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Am I the only one who actually likes this game?


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after the first 50 you hit..100% sure you think to yourself...damn im not going to read/listen to that dialog again on another toon. You start that second toon and the story is boring then you pound that space bar..3rd toon..space bar. so on and so on. Sure there is a story.. No one plays a mmo with pvp for the story.


Also I believe this game's identity will be with PvE (sorry to dissapoint). It has a massive story and the PvE content works very well around this while still being fun to a slow progressor. At most this will be a hybrid, and people will play it only for that Star Wars sense of war, otherwise it should not try to compete with GW2 (apples and oranges people) but with LotRO for it's PvE and story following (let's face it, though repetetive flashpoints and operations are pretty fun down the line)>

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i love the game, to enjoy more of swtor you to be in a guild with ppl you love to play with..


in fact i think every other mmo will become boring no matter how good r they. unless you in a great guild.


Lotro is fun with a good kinship (guild)..


EVE is awesome if you in great pvp guild, boring if you just stay in 1.0


guilds have never been a selling point for me


i have more fun when i dont mess with guilds. ive tried guilds. they expect too much out of me then ***** at me when i dont deliver on something i never promised to begin with.


when youre in a guild youre expected to:

- run with guild mates

- be rude to others not in your guild (you know its true. you all do it eventually.)

- invest a huge portion of time in and out of the game thinking about your guild or preparing to be around your guild


its just nonsense imo.


games are better when they dont require guilds or grouping. or when you do group its better when its a random pickup with people that have enough sense to not be jackholes all day.


guilds in this game are no better.


- every day i run into people in guilds that act as if theyre better than everyone else by default. but will describe themselves as generally good people at the same time. and with low pop servers where there are few guilds its worse because its more concentrated..they think they own the server. (but merging servers isnt an answer to this problem. cross server ques is better because when you merge servers the jackholes meet and join forces. when its cross server ques they stay mostly strangers and will hate on eachother instead)


- every day i try to run warzones and get met with people that will help their guildmates on the other team win because theres more of them over there. then they act as if theres something wrong with me when i mention they shouldnt be doing it. (nor is merging servers an answer to this problem neither)


if anything guilds will kill a game quicker than anything else. all these people dramatically complaining, and threatening to quit constantly are in guilds. whereas most of the constructive feedback, in general, is from people not in guilds or are in the very rare self described "casual guild" that actually has "casual players" in it.

Edited by Anathar
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And rakghouls are awesome :rak_03:


I agreed with your post right up to that part. Rakghouls reek. I refuse to do anything that involves them unless its a mandatory class mission.

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Ok, so I have played EQ, DDO, Lineage, CoH, CO, LotRO, Vanguard, and WoW. WoW being the only one I stuck to for very long (as in I'm still subscribed and have been playing since the beginning of Vanilla).


I picked up TOR because I love Bioware games and KotOR was an amazing game.


I am enjoying the game very much and will continue to subscribe for some time. But I understand why some don't. I think some of the bug complaints are exaggerated and there is an unreasonable amount of vitriol being spewed at Bioware and EA, but there are a good number of people with valid issues.


I have 2 level 50's at the moment, and they are now sitting there while I work on my 3rd. At 50 there isn't much to do since server pops are so low. For folks like me who love the **** out of the story, this is fine....for now. Once I have 8 50's I will probably be changing my tune here some. But I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for now and will simply say that no MMO I've played had everything right away.


Yes, some of these things are considered standard and should have been included. It wasn't, they're working on getting it in, harping about it not being there in the beginning does nothing but make you look bad.


At 50 all you really have is PVP, FP's, OPs, and Dailies. If you hate PvP period, like myself, that's out. If you like PvP, the low server pops mean long queues. FP's are great, but again, low server pops make finding groups harder; Ops have the same problem. Dailies, unfortunately require a lot more time to complete than I have (and with the cost of the vendor items it really does feel like you HAVE to do every daily on all 3 planets to get anything).


TLDR: The game is a blast, but it definitely needs some work. The leveling experience is very well done, but at 50 you're left with nothing to do, primarily due to low server populations.

Edited by Zeikfried
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I love this game.


There is a lot of criticism on these forums but I enjoy the storylines (some more than others), I enjoy the gameplay, and the in-game community on my server seems rather solid (although detached at times).


Also, the game has kept me fairly interested since December so they must be doing something right (as far as I'm concerned).


- Arcada

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


Yes, I like it.

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You are not alone, not at all.


Some of us really do love this game, I'm one of them. :rak_03:


Same here, love the story and love the massive amount of content to explore, epic game.


I tried WoW, Warhammer, Gw2 BWE, Aion, APB Reloaded, Star Trek Online, LotrO and others but none of them are as good as SWTOR.

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I love this game. Not many people come on these forums to say they like the game though. Mostly they come here to complain. People who are happy with it usually don't waste time posting they are happy with the game.
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You're certainly not alone, I love the game as well, I just wish I had more people to love it with (dead server).


LOL. I too love the game (despite the way I may come across in the LFD discussion and my sig doesn't help). I just don't see myself sticking around once I finish all of the class quests and their companion stories (which will take me some time btw), hence the sig. There are things that could easily happen in that time though which could change my mind (and I sincerely hope it happens).

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I very much like the game. The forums are filled with vile people can't constructively say anything without threats, ignorant rants or outright lies. There are several issues the game has and while they need to be addressed, most of the people lying about their server being dead or how no one plays the game anymore are just trying to deter new players because they aren't having fun anymore. Bioware just needs streamline some departments and replace a few lead devs imo. There are some people working there that need to move on from this project and inject some new blood here. That is my only real gripe with the game whatsoever.
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You're not the only one who likes it.


That said, liking the game doesn't make me turn a blind eye to the standard features I'd have expected in a game of this magnitude at launch.


I wouldn't be playing the game if I didn't enjoy it, but I can't enjoy it as much as I could if it had many of the features that won't be coming until later on (such as server transfers, LFG tool, further customisation, same gender romances etc.)

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You're definitely not the only one who likes this game. As a burned-out wow refugee, this game is everything I've ever wanted - wonderful story, great immersion due to voice-over (I do wish Bioware would use Xanthe Elbrick in some of their other games, she really brings my evil SI to life), cool companions, choice in the storylines and lots of little things like the orange moddable gear so you have more control of how your character looks. I love the reward system, as you always get something you can actually use. The Legacy system is pretty cool too.


TOR is an altoholic's paradise. I will happily ignore endgame altogether - I've seen enough endgame in wow to last me a lifetime. Never again...

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


I'm still loving SWTOR after nearly 6 months.

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Well i seriously love this game. But had to reroll to a other server. Cause of servers having low population problems. But a well having fun. Still the game got a lot of issues that needs to be adressed. And probably everyone had there share of things they want to see done. I myself hate the Galactic Market it basicaly stinks and is useless and clumsy. The Ranked pvp needs to be implemented. I myself am not a pvper but pvp players are a big part of the community. And think they should keep the friday update with things to come. We all where looking out for fridays on what news there was. This communication device should be put back in use. For future installments new races even if it is for like a year down the line.
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Nope, not the only one, far from it ... there are way more people that like this game than this forum would have you believe. Im enjoying it and see no problem what so ever with the amount of content other the maybe the difficulty in grouping. Personally though, I have a nice guild, which groups up and even raids now and then even though it only ever averages 8-10 people online simultaneously.


I could see why someone whose got the short end of the stick when it comes to guild and/or server population would not be having fun with the game but then again ... such was the case for me in my final run with WoW.

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Count me in as a "SWTOR Lover". I can objectively list the flaws, and yes there are several, but over all I have an absolute blast playing this game. The repetitive content is getting to me but so far not too badly (I have a ton of alts lol). I think BW did a terrific job on SWTOR, Favorite things? Companions, I love each and every one of them. Crafting which normally I hate in games. Ships, what can I say I love having my own ship lol. Anyway, LOVE it.



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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


People who are mostly satisfied (e.g. me) are more inclined not to post. When something pisses someone off, they post a lot.


It is like a red traffic light vs a green traffic light. You probably pass through 50% green and 50% each month when driving, but you spend time stopped at red lights. If you are in a hurry this pisses you off and occupies your mind. The greens on the other hand, you whiz through without even thinking about them.


Also, ************ and trolling are internet sports. Posting about how satisfied you are is not a traditional internet sport.



Oh, and if <x> is not fixed in 1 week I'm unsubbing!!!

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Look at my join date. I've been here since the first day the forums opened and heve been waiting for it since 2006 when the first rumors where creeping up on the web about it.


I realy want to like SWTOR and I can't deny that I had probably the best time ever leveling my character with my guild mate. From there on out though things went down hill fast. It's like once you hit lvl 50 everything that was fun and enjoyable about the game stops and you get tossed into a boring hamster wheel of repetitiveness.


What bothers me most is that the EXACT things people are complaining about now were the things that have been pointed out repeatedly since the forums opened and through out beta. Lack of concept for end game. Bioware just kept pointing to their great story and it was even mentioned that leveling alts could be "endgame".

Yes, the story was awesome and I'm still here loging maybe once or twice a week to level one of my many alts every now and then, but even that is not as fun anymore if you can't even get a two man group together to do some heroics, not to mention a flashpoint or operation. Out of my guild of about 25-30 people maybe 1-2 bother to log on anymore. If you're leveling an alt and you have maybe 10-20 people on a planet (at peak hours) and general chat is empty, that is kinda depressing. I asked for a group yesterday and was the only one posting anything for the entire time I was on. That is just a bad bad sign. How is that going to attract new players let alone keep existing ones?


So yeah, I like the core of the game, but unless Bioware comes up with a way to keep people playing AFTER they reached lvl 50, they will have a huge problem. No matter how much you and I may have enjoyed the yourney to 50.

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I agreed with your post right up to that part. Rakghouls reek. I refuse to do anything that involves them unless its a mandatory class mission.


Damn you my good sir! I love the rakghoul invovled stories and events! Shall the rakghoul gods smite you! :rak_04:

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