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SWTOR Open World PvP? WoW had it right!


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This would also be alleviated if they had a 64bit client, instead of running 2 exe's to circumvent the limitations of a 32 bit client. Probably less crashing too.


To the OP, wow, you are a douchebag. You're that guy that sits in his computer that hates his life and wants to make others miserable as you are.

There is a reason why they kill world pvp in successful MMO's you are why. I like to pvp, but you take it to a whole new level of low. I've seen your kind for years, and there's a reason why the games you play that support that never really make headline news. Your niche is so small.


Hahahaha and you're one of the kids who got camped repeatedly and YELLED at his monitor because he was forced to log......AKA Carebear. Re Roll PVE server you crybaby. I'm pretty sure WoW made some headlines though? Yes I do get enjoyment out of trolling people and ganking people it's not real life, if you want it to be your little fantasy world where you rp with your other friends good for you I'm not going to call you a fkn lame nerd though and say you probably meet up for dungeons and dragons battles in your local park at midnight with your friends.

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Actually wow pvp still fails, I always enjoy griefing players with my mage/druid who try to camp on my alt dead body or always ganks me. Even when they run to their outpost or town I still can gank them with stealth and insane burst dmg and also thanks to flying mounts/transform I can make a fast get away or just hovering at the dead body while the NPCs can't reach me.


All they can do is roll same faction as me and rage at me. When that happens I just hit the report button and get him suspended for a week.


True story


I duno about the rest but I find this very abusive even I enjoyed it


You remind me of my friend in wow I used to gank with.

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Title should have been: "SWTOR Open World PvP? Dark Age of Camelot had it right!"


No other game has had functional world pvp before or since - nor will any game ever have it again without the 3 faction model.

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Title should have been: "SWTOR Open World PvP? Dark Age of Camelot had it right!"


No other game has had functional world pvp before or since - nor will any game ever have it again without the 3 faction model.


I never played DAOC....Couldn't compare it to that.

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We need mode wpvp hotspots and make the fleets attackable by the opposing faction


QFT and add Faction Leaders in each Fleet. Also Make dailys coincide with eachother for both factions like the old Burning Crusade dailys. Don't force us into a giant area with only a small node of land like ilum being the only means of getting things done have it be a bigger area then the middle ilum node but make the overall map size of Ilum alot smaller.

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WoW had world pvp for what? Half a year? Then they released Battlegrounds turning PvP into a minigame.


Actually quite a bit longer than that. I think the whole Tarren mill/ Southshore zerg fest lasted 3 months, or more, in itself. That doesn't include the days of roaming PvP groups scouring through popular quest areas farming players for honor.


Early WoW had more than enough WPvP for anyone to have fun. What happened was the carebears got their way and Blizzard introduced instanced PvP to quell the constant QQ, and that is when the whole concept of open world PvP died.



ToR, is an exact replica of WoW post BG's, and even 1 step further as they separated the opposing factions as they level, then tossed in fleet so the carebears never have to see the other side.

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Wait. ..WOW has open world pvp?


Do You mean wintergrasp and Tol Barad that people only fight for it because they need the raid boss there?


Do you mean the faction leader raid because ppl need to get their black war bear mount?


Halaa cus people need their black talbuk?


attack opposite faction capital at 2 am in the morning and de clear it is successful operation.


SS / Tarren Mill pvp is no longer the case since blizzard killed it, Do people harass x-road anymore now and day? Even back in 2005 "open world pvp" isn't that big of deal in those 2 location. It was always 1 or 2 lone rogues kill quest givers or noob tried to organize raid but group give up shortly after opposite faction arrive.


At vanilla we had a lot open pvp, you made pvp ranks with that btw. I made it to 11 if I recall right, later with the BG´s you did usually attack the pvp entrance of Warsong, along with XR.


It was lots of fun, but ya today wow has no open pvp - most people just sit in towns and use the group tools, hardly anyone is actually out in the open world these days :mad:

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South Shore and Tarren Mill where in the game from launch... and they had it right. They were several areas were PVP would naturally happen....I can't think of a single area now in SWTOR where you can just be roaming around and find PVP.


Don't forget when Horde would attack Westfall and draw out 50's from Stormwind. Those were fun, cuz the guards weren't elite lvl 50 and you could kill the vendors and quest givers. It was hilarous to see the flightmaster dead, so people would fly in, but couldn't leave lmao... The good old days.. hahaha

Even the elite attacks on Stormwind it'self rocked hard core. The guild Total War, attacked Stormwind all the time, killed the elite guards and go into town, killing the bank clerks, vendors, quest givers everything... it was too funny.

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I totally agree with the OP. Leveling 1-50 when the servers launched i ran into the opposing faction on Tatooine, Voss, and Hoth and only once or twice per planet. AT LAUNCH, when servers were packed FULL of people and had que times. The rest of the planets i never saw a single pub.


Future planets need to have areas where the factions have to be in the same area but not necessarily have the same objective. Hell why not make the Bonus Series quests be in the same area for current planets? Or have dailies for both factions in the same are but not near the leveling up quest areas?


You have PvP servers. That includes WORLD pvp on the WORLDS we travel to. How bout some world pvp bioware? Oh and make the Tatooine FFA area actually worth going to. Most people don't even know where it is and if they do, they isn't really a point to go there at all except to kill your raid leader for wiping on trash in an OP. =P

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I'm Kinda getting tired of the Guild Wars 2 RvR. I've watch a couple of beta videos showing the W vs W vs W Fight. Im not very impressed what so ever. Majority of the video were people SPAMMING there ( basic Attack) 1 key on a gate for literally 15 mins. After that rushing through the gate killing a couple of NPCs then rushing to the next gate or Tower or castle. GW2 will require the same comp you'll need for swtor. Which is a pretty decent machine. IF the game is pushing over 100 people on one screen , the game will be completely unplayable. Just Like Illeum.


The one thing WoW has over most MMOs is its Age and Cheap Requirements.


Ive also watched a couple of videos of GW2 pvp instances. Majority of the fights were Spam X spell....move out a circle....spam X spell...move again...Self heal Spell..Stay in White circle to receive buffs....Throughout the entire video i had no clue what was happening because of all the particle effects flashing in front of my face.


I love swtor for its stories, easy grind, and mediocre pvp.

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Don't forget when Horde would attack Westfall and draw out 50's from Stormwind. Those were fun, cuz the guards weren't elite lvl 50 and you could kill the vendors and quest givers. It was hilarous to see the flightmaster dead, so people would fly in, but couldn't leave lmao... The good old days.. hahaha

Even the elite attacks on Stormwind it'self rocked hard core. The guild Total War, attacked Stormwind all the time, killed the elite guards and go into town, killing the bank clerks, vendors, quest givers everything... it was too funny.


What its all about! :rak_04:

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DAoC literally owns the rights to the term "RvR" realm vs realm


And no one has take their idea of a 3 realm system... Always someone to fight and even if there was a hib vs mid fight u were always worried about alb jumping in to either help on or destroy both. Hands down the most exciting pvp I've ever been involved in. Zerg vs Zerg, 8v8, small man vs small man, and 1v1. Hell I've even seen skilled 8mans take out a Zerg or a small man take out an 8man.

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DAoC literally owns the rights to the term "RvR" realm vs realm


And no one has take their idea of a 3 realm system... Always someone to fight and even if there was a hib vs mid fight u were always worried about alb jumping in to either help on or destroy both. Hands down the most exciting pvp I've ever been involved in. Zerg vs Zerg, 8v8, small man vs small man, and 1v1. Hell I've even seen skilled 8mans take out a Zerg or a small man take out an 8man.


I'm really excited to see what the the guys who made that game are doing with ESO. These Mythic guys BioWare absorbed are not the DAOC Mythic team. They are the team that got put in place when Mythic got bought out.


But overall I think BioWare is getting a pretty clear message from the fanbase as it leaves. The exit poll I filled out when I unsubed this weekend really seemed to address those concerns. Only problem is I think they are in a playoff round and down three games to none. Its pretty much over at this point unless they somehow sell a million new coppies going into the winter to some undsicovered continent.

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