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why do i want to get a holocron with a stat thats useless to me?

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A player in my guild goes on about the importance of getting all the holocrons as early as possible, because "we need to make our characters stronger to run harder content" and while i agree with this general sentiment, it seems like a total waste of time for my jedi guardian to get a cunning or aim holocron, as those stats do nothing for me. i don't do ranged damage. am i missing a point? i will eventually get them all out of boredom, but it seems like a waste of my time to get a holocron that essentially does nothing for me when i could be out getting exp and better gear.

Let me know if there's some obvious benefit that i'm not seeing please? i get it that more is better, but more nothing is still nothing.

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A player in my guild goes on about the importance of getting all the holocrons as early as possible, because "we need to make our characters stronger to run harder content" and while i agree with this general sentiment, it seems like a total waste of time for my jedi guardian to get a cunning or aim holocron, as those stats do nothing for me. i don't do ranged damage. am i missing a point? i will eventually get them all out of boredom, but it seems like a waste of my time to get a holocron that essentially does nothing for me when i could be out getting exp and better gear.

Let me know if there's some obvious benefit that i'm not seeing please? i get it that more is better, but more nothing is still nothing.


Having all datacrons is by no means necessary to run the current hardest content. The ones relevant to your class are of course great (and something you should get in order to maximize your performance), but as, say, a Sith Warrior you should never have to pick up Aim datacrons. It's a waste of your precious time.


Your guildmate is likely suffering from lack of self-confidence. He's then found a dead horse he can beat and its become a personal pet-peevee of his. Now, in order to feel even remotely necessary and important, he wants to impose it on you. Tell him to either lay it off, get the **** out or quit the bakery yourself; it sounds like it smells foul anyway.

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The player in your guild is wrong. As you said, a cunning or aim datacron does absolutely nothing for a Jedi. Some people get all of them for the codex entries though. But yeah, it's not going to effect your performance.
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A player in my guild goes on about the importance of getting all the holocrons as early as possible, because "we need to make our characters stronger to run harder content" and while i agree with this general sentiment, it seems like a total waste of time for my jedi guardian to get a cunning or aim holocron, as those stats do nothing for me. i don't do ranged damage. am i missing a point? i will eventually get them all out of boredom, but it seems like a waste of my time to get a holocron that essentially does nothing for me when i could be out getting exp and better gear.

Let me know if there's some obvious benefit that i'm not seeing please? i get it that more is better, but more nothing is still nothing.


I think if the stats are still active as non-primary stats that they add to anything that they can give a bonus that could use that stat. So if you use saber throw as a melee then you should get a bonus with ranged stats adding to that.


Dont quote me on that. I am not sure, just speculating.


Why would you get it? Because you gotta get them all.

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Gotta love the "You need to have X" or the "You can't run this content without Y gear".


A few days after I hit 50 with my tank (pre 1.2) I was equipped with my orange gear filled with lvl 50 purple mods (except for armoring that was lvl 51).


I got invited by a guildy to run BP HM.


We wiped 3 times on the big droid (due to the healer and dps standing on the electrical arc cross that the boss casts).


After those tries, the dps left saying the tank was ill equipped and spammed the general chat looking for a tank that had actually gear.


2h after that, I main-tanked EV and we got 5/5.

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Here's a far more important question: Why does anyone care what the reasons some guy has for collecting Datacrons? Let him get them if he wants. Not our concern. So he has a few points that he doesn't need. It doesn't affect his other skills, does it? Have 60 Aim on a Jedi doesn't mean he can't use Throw anymore. Let him collect. It's not hurting anyone.
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have fun with your "guild", nothing like meeting people online you would not really get along with in real life. I would have told him to shut up along time ago. Now if he wanted to collect datacrons for fun, or something to do as a group then that is a diffferent story.
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Gotta love the "You need to have X" or the "You can't run this content without Y gear".


A few days after I hit 50 with my tank (pre 1.2) I was equipped with my orange gear filled with lvl 50 purple mods (except for armoring that was lvl 51).


I got invited by a guildy to run BP HM.


We wiped 3 times on the big droid (due to the healer and dps standing on the electrical arc cross that the boss casts).


After those tries, the dps left saying the tank was ill equipped and spammed the general chat looking for a tank that had actually gear.


2h after that, I main-tanked EV and we got 5/5.


The boss that is untauntable half the time? Lol. I would have left the group as the tank looking for non idiot DPS

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As a solo player, not needed; not required, but if I could maneuver a little better, it sure wouldn't hurt.


For Groups, an additional motivation for leaders, such 'useless' activities promotes unity. Having evryone gather them all; aiding the lesser Players thru practice and comradery; each Player gaining Datacron bonuses that cannot aid that specific build helps promote cohesion. The military is ripe with examples, know a few personally.


Plus, it can't hurt....

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Obviously, you should collect the ones for your main stat, as well as presence and endurance, since those benefit everyone. Also, get the matrix shards you need for the cubes. After that, collect the others for fun & the codex entries. Even stats you don't really use much provide a marginal benefit, maybe a few percentage points, but they're certainly not going to make or break your gameplay. Getting all the datacrons gives you +60 in every stat, so the benefits do add up.


If getting a particular datacron is too much of a pain in the butt (I'm looking at you, Republic strength on Nar Shaddaa), then don't bother with it, especially if it's not a main stat. About the only ones you really can't skip are the matrix shards, if you want the cubes, which do provide a significant bonus.

Edited by Valakhnarr
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