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What is my unique advantage Bioware?


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Hi rjavig!


So you are saying that Gunnery aint for PvP then tell me what is? From my point of view Gunnery is the commando tree with most utility and highest burst, which is good for PvP. I know alot say that if you want to be a dps for PvP go assult but it's so unreliable and compared to our vanguard mirror it's completely useless.


Anyone got anything to add?

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You have good understanding of our class, but clearly you lack knowledge of other classes.


No offense meant.


What you said is mostly true, we do have a lot of perks, just have to know how to use them properly, but the problem is, other classes have way better perks. They can do what we can do, only much much better.


Which brings the question, whats the point of playing a commando when everyone can outdo us in every aspect?(Well besides getting the "Nobel Prize Satsifaction/Achievement" of playing a 3rd rate class)


Btw, our instant heal is good, but doesnt compare to Scoundrel EMP. It has no CD, no resource cost, heals for slightly less, only consumes Upper Hand when HP is >30%. I can keep a guy getting focues fire alive for free while dishing out dmg and healing my party.


Rather than asking Scoundrel and Sages or reading up on them(Opinions are biased), i suggest you actually play them to at least half of endgame, then you'll know what an disadvantage we are...

Edited by ImariKurumi
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@Rjavig: You completely forgot to list Commando's advantages in PVP. Oh wait, there are none. Also let me do this "comparison" of yours on sorc




1] We have a dot which deals internal damage and can proc some of our skills


2] We have another dot which also roots target for 2 seconds!


3] We have and AoE skill which heals us and gives our dots +20% more damage!


4] Our main damaging skill also slows enemies by 50%.


5] We have force speed which allows us to run away from dangerous enemies!


6] We can heal in DPS spec. We can cleanse force and mental effects too!


7] We can use bubble in our DPS spec!


8] We have a huge aoe skill with no cooldown and good damage!


9] We have an instant 60s CC!


10] We have a skill which can pull allies away from dangerous enemies!


11] We heal ourselves with our DoT abilities making it easier for our healer to heal the group!




1] Bubble with 3s cooldown

2] Huge AOE heal over time

3] Self sustaining resource

4] Single target heal over time

5] Much stronger single target heal

6] Larger resource pool / easier to manage


You see you can list strengths of each class like this, but that means nothing in real conditions. Also you kinda forgot to add that a commando runs out of resources after using big heals [medical probe] several times in a row. I can use 15 dark infusions and still have some force left on my sorc. I can use 4 medical probes and be out of ammo. Yes I can use those 2minutes cooldowns too to make my ability free or recharge 6 ammo so I can use two or three more heals. I won't even mention dps trees for pvp because they literally suck.


FACT: Commando is the worst ranged DPS class in the game

FACT: Commando is the worst PVP class in the game [both heals and dps]

FACT: Commando is the worst healer in the game [i might agree that commando single target BURST healing is better than sorc single target healing. Still this doesn't change the fact that commando heals are weak right now with very bad ammo management]

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I stopped reading after that statement as you clearly don't know how to play assault spec or possibly a commando.


Plasma Grenade, Incendiary Round, HIB, Plastics, Full Auto, HIB provides plenty of burst and most of it can be done while moving.


Gunnry spec post 1.2 is not a viable PvP spec.


Yeish. How many times, how many times are people gonna post crap like this. There is ZERO point in playing assualt as a commando. Reroll vanguard if thats what you wanna do, its a THOUSAND times better. The only thing that can be said for commando's assualt is that it gets a few heals, but they are so ammo intensive and ineffective, its not worth it.

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lol like everyone you guys make it sound like no commando has successfully beaten an operations or pvp match after 1.2. i guess the way you guys make it sound im so far the only one. which 1 means you guys suck a lot or 2 im just that good :). what makes a commando unique both heals and dps is the reasons ill list. its long and if you feel i am wrong point out were and i wont mind discussing why i think this (WARNING this class isnt for the mentally handicapped or those players that don't like a challenge and sorry for the spelling but im tired)


1. trauma probe yes it cost 2 ammo (should be only 1 in my opinion) but once your good gear each tick can crit for 800+ which gives you a few seconds of dps in the beginning of a boss fight. definitely lets me dps a few seconds. (overall can heal from 3.5k-8.5k in total for one placement of 10 ticks)


useless, utterly useless skill now. better to spend the ammon on AMP. Its hot plus ammo reduction is worth more than probe


2.no other class really has a heal on the move and we have insta heals as bacta infusion, kolto bomb, and hammer shot. if you use these wisely when your moving around you can heal a player during that transition phase (e.g fall downs during soa, most of all ev boss fights except for pylon and counsel, bone trasher, some ec fights, karagga, and many other bosses even in flashpoints) and i know that no scoundrel or sage can do that on the move.which gives us more breathing room once the real damage starts and not have to worry about bringing him up fast since the tank will be up.

this is a joke right? scoundrels can put hots on everyone in the raid and cast emergency medpac multiple times. its both more effective and more efficient than BI/KB. sages have rejuv and bubbles, again more efficient and more effective

3. our heals hit as soon as we place them not like sages which you either channel or its overtime which is not helpful during huge spike damages on a tank yes you can probably heal it but a commando has a much easier time healing through those.

pve point, who cares its so easy

4.our kolto bomb (yes nerf was a bit of a downer) still is usefully when doing a 8 man operations because it helps the healing over all even for sages or a scoundrel is in your group so if you place your kolto bomb down first before the sages aoe it will heal much better then without kolto bomb.

rather have two sages or scoundrels thanks, keep warming the bench

5.were the only ones that get 3 things that make our resources a bit easier to handle. one is ammo regen which gives 6 +2 extra over time if you out 2 in med tree and also one that makes insta heal and another one that makes no ammo cost. i am sure no sage or scoundrel get this unless the sage has to sacrifice his hp which commandos clearly dont. i talked to sage healers and after 1.2 there force regen is just as hard as commandos ammo regen.

lol man, just lol. Sages get resplendence, scounrels pugnacity and cool head. these are infinitely better than a 1 time recharge and craptastic SCC. to make matters worse, commando's resources are borked from the beginning, cast more than 2 heals and you're in the negative, sages dont have anywhere near that limitation

6 . (troll comment) we get to probe people which heals them.. no other class can say i was able to keep people alive by probing them makes it a interesting thing to say when someone hears that without knowing the whole conversation :p


dps gunnery (pve only since its supposed to be for pve)-least we agree on this; there is no pvp spec for commandos -- maybe thats your unique perk


1.our gravity vortex does much more damage then other armor debuffs by a lot still we hit from 1.5k+ while a jedi knight hits maybe from 750-1.3k


2.same as healer we can use a insta hit with grav round without activation and cost and hit high and we cans tart damage right away just like a gunslinger instead of having to leap or run to target. (and yes much faster than other melee class because during the leap i can easily pull two hits in before the melee class has a chance to do his)

you realize force leap is also and attack and builds focus, right. and no you cannot cast 2 grav rounds in that time

3.our gravity vortex helps all classes out and stacks with the knights also so more damage overall


4.players say our movablity sucks but compared to a gunslinger were much more mobile then they are we dont have to go behind a cover every time to use out strongest hits and mind you were the only two realy range classes and easier to handle for bosses like the droid in lost island and so on.

except cover protects them from lightsaber-weilding dingbats, sort of a big perkl

5.high impact bolt which is a bit the same as dispatch can be used anytime after gravity vortex is on makes it usable during the whole fight and each charged barrel you get i believe it ups it by 8%? which with 5

makes 2.1k-2.9k (this is without bonus damage, crit multiplier and other important stuff just base damage with bonus from charged barrel so really inaccurate)

unless you have a crit rate in excess of 42 percent, you cannot use HiB/Demo off CD and remain ammo neutral

6.we can cleanse ourselves from physical effects while others cant unless sage is a healer so makes it easier to cleanse ourselves for fights like dr. lorrick in lost island and other bosses with physical effects.




these are a few of the things that make us unique and of course there is a few more. if you dont believe me put what you think i wont mind proving it to you since i played both dps and heals and enjoy it and proved it countless of times that this class is far from dead yes some changes would be good im not saying this class is perfect but like i said seriously your comments are just trolling ones our you cant play your class. we are not as bad as the scoundrels were before 1.2 and were not close or i would not be able to heal operations or hard mode flashpoints and i would not of been able to carry a low geared healer that had barley tionesse through hm ev or hm kp. :) (know this from experience have dps as commando and healed and tanked as guardian and dpsed)



Edited by Bluetickone
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to everyone that replied to mine i will state my reasons a bit clearly since. like i said a bit of change wont hurt but you guys just dont know how to use your commando well at all because if you did you would notice our class is not dead.

1. trauma probe isnt useless yes it cant be placed on the whole raid group but a commando healer isnt a raid healer its a tank healer. trauma probe is sort of like a shield but only place able on one person. the reason i say this is my average heal per tick is 650 and crits with 900 highest so far and i know a shield from sage doesn't defend or absorb i mean more than 800 at most. in other words say a person takes 3k damage a heal from the stack of trauma probe would heal from 650-900 which reduces the damage you took. its usable when you have full ammo or beginning of fight. also a sage shield cant be placed on the same person for 30 seconds not 3 seconds so by that time i can also throw a trauma probe on that person because i dont really have to heal since its probably the end of a major damage spike (thought it would be nice if it cost only 1)


2.never say a sage can do single heals better than a commando thats just plain stupid. you either never healed well or seen the numbers of a sage and commando healer next to next. my average heals fro med prob, adv, probe, and bacta infusions is 3k+, and crits are 6k on med probe, 5k on bacta and 4.5 on adv. probe.

if we were comparing higher heals i cant instantly outheal a sage in the first 3 seconds especially if i crit. (e.g use adv.prob, bi, med probe, then make med probe instant and free) it would heal in 3-4 seconds from 8k(no crits or bonus)-21k i(all critted and bonus) i pretty much healed my tank to full health in 3 seconds when he was 10% and he has 23k hp and i only healed him.


3. my average heals per second is 1.2k+ i healed for 350k+ in a boss fight and took us 230 seconds i think you can do the math there unless you dont know simple way to put it put the overall heal and divide by the time you took in seconds. (did this multiple times iand i usually range from 1.21k-1.29k hps



4.cold head (or wtv it is) is just the same amount of cool down as ammo regen or its 3 minutes cant remember, and also scoundrels don't heal as much as a commando on the move. bacta infusion is better than emp because it heals more, also has no cost, and doesn't waist resource as scoundrels need upperhand yea it has a 19 second cooldown but emp is a low heal so scoundrels shouldn't waist upperhand on that unless they need a small heal.


5.when did the commando become a healer for everyone? i dont remember they were supposed to be as good as sages in aoe heals i know that they are supposed to be better than them at tank heals and better than scoundrels which they are.



6. from a pve perspective? yea commandos are tank healers for pve i can easily keep them alive if they do there job right. honestly if we were having a contest on who could keep there tank a live the longest id easily win in single healing target. i never enjoyed pvp as a knight, or commando or even smuggler im just not a pvp person so either way each healer has a hard time during pvp even sages and scoundrels have hard time if there group is incompetent.


(if you still dont believe me if your on vornskr look me up and ill run something with you just to prove you commandos are good healers and toons name is javier if anything ill put my log of my next lost island run up just to show you how good a commando can do. again im not saying were the best class because we can use some improvements i agree but were far from useless or i would be a bench warmer but instead im being asked constantly to heal and run operations or hm lost island even when we clearly have a good sage healer or scoundrel online why? because were reliable when we do our #$@! right i never have ammo issues after learning my rotation and when i do go low ammo i pop ammo regen and wont lose my ammo again until the ammo regen is back up. like i said this clas is for those that can stand a challenge and know how to play if your pvp i do have to agree though pvp is not a commando friendly game)


now for dps.. im lazy but ill do a quick sum


1.gravity vortex helps damage output overall and stacks along side sudnerstrike with both makes the boss have 50% less armor which is good and while dealing out 2k+ damage while sunder strike is only 700-1k said this before


2.full auto, demo round and high impact bolt get stronger for each charge barrel (only impact bolt) has 5 stacks, demo round 5 stacks of grav round and when you proc your full auto buff it gets 33% and slows down target, high impact bolt gets a 40% increase and demo round gets also i think 25% might be wrong but because of this each does over 4k+ damage and if used wisely youd do in 3 seconds over 10k+ or even more also because of the armor reduction grav round places.


3. the only classes that can beat a commando in pvp on 1v1 is gunslingers and sentinels. i say this because i wipe the floor those sages/sorceres any day. a bubble? please channel full auto buff it be gone the first shot. 5 stacks of grav round there pretty much gonna make sages have useless armor defense, plus a demo round to the face with a high impact bolt? dead never had a problem with sages or any class unless it was a slinger or sentinel and im sure these were competent players i faced.


4. sage has cc? so do commandos nothing different there except animation.


5. i was wrong we can also cleanse tech with physical different things but im sure you'll run into more tech and physical debuffs then force and mental.. just an observation i saw :p


6.id prefer armor reduction in pve do to the fact that bosses have defense to internal damage more than players so reducing there armor overall is much more effective


6.commando dps can heal themselves to you know what i actually had to heal myself in some fights to help out "sage and scoundrel" healers nothing different there to sages/sorc.


7.also the gunslingers defense does not protect them from lightsabers. yea they can avoid the leap damage but a sentinel can easily wipe a gunslinger around. or even a guardian dps. just use your throw ability then force push knocks them right out of cover then proceed to enjoy the beating melee dps gives to any range class :)


so after coming to this i can say for a fact that we do not get beaten in every subject as a healer or dps. like i said before no we are not perfect and yes we do need changes but dont complain about our class being dead because were not. you should only keep playing your commando if your a good player and like a challenge, simple as that if your not, go play a sage or a class you dont really need knowledge to play :) (tried playing a sage boring since it was no real challenge)

Edited by rjavig
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Think the only "Unique Advantage" commando has now is being cannon fodder. During my time playing swtor i have found out one blatantly obvious thing about my commando and that is its got to come close to being one of the most taxing classes to play in PvP. I used to love playing my trooper would roll into battles generally on par with the other classes, then 1.2 hits and all of a sudden i see mauraders/sents and Vanguards (oddly enough not to many PT's, though still the equivalent in hassle to their mirror) in the dozens and me getting slaughtered helplessly against melee fighters. Now i know that Commando's aren't supposed to be great melee fighters but this whole re-balancing that supposedly happened made the Commando virtually useless against them. Now i spend the majority of my days on swtor pissed off and angry because i feel useless in PvP and more like dead weight than anything else. Oh sure u might think "well anyone can shoot a target and with a push-back ability its gotta be easy". Well the fact is the push-back is really unsurprisingly useless as well, all concussion charge (jet boost for mercs) does is push the person back far enough so they can just jump back to you and continue their assault (speaking directly about any Warrior/Jedi Knight class). Then others might think "well what about assassins?" fact is while it gives a commando some "breathing room", assassin's just cc the person and close in anyways and even if they don't they can counter with an interrupt. Now seeing as how most of are abilities (when playing Gunnery/Arsenal spec even more so)are generally channeled, which is easy to interrupt, especially the most useful of them being Grav/Tracer, its makes the commando very easy to out-dps. I notice this particularly when casting heals or tracer because i know the other player wants to stop the ability, which they will, then maybe if i'm lucky ii'll squeeze in another heal, only to interrupt the next one, leaving me to just get killed by some random who probably was looking for an easy kill. I don't want the commando to be unbeatable i just want it to be reasonably viable and actually capable of 1v1 again. While i do enjoy swtor the class itself is broken, seems that a re-roll will be in order if i manage to stay interested long enough.


If Bioware succeeded at anything, its pissing people off.

While you can fix the small issues easily, sometimes the big ones need to be addressed first.

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Assault spec is garbage for pvp, yes you are more mobile and harder to shutdown but you lack real burst damage. What little burst you get is very unreliable and any decent team with a competent healer just heals through all your damage. Overall you can match or out do the overall dps of a gunnery but the gunnery still wins out on burst dps, And burst is all that matters in pvp.


assault is maybe bad for commando. but as vanguard well it doesn't really need to be stated. assault spec has some of the highest burst in the game, if you think otherwise you either don't know how to play it or simply just trolling. the ability to drop someone from full to half hp or less then a few globals and to do it at range is not what i would call lack of real burst. assault has some ammo management problems but really man you honestly sound like you have no idea what you are talking about

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Scoundrels get no knockbacks.


comparing commando to scoundrel is faulty. Gunslinger does get a knockback and would be the equivalent ranged dps in the class, type, description.


I played, and.. I guess am still sort of playing, a dps commando, she's 43 as we speak, pre 1.2 was, man it was super fun. Gunnery rocked, and was a really cool, fun, way to play. They ruined the class when they halfed our armor, that's what people don't talk about that I see, who gives a crap about grav round, that's no big deal. the damage is equatable with demo and full auto buffs.


But they halfed our gunnery armor buff, which, I still can't figure out why.. It's what kills us, we can live with a new dps rotation, it's actually kind of fun, even though.. well actually.. it's not a new dps rotation, it's the same one, it just costs more ammo to use now.


Bioware, I guess assumed, everyone playing gunnery commando just ran around spamming grav round as their only viable skill, I as one never did this, but as the building block of the tree, which it still is, I used it as it's meant. 2-3 followed by hib, then full auto.. and hope it's dead :p hammer shot stockstrike, whatever..


all bioware did, was make us consume more ammo, and destroy our survivability by halfing our armor. I still don't understand it, when I play a wz, or try to level, I just get frustrated, and stop. I tried tonight, I'm at the start of belsav, but it's just not as much fun as it used to be, and that sucks.


also, pre 40 commando pvp in gunnery? sorry, you suck now. your skill that used to be your go to, is now dead. the buffs to the tree are'nt until tier 6. so, sorry !! very frustrating, they put no thought into this, and just nerfed it based on what people said. why they buffed sentinels, I still don't know.


As a last though, Assault plastique is a joke, it's a damage upgrade version of sticky grenade, it even shares the same cooldown, this is by far, the most underwhelming top tier skill i've had the misfortune to play so far.


Bioware, if you're listening, you messed up, bad.

Edited by Macabakur
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Think the only "Unique Advantage" commando has now is being cannon fodder. During my time playing swtor i have found out one blatantly obvious thing about my commando and that is its got to come close to being one of the most taxing classes to play in PvP. I used to love playing my trooper would roll into battles generally on par with the other classes, then 1.2 hits and all of a sudden i see mauraders/sents and Vanguards (oddly enough not to many PT's, though still the equivalent in hassle to their mirror) in the dozens and me getting slaughtered helplessly against melee fighters. Now i know that Commando's aren't supposed to be great melee fighters but this whole re-balancing that supposedly happened made the Commando virtually useless against them. Now i spend the majority of my days on swtor pissed off and angry because i feel useless in PvP and more like dead weight than anything else. Oh sure u might think "well anyone can shoot a target and with a push-back ability its gotta be easy". Well the fact is the push-back is really unsurprisingly useless as well, all concussion charge (jet boost for mercs) does is push the person back far enough so they can just jump back to you and continue their assault (speaking directly about any Warrior/Jedi Knight class). Then others might think "well what about assassins?" fact is while it gives a commando some "breathing room", assassin's just cc the person and close in anyways and even if they don't they can counter with an interrupt. Now seeing as how most of are abilities (when playing Gunnery/Arsenal spec even more so)are generally channeled, which is easy to interrupt, especially the most useful of them being Grav/Tracer, its makes the commando very easy to out-dps. I notice this particularly when casting heals or tracer because i know the other player wants to stop the ability, which they will, then maybe if i'm lucky ii'll squeeze in another heal, only to interrupt the next one, leaving me to just get killed by some random who probably was looking for an easy kill. I don't want the commando to be unbeatable i just want it to be reasonably viable and actually capable of 1v1 again. While i do enjoy swtor the class itself is broken, seems that a re-roll will be in order if i manage to stay interested long enough.


If Bioware succeeded at anything, its pissing people off.

While you can fix the small issues easily, sometimes the big ones need to be addressed first.


noones going to read this wall of text, space it out.

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Even with a guard Sages get torn apart fairly quickly. With a guard a Commando is quite a powerful healer.


Shield + Interrupt Immunity anyone?


Has anyone here ever played a Sage? They are by far the easiest class in game to kill. No defensive cool downs = DEAD.


You complain about the Commando's lack of AOE to a Sage. Sages are AOE class, both in healing and DPS. Comparing your weaknesses to the strengths of other classes is a pretty narrow viewpoint.


A Commando's single target healing is FAR better than a Sage's.


A Sage's AOE healing is FAR better than a Commando's.


If only you could team up like in a multi-player game or something. Imagine what you could do.


Oh wait

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Even with a guard Sages get torn apart fairly quickly. With a guard a Commando is quite a powerful healer.


Shield + Interrupt Immunity anyone?


Has anyone here ever played a Sage? They are by far the easiest class in game to kill. No defensive cool downs = DEAD.


You complain about the Commando's lack of AOE to a Sage. Sages are AOE class, both in healing and DPS. Comparing your weaknesses to the strengths of other classes is a pretty narrow viewpoint.


A Commando's single target healing is FAR better than a Sage's.


A Sage's AOE healing is FAR better than a Commando's.


If only you could team up like in a multi-player game or something. Imagine what you could do.


Oh wait

this is very true our single heals our better though i do see sages hit 6k crit heals but by the time it cast wed pop higher heals. what commandos are good at is our burst heals for single target there really good and when critted can heal high. (e.g use scc, adv. probe 4.5k crit, bi 4.5k crit, med probe 5.8k crit, power reserve cell and tech override with med probe another 5.8k crit. in 3-4 seconds wed heal 20.6k of course not all crit all the time so the range usually is from 9.5k (none crit and no bonus which this usually never happens) - 20.6k (all crit and it has happened before). though my crit chance is 40% and surge rating is 74%.

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wall of text


in your wall of text you basically rephrased your previous reply. There is one thing you have to understand. Let me bold it so you can read and comprehend easily.


I DO NOT claim commandos can not heal (as in their heals are so weak that they can't keep the tank alive)

I DO NOT claim commandos can not do DPS (as in their skills are so weak that they can attack a mob for 2 hours and not kill it


Got it? Ok let me continue


Commando, out of the three options you have, is the WORST raid healer

Commando, out of the numerous options you have, is the WORST ranged DPS


Got it? Well in case you still don't get it, I'll try to sum it up for you:




Also, the comment below shows that you have never PvPd against decent people, or people at all for the matter. Please refrain from posting false information on the boards as you might confuse some people. The only class that CAN NOT beat a commando in pvp is another commando with worse gear (assuming equal player skill).


3. the only classes that can beat a commando in pvp on 1v1 is gunslingers and sentinels. i say this because i wipe the floor those sages/sorceres any day. a bubble? please channel full auto buff it be gone the first shot. 5 stacks of grav round there pretty much gonna make sages have useless armor defense, plus a demo round to the face with a high impact bolt? dead never had a problem with sages or any class unless it was a slinger or sentinel and im sure these were competent players i faced.
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Anyone who says we mop the floor with sages isn't playing against sages using their interrupt/kb effectively


Yes, they have an interrupt. It's easy to forget since 99% of them don't use it.

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Pretty awesome thread. Personally, PVE I think we're fine.


PVP however, we're severly lacking. Bioware needs to bring our spec up to par with everybody elses sooner than later so I don't have to add my name to list of unsubs...

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in your wall of text you basically rephrased your previous reply. There is one thing you have to understand. Let me bold it so you can read and comprehend easily.


I DO NOT claim commandos can not heal (as in their heals are so weak that they can't keep the tank alive)

I DO NOT claim commandos can not do DPS (as in their skills are so weak that they can attack a mob for 2 hours and not kill it


Got it? Ok let me continue


Commando, out of the three options you have, is the WORST raid healer

Commando, out of the numerous options you have, is the WORST ranged DPS


Got it? Well in case you still don't get it, I'll try to sum it up for you:




Also, the comment below shows that you have never PvPd against decent people, or people at all for the matter. Please refrain from posting false information on the boards as you might confuse some people. The only class that CAN NOT beat a commando in pvp is another commando with worse gear (assuming equal player skill).


you sir have not healed well as a commando then. im a commando healer and by far am good at what i do i never have a problem healing any operations and i even carried a undergeared sage and scoundrel. i always heal 1.2k hps-1.5k hps and thats with not a lot of overhealing because i never top someone who has full health due to the fact that we split it as if there were two 4 man teams. dpsmeter.com has a ranking system when i was in only columi/tionesse afte 1.2 i did good scores go to there ranking section in karagga i mostly made every rank maybe not 1st but up there. so really you cant say commandos are the worst healers you just dont know how to use one effectively and yes there not perfect but there by far not the worst

Edited by rjavig
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Pretty awesome thread. Personally, PVE I think we're fine.


PVP however, we're severly lacking. Bioware needs to bring our spec up to par with everybody elses sooner than later so I don't have to add my name to list of unsubs...


We could use a DPS boost in PvE. I still don't understand why we don't have a DPS cooldown.


As for PvP, we need mobility, we need escapability, we need survivability, and we need an interrupt. Why on earth, if they give every other class in the game an interrupt, are we the only ones without?

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One key thing I have realized as a trooper is I am not made to go toe to toe with other people well except BH but more to be there to SUPPORT my team. We have a great ability to be in many places as once and tons of utility for helping support one team mate then switching on the fly to throwing out (even though not to amazing) a heal here or there then switch to another team mate and help with something else. Thats the beauty with this class if you like to support then its really fun. You are the commander for your team and should be directing the battle and helping where needed regardless if you are dps or healing. If you are healing or dps just means you are focused a bit more in the type of help and support you give. Edited by RhuilOctavir
forgot to add something
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you sir have not healed well as a commando then. im a commando healer and by far am good at what i do i never have a problem healing any operations and i even carried a undergeared sage and scoundrel. i always heal 1.2k hps-1.5k hps and thats with not a lot of overhealing because i never top someone who has full health due to the fact that we split it as if there were two 4 man teams. dpsmeter.com has a ranking system when i was in only columi/tionesse afte 1.2 i did good scores go to there ranking section in karagga i mostly made every rank maybe not 1st but up there. so really you cant say commandos are the worst healers you just dont know how to use one effectively and yes there not perfect but there by far not the worst




HTPRO is right, you're wrong, case closed.




./care PvE.

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HTPRO is right, you're wrong, case closed.




./care PvE.


lol funny show me the numbers were the worst healers so far my numbers beat a lot of scoundrels and sages and /care pve? he clearly is stating were the worst in raids which were not your just a troll who at the sight of having to manage your resources you complain instead of learning to play well and enjoy it

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you sir have not healed well as a commando then. im a commando healer and by far am good at what i do i never have a problem healing any operations and i even carried a undergeared sage and scoundrel. i always heal 1.2k hps-1.5k hps and thats with not a lot of overhealing because i never top someone who has full health due to the fact that we split it as if there were two 4 man teams. dpsmeter.com has a ranking system when i was in only columi/tionesse afte 1.2 i did good scores go to there ranking section in karagga i mostly made every rank maybe not 1st but up there. so really you cant say commandos are the worst healers you just dont know how to use one effectively and yes there not perfect but there by far not the worst


Dude you still sing the same song. I absolutely believe you can do 1.2 - 1.5K hp/s. I believe you can do good scores in karaggas palace. I believe you can heal operations and I believe you can carry undergeared sage and scoundrel.


However you can do these thing with better outcome on scoundrel healer or sage healer. Thus since there are three healers and two are better than commando - that leaves commando on 3rd [i.e. WORST] spot. Just do try to get it through your thick skull.

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Scoundrels have it far worse as they are melee class so can't even close the gap on others. (No, stealth is not a gap closer).


"Incorrect. Commando knockback is also a slow."


you cant honestly count that, without it being talented the pushback isnt far enough for the slow to even count, oh yeah, even when it IS talented, the jedi/sith just leap right to you


"Uh, Commandos can cleanse certain abilities on a 5 second cooldown."


look at that word "certain", without THAT being talented in the med section it's very very limited on what it cleanses.


"Again, incorrect. Assault is not, and even in Gunnery you have a few abilities like High Impact Bolt."


you obviously dont understand that for high impact bolt to work.... YOU NEED TO USE ONE OF YOUR CHANELLED ABILITIES.


conclusion: you want to get onto others about "not having their facts straight" well get yours too.

nice try tho hulkweazel

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