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What's the ultimate gear loadout for Annihilation PVP?


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I've seen a number of players sporting a mixture of custom augmented gear + war hero gear. Has anyone done the numbers and worked out what the best gear combination is. What stats should you aim for in everything that helps with PVP?


I'm using Annihilation (and don't want to switch).


Is there a page which shows all the calculations/caps....etc?

Edited by Jagil
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I was wondering the same thing, i've read something about 4 piece battlemaster then a 2 piece set with the pvp mods ripped out and put in to rakata,coumni etc .


Also is there a number on exspertise we should be aware of before DR start.

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Found a site which sorta fits the description of what I was after...




In general it says the order of priority for Annihilation is as follows:


Expertise > Accuracy (105%) > Critical Rating (30%) = Surge Rating (75%) > Power/Force Power


Do any leet players concur with that order for Anni? Site also has some pages on mod combinations to optimize stats as well.

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Base WH gear is actually fairly well itemized, so those mods implanted into anything with augment slots is pretty much ideal.


The only real concern is that WH has perhaps even more Surge than is needed, but Power only comes linked with Acc, Surge, or Alacrity. Of the 3, Surge is the most useful unless we want to specifically build for tank killing (waste of time).


So basically just aim to pick up a full set of WH gear, then figure out what craftable oranges (including BM and WH) you best like the looks of, and try to get a set of it augmented.

Edited by Omophorus
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I've found that going with around 25% crit instead of 30% and picking up extra power gives a much more noticeable damage increase. I still crit all the time, for me at least i find that going with more power is better. Most games u have the 5% crit buff anyway so ur at 30% crit.
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The issue I'm running into with War Hero gear so far is the loss of Accuracy. I am already down 204 Acc with the purchase of both sabers, chest, and pants - dropping me to 97.67% Acc. And buying Gloves will lose another 51 Acc.


It looks like the only WH gear to get Acc back up is the Foestopper Implants. Or start swapping out Might augments for Accuracy. Is everyone slotting Narrowed Hatred now?

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The issue I'm running into with War Hero gear so far is the loss of Accuracy. I am already down 204 Acc with the purchase of both sabers, chest, and pants - dropping me to 97.67% Acc. And buying Gloves will lose another 51 Acc.


It looks like the only WH gear to get Acc back up is the Foestopper Implants. Or start swapping out Might augments for Accuracy. Is everyone slotting Narrowed Hatred now?


I think you are talking about your Accurary for normal melee attacks like assault.

In PvP you need 105% Accuracy for special melee attacks against Players with Level 50 that have 5% Defense (just hover your mouse over the Accuracy Part of your Char Screen).


You actually have 107.67% Acc. for Special Attacks. Still 2.67% over the Cap. so you can be happy to loose 51 from your Gloves :D


I have finished now the Battlemaster Set and are sitting at 400 Accuracy, so dumb Bioware has put Accuracy on every Gear ......

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The issue I'm running into with War Hero gear so far is the loss of Accuracy. I am already down 204 Acc with the purchase of both sabers, chest, and pants - dropping me to 97.67% Acc. And buying Gloves will lose another 51 Acc.


It looks like the only WH gear to get Acc back up is the Foestopper Implants. Or start swapping out Might augments for Accuracy. Is everyone slotting Narrowed Hatred now?


With no accuracy traits/buffs/what have you, War Hero gear is designed to leave you sitting right at 95% Accuracy (105% Special Accuracy, which is the important stat for everything but Assault).


It's almost like BioWare knew what they were doing...

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With no accuracy traits/buffs/what have you, War Hero gear is designed to leave you sitting right at 95% Accuracy (105% Special Accuracy, which is the important stat for everything but Assault).


It's almost like BioWare knew what they were doing...


Isn't Battering Assault and Ravage also considered a regular attack? What makes them different than Assault?


(definitely not a snarky reply, I'm curious because I'm still learning the difference) thanks!

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With no accuracy traits/buffs/what have you, War Hero gear is designed to leave you sitting right at 95% Accuracy (105% Special Accuracy, which is the important stat for everything but Assault).


It's almost like BioWare knew what they were doing...


Uh huh.


Assault - physical

Battering Assault - physical

Ravage - physical

Rupture - initial damage is physical. If the attack gets parried, the DOT is not applied.

Deadly Saber - relies on physical damage for application. Does not get applied if attacks are parried.

Deadly and Vicious Throw (Execute and Healing debuff) - physical

Vicious Slash - physical

Charge (root and damage) - physical

Annihilate - physical


I'm glad that Assault is the only good thing that relies on our Physical Accuracy rating. >.> <.<


Sorcs/Sages have 10% base defense rating. If you are sitting at 95% physical accuracy, have fun missing them 15% of the time.


I've picked up Narrowed Hated and i'm most likely going to be using a few pieces of Accuracy gear. Maintaining 100%+ Accuracy is vital for any kind of serious (rated) PVP.

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Uh huh.


Assault - physical

Battering Assault - physical

Ravage - physical

Rupture - initial damage is physical. If the attack gets parried, the DOT is not applied.

Deadly Saber - relies on physical damage for application. Does not get applied if attacks are parried.

Deadly and Vicious Throw (Execute and Healing debuff) - physical

Vicious Slash - physical

Charge (root and damage) - physical

Annihilate - physical


I'm glad that Assault is the only good thing that relies on our Physical Accuracy rating. >.> <.<


Sorcs/Sages have 10% base defense rating. If you are sitting at 95% physical accuracy, have fun missing them 15% of the time.


I've picked up Narrowed Hated and i'm most likely going to be using a few pieces of Accuracy gear. Maintaining 100%+ Accuracy is vital for any kind of serious (rated) PVP.


So I'm right that white = regular, yellow = "special attack"? I thought we did a lot more white than just Assault. Thanks for the list.

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This thread is making me think of this spec...




98% of the choices are obvious, here are my reasons for the others..


+accuracy - based on this thread and WH gear

-aoe avoid - It will hurt when fighting in Novare or Voidstar

-enraged charge - I have this now, but generally don't have a problem with rage

+subjugation - I should have had this all along. I missed the -2 second interrupt part of it

-phantom - I have 1 point here, and nice to be invisi longer but not crucial




Assuming that list is right and all of those are counted as regular attacks and not special.

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So much misinformation. lol


THREE types of attacks:


"normal" (e.g. your basic attack)

"special" (e.g. Annihilate, Vicious Slash, Rupture's physical component, basically any weapon (white) attack that isn't your basic attack)

"force" (e.g. Scream, Choke, bleeds, anything that's yellow)


Your special accuracy always is 10% higher than your regular accuracy. Your force accuracy is 10% higher as well, but nothing in the game outside of abilities like Force Shroud defend against it anyways.


So really, you should spec for 5% BONUS accuracy (which is 95% normal, 105% special, 105% force) for a 100% chance to hit most PVP targets, or 10% if you want coverage for all non-tank inquisitors/consulars. Tanks require as much as you can get. Spec for whichever targets you want to optimize your gear against. I personally do 10% to cover sorcs/sages because it's annoying when they parry your leap and don't get rooted.


Also, don't sheepishly follow arbitrarily set crit/surge thresholds. Every optimal configuration is unique to your current gear.


Narrowed Hatred allows you to forgo some accuracy in your gear, but what do you gain in its place? The only other option in accuracy slots is surge (or alacrity lol). You'll likely see very little gains in your crit multiplier at BM or WH level when you forgo accuracy with Narrowed Hatred (something like 71% to 74%). I wouldn't take such a negligible boost like that over important talents like Defensive Roll.

Edited by Swarna
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Thanks for the information. Is there a way to tell your normal versus special? Force is obviously easy with yellow numbers, but I'm just confused as to how Assault is the only regular.


If that's true, however, you're right, I think I'd rather re-spec back into defensive roll, get rid of the accuracy and spend that 1 extra point somewhere else.

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...I'm just confused as to how Assault is the only regular.

My best guess is that the differentiation between the "normal" and "special" attack types was gonna initially be more comprehensive but never really got fleshed out in the end. Currently, Assault is the only "normal" that I know of. Everything else is either a "special" or "force" attack.

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Thanks for the information. Is there a way to tell your normal versus special? Force is obviously easy with yellow numbers, but I'm just confused as to how Assault is the only regular.


If that's true, however, you're right, I think I'd rather re-spec back into defensive roll, get rid of the accuracy and spend that 1 extra point somewhere else.


Special Accuracy was either an aborted mechanic, or they decided everything but your "auto" attack (given that this game doesn't really have one) should have bonus accuracy.


The only way to tell for sure is to parse the game files, but you can rest easy that on every class, the only basic attack is the 0-cost default attack.


And yeah, Narrowed Hatred is a good idea in theory, but with the way things are itemized, it's almost worthless on every spec and any other option in the first 2 tiers of the Carnage tree winds up being more useful.

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