subscribers". It's kinda in the word, there, genius.

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Wait......there using the hero engine....in another game??

Lol gee


Many MMOs have used the HERO engine. It's built specifically for MMOs, after all. Elder Scrolls Online is using it, too. Why? Because it offers the best cinematic facial movement of any engine.

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Just keep in mind everyone that before TOR released, Eric Brown (CFO of EA) stated that even 500,000 subs is sustainable, with anything over 1 million very profitable.


Yes, taking a hit in subs this past quarter isn't great by any stretch of the imagination. But SWTOR is still very profitable for them, and as long as they maintain around the 1 million mark (which they are at 1.3mil right now) then there is nothing for concern.


IF by next quarter they dip below the 1mil mark, then there is a more obvious downward trend and cause for concern. Right now we have two reports since launch... First quarter reporting massive sales and subscriptions, and the second quarter with a lesser drop in numbers. There is NO trend right now until the third and fourth quarter reports. To speculate the game is dying is tinfoil hat territory, nothing more. Same goes for saying the game is a massive success. Right now it's maintaining profitability, and that is a good thing.


Absolutely. And, just as I've mentioned already ad nauseum, if BioWare wants to even maintain, much less create the atypical trend of increasing subs, they need to get on the ball with server transfer/shut-downs, endgame content, and open-world PvP.

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Honestly, he's right the PvP community is so narrow minded that once they scream for a class to be nerfed and then after it is then they vote for the next class to be nerfed and then the next and the next and the next...


The day ALL PvPers agree that PvP is balanced is the day my ******s sprout wings and fly off my chest.

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Uh... you are saying the same thing he is. That the majority of servers are standard even during the weekdays.


My server is STANDARD. Yet again, we have 125 on Fleet tonight, over 60 on Coruscant. Alt-rollers galore. Don't see many 50s? They didn't quit, they rolled alts, people. 1.2 is a success.

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Really? what you expect a company to say? we forsee problems and lose their bonuses? lol


They have before. EA has never been afraid to say, "This isn't working, cut it." They don't care how much people love it. They only care if it's making profit. I guarantee you, if TOR wasn't profitting, they'd say, "Cut our losses, get rid of it." They've done it before.


"Oh, but 200 million cost!!!111!1eleven" Shut up. EA spent more than that on BF3 MARKETING ALONE. If they'll spend more than 200 million on marketing alone, do you really think they're worried about TOR's return?


Look at page 7. TOR is not only making that investment back, but it is "very profitable". Get over yourselves, people. Take a step back and look at the whole picture for ONCE, will you??

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Absolutely. And, just as I've mentioned already ad nauseum, if BioWare wants to even maintain, much less create the atypical trend of increasing subs, they need to get on the ball with server transfer/shut-downs, endgame content, and open-world PvP.


I agree, they will want to be above 400k paying subs and overall 1.3million by the end of the next quarter to stagnate, anything less will be a downward trend.

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Still, he's right. Today's QQ PvPer that needs Expertise to compete and the fact that we PvPers can't seem to agree on a SINGLE mechanic is tearing PvP apart. Point your finger at the developer all you want. Just remember, though, that when you point your finger, there's three more of your own fingers pointed right back atcha.

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Everyone knows WoW was a fluke, Blizzard has made the statement about it several times and that there's no way they could make another game that be as popular again.



Not it wasn't.


We were all at work one day at Microsoft and this video link got emailed to each other. This was before Youtube. It was the Leeroy Jenkins video. It was funny but the next question is 'wow you can talk live on games now?' 'what game is that?' 'these guys are actually calculating stats'? It just drew men in. A couple of years later and through word of mouth, everyone was playing it.


It grew through word of mouth. Back then there wasn't even facebook. People joined the same guilds, played the same game, did voice chat and it because a game were litterally people who went away for school or work could re-unite on the game. From Montreal to Ottawa, to Texas we all played. It was fun. The more you worked for your gear and the more you practiced, the better your results and the more rewards (freedom).


Then the head developer left the game and they created a 'death night' in an attempt to make all the kids happy. That was the games first step towards socialism/communism. Then they took away abilities to make things 'fair'. Then on PVP all you would see is Deathnights chaining people left right and centre.


Everyone who put in time and effort into their toons lost all the hard work they worked for. Kids rolled the Deathnights and were the most powerful. At that moment they lost TONS of subs as the game became 'less fun'. People played the game on and off for years. At my next jobs, the WoW people would find each other at work and play. People were paying Chinese games to level their toons and you could buy gold from gold farmers.


The head developers left, and the game became socialist/communist. Just like in real life, it brought on poverty, low moral, and people not wanting to work anymore. All they had left was to cry that things weren't fair and too look to big brother for more regulations. The more people lose freedoms, the more they drop out. This is what socialism breeds. It kills the competitive human spirit and creates an attitude of 'entitlement'.


The goal of the developers are to make a playing field that is relatively fair and it's up to the user how far they want to go. You can't have everything. No super classes. You want range? Fine, but you won't get DPS. You want DPS? Fine. But you won't get armor. You want to heal? Fine, but you won't get DPS.


Rock, Paper, Scissor. - The winning formula for MMORPGs. You need to chose which one your are going to be.


-Scissors - I'm a DPS class. I'm scissors. I can really cut though paper easily,. but I cannot cut through a rock. A rock is a tank. If I get caught off guard, my armour is so weak that I will lose quick. However If I get the upper hand on the burst attack, I can cut through paper.


-Paper - I'm a Ranged/Crowd Control/Healing class. I'm paper. I can do many things to many people at once, or I can shoot from far away. Like paper I cover everything. Very general. I can cover over the rock if I'm well equiped enough becuase I have so much crowd control, stuns, and bleeds. I can also heal myself. However, if a DPS class gets me I'm toast because he'll drain too much of my healthbar as I have mediocre armor mitigation.


-I'm a Tank. A rock. Burst DPS doesn't hurt me because of my armor and my ability to last long. Your combos won't harm me. I am the master of mitigating kenetic damage. However, I cannot heal myself and my dps is *VERY WEAK*. I can last a long time so you better have some heal abilities or some medium armor and be able to stun me if you want to beat me. If not, you won't be able to cut through me so DPS combos don't phase me.


Now as a gamer, you chose what you want. Which do you want to play. Any one of these will beat another class. You will win, but you will also lose.


It's your choice, your destiny.


Right now though, Everyone does everything and everyone is a rock. This is why no one is having fun playing the game. It's socialist right now. We need liberty and freedom to chose.

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Honestly, he's right the PvP community is so narrow minded that once they scream for a class to be nerfed and then after it is then they vote for the next class to be nerfed and then the next and the next and the next...


The day ALL PvPers agree that PvP is balanced is the day my ******s sprout wings and fly off my chest.


It's because everyone one plays a different class. What is a cake walk for one class could be another classes nightmare.


PvE is SSSSSOOOO much easier because they players are SUPOSE to win and PvE mobs don't QQ about being farmed all fay. In PvP if some one wins some one HAS to lose

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Not it wasn't.


We were all at work one day at Microsoft and this video link got emailed to each other. This was before Youtube. It was the Leeroy Jenkins video. It was funny but the next question is 'wow you can talk live on games now?' 'what game is that?' 'these guys are actually calculating stats'? It just drew men in. A couple of years later and through word of mouth, everyone was playing it.


It grew through word of mouth. Back then there wasn't even facebook. People joined the same guilds, played the same game, did voice chat and it because a game were litterally people who went away for school or work could re-unite on the game. From Montreal to Ottawa, to Texas we all played. It was fun. The more you worked for your gear and the more you practiced, the better your results and the more rewards (freedom).


Then the head developer left the game and they created a 'death night' in an attempt to make all the kids happy. That was the games first step towards socialism/communism. Then they took away abilities to make things 'fair'. Then on PVP all you would see is Deathnights chaining people left right and centre.


Everyone who put in time and effort into their toons lost all the hard work they worked for. Kids rolled the Deathnights and were the most powerful. At that moment they lost TONS of subs as the game became 'less fun'. People played the game on and off for years. At my next jobs, the WoW people would find each other at work and play. People were paying Chinese games to level their toons and you could buy gold from gold farmers.


The head developers left, and the game became socialist/communist. Just like in real life, it brought on poverty, low moral, and people not wanting to work anymore. All they had left was to cry that things weren't fair and too look to big brother for more regulations. The more people lose freedoms, the more they drop out. This is what socialism breeds. It kills the competitive human spirit and creates an attitude of 'entitlement'.


The goal of the developers are to make a playing field that is relatively fair and it's up to the user how far they want to go. You can't have everything. No super classes. You want range? Fine, but you won't get DPS. You want DPS? Fine. But you won't get armor. You want to heal? Fine, but you won't get DPS.


Rock, Paper, Scissor. - The winning formula for MMORPGs. You need to chose which one your are going to be.


-Scissors - I'm a DPS class. I'm scissors. I can really cut though paper easily,. but I cannot cut through a rock. A rock is a tank. If I get caught off guard, my armour is so weak that I will lose quick. However If I get the upper hand on the burst attack, I can cut through paper.


-Paper - I'm a Ranged/Crowd Control/Healing class. I'm paper. I can do many things to many people at once, or I can shoot from far away. Like paper I cover everything. Very general. I can cover over the rock if I'm well equiped enough becuase I have so much crowd control, stuns, and bleeds. I can also heal myself. However, if a DPS class gets me I'm toast because he'll drain too much of my healthbar as I have mediocre armor mitigation.


-I'm a Tank. A rock. Burst DPS doesn't hurt me because of my armor and my ability to last long. Your combos won't harm me. I am the master of mitigating kenetic damage. However, I cannot heal myself and my dps is *VERY WEAK*. I can last a long time so you better have some heal abilities or some medium armor and be able to stun me if you want to beat me. If not, you won't be able to cut through me so DPS combos don't phase me.


Now as a gamer, you chose what you want. Which do you want to play. Any one of these will beat another class. You will win, but you will also lose.


It's your choice, your destiny.


Right now though, Everyone does everything and everyone is a rock. This is why no one is having fun playing the game. It's socialist right now. We need liberty and freedom to chose.


You're confused. The trinity role != rock/paper/scissors.


Where we deviate a bit from other games is that we’re NOT approaching player versus player class design from a rock-paper-scissors approach. While certain situations will certainly favor one class over another (e.g. charging an entrenched Sniper with all defenses up is probably not a great idea, even for a Guardian), the combat designers have spent a lot of time ensuring that player skill and situational awareness are the major deciding factor in such encounters.
- which means it's NOT like WoW.


Go look up what "rock-paper-scissors" actually means, then come back. Because it's NOT synonymous with tank-healer-DPS.


Also, WoW's success WAS a fluke. It was released at just the right time and brought in non-MMOers with it's easy-mode.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I'm scared to see what sub numbers will be in June since everyone with a level 50 got the month of May free of charge.


Well, considering that Coruscant, today, had 71 on it, that tells me that most 50s haven't actually unsubbed. They rolled alts just as 1.2 encouraged them to do.

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Still, he's right. Today's QQ PvPer that needs Expertise to compete and the fact that we PvPers can't seem to agree on a SINGLE mechanic is tearing PvP apart. Point your finger at the developer all you want. Just remember, though, that when you point your finger, there's three more of your own fingers pointed right back atcha.


Meh. I never argued for nerfs.


Still, they will come regardless. Where the developers are at fault is completely caving with massive changes to a game that was largely good. They could have implemented incremental changes to balance and showed they were moving in the right direction. Instead? They gutted the most popular classes in the game right before several strong online rpgs are on the way. Not a good plan no matter how you slice it.


Without a rollback of 1.2's balance heart attack this game will continue to lose subs at a meteoric rate.


P.S (to those downplaying the 400k)

24% is staggering for one quarter. I wonder if the fan boys would be as dismissive if it was a 24% increase. Don't answer that :)

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My server is STANDARD. Yet again, we have 125 on Fleet tonight, over 60 on Coruscant. Alt-rollers galore. Don't see many 50s? They didn't quit, they rolled alts, people. 1.2 is a success.


That is nice. My server had 42 on fleet and when I was on Belsavis there were 15 there. Do not be like the rich who live in Ivory towers and have no clue the condition of the poor. The only good things about 1.2 for myself atleast, was the cross faction mailing I can do with the legacy and some cross classes buffs and the UI customization. That's it. None of those help me experence the end game content on my level 50 char. I personally know some who have quit because of a lack of a good LFG tool for example.

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That is nice. My server had 42 on fleet and when I was on Belsavis there were 15 there. Do not be like the rich who live in Ivory towers and have no clue the condition of the poor. The only good things about 1.2 for myself atleast, was the cross faction mailing I can do with the legacy and some cross classes buffs and the UI customization. That's it. None of those help me experence the end game content on my level 50 char. I personally know some who have quit because of a lack of a good LFG tool for example.


No MMO has ever launched with an LFG (TERA is the FIRST). If they quit already because of it, they're not MMOers. Besides, it's coming, along with server transfer/shut-downs.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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My server is STANDARD. Yet again, we have 125 on Fleet tonight, over 60 on Coruscant. Alt-rollers galore. Don't see many 50s? They didn't quit, they rolled alts, people. 1.2 is a success.



Hey, you know what, my server is STANDARD as well (Kallibur Crystal), and there are 22 on Fleet, and 10 on Korriban, 23 on Dromund Kaas, 8 Nar Shaddaa, 0 on Tatooine, 13 on Alderaan


So yeah, as you can see, being STANDARD means nothing.

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