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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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I won't call for nerfs but I will say this: as an Assault Commando with too much time invested and not enough left over to re-roll - I cry everyday over not rolling Vanguard. Assault spec just works better for Vans, and they have better synergy with their other tiers' low-level talents, which is why their HiB hits much harder than mine. Edited by DaBza
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Pyrotech powertech = Ranged annihilation marauder with perma 75% snare and minus awesome defense abilities


Marauder may be able to beat PT 1v1, but overall PT is way more useful in group pvp.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Pyrotech powertech = Ranged annihilation marauder with perma 75% snare and minus awesome defense abilities


Marauder may be able to beat PT 1v1, but overall PT is way more useful in group pvp.


You do realize that the PT snare is 50% just like every other melee class', right?


Also, Marauder buffs are way better than what a PT can bring to a group, besides Taunt perhaps.


With that said, PT is top-notch for its role, which is a dangerous burst-dps class that goes down fast when focused.

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Pyrotech powertech = Ranged annihilation marauder with perma 75% snare and minus awesome defense abilities


Your comparison fails in too many way to list, so I'm providing an analogous comparison between bananas and ice cream sundae.


Bananas = Ice Cream Sundae with gummy anchovies and minus the Ice Cream.
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Your comparison fails in too many way to list, so I'm providing an analogous comparison between bananas and ice cream sundae.


Please refrain from posting. Your comment fails logic in too many ways to list with false analogies, non-sequiturs, etc..

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Pyrotech powertech = Ranged annihilation marauder with perma 75% snare and minus awesome defense abilities


Marauder may be able to beat PT 1v1, but overall PT is way more useful in group pvp.


1. Pyrotech is not a ranged spec. DPS drops to ~50% if outside of 10m, and to ~95% if outside of 4m.

2. The perma-snare is 50%, and has a 6 second duration attached to a DoT. The Marauder has the same snare on his DoT attack, and can spam a snare attack that has a longer duration.

3. It's been repeatedly stated on this very forum that what makes the marauder "OP" is the defensive abilities.

4. No PT cannot give your group a 15% damage boost in the opening combat, nor can he make your group run faster when he feels like it. In fact the pyrotech has no speed increasing abilities at all.


Bananas = Ice Cream Sundae with gummy anchovies and minus the Ice Cream.

Please refrain from posting. Your comment fails logic in too many ways to list with false analogies, non-sequiturs, etc..


The reason why my caricature of your statement fails in logic is because it was modeled exactly after your original statement, which is illogical, and itself is a false analogy.

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Pyrotech powertech = Ranged annihilation marauder with perma 75% snare and minus awesome defense abilities


Marauder may be able to beat PT 1v1, but overall PT is way more useful in group pvp.


Quotes like this = people who have no idea what class is doing what. The 70 percent snare is attached to PFT which is only available if you spec deep into the AP tree, and thus you are no longer a Pyrotech.

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1. Pyrotech is not a ranged spec. DPS drops to ~50% if outside of 10m, and to ~95% if outside of 4m.

2. The perma-snare is 50%, and has a 6 second duration attached to a DoT. The Marauder has the same snare on his DoT attack, and can spam a snare attack that has a longer duration.

3. It's been repeatedly stated on this very forum that what makes the marauder "OP" is the defensive abilities.

4. No PT cannot give your group a 15% damage boost in the opening combat, nor can he make your group run faster when he feels like it. In fact the pyrotech has no speed increasing abilities at all.




The reason why my caricature of your statement fails in logic is because it was modeled exactly after your original statement, which is illogical, and itself is a false analogy.


Doesnt matter, you can put out same amount of damage as marauder at range without worry about roots/snares/knockback and thats all that matters.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Doesnt matter, you can put out same amount of damage as marauder at range without worry about roots/snares/knockback and thats all that matters.


You really can't.


At least not for more than 5 seconds, which is how long it takes to cast Incendiary Missile > Thermal Detonator > Rail Shot.


After that, you're stuck w/ extremely weak (and costly) abilities until you close to 10m, or you can stand around doing nothing until your Rail Shot / TD come off of cd.


Why do people talk about things that they don't know as if they have any clue?

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You really can't.


At least not for more than 5 seconds, which is how long it takes to cast Incendiary Missile > Thermal Detonator > Rail Shot.


After that, you're stuck w/ extremely weak (and costly) abilities until you close to 10m, or you can stand around doing nothing until your Rail Shot / TD come off of cd.


Why do people talk about things that they don't know as if they have any clue?


It's even worse for shield and Advanced prototypes. They get a weak Rail shot, Rapid shots, and if they really want to get ugly go Unload. An AP outside of 4M loses half his attacks, outside of 10M loses 90 percent of his damage, and is the sole reason they have all the utility. Improved stuns, improved Quell, Hydraulic Overrides, and an in-combat speed buff are all there because it's essential for them to stay in melee range.

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Doesnt matter, you can put out same amount of damage as marauder at range without worry about roots/snares/knockback and thats all that matters.


Your rebuttal is tantamount to a child putting his hands on his ears and yelling that he cannot hear me. This is precisely why you think bananas with gummy anchovies = ice cream sundae.


You can't be tossing out Latin on the forums and then stating false information and claiming it fact.


A pyro outside of 10m does not do the same damage as a pyro within 10m, it's not even close. The 10m range is required to reset Rail Shot. This is also the resource management mechanic for the spec. Spamming his non-basic 30m attacks from outside of 10m will overheat a PT within 6 GCDs, while doing less damage than one Deadly Saber + Ravage.

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Yay another PT nerf thread, I wonder how many people are going to read this and re-roll PT, i'm sick of whiners like you posting threads like this, I've been playing my vanguard since the first batch of early release and my favorite part about the class was that almost no one played it, now all i *********** see in Warzones are PTs and vanguards running around in assault spec, you know what maybe if BW nerfs it this ******** will stop so ya go ahead and nerf it.


On a second note if any class needs to be nerfed its tank-assassin, as it stands now they are a running one man army.

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Hey all i want is for all the FOTM people reading the forums to stop seeing posts like this and re-rolling vanguard/PT. Maybe i should start posting threads about how overpowered tankassassin is so more FOTM re-rollers will go that route
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Calm down, calm down. JediDuckling here is just using his normal rotation. Pretty soon, he'll be back to sorcs again.



But seriously, this guy loves to see us argue. I won't even say the magic word, but you know what I mean.

Edited by Zunayson
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JediDuckling sounds very childish...but he does have a point.


Right now Powertechs are dishing out a ridiculous amount of damage in a short time. Two geared powertechs can burn down any class in seconds on my server, even tanks. Don't know whether there class needs a nerf or the adrenals/buffs need nerfing, but something needs to be done.


Also, the argument that Powertechs go down quickly if focused which makes up for there high damage is bollocks. Snipers, DPS operatives, DPS Mercs, and DPS Sorcs all do less damage than PT's, yet they also go down alot faster.

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The problem isn't the dmg. It's the fact that can-tank AC's still get their tanking abilities even if they go up a DPS tree! Tank abilities should be specced for imo. And on another note, nerf tank-assassins and jugs!! Edited by Asukaa
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The problem isn't the dmg. It's the fact that can-tank AC's still get their tanking abilities even if they go up a DPS tree! Tank abilities should be specced for imo. And on another note, nerf tank-assassins and jugs!!


Disagree. Taunts should be like guard, requiring the tank stance to be active to use. Problem solved.

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Disagree. Taunts should be like guard, requiring the tank stance to be active to use. Problem solved.


Guard should not transfer 50% dmg in pvp. That's just silly! 20%, problem fixed. Tank stance should be a talent not a freebie.

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the only tank abilities we get are taunts and harpoon, guard is for tank stance, our only defensive cooldowns are a 12 sec 25% dmg reduction that even commandos get if im not mistaken, and a pathetic HoT on a long cool down.
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JediDuckling sounds very childish...but he does have a point.


Right now Powertechs are dishing out a ridiculous amount of damage in a short time. Two geared powertechs can burn down any class in seconds on my server, even tanks. Don't know whether there class needs a nerf or the adrenals/buffs need nerfing, but something needs to be done.


Also, the argument that Powertechs go down quickly if focused which makes up for there high damage is bollocks. Snipers, DPS operatives, DPS Mercs, and DPS Sorcs all do less damage than PT's, yet they also go down alot faster.


Are you playing the same game as me?

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