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companion quotes that can be taken out of context


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Doc...I swear, everything that comes out of that man's mouth...you don't even have to take it out of context!

I have to say he cracks me up constantly. The attitude is hilarious!


"I live to serve."

"I need a private *bleep*. On the ship. My quarters."



THIS! This is what made my LS JK go full on DS for his hot bod and the nookie. I swear they had to have had nookie about 10 times in those cut scenes. No wonder he wants to marry and keep you. He's getting ALOT of nookie!


Or playing Jenga...who knows since we don't get to see the nookie. heh.

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"I'll be in my quarters." -- Malavai Quinn, every dismissal.


In context, it's a bit weird, but it's the way he says it, all rushed and eager, that makes me think he's about to smack the Gundark.


lol, i giggle every time vector excuses himself to " commune with the hive"

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lol, i giggle every time vector excuses himself to " commune with the hive"


Or write his memoirs. Yeah, Vector, I know exactly what you're writing...


Dear Diary,


We had another 'meeting' with our wife in our quarters. We sung the song of getting some throughout. Our wife was not amused. But she did tell us we had a 'damn fine singing voice, now shut up!'

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Or write his memoirs. Yeah, Vector, I know exactly what you're writing...


Dear Diary,


We had another 'meeting' with our wife in our quarters. We sung the song of getting some throughout. Our wife was not amused. But she did tell us we had a 'damn fine singing voice, now shut up!'


i'd looooove to hear him sing :D


" Dear diary.... PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. We had no idea of the type of beast we would unleash upon giving into her advances... she gives us no rest! she merely giggles and tells us to take these stims... we are only one man !"

Edited by Crezelle
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i'd looooove to hear him sing :D


" Dear diary.... PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. We had no idea of the type of beast we would unleash upon giving into her advances... she gives us no rest! she merely giggles and tells us to take these stims... we are only one man !"


Say...that's how ALL my girls' husbands think!


Quinn: Stars, if this woman demands I service her again, it's going to fall off!


Vector: We are weary. We need rest. We are beginning to chafe.


Doc: I thought I'd love a woman who was as insatiable as I was. I was wrong. There's not enough Viagra in the entire Galaxy to keep up with my wife.


Corso: I'm glad she's not a cheating wench, but have mercy, Captain. A man can only take so much.


Andronikos: They said once you go Sith you never go back. They lied. This woman will be the death of me and my bits.


Torian: I think she broke it off.

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Say...that's how ALL my girls' husbands think!


Quinn: Stars, if this woman demands I service her again, it's going to fall off!


Vector: We are weary. We need rest. We are beginning to chafe.


Doc: I thought I'd love a woman who was as insatiable as I was. I was wrong. There's not enough Viagra in the entire Galaxy to keep up with my wife.


Corso: I'm glad she's not a cheating wench, but have mercy, Captain. A man can only take so much.


Andronikos: They said once you go Sith you never go back. They lied. This woman will be the death of me and my bits.


Torian: I think she broke it off.



tell your men to suck it up. this is why you have medbays to repair dammages, and biochem to make stims and adrenals. my smuggler has ties to the hutt cartel and gets a steady supply of pit fighting beast "breeding aid" stims. take enough of that, and youll have a rancor romancing a starshuttle. her mom demands a steady supply of those in exchange for her allowance funds to continue... my bh tells torian to see it as a challenge, and ohh dear he doesn't want his mandalorian buddies to find out hes not the mojo to keep up with one lone woman...

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"I'll be in my quarters." -- Malavai Quinn, every dismissal.


In context, it's a bit weird, but it's the way he says it, all rushed and eager, that makes me think he's about to smack the Gundark.


I...I always assumed he was eager to return to the eleventy billion military journals and news bulletins he subscribes to in his effort to completely absorb all Imperial military information...but your hypothesis is more likely.

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I really should stop reading in this thread. As amusing as it can be, I'm starting to think you people have issues...Unless I did miss something and this thread is not about the MMO but a SWTOR-themed *** game. In that case,...


hahahah I don't know what game you're playing.


Oh and back to Quinn:

"Until you need me again." Hon, I'll always need you.... :D

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I really should stop reading in this thread. As amusing as it can be, I'm starting to think you people have issues...Unless I did miss something and this thread is not about the MMO but a SWTOR-themed *** game. In that case,...


What, we can't have fun with our pixelated spouses/companions? It's not like we don't know this is all fantasy and not real life. We're having FUN!

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What, we can't have fun with our pixelated spouses/companions? It's not like we don't know this is all fantasy and not real life. We're having FUN!


Yes, no issues with that. Just seems like you're having a little...too much fun...almost like...no forget what I said, forget I was here, don't reply to this. Must....not....get....images...in...head.....argh

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Yes, no issues with that. Just seems like you're having a little...too much fun...almost like...no forget what I said, forget I was here, don't reply to this. Must....not....get....images...in...head.....argh


Come join us. We have cookies! That and it's too late now, you've already posted here.

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I really should stop reading in this thread. As amusing as it can be, I'm starting to think you people have issues...Unless I did miss something and this thread is not about the MMO but a SWTOR-themed *** game. In that case,...


they should use this as thier add campaign

" filled with romantically starved female players!"

sad thing is, i already have a man irl...but..well he's not that interactive XD


It's not the cookies I worry about, it's what you're eating them off of. :eek:


mmm..membrosia body shots

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It's not the cookies I worry about, it's what you're eating them off of. :eek:


I think you should be more worried about what's in them.... :D


Speaking of quotes


SCORPIO: We are done.

Quinn: My eyes are always scanning for *bleep*.

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"I'll be in my quarters." -- Malavai Quinn, every dismissal.


In context, it's a bit weird, but it's the way he says it, all rushed and eager, that makes me think he's about to smack the Gundark.


That is Quinn's way of saying "I'll be in my bunk". Has to be. :D

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Ooooo! Thanks for reminding me:

Kaliyo "Are you paying me for this?"


And I always reply under my breath "No, I'm not paying you for this. Now get down on your knees and *BLEEP*"


j/k. Nah, my favorite one of hers is "Come on out, I'll show you my gun!" had me seriously questioning her true gender. o0

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And I always reply under my breath "No, I'm not paying you for this. Now get down on your knees and *BLEEP*"


j/k. Nah, my favorite one of hers is "Come on out, I'll show you my gun!" had me seriously questioning her true gender. o0


Glad to know I'm not the only one who talks back at the game when the companions say something especially irritating.


Mr. "We are Dawn Herald" usually gets.. "Really? I didn't know" in response.

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It's not the cookies I worry about, it's what you're eating them off of. :eek:


Mmm cookies, eaten off..... And I will refrain from going any further with that comment! Keep it PG, Taal, PG...remember? :D

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