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Simple Mercenary fixes post 1.2

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[ * Jet Boost * ] - Provides the Mercenary with 5 seconds of immunity to all charge and negative pull effects after activation. Cooldown reduced by 5 seconds i.e. pre-1.2.


[ * Hired Muscle * ] - Revert to pre-1.2 settings. Now provides 2% critical per point.


[ * Death from Above * ] - Radius increased to 7m. Effect now knocks down enemies instead of knock back.





[ * Tracer Missle * ] - Reverted back to pre-1.2 damage minus 10%. This is what was stated on 1.2 patch notes.

[ Kolto Vents has been replaced by EMP Shield ] - This is a passive ability that is automatically activated for 10 seconds after the Mercenary is interrupted. Prevents 1 interruption effect. This effect cannot occur more then once every 10 seconds.


[ * Power Barrier * ] - Reverted back to pre-1.2. Reduces damage by 2% for 15 seconds. Stacks 5 times.


Additional abilities need to stack Arsenal debuffs and buffs to encourage more active rotations.



Also I would like for the Developers to be more honest with the players. When you state it's a 10% damage reduction make sure it's 10% and not 40% or 50%.


Post your suggestions here.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Your Idea for Kolto vents is too powerful. As a merc healer I'd strongly consider hybrid speccing to get a talent like that for pvp healing even though I'd then be technically be mainly specced in arsenal.
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Your Idea for Kolto vents is too powerful. As a merc healer I'd strongly consider hybrid speccing to get a talent like that for pvp healing even though I'd then be technically be mainly specced in arsenal.


One interrupt protection every 10 seconds that only occurs after you've already been interrupted once?


I think a 4 sec interrupt CD is way more OP then that imho.


They could try it at 15sec internal CD instead of 10.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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-move POWER SHOT to Pyrotech tree.

-allow, thru spec, for power shot to be cast instantly (instead of lowering heat cost) (allows PT to proc and be slightly more mobile)

-add root ability

-add interrupt



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  • 2 weeks later...

Instant powershot is silly, you cant have an instant spammable 2.5k damage ability that also procs other things.


If they want to encourage more "active" rotations they need to buff some of the never used abilities, such as


-explosive dart- reduce heat/increase damage

-flamethrower- let us cast it while moving

-sweeping blasters/fusion missile- reduced heat cost

-missile blast- reduced heat cost



Specific changes for arsenal


If the problem is tracer spam this seems simple, make tracer have diminishing returns once stacks are full, butbuff powershot/the above abilities when stacks are full so people use other abilities.


Arsenal works a ton better after you min/max your gear


Specific changes for pyro

-buff rail shot and thermal detinator- 10-20% increased damgage, esp for PVE where this AC is a non starter

-You need some ability like cull to magnify dot damage

-some kind of proc to reduce cooldown of thermal detinator, like 5 crit dots immed ends cooldown or something

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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Damage fix for HSM/Demo round.


A real snare. 50% movement for 6 seconds on a 18 second cool down.


Instant Cast power shot with reduced damage and a 4.5 second cool down ( cdquestionable).


Maybe a grenade that works like a hunters frost trap, hits the area and applies a 30% snare to everyone that crosses it on a 30 second cool down.


^that crap needs to happen.

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Change Pinning Fire to give HSM a 100% chance to slow the targets movement by 50% for 5 seconds.

Lower CD of HSM to 10 seconds, nerf damage by 30%.

Change Barrage to decrease channel time of next Unload by 50% and to cost no heat, lower the proc rate.

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Specific changes for pyro

-buff rail shot and thermal detinator- 10-20% increased damgage, esp for PVE where this AC is a non starter

-You need some ability like cull to magnify dot damage

-some kind of proc to reduce cooldown of thermal detinator, like 5 crit dots immed ends cooldown or something




1) Set bonus.... 9% more damage to rail shot (that's right, you DONT use the one that arsenal uses)

2) Talent Burnout - 30% more DoT damage on targets below 30% - also gives 3% more tech crit

3) You proc free RS every 6 seconds which also lowers heat at the same time, don't be greedy

4) Your crits already do something useful, they lower the CD on TSO and KO. I don't self heal 13k per boss battle by actually casting heals.


I do Denova HM in my Pyro, it works absolutely fine in PVE, the only time you'll be unhappy is if Zorn debuffs you while you have a DOT ticking, you kill yourself in seconds but hey, Pyro isn't the only DoT spec that can die like that.

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Every class should have a niche that it shines at and is tough to beat when in that niche. Merc dps doesn't seem to have one. And doesn't seem to have enough utility to be a "jack of all trades" either.


I think the merc needs a role in pvp. I think our role is supposed to be a single target burst dps. But I think we are just under powered enough that we are not able to perform in that role. It's more than 70% of the time were I go through a full rotation and I just don't have enough burst to finish off players. I think once you have put 3TM, 1HS, 1 proc unload 2 more tracers and then a rail shot, Most targets should be dead. This is assuming people are not being healed and not focused on mitigating you. So to that end there is two ways to fix this.


1) simply increase our damage




2) gives us more utility...



Ideas for utility:

A cleanse. I don't think any other class has it. And it would give the merc a special wrinkle.

A root.



Ideas for dps (arsenal):

Make give a higher damage bonus to the fifth tracer lock stack. Something thing like a high crit or a guaranteed crit when 5 tracers are up.



The problem with merc pyro is that the spells needed to proc rail shot are not spamable enough so I would just give the powertech's flame burst or something similar to flame burst to pyro mercs a talent that makes power shot similar to flame burst as "spamability",



As far as our defense and survivability I think it's ok given the hope they increase our high burst and rate of taking out single targets. Right now our survivability seems awful because we cant take out targets but if we are put back to where we were before 1.2 our survivability won't seem so bad

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1) Set bonus.... 9% more damage to rail shot (that's right, you DONT use the one that arsenal uses)

2) Talent Burnout - 30% more DoT damage on targets below 30% - also gives 3% more tech crit

3) You proc free RS every 6 seconds which also lowers heat at the same time, don't be greedy

4) Your crits already do something useful, they lower the CD on TSO and KO. I don't self heal 13k per boss battle by actually casting heals.


I do Denova HM in my Pyro, it works absolutely fine in PVE, the only time you'll be unhappy is if Zorn debuffs you while you have a DOT ticking, you kill yourself in seconds but hey, Pyro isn't the only DoT spec that can die like that.


I don't think you read my post, as you said it has all that and then listed how it has none of it. However much damage you do as pyro in PVE its less than you would do as arsenal, your team is carrying you

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1) A damage boost.


2) A real snare that you can actually maintain distance.


3) Instant power shot and/or heal. Totally unacceptable that to heal or use power shot I get interupted over and over and over and over again.

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[ * Jet Boost * ] - Provides the Mercenary with 5 seconds of immunity to all charge and negative pull effects after activation. Cooldown reduced by 5 seconds i.e. pre-1.2.


[ * Hired Muscle * ] - Revert to pre-1.2 settings. Now provides 2% critical per point.


[ * Death from Above * ] - Radius increased to 7m. Effect now knocks down enemies instead of knock back.





[ * Tracer Missle * ] - Reverted back to pre-1.2 damage minus 10%. This is what was stated on 1.2 patch notes.

[ Kolto Vents has been replaced by EMP Shield ] - This is a passive ability that is automatically activated for 10 seconds after the Mercenary is interrupted. Prevents 1 interruption effect. This effect cannot occur more then once every 10 seconds.


[ * Power Barrier * ] - Reverted back to pre-1.2. Reduces damage by 2% for 15 seconds. Stacks 5 times.


Additional abilities need to stack Arsenal debuffs and buffs to encourage more active rotations.



Also I would like for the Developers to be more honest with the players. When you state it's a 10% damage reduction make sure it's 10% and not 40% or 50%.


Post your suggestions here.


after playing about 8 hours of Arsenal, this is probably the most spot on fixes, without being overly done.


interrupts were the ONLY issues i had in pvp...

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Interesting...I've obviously seen your posts on this forum and you seem to know what you're doing, certainly with the pyro build. Glad you tried out Arsenal (I have a pyro PT as well so I don't really like playing pyro merc, seems a more clunky watered-down version of the pyro PT).


Yes, interrupts are Arsenal's bane. I'm interested how you found fighting melee...I have real trouble getting them off me once they reach me, and it's very difficult to maintain any sort of gap while doing any meaningful damage. That is partly of course a bi-product of getting constantly interrupted but also I just feel like I have very few 'tricks' or CDs that I should be trying to use at better times or in different situations.


Or course, against uncoordinated teams and undergeared re-rolled alts I do well and melt some faces, but against any team that knows what they're doing, I targetted and get shut down very quickly and spend a lot of time trying to run away or face-tranking the glass door.


Example from the other day. Hutball match one, I stood on the walkway near mid as usual. I did 450k, topped the damage (and I even won the match thanks to a timely respawn/cryo on the assassin about to walk over the line with 3 secs left at 5-4 to us :) ). This was because I was left alone almost the whole match. The other team universally ignored me.


Huttball match two. I stood on the walkway again like a good commando. A Juggernaut sat on me the entire game and basically threw me around like a rag-doll. I think I did maybe 90k damage and died constantly (and it takes quite a while to run back to my spot from the spawn).


So yeah....any good advice now you've tried the other spec?

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I don't think you read my post, as you said it has all that and then listed how it has none of it.


I don't think you understood my post at all, it has everything you said. Damage boost to RS, to DoT, free procced attacks.


However much damage you do as pyro in PVE its less than you would do as arsenal, your team is carrying you


Fighting words them. Go on, hit me with what you do.




Another 30dps would replicate the 30% damage boost to DoT when targets go below 30% health which of course a dummy won't show.


Surely in similar gear your superior Arsenal spec can blow my pitiful parse out of the water?


Full Rakata/Stim/Buffs + 2 aug.

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Yes it has different procs and damage capabilities than the ones I described.... how does that prove it has the things I said it should have.


You can find the other stat thread where I posted parses if you like, anyone who plays knows pyro does less damage than arsenal.

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Yes it has different procs and damage capabilities than the ones I described.... how does that prove it has the things I said it should have.


You can find the other stat thread where I posted parses if you like, anyone who plays knows pyro does less damage than arsenal.


not by much, if at all given certain fights, procs, rotations...


i think there is too much wiggle room on procs to really have an effective measure at any given time...DPS needs to be measured on a ZW level or over a multitude of fights..


i can parse 1400+ on a training dummy, and come right back and parse 1175. all based on procs.


also, i REALLY believe many people do not play PT/Merc as effective as it should be played...


<30%, if you don't have all 3 dot's on, you losing substantial DPS...that means balancing heat and CD's based on opponents HP. (not to mention the extra crit)


i was about 50 DPS, on average, higher as Arse vs FB(old school Firebug :) ), but, <30% crit and damage was not taken into consideration...i'd say they are equal.


you do see some sexy #'s as Arse...but, you see #'s #'s #'s #'s <30% + 3 dots as FB/PT/Merc. that's how i kill healers w/ ease as FB/PT/Merc. (stun at <40%, pop my dots...dead healer)

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Yes it has different procs and damage capabilities than the ones I described.... how does that prove it has the things I said it should have.


You can find the other stat thread where I posted parses if you like, anyone who plays knows pyro does less damage than arsenal.


Go on then, pretend that the buffs and procs it has don't exist.


And yes I did find your parses, I said did you have any that blow mine out of the water, not worse ones.


Incidentally you used the wrong relic when you were testing Pyro, kinetic hits less than elemental/internal when your spec doesn't have any armour penetration.


i was about 50 DPS, on average, higher as Arse vs FB(old school Firebug :) ), but, <30% crit and damage was not taken into consideration...i'd say they are equal.


You get 3% extra tech crit from that talent all the time.


The only thing that happens below 30% is that DoT gets a damage boost.


Examine your crit rates. Tech should be 7% higher than ranged all the time.


3% from Arsenal branch, 3% from Pyro branch and 1% because you collected all the Cunning Datacrons

Edited by Gyronamics
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Go on then, pretend that the buffs and procs it has don't exist.


And yes I did find your parses, I said did you have any that blow mine out of the water, not worse ones.


Incidentally you used the wrong relic when you were testing Pyro, kinetic hits less than elemental/internal when your spec doesn't have any armour penetration.



You are surprisingly rude for being 100% unquestionably wrong. I didn't pretend the abilities it has don't exist, they are insufficient. A lethality sniper has both a dots tick harder below 30% health passive buff and an active ability, cull, that applies more damage when dots are ticking at any point. I said pyro should have that later ability, an active ability you apply at any point to magnify dot damage. You responded with a random list of totally irrelevant other abilities pyro has, this is the equivalent of syaing "pyro has rapid shots". Good point.


Those parses are solo, unbuffed, on an ops dummy. Lets see your numbers there. The fact that you don't even realize the differences involved proves you are out of your league kid. And as discussed in the thread, that isthe right relic for a raid situation. I didn't personally attack you, I pointed out a fact no one on the planet other than you disputes- arsenal does more pve DPS than pyro. That alone is a known fact, add in your debuff helps the whole raid and its not a question. You keep missing the point and responding with snide comments that are not only totally uninformed but not even funny so I won't be responding to you again, if you don't get it by now nothing I say is going to help.

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You are surprisingly rude for being 100% unquestionably wrong. I didn't pretend the abilities it has don't exist, they are insufficient. A lethality sniper has both a dots tick harder below 30% health passive buff and an active ability, cull, that applies more damage when dots are ticking at any point. I said pyro should have that later ability, an active ability you apply at any point to magnify dot damage. You responded with a random list of totally irrelevant other abilities pyro has, this is the equivalent of syaing "pyro has rapid shots". Good point.


Those parses are solo, unbuffed, on an ops dummy. Lets see your numbers there. The fact that you don't even realize the differences involved proves you are out of your league kid. And as discussed in the thread, that isthe right relic for a raid situation. I didn't personally attack you, I pointed out a fact no one on the planet other than you disputes- arsenal does more pve DPS than pyro. That alone is a known fact, add in your debuff helps the whole raid and its not a question. You keep missing the point and responding with snide comments that are not only totally uninformed but not even funny so I won't be responding to you again, if you don't get it by now nothing I say is going to help.


I answered your list of changes for pyro not what you're discussing now.


I say I'm clearing Denova HM and your only thought is that I must be being carried because ofc I'm Pyro. I prove what I do and ask you to justify yourself and you cannot You hide behind "what everyone knows" while in the meantime your own char isnt doing any better as Arsenal.


There's as much logic in what you said as saying you are being carried because you're not a Sniper, after all EVERYONE knows they do more damage right?


Pyro isn't as weak as you think. But keep kidding yourself "kid".

Edited by Gyronamics
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