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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix the PvP gear grind PLZ.


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I thought this was suppose to be a game where we could play with multiply toons at the same time. The PvP grind has become insane. I spend hours and hours a day doing my dailies and grinding PvP gear and I'm getting sick of it.


Only 4 warzones where 3 of them are almost the same game. Is not enough content for this much grinding.


Give us an easy mode server or something where the grind is much much smaller for a place where people just want to play with equal gear and not worry about grinding gear every single day.


I have a job where I need to leave the country to go to client sites so i can't always do my dailies, A girl friend and like to do other things on the weekend like paintball. I know some people love the grind so don't take it out. Just make a palce where people want PvP to be about skill and not how much you grind every day

Edited by Lt_Latency
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The problem is you're viewing PvP as a grind. Just do dailies when you feel like it and the gear is just an added bonus reward for having fun. I'm not sure why you even want PvP gear if PvP is a horrible grind to you to be perfectly honest. Edited by Mordresh
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The problem is you're viewing PvP as a grind. Just do dailies when you feel like it and the gear is just an added bonus reward for having fun. I'm not sure why you even want PvP gear if PvP is a horrible grind to you to be perfectly honest.


This is what i WANT!!! I want to play for fun. To play against people who are equal to me.


Right now, I'm going man I have so much to today but I HAVE to get some gear grinding done today, at the very least my dailies.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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this game has far less of a grind than any other mmo ive played. (other than the boring "grinding halt" the game comes to when i bother with pve)


the grind for pvp gear in WOW is completely horrible compared to this one.


if the only thing youre pvping for is to get points for gear then i guess it would seem that bad..but when you have fun pvping its far less of a problem. i have fun while pvping (even when im mad about things not being balanced) and i get full commendations without noticing..no telling how many times ive gone over max and didnt notice


i play 8 toons btw..randomly throughout the week/day/hour

Edited by Anathar
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this game has far less of a grind than any other mmo ive played. (other than the boring "grinding halt" the game comes to when i bother with pve)


the grind for pvp gear in WOW is completely horrible compared to this one.


if the only thing youre pvping for is to get points for gear then i guess it would seem that bad..but when you have fun pvping its far less of a problem. i have fun while pvping (even when im mad about things not being balanced) and i get full commendations without noticing..no telling how many times ive gone over max and didnt notice


i play 8 toons btw..randomly throughout the week/day/hour


I disagree, WoW had some horrible grinds like the BG ratting system, Probablly the worst grind in MMO history.

But they also had some great ones like the arena system which was 10 games a week. So if you had other things to do you could put in your 10 games and get your loot based on the rank you held.


I don't mind if there is a heavy grind to epic gear. But throw us a bone for people who can't play every day for 3 hours.


Why do people keep talking about only wanting gear. I WANT to play where everything is equal and gear is meaningless. I know that is tough for MMOs so thats why it would be cool if there was a easy server for people like me or a way to get gear where you don't have to put in crazy hours all the time

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I thought this was suppose to be a game where we could play with multiply toons at the same time. The PvP grind has become insane. I spend hours and hours a day doing my dailies and grinding PvP gear and I'm getting sick of it.


Only 4 warzones where 3 of them are almost the same game. Is not enough content for this much grinding.


Give us an easy mode server or something where the grind is much much smaller for a place where people just want to play with equal gear and not worry about grinding gear every single day.


I have a job where I need to leave the country to go to client sites so i can't always do my dailies, A girl friend and like to do other things on the weekend like paintball. I know some people love the grind so don't take it out. Just make a palce where people want PvP to be about skill and not how much you grind every day


This is a gear based MMO, they can't make it easier to get gear! Only GW2 has the feature you want.

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BW is already practically giving players like you BM gear. TOR has already gotten to many of the "gimme for free,I no wanna work/grind for my gear " players in its community.


Honestly it doesn't even make sense to have pvp setup as a gear grind. I mean really how fun is it if you're just hitting 50 with little pvp gear going up against those with the best pvp gear. Pvp should be about competition and having fun from the competition but when you're consistently having no chance at all in a fight due to gear, how does it make pvp fun?


I think BW took the right path in toning down the gear grind in PvP. They just need to enhance the pvp dynamics a little more. Though I will admit I like BWs WZ settings much more insteresting than WoWs, Rifts, and Warhammer.

Edited by Aricus
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Battlemaster gear is so easy to get now, when comparing to other mmos i played. Warhero gear is grind, but it's quite small update to bm gear. So i play just for fun and let comms to pile and get some pieces once a week or two. Edited by Deesasther
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Battlemaster gear is so easy to get now, when comparing to other mmos i played. Warhero gear is grind, but it's quite small update to bm gear. So i play just for fun and let comms to pile and get some pieces once a week or two.


this. really check the stat difference between WH and BM and you will notice it is a minor thing. few more point here and there and extra 3 per piece expertise. Nothing much!


If you wanna have the looks just buy WH shell, GTN is filled with them. Sure they have v70 requirement but you have to admit you should work at least a little for it, right?

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i would live to completely remove stats from the gear, same stats just different look


ppl would have enough time to lvl up 4-5 chars on every faction side and have fun for months...


i unsubed, waiting on GW2, but when they change something here i will be back ...

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The problem is you're viewing PvP as a grind. Just do dailies when you feel like it and the gear is just an added bonus reward for having fun. I'm not sure why you even want PvP gear if PvP is a horrible grind to you to be perfectly honest.


Its four frikkin WZ's over and over how could you view it any other way but a grind..

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The problem is there is no world PvP. Other than Ilum, which no one goes to, there isn't a natural "battle" going on outside of war zones.


War zones are cheap. Easy. Lazy. Boring. Gear grind. To those that have fun in war zones, great! But a very large segment of the pvp population want to fight an open field battle with different terrain that doesn't revolve around capping a node or a pretend game of "football".

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The problem is there is no world PvP. Other than Ilum, which no one goes to, there isn't a natural "battle" going on outside of war zones.


War zones are cheap. Easy. Lazy. Boring. Gear grind. To those that have fun in war zones, great! But a very large segment of the pvp population want to fight an open field battle with different terrain that doesn't revolve around capping a node or a pretend game of "football".


So much this!

Man i would even be happy for a map larger than what you get from any generic FPS type game.

Something big that you can have 16 a side that actually takes some kind of tactics and team work and when you die you are actually out of the action for a bit not just insta spawn and back into the zerg 30 seconds later.

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The problem is you're viewing PvP as a grind. Just do dailies when you feel like it and the gear is just an added bonus reward for having fun. I'm not sure why you even want PvP gear if PvP is a horrible grind to you to be perfectly honest.


Because getting your *** kicked each match because they have better gear than you is fun, right?

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I disagree, WoW had some horrible grinds like the BG ratting system, Probablly the worst grind in MMO history.

But they also had some great ones like the arena system which was 10 games a week. So if you had other things to do you could put in your 10 games and get your loot based on the rank you held.


I don't mind if there is a heavy grind to epic gear. But throw us a bone for people who can't play every day for 3 hours.


Why do people keep talking about only wanting gear. I WANT to play where everything is equal and gear is meaningless. I know that is tough for MMOs so thats why it would be cool if there was a easy server for people like me or a way to get gear where you don't have to put in crazy hours all the time



Uh no your 10 games only got you points to buy the current T1 gear and you could never ever get the rating to get the T2 gear playing 10 games a week. I am sorry if our idea of pvp is nothing to you if you don't like it leave already. I am sure crafting all that dye in GW2 will keep you entertained for years to come.

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