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Why the novels and books arent a valid sorce of information


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nope that also didn't happen. They were not told to kill anyone. All writers of post ROTJ stuff are told they are not allowed to kill certain characters. But they have never ever been told TO kill certain characters.


If you are thinking RA Salavatore said he was told to kill a OT character he was but that was by the head of Del Ray books NOT by Lucasfilm.


Considering I was present at one of his book signings and listened to his answer when asked directly why he killed Chewie, I believe I know what I heard.

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Actually, Lucas never said it doesn't happen in his franchise, he said it doesn't happen is his story. All he cares about with regards to Star Wars is his six films. That is the story he wished to tell, end of story. Everything else is superfluous to that. It doesn't mean it didn't happen as far as he is concerned, it just means it is not the story he wished to tell. His Story is the Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. All the rest is just ancillary to that.


then he should have forced them to name it something else "warstars" maybe. he doesn't mind. no no scrap that, he is happy to make millions on the starwars brand by selling books with the starwars name. as far as i'm concerned if it says starwars and lucasarts on the cover, then it is part of the starwars story.

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then he should have forced them to name it something else "warstars" maybe. he doesn't mind. no no scrap that, he is happy to make millions on the starwars brand by selling books with the starwars name. as far as i'm concerned if it says starwars and lucasarts on the cover, then it is part of the starwars story.


You're missing the point. It IS part of the Star Wars Universe and Stroy. Just not the Story Lucas wanted to tell. It is all in the same continuity, just as far as he is concerned it is not HIS Star Wars story.


The only reason this concept is so hard to understand is because the only other franchise that has the same sort of following doesn't still have it's creator among the living. Don't think for one moment Gene Roddenberry wouldn't say something similar with some of the Star Trek novels that have been released.


When you create an IP, you have an idea of what it should look like. The EU is not the story Lucas would have told if he ever intended to tell the story beyond the six films.

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Actually, Lucas never said it doesn't happen in his franchise, he said it doesn't happen is his story. All he cares about with regards to Star Wars is his six films. That is the story he wished to tell, end of story. Everything else is superfluous to that. It doesn't mean it didn't happen as far as he is concerned, it just means it is not the story he wished to tell. His Story is the Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. All the rest is just ancillary to that.


Now, to be fair, George has stuck his nose into the Expanded Universe several times, and even taken terms from there for use in the movies. "Coruscant", for one. Not his creation. Also, the term "Mandalorian" was coined by a different writer. Now, the two times I've heard of him actively retconning and changing stuff in the ExU were the Original Jedi Code (not restrictive enough), and Wookiee Jedi. He does NOT want Wookiee Jedi in Star Wars. Lowbacca got grandfathered in and he is now the last and only Wookiee Jedi.

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You're missing the point. It IS part of the Star Wars Universe and Stroy. Just not the Story Lucas wanted to tell. It is all in the same continuity, just as far as he is concerned it is not HIS Star Wars story.


The only reason this concept is so hard to understand is because the only other franchise that has the same sort of following doesn't still have it's creator among the living. Don't think for one moment Gene Roddenberry wouldn't say something similar with some of the Star Trek novels that have been released.


When you create an IP, you have an idea of what it should look like. The EU is not the story Lucas would have told if he ever intended to tell the story beyond the six films.


sorry i'm not missing the point. and i don't want to keep harping on about boba fett. but GL says the books that i paid good money for because they are part of my fav sci-fi franchise. don't exist, the money i paid for them that went into lucasarts coffers that existed.


GL changes his mind about what is starwars and what is not so much it could make your head spin. but all the while, the things he says don't exist in starwars canon are sold with starwars branding and lucasarts copyrights.

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Considering I was present at one of his book signings and listened to his answer when asked directly why he killed Chewie, I believe I know what I heard.


i remember you we talked about this a long time ago but it wasn't lucas arts that told him it was the publisher he just got confused.


because remember it was the publisher who chose to kill chewie because they admit they never asked Lucasfilm if they could kill him.

Edited by jarjarloves
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nope wrong. The clone emperor or Chewie dying WERE NOT his idea.


In fact Lucas didn't even know about Chewie being killed


Here's the quote




They didn't even ask if they could kill him.



The only EU book he worked "close" on was Splinters of the Minds Eye. That is because he commisioend Alan Dean Foster to write the book as a low budget sequel to A New Hope if the movie flopped. That is why it takes place on a fog planet so they wouldn't need a lot of sets and there is no space battle in it.


Even then all he did was give Alan Dean Foster the script for A New Hope and all the notes Lucas had.



Lucas has never read a single EU book or story.


Bringing back the Emperor was his idea. Lucas told Veitch he could not bring back Vader or someone pretending to be Vader but that he could re-use the Emperor. This used to be on Starwars.com but the link to the page is now defunct and it no longer exists.


Interestingly enough the link is still on wikipedia but it goes to a "page does not exist." thread now. Tom Veitch has confirmed the above in numerous discussions about his graphic novel. Unless you're calling Tom a liar.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Bringing back the Emperor was his idea. Lucas told Veitch he could not bring back Vader or someone pretending to be Vader but that he could re-use the Emperor. This used to be on Starwars.com but the link to the page is now defunct and it no longer exists.


Interestingly enough the link is still on wikipedia but it goes to a "page does not exist." thread now. Tom Veitch has confirmed the above in numerous discussions about his novel. Unless you're calling Tom a liar.


not buying that mainly because lucas is never that involved.

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one way to look at it is like with comics. The offiical story of say Ironman and the Avengers in in the comic. But you still have the cartoons, the movies and even alternate versions of the comics.


But the offiical CANON story is the one in the main comic universe.

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He was back then. Again, unless you believe Tom to be a liar.


think of where he was at that time. he was actually working on other projects.


But if you want me to sure i'll call Tom a liar. He is a liar and a little punk to. What is he gonna do about it. I'll fight him if i have to.


hey cool rahkgool emoticons :rak_03::rak_02:


But seriously do you have an actual quote for this or is this just something everyone says happened?

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think of where he was at that time. he was actually working on other projects.


But if you want me to sure i'll call Tom a liar. He is a liar and a little punk to. What is he gonna do about it. I'll fight him if i have to.


hey cool rahkgool emoticons :rak_03::rak_02:


But seriously do you have an actual quote for this or is this just something everyone says happened?


I used to have the quote some time ago. I posted it as well. As stated, it was on Starwars.com under the Dark Empire section. I tried to go back there but couldn't find it. So I went to wikipedia, found the link, but it's now defunct. Starwars.com tells me that the section no longer exists. So unfortunately. I don't have the quote anymore.

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I used to have the quote some time ago. I posted it as well. As stated, it was on Starwars.com under the Dark Empire section. I tried to go back there but couldn't find it. So I went to wikipedia, found the link, but it's now defunct. Starwars.com tells me that the section no longer exists. So unfortunately. I don't have the quote anymore.


post the link to the defunct part or use the internet timemachie to look at it.

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i remember you we talked about this a long time ago but it wasn't lucas arts that told him it was the publisher he just got confused.


because remember it was the publisher who chose to kill chewie because they admit they never asked Lucasfilm if they could kill him.


Actually, you and I have never talked bout this before this thread as this is the first time I have ever mentioned that. So, you most likely have me confused with someone else who has heard the same explanation from R.A Salvatore that I heard. Is it so hard to believe that the "official statement" given from the publisher may differ from something the author states in a non-recorded Q&A session?


Having worked for a company that releases "Official Statements" a lot, I am far more apt to take the word of the man who wrote the book when speaking in a non-recorded Q&A session over some PR person giving an "Official Statement".

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Actually, you and I have never talked bout this before this thread as this is the first time I have ever mentioned that. So, you most likely have me confused with someone else who has heard the same explanation from R.A Salvatore that I heard. Is it so hard to believe that the "official statement" given from the publisher may differ from something the author states in a non-recorded Q&A session?


Having worked for a company that releases "Official Statements" a lot, I am far more apt to take the word of the man who wrote the book when speaking in a non-recorded Q&A session over some PR person giving an "Official Statement".

that wasn't a PR person it was the head of publishing ie the person who told RA to kill the wookie.

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that wasn't a PR person it was the head of publishing ie the person who told RA to kill the wookie.


Our information differs. We will have to leave it at that.


Neither one of us is going to change the other's mind.

Edited by Lewisgil
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Go to wikipedia. It's all there. Alternatively go to the Star Wars Wikia. Any such "Novel" wasn't approved by George Lucas.


Yes.. because WIKI is a totally reliable information source. It was probably written by some 11 year old fan boy believing everything he read on another website.

Sorry for the slight troll on that one but it had to be said. As does this: Your all so quick to murder the OP on his opinion.. not realising that doing that you are stating your opinion. Who said you where 100% correct in saying the OP has it all wrong? Now I'm not a real big fan of canon, never really have been never bothered with it. All I ask of the people constantly writing off everyone els' opinion is extremely ignorant of you, so try to limit it.

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Yes.. because WIKI is a totally reliable information source. It was probably written by some 11 year old fan boy believing everything he read on another website.

Sorry for the slight troll on that one but it had to be said. As does this: Your all so quick to murder the OP on his opinion.. not realising that doing that you are stating your opinion. Who said you where 100% correct in saying the OP has it all wrong? Now I'm not a real big fan of canon, never really have been never bothered with it. All I ask of the people constantly writing off everyone els' opinion is extremely ignorant of you, so try to limit it.


All wikis have their errors, but for the most part aside from some articles it is pretty accurate. It may not state word for word, but its paraphrased in a way that it doesn't take someone forever to read through it all. If all the wikis in the world were not a reliable source for information, then what is the point in having wikis in the first place?


The SW wiki, is suggested to use by LA, and authors. Just because it has some mistakes, doesn't mean the entire wiki is wrong.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Yes.. because WIKI is a totally reliable information source. It was probably written by some 11 year old fan boy believing everything he read on another website.

Sorry for the slight troll on that one but it had to be said. As does this: Your all so quick to murder the OP on his opinion.. not realising that doing that you are stating your opinion. Who said you where 100% correct in saying the OP has it all wrong? Now I'm not a real big fan of canon, never really have been never bothered with it. All I ask of the people constantly writing off everyone els' opinion is extremely ignorant of you, so try to limit it.


Well let's see, it's not really an opinion when it completely tries to debunk what is already fact...In essence all the EU goes through inspection and ergo becomes canon by LA. Your whole comment is forfeit based on your bias to not liking the EU.


Move along nothing to see here:csw_trooper:

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Yes.. because WIKI is a totally reliable information source. It was probably written by some 11 year old fan boy believing everything he read on another website.

Sorry for the slight troll on that one but it had to be said. As does this: Your all so quick to murder the OP on his opinion.. not realising that doing that you are stating your opinion. Who said you where 100% correct in saying the OP has it all wrong? Now I'm not a real big fan of canon, never really have been never bothered with it. All I ask of the people constantly writing off everyone els' opinion is extremely ignorant of you, so try to limit it.


Sorry but wikipedia has a list of most of the star wars novel. So does Star Wars wikia. If googling can't come up with any results. The results don't exist. I've been collecting star wars novels for a long long time. There is no such book. This is not an opinion.

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