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So quiet


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Last week or so has been so quiet for development news. No new info on Ranked Warzones, or 1.3. Not even any patches to the Test Server. Why is it so quiet?


I noticed that. Has me curious. My bet is that they are out golfing atm

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If you have nothing to say, you don't say anything. I guess this is a lesson BioWare learned over the last few months.

or you know a meal is good when everybody's mouths' are too full to talk... something like that.


I'm assuming they keeping things under wraps so that they don't start getting people in a hype frenzy. I doubt they're going to be giving themselves too much off time since the more they produce, the more subscriptions they'll get. in either case, lets just wait a little longer... I'm sure good things are coming! >D

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If you think it's quiet now, just wait till May 15th.


yeah and on June 1st we will hear all the people saying how **** d3 is


cant wait for tera and d3 to come out so all those people who said they will kill this game will be gone

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yeah and on June 1st we will hear all the people saying how **** d3 is


cant wait for tera and d3 to come out so all those people who said they will kill this game will be gone


Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you didnt like swtor, you are not going to enjoy Tera, Its more of a grindfest with no raids, there is no PvE content at all. D3 Will be kickass but it is not going to replace an mmo, its just a filler.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you didnt like swtor, you are not going to enjoy Tera, Its more of a grindfest with no raids, there is no PvE content at all. D3 Will be kickass but it is not going to replace an mmo, its just a filler.
Indeed. It won't be long until those complaining return from those games to continue spouting their proclamations of doom. They'll simply select a new game coming out in the following months as SWTOR's new "destroyer."
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It was in the financial report everyone's talking about.


That's BS, this is all it says.


Two new content packs — Legacy and Allies, available in Q1.


And the fiscal year for EA started April 1st so that means that the 'Allies' will be out before the end June -- not at the end of June. it could be out next week. All it really confirms is that 1.4 won't be out in June.

Edited by JerokTalram
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