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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

companion quotes that can be taken out of context


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Quinn: Your BLEEP is my reward. (D'awww.)


Kaliyo: You gonna BLEEP me?


Guss: Maybe not so much BLEEPing today?


Doc: BLEEP incoming!


Andronikos: Let's hope you have a strong BLEEP, huh.


Pierce: So this is what BLEEPing feels like.


Vector: Another enemy BLEEPed. Somewhat to our surprise. (You should know my problem-solving methods by now, man...)

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Vector: Another enemy BLEEPed. Somewhat to our surprise. (You should know my problem-solving methods by now, man...)


spoken like a true LS agent ;)


why am i finding these entertaining... i should have outgrown this... 20 years ago....


maturity is overrated

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Oh, darling. Never say "grow up".


i may grow old...but i'll never grow up!


" we never thought we'd visit the republic core worlds... we certainly never thought we'd *bleep* here"

" our *bleep* flows "


and i have to giggle every time he excuses himself in cutscenes to " commune with the hive"


uhh huhh, yeah, is that what you kids call it these days? ;)


edit: gault " mm prepare to be amazed "

temple: Let's see what i've learned

Edited by Crezelle
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temple: Let's see what i've learned


And she's so ready to go. Somehow everything Ensign Temple says sounds like eager to hop into bed.


Moar Quinn: "There will be time to BLEEP you later, my lord." He does dismissive so well. :(

Or, to put it bluntly, "I will BLEEP you in any way possible in the battle to come."


Rusk: "I'll BLEEP soon, sir." Dutiful to the last.


Vette: When we get a chance, let's BLEEP.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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For shame, nine pages and no one's mentioned:


"I was just wondering what I could do to please you!" --2V-R8


Heck, for the last April Fool's joke the devs themselves turned at least half of 2V's actual lines into romance dialogue with SCORPIO. That is one naughty droid.:eek:

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This is awesome! I'm laughing to tears here!


Quinn: "My eyes are always scanning for *BLEEP* my Lord!"


Quinn: "You are my General, I will *BLEEP* you up."



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One of my favorites, but I'm nearly certain it's been said...

From Doc, the Doctor for the Jedi knight.


"Hey... Look at that... We are alive. Good work."



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One of my favorites, but I'm nearly certain it's been said...

From Doc, the Doctor for the Jedi knight.


"Hey... Look at that... We are alive. Good work."






Guss Tuno: Pretty sure you won't die!


I'd call it a tie for worst doctor, at least.


Oooh, to get back on topic, "I BLEEPed you with Jedi power!"

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One I just remembered from Quinn if you send him away:


"I'll be in my quarters." This always bugged me especially when you sent him to go sell stuff, why your quarters? What are you using ebay or something?

heh, corso is " fine, i could use some shut-eye"

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