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How to fix my dps?


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So I have not played much in about 3 weeks. I logged on a few times after 1.2


I raided a few times and see my DPS is much lower compared to other classes. Do I need to change my rotation?


I have been doing TM->TM->TM->Unload->Heatseeker->TM->TM->Railshot


What is the ideal rotation for arsenal now?

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You have to remember that unload is your hardest hitting ability even w/o barrage procs. Accuracy can vastly improve your damage output by bypassing your targets defenses and actually hitting your target with your offhand. I've never been a big fan of crit but it is nice to have at a certain level which I like to keep at around 35-37% with coordination buff. But power and accuracy would benefit you more if you play your merc based on unload and not just TM slamming and waiting for HS to come off CD.
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My Rot is sticky bomb, HSM, unload, TM, TM, railshot, TM and unload.


I blow my HSM CD as soon as possible, and then unload, then TM so i can get the unload cool down proc.

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Why are you banned on MMO champ?


Someone was trolling me and I asked them to stop trolling... however their auto-detection system caught it and threw an infraction my way. I will be either unbanned today or in a few days when the infraction expires. I am talking to a moderator now asking why it was necessary.

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I should have mentioned I do use unload every time it goes off, the rotation I posted was just my standard and usually if unload goes off i go to that and then go back depending upon where I am.


I don't know, I am not finding the class fun anymore, not sure if it is because I feel nerfed, but I am just not enjoying the game anymore.


It is a shame because I have been playing since launch and probably will end up cancelling. This is not a rant but I am logging in less and less ever since 1.2

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Sweet. I'm one of your fans, dont listen to the haters on mmo-mechanics (sith warrior). Ya know, the ones that dispute your claims, then dont back it up with any proof.


I left MMO-Mechanics once it started going downhill a few months back. I was one of the leading contributors to the OP but it just became so full of hot-headed individuals thinking they know everything rather than actually wanting to have a discussion. I mean, if I'm wrong- then I'm wrong. It means I learned something which is a great thing to accept. I don't understand why people look down upon making mistakes or being wrong sometimes. Its how I've learned to perfect my class. Granted people are still posting and giving me new ideas and leads on things. That is the point of a discussion!


I am back in action and no longer banned so I will be throwing updates out when necessary.


Also to the OP: I didn't mean to just link the thread and leave. I was extremely busy so I did what I could with the time alloted (I.E., link a thread).


The rotation you posted is the rotation you do follow, so you are correct.


Just to make it easier for me to figure out the issue (if there even is one), could you post your gear and/or stats?


Also, do you run any parsers that tell you that your DPS is low or are you just 'feeling' like it is? I knew I felt like mine was low because I was no longer hitting 18k Heatseeker Missiles (16man), but in reality I was lowered to where everyone else was. I know I still crit harder than any other class in PvE, I just felt like I wasn't due to the 'changes'.

Edited by Aerro
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I left MMO-Mechanics once it started going downhill a few months back. I was one of the leading contributors to the OP but it just became so full of hot-headed individuals thinking they know everything rather than actually wanting to have a discussion. I mean, if I'm wrong- then I'm wrong. It means I learned something which is a great thing to accept. I don't understand why people look down upon making mistakes or being wrong sometimes. Its how I've learned to perfect my class. Granted people are still posting and giving me new ideas and leads on things. That is the point of a discussion!


I am back in action and no longer banned so I will be throwing updates out when necessary.


Also to the OP: I didn't mean to just link the thread and leave. I was extremely busy so I did what I could with the time alloted (I.E., link a thread).


The rotation you posted is the rotation you do follow, so you are correct.


Just to make it easier for me to figure out the issue (if there even is one), could you post your gear and/or stats?


Also, do you run any parsers that tell you that your DPS is low or are you just 'feeling' like it is? I knew I felt like mine was low because I was no longer hitting 18k Heatseeker Missiles (16man), but in reality I was lowered to where everyone else was. I know I still crit harder than any other class in PvE, I just felt like I wasn't due to the 'changes'.


Not to nitpick or anything, cause I know our HSM can crit pretty damn hard on a fully debuffed boss, but do you raid with a competent sniper? Ours has hit several 7.5k+ crits on either ambush or followthrough, I'm not sure which it is, but I'm going to do some parses with him and see what he's doing.

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Not to nitpick or anything, cause I know our HSM can crit pretty damn hard on a fully debuffed boss, but do you raid with a competent sniper? Ours has hit several 7.5k+ crits on either ambush or followthrough, I'm not sure which it is, but I'm going to do some parses with him and see what he's doing.


We actually don't have a sniper in the guild. I don't even think a competent sniper exists on my server, so I didn't even take that into consideration. I totally forgot to be honest.

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Yeah snipers can deal some pretty mean crits with followthrough, our raid group really benefits from our nice long ranged side-liner ^^


Aerro - I was just wondering (since I know you have tested PvE pyro) what is the ideal PvE rotation for a pyrotech merc? I have been PvPing with it for months, and my raid group really doesn't need me to be in arsenal anymore so I am trying to figure it out. My best attempts at heat management in pyro have led me to around 1400-1450 sustained which is a good 100 lower than i can manage in arsenal, the rotation I use:





Unload (and a powershot or two if really unlucky)



Rapid (to get railshot proccable again)



And just keep trying to proc railshots whenever the cd on railshot is <10s, whilst weaving in rapidshots once or twice in every rotation.


I know that Arsenal is by all intents more stable and better in a raid environment but I feel that the burn potential (no pun intended :p) on a high hp boss below 30% is worth the trade alone - because if you stack fusion/incendiary and combustible on a target below 30% you are talking 2000+dps

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Yeah snipers can deal some pretty mean crits with followthrough, our raid group really benefits from our nice long ranged side-liner ^^


Aerro - I was just wondering (since I know you have tested PvE pyro) what is the ideal PvE rotation for a pyrotech merc? I have been PvPing with it for months, and my raid group really doesn't need me to be in arsenal anymore so I am trying to figure it out. My best attempts at heat management in pyro have led me to around 1400-1450 sustained which is a good 100 lower than i can manage in arsenal, the rotation I use:





Unload (and a powershot or two if really unlucky)



Rapid (to get railshot proccable again)



And just keep trying to proc railshots whenever the cd on railshot is <10s, whilst weaving in rapidshots once or twice in every rotation.


I know that Arsenal is by all intents more stable and better in a raid environment but I feel that the burn potential (no pun intended :p) on a high hp boss below 30% is worth the trade alone - because if you stack fusion/incendiary and combustible on a target below 30% you are talking 2000+dps


At this point just play what you enjoy. I'm naturally competitive so I am trying to find new things to be better at. I'm mostly competing with myself so I try to improve my numbers from before, which I guess is a good and bad thing.


.It just comes down to play preference. If your raid does not need you to be Arsenal, then by all means do what you want. Currently my guild wants to give people a run for their money in world progression so I need to squeeze every ounce of DPS out of my class as I can, thus results in me being Arsenal.

Edited by Aerro
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I will add to what Aerro says, I have always been a arsenal merc, pvp and pve. I will say that Aerro and I are in the same guild. When I first came to the guild I got with Aerro about theorycraft on Merc Arsenal Bounty Hunters. As this game changes so does stats and rotations that are required for our class to be viable and productive.


I have read some peoples post about 98% range acc and 108 Tech accuracy being enough, I will tell you I have tested this and it is wrong. I right now run with close to 105 ranged and 115 tech. Think about it, I would rather have a little more ranged wich is required to not miss. I have parsed logs with me having 103 ranged and 113 tech accuracy and have had several misses on end game bosses. In the end it is a balancing act on stats and rotation.


Aerro and Zero have helped me fine tune my stats and rotations but it will continue to be a work in progress to squeeze as much dps out of my merc as possible. Unfortunatly it does take some creds in testing different mods, enhance, augs ect for equip and alot of time at the target dummy.


Since working with Aerro and Zero I have increased my dps by at least 200-300.


just my 2 cents worth.

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The rotation you posted is the rotation you do follow, so you are correct.


Just to make it easier for me to figure out the issue (if there even is one), could you post your gear and/or stats?


Also, do you run any parsers that tell you that your DPS is low or are you just 'feeling' like it is? I knew I felt like mine was low because I was no longer hitting 18k Heatseeker Missiles (16man), but in reality I was lowered to where everyone else was. I know I still crit harder than any other class in PvE, I just felt like I wasn't due to the 'changes'.



Yes my guild was using dpsmeters or something like that where we upload our logs and it parses the raid.


I was consistently getting the lowest DPS compared to Sorc/Marauder


Most of my gear is Rakata except for I think 2 pieces, and TBH I forgot all my stats I would have to log in I guess to check, but I know I have close to 20K HP, and I got every single datacron in the game for aim/end and the +10 one



At this point I unsubbed so I guess it does not matter much anymore. I am just not having fun anymore and too many other games coming out soon which are keeping my attention, it was fun the first few months and had a great time =)

Edited by Denarok
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You can't fix it. It's in the dev's hands now. Maybe if another 400,000 subs drop off they'll at least acknowledge they have a problem.


Sadly, your guild's combat log parsing is probably more comprehensive than what the Bioware 'internal testing' amounts to.

Edited by grezgorz
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You can't fix it. It's in the dev's hands now. Maybe if another 400,000 subs drop off they'll at least acknowledge they have a problem.


Sadly, your guild's combat log parsing is probably more comprehensive than what the Bioware 'internal testing' amounts to.


Merc DPS is no where near broken... so it can be fixed.

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want to fix your dps ? Reroll to a diffrent class. untill bioware gets off there lazy butts and fix out bugs your dps will be crap compared to ever other class out there.


That the problem i would not mind rerolling as say marauder but I just cannot go through 1-50 again doing the same quests and same planets except for class quests.


I am not into PVP so that is not an option for me.



This game was a lot of fun the first time around but the replayability is very low and I think that is the big issue.

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No,it is literally broken: multiple key talents do not function.


Please specify the key talents. When 1.2c was released: I was in direct contact with Stephen Reid discussing things I too personally thought broke.


However I was wrong, there just other unseen changes.

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