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Choosing your Sidekicks...


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My Male trooper would have a new look havoc squad!


1.Dorne- I like when they play hard to get! and that accent? /swoon

2.M1-4X- A patriotic death machine to handle the "Imp Scum"

3.Akaavi Spaar- because I think a crazy mandalorian is the perfect thing for havoc squad! I could see her riding 4X into battle :p

4. LT Pierce- ****** who likes to fight

5A. Nadia Grell- Havoc squad needs a lightsaber! And of course the real reason is I need a squadmate to constantly tell me how amazing I am. So pretty much Havoc squad cheerleader



5B. Jonas Balkor.... BECAUSE HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SQUADMATE! (so hes not really eligible for this discussion :/ )

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In terms of power, I'd have to go with

ranged dps: Aric Jorgan, he's a killer with some serious firepower.

melee dps: Nadia, some pretty crazy force powers and saber combat.

ranged tank: M1-4X, high fire power, real tough gear, kills Sith lords. Has been quoted as the most advanced war droid in the galaxy. Second choice would be Xalek, but, he has light armor and abilities that don't seem to make up for it.

melee tank: Khem Val, close tie between him and Scourge, but since he eats souls...

healer: Elara, with my experience in the Republic military I know that they are slightly better than the Imps, so since she's been quoted as the best combat medic in the military...

I'm merely speaking from my personal experience and opinion.

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My Bounty Hunter would keep Mako and Blizz because they're the best. She'd also bring Akaavi Spar because she's like Torian except she has an actual personality, Qyzen Fess because she has a thing for Trandoshans and strong, noble men... with personalities, again, unlike Torian. Lastly she'd need a Ranged DPS and I wouldn't say no to cute little Vette there. I imagine Vette and Mako would get along great, anyway!


I'd like an all-girl Jedi team for both of my Jedi characters (Dirty Old Man Kyril the Jedi Knight and Jalaya the dorky virgin pre-teen Consular girl) with Kira, Nadia, LS Jaesa and Ashara. And maybe Guss Tuno in the fifth slot because I need a healer in addition to all the DPS, and Guss is almost a Jedi. I could teach him to embrace the Jedi way! :3


For my Trooper I can't give up Jorgan, Yuun or M1-4X because I need their Republic loyalty, sense of duty and military excellence, and Elara might be dull as a rock but aside from being cute, she's actually competent and intelligent enough to have around as an XO in case Jorgan is put out of commission. That just leaves Tanno expendable... Sorry Vik, you're funny sometimes, but I'm going to have to switch you out with someone loyal to the cause - T7!

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For the Smuggler I'd take...


Gault (The Sniper)

Quinn (The Intelligence)

Kaliyo (The Firepower)

T7 (The Lovable Droid)


LS Cipher Nine (I know you said only companions...but guess what, nobody controls me. And Cipher Nine neither.)


And we would be riding around in a stolen Imperial 'Fury' Starship.

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Ooh, hmm. Dream party?


Quinn. He'll be collared and may possibly spend most of his time gagged, but I still more or less like having him around.

Lord Scourge. Because awesome.

Vector. He's reliable and a decent guy.

Jorgan. Ditto.

Talos. He is such an adorable nerd, he makes me happy every time he geeks out over something.


Elara's extremely close to breaking into this crowd. If I could simply award Talos an academic grant and let him do his own thing, then get together every now and then for dinner...I would take Elara on board in his place.

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I really want to pick that Chiss guy I met on Hoth.


Me, too. The Aristocra?


I'd add, no matter which side, Zenith, Temple, Lt. Peirce. Yes, I love Vector, but I'd go bad boy Zenith of Pierce of him any day.


Edit: Just realized I have no healer...so, while I'm not willing to give up one of those members, I'd have to have the ability to make them a healer.


Let me change out Temple with Kaliyo though - we make a good team. As much as I like Temple's dps, Kaliyo and I are like sisters.

Edited by Ashu-ri
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It would be a nightmare for the writing team. Every companion story is tied to the class story. So they would have to write every companion story eight times. And besides, why would for example Khem Val join a Jedi Consular?


So we'll never see this in game and I'm happe with that. I think it is a good thing that we have to get along with the companions we have.


I think you could have ways to do that.


For instance, once a character has completed a sidekick story (maximized like and did all dialogues/quests), he could be able to ask that NPC to support an another of player character. My jedi consular could lend Qyzen to my Jedi Knight for instance.


The story aspect is not the biggest issue, I think the most challenging part is balancing sidekick levels with other character's levels. They could also simply duplicate the NPC, which would solve the case.


What I like with the concept is that you can have pretty much any teams.


My gunslinger could have a full team of droids ! :d_cool:


Smuggler: 2x T7 in different colors, M1-4X then Blizz and Bodwaar to fix the droids ;) ,.. HK-51 later of course.

Edited by Ihrae
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I would go with Lord Scourge, Xalek, Ashara, Jeasa, Lich King.... Awwwh, ugh,... wait.... mmmm oke then LT Pierce. I know Force user heavy but id like these characters very much. :wea_03:


Other then that it would have been.

Lord Scourge, Xalek, Nadia, LT Pierce, Vette.

Edited by Rakugo
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Charlie's Angels : Star Wars

My agent is off somewhere drinking booze and surrounded by beautiful women manipulating events by sending Mako, Elara and Vette out n about. T7 replaces the speakerbox that Charlie always communicated through. No idea who would make a good Bosley though lol... maybe Lokin or Corso

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Charlie's Angels : Star Wars

My agent is off somewhere drinking booze and surrounded by beautiful women manipulating events by sending Mako, Elara and Vette out n about. T7 replaces the speakerbox that Charlie always communicated through. No idea who would make a good Bosley though lol... maybe Lokin or Corso


When in doubt, Blizz is always the answer.

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I think my Agent would keep her team, honestly. All give good insights in to the current problems- Kaliyo's a loose canon, Bug boy's an idealist (and I swear, a wanna-be-jedi), the Ensign's a bit too loyal to the people who drove the agent crazy, the Doctor is borderline betrayer, and Scorpio is crazy darkside, but they're all family. SW's Jaesa would be insanely useful for Agent operations, though, with her special powers. So maybe my Agent would deactivate the crazy robot trying to kill her for a while and take the 'nice' fallen Jedi along. What could go wrong?


My smuggler would keep Corso and Risha, as the smuggler just needs farm-boy and snarky-princess to add color to the ship. Many people would say you need a wookie, too, but seriously, Bowdarr is boring as hell. I'd dump him. Let's take Qeyzen instead- he has the honorable thing going on like Bowdarr, his philosophy would be an interest contrast to the smugglers MORE MONEY YAY way of thinking, and he has more personality then a jar of peanut-butter. I like Sparr well enough, but as my smuggler's a girl, I'm not above changing her out for the other Mandalorian so there's another boy to drool over (...and I hate the Corso romance). Torian's more LS then Sparr is, anyway, so it would fit. ...I freely admit I might be the only person in the world who likes Guss, but I care not at all. He's my smuggler's cheerleader! He adores her! And he's a mean, mean Jedi! How can you not like mean, mean Jedi?


As for my Inquisitor, we're shoving most of them out the airlock. We'll keep Khem Val and Xalek, as they actually make sense in the story and seem to have reasons for coming along. I don't really have anything against Andronikus exactly, but he seems to have no reason to travel with my Inquisitor besides a random "Wee! I like ships!"- he also gains almost the exact same affection as Khem does, which is boring. So let's take Quinn who hopefully won't shoot the Inquisitor in the back so there's a full love interest for our Inquisitor ladies (or turn Xalek in to one- that works, all the guys get apprentices mooning over them, after all). Quinn at least has a very different code of honor then Khem, and would give us a loyal-to-the-empire companion sooner. For our first apprentice, we'll once again poach from the Sith Warrior to steal Jaesa so the guys get their full romance- though she'd also have to be available as a romance for LS male SI's. Then, to replace Talos (who again I don't have anything against, but he still seems to have no real reason to be traveling with the Inquisitor), we'll take... hm, why don't we just take Sparr? Then the romance for male problem would be settled. Then we still have Xalek and Khem, and all is well.

Edited by Mikka
contrast, not conquest
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I'd have the ultimate girl power team: Vette, Risha, Kira, Elara, and Ashara. Every time we finish a mission, we'd go to Nar Shaddaa to drink girly drinks and talk about relationships. It'd be the best thing ever.


Sad Mako is very sad :(

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