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Hand of Jadus


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I've been looking around quite a bit but I can't find anything concrete about what happens if you side with Darth Jadus at the end of the Imperial Agent's Act 1. I know you kill Darth Zhorrid instead and the biological weapons level half the Empire, but I don't really know much else.


Any help would be great, thanks.

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I will tell you what I can remember from the top of my head.


First of all in beta there used to be a hand of jadus title I have no idea why they removed it


You get an email saying that there are sith heralds in the streets preaching the sith teachings to the masses(can't exactly remember the email)


Well what happens is that npcs in the imperial agent story treats the IA with respect (including sith) Darth jadus gives the IA his authority so anyone who is not higher ranked than jadus the IA can tell em to buzz off. Erm some lines on taris changes abit. act 2 lines when dealing with the mind control are also changed. For example the part when someone(I think it was a watcher asking you to do a security check on you to see what you accessed) tries to stop you after you went checking around the imperial intelligence files(to learn how to fix the mind control) you throw down your title and then he leaves you alone.


Oh and npcs are scared of you i remember the part on taris when the imperial officer was like omg omg omg the hand of jadus er right treat her with respect.


Oh and at a certain point Jadus leaves for awhile since he says the emperor is planning something and he is going to get ready for it. He also tells you he cannot offer the IA physical protection from others like before but he can give his authority since he is in hiding preparing when the emperor makes a move.



Taris and act 3 Spoliers


The dark jedi on taris that the SIS sent you to capture you can instead if you are the hand of jadus is extend her the offer to become sith and she takes it(DS option). Some lines with the sith you meet at the end of act 3 with the black codex changes they call you honored hand and that they are envoys of darth jadus. You then become head of the new sith intelligence using the secrets of the galaxy to destroy the enemies of the empire.

Edited by lokdron
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That.. Sounds.. Amazing...

I've been doing some more digging. There's a part when you meet Lord Razer's crew and the woman mentions "Ah, it's an honour to meet the Hand of Jadus". At this point you also become a Major instead a Lieutenant due to your Sith backing. There's also a bit on Hoth where you apparently get an additional quest to track down the Imperial Guard that were sent after the Jedi Knight (class story crossover!) and find out the Emperor's plan.


As for the other choices. This is how I've found it goes.

(1) Turn off the Eradicators

(2) Turn on the Eradicators

From the (2), you then have (2.1) Stop Jadus and (2.2) Join Jadus.

(1) Jadus challenges you immediately. You fight him and trap him in a ray shield. You then blow up the ship and escape although it is made clear that Jadus managed to escape in time as well.

(2.1) Jadus lets you wander around, giving you time to dismantle the ship and call reinforcements. When you get back to the bridge, Jadus calls you on your betrayal and attacks you. You trap him in the ray shield just as back-up arrives and he's taken into custody.

(2.2) You become the Hand of Jadus.


There's also a (3) where before you're given the choice about the Eradicators, you can say that your allies are listening in to your conversation, and that it is being recorded. Jadus then accepts that he will never be able to return to the council and simply leaves without a fight. Even Watcher 2 has a "W..t...f..." moment.


In the long term, (1), (2.1) and (3) lead to the same thing. Jadus never really returns to the story. You keep going as the normal Cipher Agent, although you probably have stronger ties with Watcher 2 and Keeper because of it. And let's be honest, you outsmarted/outgunned the man 2nd to the Emperor (and saved half the Empire's population).

Edited by Harlequintwo
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Hmm... I'm at a loss as to what to do in my own story now, though i'm only on Tatooine.


Really, it's a choice between making Jadus back down and joining him...


Guess I will start an Operative eventually.

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That.. Sounds.. Amazing...

There's also a (3) where before you're given the choice about the Eradicators, you can say that your allies are listening in to your conversation, and that it is being recorded. Jadus then accepts that he will never be able to return to the council and simply leaves without a fight. Even Watcher 2 has a "W..t...f..." moment.


In the long term, (1), (2.1) and (3) lead to the same thing. Jadus never really returns to the story. You keep going as the normal Cipher Agent, although you probably have stronger ties with Watcher 2 and Keeper because of it. And let's be honest, you outsmarted/outgunned the man 2nd to the Emperor (and saved half the Empire's population).


That 3rd option was the one I wanted to pick the first time I played through that scene, except I ended up taking the "safe" route. Seriously, should have went with my gut on that one. Oh well.. there's always IA number2.

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Yeah that whole thing with jadus is great the fact that he let me kill zhorrid is just the icing on the cake and the cake just gets sweeter from then on.


She was bat shi* crazy, and he had no issue with her being killed. What a dad huh? I did notice when you told her he was alive if you went that route for a moment she called him dad.

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She was bat shi* crazy, and he had no issue with her being killed. What a dad huh? I did notice when you told her he was alive if you went that route for a moment she called him dad.


Just think about it Darth jadus may have just had a daughter just for this whole plan he is dam evil its the reason why I like him so much. :D


Shame someone like him was not the SI sith master.

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Just think about it Darth jadus may have just had a daughter just for this whole plan he is dam evil its the reason why I like him so much. :D


Yeah I watched a video where when the IA killed her and Darth Jadus asked if she had been dealt with, the Agent asked why he couldn't feel it through the force. Jadus explained that you only feel such things if you have an emotional connection, and he says that he didn't have one with his daughter. Nasty.


The best done Act 1 Ending in my opinion.

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Yeah I watched a video where when the IA killed her and Darth Jadus asked if she had been dealt with, the Agent asked why he couldn't feel it through the force. Jadus explained that you only feel such things if you have an emotional connection, and he says that he didn't have one with his daughter. Nasty.




Despite the coercion, outright physical and mind control, mass murder, superweapons, cruelty, and torture in the Agent line, nothing, nothing freaks me out more than what Darth Jadus does to his daughter.

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Jadus is a fun guy, I chose the 2.1 option, and it was an insane catch-22. Let mass-murdering psycho escape, dooming to another attack... Kill tens of thousands (mentioned as the casualty figures in a mail, dialog) to save millions maybe... or you can join, kill millions, all for power and the outside chance of having the people of the empire given more power over themselves.



I'll tell you, Jadus and Thanaton make Baras seem like a beserk fatty blow-hard whose only reason for existence is to make his apprentice kill him.

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Despite the coercion, outright physical and mind control, mass murder, superweapons, cruelty, and torture in the Agent line, nothing, nothing freaks me out more than what Darth Jadus does to his daughter.


Yep. He also once heard her sing, so forced her to sing in an opera until her throat became scarred and she could sing no more. Even after all that she still calls him father.

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Yep. He also once heard her sing, so forced her to sing in an opera until her throat became scarred and she could sing no more. Even after all that she still calls him father.


Didn't he enroll her in lessons for months to coach her to world-class skill before forcing her to destroy her own throat in her first, hours-long performance?

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Didn't he enroll her in lessons for months to coach her to world-class skill before forcing her to destroy her own throat in her first, hours-long performance?


That's the one. And he didn't even care about her...

I wonder who the mother was. She'd be so proud :D

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