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Anyone else came to the conclusion we just expected to much?


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Plain and simple they put too much into VOICE ACTING and STORY and didnt put half the money or effort into the rest of the game thats what happend but what did u expect? its their first MMO yeah its shiny and new but a turd is still a turd no matter how u polish it.:rak_03:
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It's my fault for not realizing how quickly I would become bored by the old EQ/WoW formula.


Bugs, lack of certain established features (decent LFG tool, good AH tools, viable crafting), etc I could handle knowing that usually these issues can be worked out and upgraded.


It's just the whole formula has become SO stale... boring. The entire MMORPG genre needs a new direction.


I knew this would be WoW in space with some neat new toys. I was hoping it would re-capture my attention for years like WoW did. I actually don't regret my purchase! I got 5 months out of the game with one of those months being free. I know BW wants me to stay though and that just won't happen. Too much 2004 going on here.

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You mean too much.


To answer your question, expecting a new game by Bioware that has been in development for around five years to come out with features that are already in existing games doesn't seem too high of an expectation.


The game is highly enjoyable in many ways, but a bit more forward-thinking and a bit more of consultation with the gamers themselves probably would have helped to ensure that many missing features were prioritised for launch.


It does feel as though SWTOR was rushed out the door in many ways, but in others it feels like some key development choices (such as using an early and customised version of the Hero engine) have caused major issues with the game in general.


In summary, I think that many people had realistic expectations there were not met as Bioware does not have much MMORPG experience and EA wanted the game released as quickly as possible to recoup the expense.


Do I think we'll see massive improvements to the game over the coming year? Very much so.

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Yes, I expected too much. I saw someone tanking using a cannon in one of the very first gameplay videos they released showing the Esseles, and I assumed that Vanguard would have a cannon to tank with.


Ok, but more seriously, I only expected what I had seen in videos. Most people were expecting what they heard and what they thought they heard, on top of assuming opinions would become facts. I expected there to be two Jedi classes at least, I expected there to be two Sith classes at least. I expected there to be these things called flash points at least. I expected there to be lightsabers at least. I expected there to be voice acting at least. I only ever expected what I saw in the videos, and so I was not disappointed.


It seems like many others just looked at the budget and assumed they were going to get everything they ever dreamed of, and so of course they would be disappointed, I would have been too. But, it is their own fault for expecting more than they actually could measure. I don't care how big you expect the oasis to be in the desert, if it turns out to be a little puddle and a tree, you were wrong to assume.

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Right up until someone states something as if it's fact. You're free to have opinions, and post them to your heart's content. Just don't act all surprised when others don't share your opinion and refuse to acknowledge them as valid.


Your opinion, not fact.

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I just wish one single developement team would have the balls and ambition to truly break the WoW mold. To come up with something terrifically different. Add in some things that worked, and some sandbox characteristics so people can do more than quest/kill. But i think the success of WoW has secured that will never happen.
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I just wish one single developement team would have the balls and ambition to truly break the WoW mold. To come up with something terrifically different. Add in some things that worked, and some sandbox characteristics so people can do more than quest/kill. But i think the success of WoW has secured that will never happen.


its quite obvious by looking at the average person in this game.from the suggestion box,that people generally want to play world of warcraft in star wars the old republic


i mean,look at 90 percent if not more of the suggestions.there all things from wow


and sucess? the only reason wow probably has lasted for 7 years is because the mmo genre is pretty meh in terms of quality mmorpgs.i dont really consider sw tor or wow a quality mmo


not that im calling sw tor bad.but its obviously not worth stickig with if you arent a casual

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I expected not too much, but after seeing RIFT last year SWTOR was a huge disappointment compared to RIFT. I assumed that SWTOR will try to be a WoW in Space, but the lack of MMO features and the amount of bugs, and mostly the worlds which just don't feel alive (not to speak about the well separated questing zones to avoid PvP at all costs) made me quite sad. Don't get me SWTOR has its good sides, but... well.... there is still much room for improvement.
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I expected not too much, but after seeing RIFT last year SWTOR was a huge disappointment compared to RIFT. I assumed that SWTOR will try to be a WoW in Space, but the lack of MMO features and the amount of bugs, and mostly the worlds which just don't feel alive (not to speak about the well separated questing zones to avoid PvP at all costs) made me quite sad. Don't get me SWTOR has its good sides, but... well.... there is still much room for improvement.


Rift is not a good game... Not even close to as good as SWTOR...

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I had low expectations and ended up very pleasantly surprised. There's an amazing amount of story content, WZs, FPs, OPs, crafting, and I love the art and design of many of the planets.


Too bad my server is dead. Still, this has been one of my favorite game while it lasted. I'll be switching to D3 and might come back if they do server merges before the next new shiny thing grabs my interest. I don't have very high hopes of D3 either but maybe it will surprise me like this game.

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people always expect to much because we are all biologically programmed to be selfish at heart... it's a survival trait


the other day I saw a homeless man outside a Subway so I bought him a sandwich while I was getting my lunch... he *****ed that I didn't get him chips too

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people always expect to much because we are all biologically programmed to be selfish at heart... it's a survival trait


the other day I saw a homeless man outside a Subway so I bought him a sandwich while I was getting my lunch... he *****ed that I didn't get him chips too


That's when you tell him you spit in it. :)

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MMO players expecting too much from the "next big game"?


Nah. That could never happen because it's only ever happened every frakkin' time the "next big game" has come out.

Edited by CosmicKat
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Nope but I did expect change for the better. Instead we got some uncalled for healing nerfs that ruined a few classes in pvp. We got tank buffs that make them hit harder than straight dps. We got a shiny legacy system. We pretty much got nothing that we were told the game was going to offer. Anyway I just expected something that we were told we were going to get during BETA and that was a kick *** MMO. I dont think we even got the MMO no less the kick *** part.
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I don't think I expected too much. I didn't follow the development of TOR. I heard about it from a friend a couple years back and thought, "yeah, that sounds awesome!". So, in October of last year was when I realized it was coming out soon. I kept an eye on it, watched a couple videos the couple weeks leading to release.


I preordered in early December, and was very excited to see the game. I started playing, and man I loved it. The first 20 levels had me gripped. I quickly levelled, got to 50 about mid January or so, and that's when I first started to lose steam.


Obviously the story drives the game during levelling, but once you're max level, there just isn't much that interests me. I enjoyed the Ops and WZ's, but after a bit, they're just more of the same.


So, I rolled an alt, and again saw my interest pick up. And now, with my second character levelled, I just can't find the interest to log in anymore. I think the game had some excellent features, but I do agree with many that while the voice acting is fantastic, perhaps it should have been left to story quests and a planet questline or two.


I think the game missed a few marks:


** Levelling was too fast. While the fully voiced quests added some length, more should have been text. More time could have been spent on more quests to do, and maybe a better variety of quest design.


** More planets, as well as larger planets. I think some of the planets that are in game should have had more to them. Also, with more planets, there could have been alternate levelling paths, which may have presented more "replay" value.


**Ilum and Space Combat. Duh, everyone knows this. Ilum never was interesting, when it could have been something that alone kept people interested in the game, instead of actually hurting the perception people had of the game. Same goes for Space; it could have even been a game within a game, which definitely could have been something that impressed people and kept them playing.


**And the biggest miss, in my opinion: The focus on the voice. I do think many of the scenes were done beautifully and were compelling to watch, but on the same token, many of them were trivial and added very little to the quality of the game. In addition, it ate up a huge investment of time and moolah to create a game with so much voiceover work. Other aspects of the game could have been focused on, creating a richer world despite less cutscenes.




The game met a lot of my expectations and I think the development team were successful in many ways. However, I do think that many will see it as a failure, because quite a few have now left, and I think many are still planning to leave soon. I have unsubbed myself, with 40 days left.


In conclusion, the game did a lot of stuff right, and I'm glad I played it, but it didn't have the staying power I had hoped it would have.

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As others have said, you didn't expect too much, this game just sucks.


There are far too few features. For the time and money spent developing this game, it should have had every good feature of previous MMOs plus voice acted quest-accept text.

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Oh yes.

What BW was saying:

WoW type game with full VO and more story driven, we want to bring a 4th pillar in the genre.

They deliver exactly that.

What most people expected:

the second coming, a flawless sandbox game with BW story and VO.


And they get the BW promised game + a buggy engine and some new strange mechanics (cover, no absolute roles for class). Above all they expect a fully finished product. How will you get a flawless product when it isn't fully tested by million users that will find all possible bugs? Your sell phones come out with bugs and problems and they get new firmware constantly to fix them, and they are made by companies with experience on the item.

BW was experienced on singe players not mmos and that became visible fast.


Yes most of people expect to much and many, many times different things from what the company was promising.


BUT for one thing they are right to complain PvP. they promise to much and deliver to little mainly because of wrong and insufficient testing

Edited by Narfirill
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After playing SWG from launch until NGE pretty much daily, and then from NGE until shut-down somewhat sporadically i always looked to this game as my next constant home. I saw that the developers were taking their time, that this game was in the pipe for several years longer than average and that we had guarantees of great space content and "amazing pvp" to quote the dev team. Now iv shown up, grinded my sentinel to 50 and to decent gear, done the PVE and PVP instances until they are no longer interesting and entirely ran out of reasons to log in by mid January. (not to mention the space reminds me of star-fox for nintendo 64 far to much for an MMO)As a pvper i knew this game wouldnt be the best in that regard, but i expected more than this, maybe me and the rest of the unhappy base just had far to high of expectations. Idk. As i head to cancel my subscription i am truly disappointed at what could have been.


This is just a shell of a game really. Bio/Ea spent all its effort on the static story line and content at 50 took a back seat.

Level 50 is were the game is supposed to be at it's best , after all it is the destination we all push for instead you feel cheated when you get to the end.


Ea/Bio broke the cardinal rule there and are now paying the price for their lack of vision..Wait.. were have I heard that before?

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