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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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Sigh, go and play it then.


Im going to, you should to. Take a good 4 month break (which is enough for you to play the vanilla game till an expansion comes out), to see if EA and/or BW bothers to act upon their promises. After all, you are what you do, not what you say.

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This old thing again?


That "blogger" was debunked long ago... he was an ex-mythic employee that got laid off when EA split it up and never worked on SW:TOR, nor had any contact with it.

But since he was (obviously) disgruntled, that didnt stop him from spewing forth "insider" doomsday nonsense...

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LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs is the only unique feature of this game and it offers absolutely no immersion, considering the story is badly written.


there i fixed that for you.

Edited by lokivoid
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The anonymous EA employee from 2 years ago was right.


Yes, there are some aspects of this game that are spectacular (the voice-acting and story-quests, mostly).


However, the rest of the game feels very incomplete and behind-the-times.


An above-average script and quality voice-over work doesn't make a MORPG.


The list for what BW did wrong and/or sub-par with SWTOR is vast. (Bland and empty planet design, mediocre end-game content, failure to deliver on promises, lack of World-PVP, class-imbalances, numerous bugs that have been ignored, no server transfers, botched Legacy system, limited space combat, poor character customization with everyone as just variations of different colored humans, and much, much more...)


The game simply feels like a disjointed single-player RPG. When the best way to spend your time in a game is levelling alts, you know something is wrong.


They had an amazing IP and setting, and let it go entirely to waste. Just a shame, really.



exactly my and my whole guild thoughts .


right now most of the times my guild has more people online than the whole republic fleet in hex droid ...


june is already too late for merges and character transfers .

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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If you would kindly remember SW:TOR's pre-launch, nearly exclusively good things were said about it too. I have no doubt that when GW2 does come out, people will be whining in droves


Playing the GW2 beta felt more like a finished MMO than SWTOR after 6 months. And this is with 2 separate races (and their starting areas/ capital cities) not available to the public yet. This alone speaks volumes.


Kophar, I would gladly play it, If it was possible to do so.

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The anonymous EA employee from 2 years ago was right.


Yes, there are some aspects of this game that are spectacular (the voice-acting and story-quests, mostly).


However, the rest of the game feels very incomplete and behind-the-times.


An above-average script and quality voice-over work doesn't make a MORPG.


The list for what BW did wrong and/or sub-par with SWTOR is vast. (Bland and empty planet design, mediocre end-game content, failure to deliver on promises, lack of World-PVP, class-imbalances, numerous bugs that have been ignored, no server transfers, botched Legacy system, limited space combat, poor character customization with everyone as just variations of different colored humans, and much, much more...)


The game simply feels like a disjointed single-player RPG. When the best way to spend your time in a game is levelling alts, you know something is wrong.


They had an amazing IP and setting, and let it go entirely to waste. Just a shame, really.


Quoted for truth.

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Playing the GW2 beta felt more like a finished MMO than SWTOR after 6 months. And this is with 2 separate races (and their starting areas/ capital cities) not available to the public yet. This alone speaks volumes.


Kophar, I would gladly play it, If it was possible to do so.


people with no ex-mmo experiense ( and perhaps most of the devs ) can not understand that the problem in swtor is most the mmo part of the game that is so .... not a mmo game.


swtor is a a very very good game ... i have said in the open beta that is the best game that i have played , but ...


mmos are more than just video games online !

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Hahaha, I've just come back for the "free" month and I can't believe that exactly the same arguments are going to and fro on the forums as when I left. No change whatsoever, still the same polarization between hataz and fanboiz.


The article is probably a fake btw, it was IIRC blasted at the time by some quite respectable industry people.


I think it's true that the game did miss a few tricks, given the licence. It could be a better MMO. But on the other hand, a lot of what's actually in the game is good fun, at least for a few months. The stories are indeed immersive and there are lots of them. The build system is decent, and for all the flaws in terms of balance, PvP system, etc., the combat in and of itself is actually very fast and fluid. My Jedi Shadow is one of my favourite toons to play and master in any MMO ever, and this "free" month I've been having a lot of fun with my Smuggler.


As I said in the first month, it may be the case that this is an MMO you just come back to whenever you've got a hankering for a Star Wars vibe, and you want to experience another of the storylines. Something you dip in and out of. It's good for that - very good for that. And that might just be enough to keep it afloat with decent-enough subscription.


Because, let's face it, the days of people dedicating themselves to a single MMO seem to be gone. Most MMO players I encounter these days seem to be MMO-hoppers.


The problem isn't really with any particular MMO, it's with the fact that you can never recapture the magic you felt when your MMO cherry was popped. So actually every MMO after your first, you will tend to just be into for a few months, since it's only while the game feels new and fresh that you can recapture some of that magic feeling.

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i understand why some poster here got bored with swtor.


what i dont understand is why they keep insisting GW2 is a better game.


its as if they cant accept the fact that some ppl love swtor,l


its as if in they are blinded by their hate toward swtor ..


its as if they think that everyone will love the more of the same GW2..


GW2 will be a nice free 2 play game with Tired fantasy theme.. if you dont like swtor , go play gw2 and post in their forum..

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Anyone who ever called this game a "WoW killer" is a fool. Only WoW getting to the point where people don't want to play it anymore will kill WoW.


Amazingly enough there's room in the world for two (or more) large, popular MMOs. You don't "win" anything by playing the more popular game. And flaws or not SWTOR is expanding. So I think it'll survive GW2.


Honestly, is doomsaying so much fun?


This...WoW is the last of it's kind (10 mill sub MMO). It appealed to the masses at a time when there was really no competition and brought MMO's into the mainstream. None of the so called "AAA games" will kill each other. At the end of the day, they will all settle in with large populations of people; each garnering a chunk of the subs once owned solely by WoW (WoW probably still being the highest).


The sooner people realize this, the sooner everyone will be content enough with the game they personally enjoy and stop spewing hate on their "rivals" forum.

Edited by Typeslice
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people with no ex-mmo experiense ( and perhaps most of the devs ) can not understand that the problem in swtor is most the mmo part of the game that is so .... not a mmo game.


swtor is a a very very good game ... i have said in the open beta that is the best game that i have played , but ...


mmos are more than just video games online !


if this is the best game you have played then you must be new to games?

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i understand why some poster here got bored with swtor.


what i dont understand is why they keep insisting GW2 is a better game.


its as if they cant accept the fact that some ppl love swtor,l


its as if in they are blinded by their hate toward swtor ..


its as if they think that everyone will love the more of the same GW2..


GW2 will be a nice free 2 play game with Tired fantasy theme.. if you dont like swtor , go play gw2 and post in their forum..


The GW2 boards are also just as toxic as these. It's just as over-hyped as this game was and people are beginning to realize that. No one is ever happy.

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Extra, extra! Anonymous person on the internet makes prediction of doom regarding much-hyped gaming product!

That dude could have been me, and I have no knowledge of EA's or BioWare's workings. Of course, it wasn't me, but the guy posting it had no credentials other than what we'd have to take his word for. File under 'H' for "haters gonna hate".

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Extra, extra! Anonymous person on the internet makes prediction of doom regarding much-hyped gaming product!

That dude could have been me, and I have no knowledge of EA's or BioWare's workings. Of course, it wasn't me, but the guy posting it had no credentials other than what we'd have to take his word for. File under 'H' for "haters gonna hate".


ive been a swtor supporter since day one, after 2 lvl 50s i have come to terms that credentials or not the anonymous person was right, the story and voice overs were great and the rest of the gameis sub par :rak_03:

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Im going to, you should to. Take a good 4 month break (which is enough for you to play the vanilla game till an expansion comes out), to see if EA and/or BW bothers to act upon their promises. After all, you are what you do, not what you say.


Why should i go anywhere if im happy where i am. It is you that are unhappy, so do move to other stuff and stop whinning man.

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What is funny is there are people in this thread that believe this guy in the article worked for EA? Seriously people if you do not like the game please by all means leave. If you had some way to make the game better than please by all means suggest it in the suggestion box.
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The original article is very well known and is a fake made by a hater a few years back and still being used by haters today and is in fact the only place where this 300 mill figure comes from. SO anytime you see someone quoting 300m dev cost then you know where they are getting that info from.


Yeah, because we all know it was only $200 million spent with nothing to show for it, they really should stop coming out with this stuff as it could only hurt the feelings of the people that have lost all their money.

WTS a dead horse, one "not so" careful owner! ;)

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What is funny is there are people in this thread that believe this guy in the article worked for EA? Seriously people if you do not like the game please by all means leave. If you had some way to make the game better than please by all means suggest it in the suggestion box.


Not neccesarily believe or care whether he worked for EA or anything, more believeing what he said. Consider the game now and what the blogger said about it long ago and you got it. He pretty much knew it all along.

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Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.


When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.


I'm going to add just one more bit in here. The HEART of this game, is Star Wars, through and through. THAT is what is "nailed" in this conversation. BioWare "nailed" Star Wars down. I understand that people liked SWG. We get it. Never played it myself, never really had the urge, but I get it.


But Star Wars was NOT about setting up your life as an interior designer. It was NOT about standing out in the plains mining resources and creating pets for sale. It was about swashbuckling your way through the galaxy in a life-or-death struggle against the enemy and their dastardly plans. It was about escaping planets, rescuing Princesses from the clutches of evil warlords, gathering with like-minded rebels and fighting together to destroy your enemy.


Or, contrarily, it was about banding together with your fellow Imperial officers in a quest to crush this insignificant rebellion which had the audacity to refuse your obviously superior plans for ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. It was about succeeding in your goals and performing better than your competitors to insure your progression through the Imperial ranks and prevent yourself from being force-choked against a bulkhead due to incompetence.


BioWare got it done. And I highly doubt that this was some last-ditch effort that came together in the last two years. They started with the right goals. They started by determining the core of the movies, the core of what the game should be, and made it happen.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.


When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.

Your post is complete crap.

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It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.


Says you. No evidence aside froma few people who threaten to unsubscribe on the forums. And need i remind you that people who post are only a very small yet vocal part of the community.


This game is amazing. Yes it is missing a few things and there are bugs. But it is still a new mmo. And seriously if you dont like it as much as you say... Go away and stop posting! Stop wasting the time of people who actualy wish to be constructive and see the game grow into what will be an awsome gaming experience.

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Article whether its true or a heap of garbage does not changes the facts.... And that is the servers are dead. I don't give a rats a$@ about the random guy who posts here "well my server has over a hundred on fleet at all times". Thts not a reflection of the overall game. The rakghoul plague is over and the population is slowly going back to what is was before where each planet you cant find no more that 10-15 players. Fleet.....maybe 35 during peak hours. Yeah let me sit in fleet spamming LFG group all day.... thats real immursive.


Last thing.... if they are already talking free transfers to servers and LFG tool you know this game is already on the rocks. The D3, Guild Wars 2 double hit is going to wipe out whats left here. Then next thing you will hear is Free 2 Play. You heard it hear first... well might have been said before but its comming.

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