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What is my unique advantage Bioware?


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I play commando assault in pvp and even thought I'm not the best, I am certainly always in the top 10. I don't know if this is an advantage or not, but when you are firing on someone, it doesn't matter if he move left or right, you will always hit him, unlike melee when facing someone with good moving ability on his keyboard.
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I play commando assault in pvp and even thought I'm not the best, I am certainly always in the top 10. I don't know if this is an advantage or not, but when you are firing on someone, it doesn't matter if he move left or right, you will always hit him, unlike melee when facing someone with good moving ability on his keyboard.


Sorry to break it to you, but warzones are 8v8... it's quite hard not to be in the top 10.


Melee have the advantage in almost all PvP situations in this game.

Sage/sorc have the mobility advantage when it comes to ranged DPS, plus their bubble.

Scoundrel has the mobility and resource advantage when it comes to healing.


I don't have any problems at all with our PvE performance.

In PvP I can do alot of damage from range but lack utility and mobility, and can be shut down & killed by a single melee class while he lols from behind his 2nd or 3rd invulnerability bubble in a row.


Also, resolve is useless in most situations. That's a general PvP issue rather than commano-specific though.

Edited by Rigsta
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Dude you still sing the same song. I absolutely believe you can do 1.2 - 1.5K hp/s. I believe you can do good scores in karaggas palace. I believe you can heal operations and I believe you can carry undergeared sage and scoundrel.


However you can do these thing with better outcome on scoundrel healer or sage healer. Thus since there are three healers and two are better than commando - that leaves commando on 3rd [i.e. WORST] spot. Just do try to get it through your thick skull.

how bout this show me where exactly or with what numbers your pulling that were the worst. so far i dont see that at all. if you can honestly and clearly show me that then l will believe you but as of right now no. wait your right if we broke it down into diffrent categories wed be the worst at aoe heals, but we would be first in single target healing and burst single target healing by far. in 4 seconds i can pop from 10k-20k heals. a sage or scoundrel cant pull that off at all. and if you think im making it up use this. adv probe, bi, med probe, (power reserve cell and tech overide) med probe. av probe is a 1.2 sec, bi is instant, med probe is 1.7, and last one is instant including global cooldown which is like .25-.5 dont know exactly it would be 4 seconds for the instant when using bi. so i agree with you were the worst in that one category but for movability heals and single target and burst single target heals were first.

Edited by rjavig
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Sorry to break it to you, but warzones are 8v8... it's quite hard not to be in the top 10.


I mean top 8, sorry about that, sometime my fingers goes faster than my mind.:D


All right, you win, commando are useless pieces of junk. What a waste of space!




I will continue playing and having fun :p

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how bout this show me where exactly or with what numbers your pulling that were the worst. so far i dont see that at all. if you can honestly and clearly show me that then l will believe you but as of right now no. wait your right if we broke it down into diffrent categories wed be the worst at aoe heals, but we would be first in single target healing and burst single target healing by far. in 4 seconds i can pop from 10k-20k heals. a sage or scoundrel cant pull that off at all. and if you think im making it up use this. adv probe, bi, med probe, (power reserve cell and tech overide) med probe. av probe is a 1.2 sec, bi is instant, med probe is 1.7, and last one is instant including global cooldown which is like .25-.5 dont know exactly it would be 4 seconds for the instant when using bi. so i agree with you were the worst in that one category but for movability heals and single target and burst single target heals were first.


Yes for single target PvE healing the commando is probably the best option. I agree with that. However in PvP combat medics are the worst healers and dps commandos are the worst dps [not because of low damage but because of no utility / prone to interrupts and line of sight juking].


Also I have a CM and I have a sorcerer too, both healers. And while it is easier to keep tank healed on commando, it is also easier to keep whole party healed on sorc. And I can just mash heals on sorc with occasional consumption whereas I have to think twice about using heals on commando.

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Yes for single target PvE healing the commando is probably the best option. I agree with that. However in PvP combat medics are the worst healers and dps commandos are the worst dps [not because of low damage but because of no utility / prone to interrupts and line of sight juking].


Also I have a CM and I have a sorcerer too, both healers. And while it is easier to keep tank healed on commando, it is also easier to keep whole party healed on sorc. And I can just mash heals on sorc with occasional consumption whereas I have to think twice about using heals on commando.


now.. this i can agree on completely from a pvp perspective yes a healer as commando can be the worst due to the fact multiple people will be getting hit not just one and also dps suffers from no interrupts which hurts us a lot. but assault isnt all that bad for commandos only if they had an interrupt though.

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Yeah, stopped playing today. I've almost finished my Gslinger lvling but i don't feel i wanna play this game anymore. I had to leave my 74lvl valor commando coz it's piece of shi*t on wz no matter what build it is. After playing Gslinger, scoundrel, vanguard, sentinel and guardian i came to conclusion that commando is the worst range class ever. Yesterday i tried to play with my commando one more time in assualt tree. His damage was fine but the playstyle and utility suffers greatly.


I'm out. D3 starts tomorrow, see you there mates.

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I'm starting to get tired of being focus fired all the time. I can't really do what I'm supposed to do because I get focused and then I just have to try and keep myself up as much as possible. If you are good enough, you get recognized and marked every single game. I don't remember the last time I received less than 200k damage in a WZ. I'm not debating whether or not I'm effective or not, I'm just saying it's not really fun being focus targeted, mezzed, stunned, leaped and rooted most of the game.


Last WZ I did: 490k damage received

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I'm starting to get tired of being focus fired all the time. I can't really do what I'm supposed to do because I get focused and then I just have to try and keep myself up as much as possible. If you are good enough, you get recognized and marked every single game. I don't remember the last time I received less than 200k damage in a WZ. I'm not debating whether or not I'm effective or not, I'm just saying it's not really fun being focus targeted, mezzed, stunned, leaped and rooted most of the game.


Last WZ I did: 490k damage received


a lot of healers get this once i find a healer as a dps sage/scound/commando sorc/merc/oper i focus on them and kill them as soon as possible.

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I too quit today for all the reasons that the OP posted. This game is no longer fun to play and is extremely imbalanced. The Commando/Merc is BY FAR the worst class in the game in both PvP and PvE. I am warhero/battlemaster geared for PvP and also blackhole/rakata geared for PvE and it is so annoying to see rerollers kicking *** with the current flavour of the month classes in scrub gear as fresh 50's while I have to bust my balls to even have a small impact in a WZ or OP.


I have waited several weeks and I will no longer pay for incompetence from the developers. The rated Warzones will not be far away now and who in the hell would want to play a Commando/Merc when that happens. Bioware will never get the game into a state of balance that is enjoyable in time. I will save myself the frustration and also keep my money.


you could always rerol KC shadow, they are so sneaky, bioware never nerfs them!

while we are far from useless, we are not at what we should be


and if we are at the target mark from biowares pov, i would love to see the target mark for other classes


like marauder healing for instance, if a maruader can heal more than 100k in a 1-49 bracket then that shouldn't be right, especially whne the only way my merc can heal that muh is by farming the fire pit :mad:


Bioware please post your target marks


especially for merc healing compared to marauder healing

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a lot of healers get this once i find a healer as a dps sage/scound/commando sorc/merc/oper i focus on them and kill them as soon as possible.


I still waiting to see if I can get 500k damage received, I'm pretty sure the internets will break then.

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assault is maybe bad for commando. but as vanguard well it doesn't really need to be stated. assault spec has some of the highest burst in the game, if you think otherwise you either don't know how to play it or simply just trolling. the ability to drop someone from full to half hp or less then a few globals and to do it at range is not what i would call lack of real burst. assault has some ammo management problems but really man you honestly sound like you have no idea what you are talking about


How about you read the his post smart guy. This was focused towards commandos NOT vanguards and yes assault spec is not viable for pvp. Any competent healer will cleanse and out heal the damage a Commando who is assault spec does. Even if there inst a healer your burst is laughable and very unreliable. Even with gunnery taking all the nerfs lately its still better then assualt spec for mandos.

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I had a very large post about the disadvantages and advantages of mercenaries, but it vanished. Oh well.


It boils down to basically, They have advantages. They have disadvantages. The problem is, being able to clear trash mobs in record time, or spamming armour reduction, doesn't help for the long term fights that rule the endgame. Your commandos and mercenaries are still viable to level up. It's just that they lack any niche in the endgame, and the disadvantages make them a very blunt pair of scissors in a PVP with no paper.

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