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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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After 2 hours of trying to reach a person who speaks ENGLISH at customer support and FAILING, I have cancelled my account.


Original Server is DEAD. New Server FATMAN that I had to reroll on is having issues handling the last few remaining people left playing the game. People had to reroll on FATMAN to play an MMO again.


Frustrating customer support ( HAVE UNITED STATES BASED CALL CENTERS!! )

Lack of information about server merges/transfers/super server transfers

Lack of any kind of in game customer support (does this sound familiar? "We have forwarded your ticket to the appropriate department")


The first MMO i played was WoW. after 7 years of playing and after only ONE week of playing SWTOR, I cancelled my WoW subscription. It may not seem like a lot to some, but it was a HUGE deal for me. SIX MONTHS later, frustrated with low populations, no customer service, no information other than BW fired a bunch of people, customer support call centers that cannot speak english well if at all, and just generally being pissed off at the whole lack of support by EA, Bioware and Lucasarts, I AM GOING BACK TO PLAYING WORLD OF WARCRAFT and their horrible Panda Expansion.

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My wife and I just unsubbed. This will be my last post on the forum although I have 28 days left because there is no point to post further. LOL, that may please some people (another whiner bites the dust).


Top 5 reasons -


1.) Combat is still broken and flawed. Ability delay was somewhat fixed but still exists with delays, ticks to count after cooldown when things should be ready, and misfires. My wife's SW leaps sidaways at times and lands 20 feet from the target. I tried the combat again in that other game and boy did it feel good after swtor. What a wonderful feeling it was to be able to run, jump, turn, and fire all in one seamless motion.


2.) Dead empty linear worlds. There is no life on any of the worlds. Pathing is boxed in by planet long mountain ranges or walls or other devices to keep you on a tight path. Some worlds are just tunnels that never seem to end (parts of Corescaunt and Nah Shaddaa for example). As a result, exploration is impossible. Most of the worlds (and especially fleet) are drab and colorless. The popuation on fleet is dropping like a rock and the planets never have more than a few people on them at best.


3.) Limited linear questing with no ability to pick and choose between quest lines. I have done the dailies a number of times and if I have to listen (or space bar through) the same quest giver giving me the same quest with the same voiced conversation one more time, insanity may insue.


4.) Dead almost non existant economy and terrible GTN. Crafting is pretty well screwed up in my opinion. This is so messed up at this point that it is crazy. I actually get excited when I sell something, it is so rare an occasion. How messed up is that?


5.) Travel times (from fleet - door into ship hanger, ride mount through ship hanger, door to ship, run through ship, click a number of buttons to travel to planet area, run back through ship, ship door to corridor, summon mount and ride through corridor to elevator, click on button to get to orbital station, ride through orbital station to shuttle, and then take shuttle down to planet, and sometimes then summon mount and ride through space port and then you are there) with sleep inducing delays as you go through loading screen after loading screen after loading screen, all of which take an extrodinary amount of time compared to other games. How many times can you watch the same visual of your ship taking off or approaching a planet? I have started to develope a case of numb thumb from excessive space barring.


I could go another ten or so reasons for myself but the question was to name five.


I will not go five more reasons for my wife will but say that although she is new to mmos and a huge SW fan (happy anniversary SW - ironic that this is our unsub day), she is bored to tears now that she has a character at cap level and is finding the game no fun. She was pushing herself to log on. If you do not raid there is really nothing to do at end game and although she has started to level some alts, she became bored because except for a few class quests on each planet, the questing each time through is identical to each other time.


The one thing we will miss greatly is our companions. I think that they are the gem in this game with nothing like them anywhere else. We have become attached to them. Kuddo's on the companion system and it's implementation to BW - one thing that they got very right.


Luck to all who continue to sub and fond wishes that you enjoy your gaming from both of us.

Edited by asbalana
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1. Low server population. <10 people on fleet at peak hours on my server


2. No LFG, impossible to find a group for anything


3. Rerolling a new character, 80% of the missions on the planet are still the same as the first time.

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Honestly I wouldn't be quitting this game if I was actually able to play the game. The server I'm on is super low pop (as most are by now) It is *********** days between warzone pops, we'll get maybe 10 a week if we're lucky. Being 50 for a few months, I have yet to see a Republic in Ilum having gone there over 20 times. It's sad cuz I really enjoy the pvp in this game but I cannot pvp 95% of the time. I shouldn't have to reroll just to be able to play the game. I would transfer but there's no way I'm waiting 3 months of nothing and just handing my money over to do it. I cannot believe how badly this has been handled.
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. I enjoyed it at the start but by the end of it I was sick to death ofr the cut scenes. I appreciate the work that went into it but frankly it should have only been used for story quests and other important quest lines. Please go and bash 10 of these critters does not need a ' ooo you're such a hero' voice acted scene. I know there's the space bar and yes I used it frequently but by then I had developed 'cutscene fatigue' and begrudged even doing that.


2. Perhaps I'm just unlucky but from about level 20 I played the game solo. Virtually no grouping. Partly to blame I suspect is no lfg tool even though I was happy with the old fashioned 'lfg' in channel. Problem was nobody WAS lfg. Spent most of my time on planets with less than 15 people on them except for starter areas. Whilst on the fleet all anyone seemed to be bloody doing was essels social point runs. So lack of server population??


3. PVP - Loved Huttball but the rest? all a bit 'meh' And I never felt like i was achieving anything for my faction, it had just become a grind for 'tokens' That said there were some epic scraps and some of it was enjoyable. But still a grind.


4. Too many load screens. Completely lost immersion in any reality. I know they let you use speeders on orbitals but even so, fed up with pointless dead areas/journeys. Speaking of immersion. What, is it day time all the time once you leave earth? Is the rest of the galaxy/cosmos on perma daylight hours?


5. Nothing to do on the fleet apart from staring at the GTN looking at all the stuff that i couldn't get anyone to buy because crafting is hit or miss. Fleet needs mini games or something. The plague was mildly entertaining for a short while. At least you had a purpose for standing there aimlessly.


6. I know you said 5 but need room to mention crafting. Ironically by having so many companions away doing stuff it detracts from you being able to do anything. I thought it would be a good idea initially, but for me I ended up hating it. That and the still apparent despite being fixed randomness of proccing. 45 RE's and nothing?? On more than one occassion too. I must have spent close to 35 million creds just to get what I did, which then noone would buy either. Fabulous.


I would like to commend the community however. Met some great folks, never once saw any griefers and chuckled on mumerous occassions at peoples wit. Its a shame I can;t take you all wherever I end up going next.


It was fun, but for now - so long and thanks for all the fish.

Edited by skaffler
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I recently canceled my sub, and though it sounds like a rant I really wanted this game to blossom. And as much as I'd like to be heard and not flamed I doubt I could go unscathed in that regards but here goes...


Account Security:

-Not able to switch Security key methods easily with your account (i.e. swapping from using tablet security app to cell phone app). A bit of a hassle to getting it changed or removed.


Leaving to play another game:

-Rift (Free to play til level 20 where I continue to play my level 19 twink).

-Aion (Now changed to Free-to-play, more of a fall-back than actually wanting to return to it.)

-Tera (Currently not on your list of games and another game worth playing over waiting for SWTOR to improve)

-Any other new game release for that matter would probably be more fun to play than SWTOR's single player mode.


Game Issues:

-Poor Performance (Loading times are way too long even on high end computers, loads of lag even in low pop areas, just overall adherence on the engine's performance)

-Did not enjoy the PvP (The resolve bar system isn't as good and functional as perhaps diminishing returns on CC's since the game has mirrored classes in-which creates too many CC's at one given time. World PvP doesn't exist and there's no reward for killing the opposite faction. Don't really want to get into it with lack of party/group queuing without being dropped at the end of the match since it will *supposedly* be fixed in 1.3)

-Finished all current content (the game is really too easy at times)

-class imbalances (Assassin's are not really useful in end-game ops compared to the dps output of a marauder using party/buff dps buffs). Also kinda annoying that the shared class ability of all the basic classes are shared between both advanced classes EXCEPT - Force Storm which is Sorcerer only.

-did not meet my expectations (for a game with all the hype and all the lore at it's disposal for it to became this short of a game. If I really wanted to grind it out I could have finished the game and all content in 2 weeks, but instead took 1.5months only to wait 3.5+ months for it to improve only slightly with minor new features and still have a lot of unfixed bugs and problems.


Personal Reasons:

-spending too much time playing (Honestly I really did spend too much time playing the game over anything else only to be shot down, it's more disappointing to come to the conclusion to be losing all that time so shortly after the game's launch for an MMO)

-Do not like paying a subscription price (I don't actually, but if I had to for a good game and I enjoy it I'll pay. However with all my friends leaving the game and the game's not up to par and the new features are spoken as if they are tall tales and in most cases they are, I can't justify paying for a game that I have no one to play with anymore because of the game's short comings any longer.)

-Payment method not found (Free-to-play until completely finished to the developers desired retail expectations, and NOT selling a broken, incomplete mess with bug infested and beta testing game we have now. It may not have flopped as bad as FFXIV but don't think they were that far from it just because they had a lot of voice dialogue. They were a lot of issues that had to be fixed and some that weren't and it took 4 months to even get that, UI customizable, GTN (Auction house) utility is still trash, Re-arrangeable open menus (tabs), etc)


Social Issues:

-None of my friends play (in the middle-to-end of April it seems that just about all my friends just stopped showing up on the game and now up to the end of May no signs of recovery and our server is now once one of the highest populated server is actually low.)

-SWTOR played more like a single player game (pretty much after leveling your first toon to 50. Leveling about toon up is a matter of patience and the willpower to not pass out from boredom. Plus with all my friends quitting one by one kills the static level up party of running the same linear quest line for 7 alts for buffs.)

-Scammed out of credits/items (sadly as an obedient synthweaver craftsman I tried to proc as much of the prefix schematics that were available. Although as intimidating as trying to proc every recipe to 15 variations *14 if you don't count the mission defense prefix proc not proven in-game to this day* all to result to nothing more than a waste of time since all players want are the orange customizable equipment. If it was all just for the matter of appearance where was our wardrobe feature?)


I'm really upset on the fact that the crew skills are pointless other than becoming a Biochem. If I knew all the time and effort into putting on my synthweaving recipes on that ridiculously large scale prefix reverse engineering mess to amount to nothing I would have simply picked Biochem on all my toons WITH nerf.


I'm sure I have more reasons to leave and I'd love to be more specific on certain categories but I feel that I'll only hit the Bioware's trash bin with a post this long. I don't really mean to rant but I had to be detailed to some what get my point across when asked why I was leaving this game that I truly believed that had a lot of potential (and still do) but not help but to feel a bit robbed of the chance. And all of this from a person that ISN'T a die hard Star Wars fan but still enjoyed the game enough to come to love it but turned out to fall extremely short for a game of this caliber.


If SWTOR ever starts to release content or features that looks to be an upgrade rather than those that should have been launched along as soon as the game went live than I would love to have a reason to return. But right now I feel other MMOs will come and go faster than this game could play catch up. And there's no telling what GW2 or the revamp of FFXIV 2.0 would hold on the future of SWTOR not looking too dated with it's current Hero engine and faulty bugs and unfixed features.

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The #1 reason people are leaving is because SWTOR slavishly copied WoW and, aisde from WoW, the WoW model has not suited any other game since. Games need to forge their own path. When you look at how excited people are about GW2, for example, where the game isn't based on gear progression, you can see a very clear path that SWTOR could have taken, but chose not to -- and is now suffering for it.
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The #1 reason people are leaving is because SWTOR slavishly copied WoW and, aisde from WoW, the WoW model has not suited any other game since. Games need to forge their own path. When you look at how excited people are about GW2, for example, where the game isn't based on gear progression, you can see a very clear path that SWTOR could have taken, but chose not to -- and is now suffering for it.


Well, I would argue that no developer has released their Would-be-WoW-Killer with all the features that WoW has. Not sure if it's possible to do it, but it hasn't been done yet. So, I think you're partly correct. If you're gonna go after WoW type numbers, than you need to do something completely different OR go the WoW clone path but make sure it is a CLONE at release.

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First time poster on the forums (and long time reader) but I've been playing SWTOR since early January. I bought SWTOR for £39.99 from Play.com with a £40 Christmas gift voucher I had no idea what to do with. I absolutely love Star Wars and had played EVE Online and PlanetSide before so I knew what MMOs were, despite my lack of experience. I was a bit freaked out with the hotbar combat system but hey, it was Star Wars and I was soon hooked and couldn't stop playing. It stopped me playing Battlefield 3 and Skyrim so clearly SWTOR grabbed me massively.


I'm in the UK so I looked for a heavily populated European server that was PvE and found "The Red Eclipse" to be massively populated. Considering the population issues these days, it was a good decision as the server is still decently well populated. I have four characters on it - two are level 50 and the other two are half-way there. I love playing with the guild (a Spanish guild who are awesome people to play with) and to my surprise, I prefer the Empire side than the Republic side.


Today I unsubscribed. Initially I thought I'd just stick it out for a while, allowing Bioware to improve the game and add more content in. Now I've come to a stage where I tell myself "So now what?" and can see the new things trickling in very, very slowly. I don't blame Bioware for their pace, although I do agree with a lot of the posters who have mentioned the lack of fundamental MMO features that should have been there since release. Mind you, being an MMO newbie, I wasn't let down, hahaha. My main reasons for unsubscribing:


1. I've had fun levelling up numerous characters, some to level 50, but I admit that the extremely linear nature of the questing leaves much to be desired. I can't bare to go through the entire Republic or Empire side quest lines on each planet to level up. I also can't bare to play the space missions again and again. The class quests are fun, particularly if you haven't played a particular class before, but I always feel an OCD to do all the side quests and know that if I don't, I'll have very, very little way of levelling up effectively. PvP is a good way to level up but I don't know, sometimes you want to play PvE and level up effectively but the extremely linear side quest lines just destroy my enthusiasm. It's a shame too as I'm really enjoying the Sith Assassin character I have at level 27 but I can't bare the side quests any longer...

I keep reading this complaint from people as if other MMOs give you a lot of freedom in terms of levelling up and how you develop your character effectively. Since I haven't played proper MMOs in a long time (if ever considering SWTOR doesn't really compare much to EVE Online or PlanetSide!), I don't know about this but am very interested in what it might involve if SWTOR were to implement it.


2. There is very little to do besides do Daily missions, level an alt (mainly through the tedious side quest lines (see above)) or endless repeat the same very few PvP maps. Crafting is pointless beyond giving yourself or your guild mates some decent items (if you have the schematics for anything decent). The end game content is just majorly lacking but then again I have no idea comparable MMO to talk about myself so I can't really provide constructive feedback.


3. The PvP maps are very good (I hate Huttball though but that's just me) and I really seem to enjoy these much more than the linear side quest lines. I guess it's the unpredictable nature of the matches and actually having real people there to make every match unique. Queue times on my server are ok and I can easily find PvP matches at most times of the day so no complaint there (yet). The issue is that there's only a few maps and at the end of the day, as much as I like them, I'd like something more "meaningful". PlanetSide spoiled me in this regard where your faction could take over entire continents, spreading like a virus, taking over the whole planet. I'm not saying PlanetSide was perfect or the brilliant example of what Bioware should copy, but it's an example of meaningful PvP that had long and progressive impact. The PvP matches in SWTOR are in and out in 15 minutes or less, with no impact beyond some warzone medals for PvP gear. From what I've read, world PvP is what is needed and fair enough to all those who have posted about it. I don't know exactly how this would work in SWTOR or if SWTOR would require major changes for it but it would certainly be good.


4. The operations/flashpoints are fun, yes, and though I haven't played through all of them, they are always the exact same thing - static from start to end with no variation whatsoever. My guild mates are great people and I love the fact that it's a very easy-going guild so I do enjoy playing with them. However, this doesn't really detract much from the fact that the end game content is strongly linear and provides a very small base for enjoyment through variety.


5. Overall I'm suffering from the "So now what?" feeling that has no doubt plagued all the unsubscribers. I can't login and find something exciting to do, even if it's not necessarily new. I'm happy the monthly price is £8.99 and not £14.99 like other MMOs but I can't justify paying anything if I can't find a reason to login and enjoy myself. I find myself playing because I've paid for the time rather than for the pleasure of wanting to. It's sad because only several weeks ago, I felt the opposite. Oh and when I first began playing, this game blew my mind. The fact that it was Star Wars was more than enough reason to be thinking about it whilst not playing. I'm not disappointed, I'm just eagerly awaiting to see how the game develops.


So as an overall conclusion, I'm sad to unsubscribe but I can't justify the monthly cost as it obliges me to play when I really would just prefer to play some other games. My very, very best wishes are that this game develops massively and strongly over an extensive period of time. Next month I might be back, or maybe in two months or maybe in six - it all depends on what I see, what I read and how things are going overall. I wish all of you still enjoying SWTOR the very best and that you keep enjoying it. I hope someday I can come back and enjoy it as much as I did the first months of playing! :)

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1 - Under Populated Servers and no system to handle it. You should've had merge and transfer tech in and tested before launch. The lack of infrastructure is astounding. Charging for some transfers after you caused this mess - unforgiveable.


2 - Game Performance - your game runs poorly on higher end systems. Many other games with superior visuals (DCU, TERA etc.) run better on a wider range of systems. Excessively long loading times can be thrown in here too.


3 - Missing Features - Dual Spec, LFG System (based on how few people your servers can handle it really should be cross server...but you can continue to listen to people and delude yourself), Guild Tools, Macros, threat indicators, ways to get to people to group easily, fully fleshed out space, small quest log, proper DPS meters. Other than a lot of story stuff and overly large zones it's difficult to see where you spent your time and money. You had 6 years and rather than capitalize on what many other companies learned, you cut and pasted some design docs and started from scratch. The world around you changed in the last 4-5 years.


4 - Travel Times - to get anywhere it is a complete time consuming mess. Unnecessary hallways, overly large spaceports, multiple loads, slow elevators and more.




Delete hallways, get rid of them.


Add an NPC in fleet that becomes active at level 50 with shuttles directly to the daily quest/FP zones on the relevant planets with shuttles on the relevant planets that get you back as quickly (or to another planet you'd like to do dailies on - yes, I had to mention that as it is likely something your dev team wouldn't pick up on). Having to load once into corellia and again into black hole is just an example of the utter lack of handling stuff correctly


Up flight path speeds


Remove some walls that make the zones mazelike. Corellia and Belsavis are great offenders in this way.


5 - Overly Long Flashpoints with Poor Respawn Points - Did anyone ever sit back and think "how long should a FP last?" My guess based on how they play is "no" Just tons of trash mobs, long bland hallways and long runs back if you do get a wipe are all part of the Star Wars experience.


Solution: Edit your zones, cut out unnecessary areas and remove 1/2 of the trash mobs where possible. Look carefully at respawn points.


6 - Bugs- raid bugs, cinematic bugs, companion bugs and more. Just an excessive amount of bugs even for a starting MMO.

Solution: Keep fixing them. Don't let raid bugs linger for 6 months.


7 - Legacy - good work creating your own problem (we can't transfer players due to legacy issues - YOU designed legacy, it wasn't randomly thrown in the game, you just didn't bother to take into account anything)


This goes double for creating a system that feeds off of alts on both sides with 8 slots per server (I guess that is what someone saw in WoW and just forgot you guys had a system which is different regarding how you reward alts.)


Top it off with items being fluff and expensive (here is a move you can use only when your companion is out, and when a long cooldown ability is active and perhaps when the sun sets on Tatooine - sounds like a great , well thought out use of dev resources.)


Finally, the "new" races. Was anyone really excited about this on staff? If you'd pulled a wookie, jawa, mon calamari or cathar out of the hat you would've had something to crow about here - instead nothing


Family tree - I can't even comment on this it's so terrible. Not letting you include companions, really? You are the ones who have companions who you can marry etc and yet you can't assign one as a character's wife. Again, not thinking things through at all


Solutions: Add an interesting race or two rather than "simple" things. Find something to do with it that isn't "reduce my cooldowns by 2%"


8 - Large Zones- these would've been fine but you summarily copied the WoW mount speed into zones 4x as large which = slow and meaningless travel.


Solution: up your mount speed by 2x at a minimum


9 - Space - I actually like the space missions, but again with your budget and time there should've been a lot more here including free form PVP etc. Being a developer myself, I could probably take 1 coder and 2 artists and knock what you did for space out in 3-4 months at most. Where did all the $$ go? Was it all on voice talent? Space is a large part of STAR Wars.


Solution: get a more robust space system in place


10 - Lack of Communication - Tell players what is going on with dev long term. Have a plan. The weekly QnA is terrible. "Yeah, that's great maybe we'll get that feature in someday next question" is pretty much the extent of the responses.


Solution: get a "coming soon" section up that details what you intend for the next 2 patches


11- Currencies - You have more currencies than any 3 other games combined. These tokens combine with those tokens on a vendor and I can get a third kind of tokens. Who dreamed this up as a logical system? We have tionese tokens and crystals...really?


Solution: Cut your currencies down to a manageable number, eliminate "weirdness" (tionese example), find a way to let the player get rid of old level up tokens in an efficient way.


12 - Useless Trade Skills - There is just no reason, at all, to have anything other than Biochem. Your last patch did nothing to fix that.


Solution: Each tradeskill should have something they can provide fresh 50s with that is the equivalent of T1 Op gear or something.


13 - Poor GTN - Fire the team that did your original uncustomizable UI and GTN, there are guys in basements that could've put it together better.


Solution: Redesign the GTN. You seem to be good at copying stuff from WoW etc. This is a case where you could copy directly and e miles ahead of where you currently are.


14 - Op/FP Markers - Semi transparent AND flickering. Really? You can more easily see the markers you added over players' heads to represent their classes. This is a minor thing but speaks to the core of the lack of foresight.


Solution: make them solid and not flicker


15 - PVP - world PVP was a complete wreck. I know all the good DAOC devs went to work on ES Online, but this was a real weakness. Speaking for myself I don't even like to PVP much but it is pretty clear you don't know what to do with world PVP. PVP levels only accomplish not allowing level 50s to get gear so they must get slammed like a smooth skinned guy in cell block D

by those that can - great way to arbitrarily frustrate people who might have gotten to 50 THEN decided to try PVP.


Solution: study good PVP games like DAOC and see what they did that you aren't. Remove PVP levels (that doesn't mean you can't have a player/leaderboard etc. rating).


16 - Combat/Tanking - I tank so this will be somewhat focused on that. You designed a game with a bunch of ranged mobs but with precious few ways for tanks to round them up or get threat on them. Also, on a pull, having a mob knock the tank down, incapacitate and juggle him like a pinball on a regular basis does not equal good gameplay, it's frustrating and annoying. A tanks job is to be in control of a fight and you crap all over that on a regular basis. Also, the Jedi Knight is broken, a Van can do everything they can do with the added bonus of being able to do a ton more AE, pull things at range, and generally output far higher. Your content is easy enough a JK can do it but that doesn't mean it is balanced or fun to have them suck that hard.


Solution: Have the JK have a force pull that brings enemies to him. Have the saber throw be on a shorter cooldown and bounce between enemies, up tank threat across the board on all classes, have a look at how your AI behaves - protip - it shouldn't cycle every single ability it has one after the other on pull.


18 - Jumping Game? - all the action platform gameplay with controls and jump dynamics that are poor aren't fun. Putting datacrons in that certain body types STILL can't get to alone isn't great.


19 - More - there is plenty more to discuss here but frankly I'm tired of rattling off stuff to a ever quiet dev team.


Lastly, anyone who thinks this was EA who caused this mess, you can't really blame them. These guys were in dev longer than WoW originally was with 3x-4x the budget. In fact it is the largest budget ever given to a single game. I'm no EA fan but that is about as far from "not supporting development" as someone can get.


To not sound completely bitter. The stories were very well done, but that isn't enough to compete with the big boys in terms of MMOs. you get full credit for making the leveling experience interesting and setting a standard there. It's a shame that while you focused on the 4th "pillar" you forgot about the other 3..and we know what happens to a table or a foundation with 1 corner "leg"...


Bit of thread necromancy but all of this is pretty much why I clicked unsub this eve

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The Main reason Game is dieing is the Huge unbalance in the classes


The Empire has 4 unique dominent classes

1. Operative

2. Powertech

3, Sage

4. Sniiper

If you look what the repulblic has to offer


1.Scoundrel ( Not bad but no operative)

2, Commando ( In PVP powetech shread)

3, Sage maybe close

4, Gunslinger ( this class should instill fear , Freighter Fly by is too long of cast and people just step out of it


Empire owns servers people leaving


Balance the classes you might save this game

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Not unsubing (yet) but mull over it sometimes:

On my server Repub side is an amazingly large...20 people on fleet on a saturday night.

Just taking a look at the server list 11 servers listed as standard and fatman manages to get to 'very heavy'

hello? this can not be healthy for a viable MMO.

Customer service is bad. Back in january I had some dude from india (litterly) only reading the website to me (i think he called himself dave). Long made short it took 5HOURS to finaly get to someone that knew *** they were talking about.

it's about the 5 month mark i'd anticipate major content-and other sprinkles so that Tera(if it's any good) doesn't look so enticing. By content I meen: taking the class quest off of rails at least somewhat so that it branches. I meen that the classes aren't repeating the same story.

(just to name a few).

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Ive got about 60 days left on my account but when that time is up I will not be resubbing.


My guilds message of the day reads "operations are on permanent hiatus until we get mergers, stay in contact via guild form or diablo 3"


We are down to about 5 active players. With only 30 people on my fleet on any given time recruiting or pugging isnt very realistic since we are midway through EC hardmode. My reasons for leaving this game are as follows.


1.) Legacy, this right here was in my mind the biggest offender. You wasted time, money, resources on superficial junk that no one wanted. I posted in your suggestion forum a while back, suggestion: scrap legacy and put in actually USEFUL stuff. With all the other things people wanted, ranked warzones, better world pvp, group finder, consolidated servers, transfers (waaay back before 1.2 when WE were telling you that it was starting to be a problem), raid content tuned correctly, various class fixes ..... all of that and more. Yet you gave us rocket boots and abilities that are only useable with a companion out. Legacy just showed me where your priorities are, and they arent with the game. I saw a video somewhere for SWTOR, where some dorky little kid on the bioware team made some comment about "this is your game". Made allusion to the notion that bioware is here to serve US, and will be doing that by crafting the game that WE want to play. Nonsense. Total nonsense, you havent listened to your subscribers AT ALL.


2.) End game content: your end game content is buggy and frankly uninspired. Your ops are all over the place in terms of consistency, some are well done and others feel just phoned in. Point in case EC. First boss requires you to down both mobs at the same time or else the other enrages and wipes your group. Second boss? two hovertanks that ......... wait for it ..... require you to down them are the same time or else ........ zzzzz sorry about that. Fell asleep typing that out. Kephess is pretty cool, puzzle boss is ok, but the first half of EC is just a joke. Whos designing your raid content? The rancor in KP for the longest time swapped aggro so fast he would actually swipe people behind him without facing them, he changes aggro on a milisecond timer. How long did it take you guys to finally fix that? How is that fun or even reasonable? The ongoing joke with my guild was that the bosses arent hard per se, its your buggy content thats hard. So whats your plan for 1.3? a 5 boss raid where the first two or three bosses are pairs that have to be downed at the same time? Because its not like thats not a mechanic you havent beat to death already amirite?


3.) PvP: I dont participate in pvp AT ALL, but everything that needs to be said about pvp can be seen here: http://www.g4tv.com/videos/58178/bioware-studio-tour/ . Go ahead and fast forward to 1:40. Answer me this, why oh WHY do you have a team that tests pvp AND Endgame content? Why dont you have two separate teams doing this? This is why your end game operations feel like a buggy mess that are only patched and fixed weeks after they go live and why most PvPers on my fleet are stating that your PvP is a joke. you need two focused groups that focus on either the best balanced PvP or well tuned end game raids, not both. You spent all this ungodly amount of money on developing this game, and you cant hire 12 dudes and make sure their ONLY job is to ensure balanced gameplay in PvP or Raids? Why cut corners now? Youve pretty much bet the farm already, youre balls deep and now you want to cut corners? I work in IT, ive led some project initiatives before and even I know that if money isnt an issue, you do not lump multiple responsibilities on one team. Youre telling me that in the heart of Austin TX. A big college town you cant find a handful of kids, sit them down, pay them a bit over minimum wage and make them focus on only playtesting pvp 8 hrs a day?


4.) Crafting: crafting is a joke, slicing is a useless skill that no one in their right mind takes, you had your community manager do an ama on reddit, avoided questions on slicing. We posted on these forums, you avoided questions on slicing. for the longest time slicing was actually a money losing profession until you fixed it so that it would barely break even again. Its not the nerfs to slicing itself that bother me, its the fact that you did not, and continue to not give your playerbase any kind of "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. I could understand if you nerfed slicing but then said "ok guys, we are nerfing slicing, but we are upping mission drops, so slicings big money is going to come from servicing the player populations with in demand missions" or "we nerfed slicing but we have some big things in plan for it for next patch that are going to make is extremely tempting to have, something that ties into other crafting skills so yes, you can make money from it". As it stands now, why is it even in the game anymore? Why not just remove it completely? Slicing serves no purpose whatsoever. This is the same reason why I dont watch crap like Lost or the Xfiles. I can almost SMELL when a director or studio themselves dont have any idea where this is all going, the notion that the man behind the curtain is just as confused as you are or more so. I get the impression that with crafting and other mechanics in your own game you are basically just making it up as you go along.


I have a whole bunch of other "why did you do this but not that" kind of scenarios, but it just dawned on me. ive been typing this for 15 min or so and you know what? You dont give a damn. You dont care one single solitary bit. If you did care what your players WANTED. If you were in the business of serving your customers, in making the MMO that everyone generally wanted. You wouldnt be in this position. Congratulations. You killed a star wars mmo (which should print money) faster than SoE. Thats got to be some kind of record. I dont even think APB went **** up this fast.


But yeah, you keep on having one team test two types of content, generally ignoring your playerbase and hoping the moneymen at EA dont start asking the hard questions. Im sure if you give everyone another tauntaun it will settle things over with everyone.


P.S. Mass Effect 3 sucked, Dragon Age 2 sucked and SWTOR is looking like its going to crash out pretty hard. Time to get your priorities as a studio straight don't you think?

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If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


One reason and one reason only. Dead server. I may subscribe when transfers come, although will not be please to have to pay for my characters to be moved to Aussie server where the large international multi-game guild is on. I wanted to move with them when Aussies were allowed. Put in a ticket about why, no reply at all from customer service, not even to say no, just ignored.


Leveling different characters through the story was keeping me around, but after 3 (almost 5) 50s, its not enough to keep me around anymore. With nearly dead server there is no one to group with, the GTN economy on the server is broken, and PvP is almost non-existent.


So until I can move to a server that is active with friends, I don't see any point continuing to sub. I've got quite a few days level on a 3 month repeating though, but that is just going to go to waste at least until I can transfer.


Transfers should have been a priority.

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1. Servers populations - as a pre registered guild we where assigned a server, early game time was frustrated by up to 2 hour waiting time to log in as the server populations where so high. Our server had 70% Empire 30% Republic at that time. Then came the release of the foreign language servers and our population dropped to Low - Standard over night, only to decrease in an ever imploding spiral to the point we are now at - seriously I spent 4 hrs in Imperial Fleet leveling a craft skill and was the ONLY player on Empire faction for that entire time on a Saturday morning !


2. Communication / Customer Care - DOES NOT EXIST for this game, Bioware do not listen to it's customers, suppresses forum topics it dislikes and seems to have it's head in the sand about our needs. If one person whines about server population / balance it's a whine, if 90% of your customer base agree ITS AN ISSUE that needs to be: a. Acknowledged and B. FIXED ASAP.


3. Development - Bioware need to rethink the current development strategy, I love Legacy as an idea, however Legacy is the gravy, they need to get the rest of the meal cooked right 1st. Load frames, lengthy cutscenes that once you've done a run you should have a skip option, animation/ ability lag times when I hit an ability button I want the effect not an animation followed by the effect, looks nice but slows down combat performance.


4. Character slots / customisation - not enough to allow full experience of the game, if you are locked into an advanced classd at least let us roll / experience each of those choices 16 slots required per server. No post creation customisation facilities and the new armour one sucks, seriously unlock chest and give us a 16 / 32 bit colour palette like the Neverwinter Nights mod had, let us change 2 -3 basic item settings and it will have enough variety to make us happy.


5. Endgame Content - Daily grind was the bane of WoW, here we have a fewer options and it takes ages longer to complete them, Time Sinks suck, give us variety more pvp dailies, more dailies on those old planets we leveled on and not just lvl 50 dailies, tier them level 20, 30, 40 and 50 so that levelers can get in on the action.


I seriously hope Bioware listen to it's customers, my sub expires in 3 weeks I will watch the forums for "positive" news but won't be holding my breath as I very much doubt they'll reschedule thier development program to deliver what the customers want / need... but the biggest need is #1 SERVER POPULATIONS, a dead server = a dead game..



Edited by Narcyss
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Unsubbed with 20 some odd days remaining.


I Played Warhammer and Rift since the beginning of those games and was looking forward to SWTOR as the next big MMO to last me awhile. Oddly enough, my perspective is from someone who is not a fan of the Star Wars universe, and I know little to nothing about the lore. I just came here looking for the next quality MMO and although I held out for awhile I was ultimately disappointed. To note I played on the Canderous Ordo server which has hovered around the top of the servers population wise. Even though I noticed the dips going on with the other servers, population was not a factor for me in cancelling my subscription.


Before I list my 5 reasons I just wanted to mention that the current situation happening to SWTOR is eerily similar to my experience in the earlier days of Warhammer. For whatever reasons, after Warhammer saw an initial loss of subs the guys in charge waited far too long to merge servers which caused the game to go into a downward spiral. That turn of events resulted in a loss of jobs and the exit of their lead man (Jacobs) among other things before Mythic was absorbed by Bioware. I mention this sequence of events because I would hate to see the same thing happen to this game even though I no longer play it. A loss of jobs for a game is an unfortunate thing not only for the people involved, but it's compounded when there is still a lot of potential left in the game. Anyways my 5 reasons:


1. Missing features


In the beginning of this game I was initially wrapped up in the cutscenes and the story aspect which was well done by Bioware. After leveling a bit and looking around however I noticed a lot of things missing that I found unacceptable for a 2012 MMO. For an example, I remember being dumbfounded that I couldn't move windows around on my UI. Bioware has made changes and continues to add things, but most of the stuff should've been in at launch. It was a real turn off, for me anyway, to see the release of a touted AAA MMO in 2012 missing so many common MMO features while commanding a premium monthly subscription. I also don't buy the bs excuses a lot of people give for the lack of basic features at launch and even now. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one who holds higher standards when it comes to their game's quality nowadays.


2. PVP


I like to play both PVE and PVP equally in MMO's, and coming from other games I was interested to see Bioware's take on PVP play. Although Warhammer had it's ups and downs concerning open world PVP, I was hoping the guys they pulled in to work on SWTOR's PVP could pull it off. Seeing what transpired on Ilum however proved otherwise unfortunately. I remember arriving out on the planet and saying, "is this it?" and I'll just leave it at that. To tie in with reason 1, cross server ques across groups of servers should've been in at launch as well as separation of premades and pugs. Having experienced both sides of the coin sometimes I want to play competitive, organized group play with friends and other times I just want to log in for a wz or two and run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Fun is subjective, but both group and solo play should never be lumped together. I would've also added an additional split to the lowbie bracket with something along the lines of lvls 10-30 and lvls 31-49 facing each other though that is just a side preference. Concerning individual classes, buffs and nerfs always happen so I was never concerned too much with what was FOTM. I do think though that the CC implementation was a bit overkill. Too many classes have too much cc, no one likes an abundant amount of time each wz with no control of their character. Patch 1.2 was pretty much the last straw concerning PVP for me as I felt that TTK was now too low among the other expertise/class changes ect but it's not something I want to harp on.


3. Crafting


Not a real deal breaker for me, but crafting is something I do enjoy on the side in any MMO I play. Since I participated in PVP actively, it was foolish to take anything but biochem. Even in PVE there was pretty much no other reason to take the other crafting professions. Bioware has made adjustments and I've tried the other professions on various alts only to fall back to biochem. Going through the other professions, it just seemed that they were not thoroughly tested enough and that they were basically money sinks with minimal rewards. I'm sure a lot of people have come up with ideas off the top of their heads fairly easily with how the crafting could be improved. I had my own ideas but they are too much to list. Hopefully they can turn it around in the future because there's so much they can do with it, it's just disappointing in the current state.


4. Endgame


They made flashpoints and ops fairly streamlined for casuals, but it had the downside of becoming quickly trivialized. The result was a quick rehash of the raid and dailies login cycle. While I'm sure this is no problem for a lot of those new to the genre, It can become old rather fast for those that are used to similar endgames from other MMO's. While fun at first, I was hoping Bioware would flesh out the endgame to include more activities. In it's current state, I couldn't justify spending a premium price monthly for dailies and a hope.


5. Direction of the game


To tie in with reason 4, I haven't heard much concerning additions to the endgame which includes the state of Ilum for PVP. With the silence following the recent layoffs I can't say I'm too surprised to see the direction currently stalling. I would've liked to see more long term goals and interaction with the community but it is what it is. I wish them the best and I'm just another drop in the water bucket, but unfortunately whatever direction they decide to take things I won't be around to see it.



Overall, a bunch of smaller issues accumulated over time to also amount to a negative experience which led me to let go of my sub. my evaluation of the game would come down to it just being a mediocre quality product. I don't hate the game and I don't think it will "fail" it just is what it is. I think the game will continue to cater best to those new to the genre, more casual types, and dedicated franchise fans the most. Everyone has their own opinions, and as far as for me I just expected more quality for my money. Hopefully they can turn things around, gl Bioware.

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Top 5 reasons for unsubscribing:

1) Lack of population.

- I am not going to re-roll and the fact that server transfers and merges seem to elude this crack team of developers astonishes me. Even in Neverwinter Nights I had a tight database that allowed me to manage characters in any manner possible, moving them through IP transfers between two servers. Get it together.

WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?! Should have been done months ago at the first sign of servers going to even half population. I give you Rift as a primary example of handling that issue expediently enough that they retained most of their customers. Are you going to be able to say the same? I don't think so...


2) Design flaws.

- When I say design flaws, I don't attribute the issue to programming. Programmers are told what to put in, based on the designers. I blame the designers for not researching their predecessors in completion and surveying more on what is enjoyable vs. what is not. Crafting, dailies and even general combat flaws are the issue here.


When you design an MMO you keep in mind that gear plays a prevalent part of a players desire to play. Gear, via daily tokens, raiding, etc. is a good idea in theory but a tried one that hasn't accomplished much in the way of keeping a player interested. At this point you've just reinvented the wheel of grinding. The funny thing is you didn't even reinvent it. It was done by other MMOs that attempted this failed concept and yet, you guys took it and ran with the failed idea. Dailies are a design flaw that came about from laziness. If you plan on making dailies, add some variety to them. Instead you force us into a grind.


3) Legacy Costs.

- I could attribute this to design flaws above, but instead I'll take it on a separate note. This is atrocious. You jack prices so high that eventually a player has to grind out dailies (which by the way, take a minimum of 8 load screens to complete all of them so far...why not put them all on Ilum again?) every day, and then run a bunch of flash points, which can't be done because of server populations being so low on most servers, or grinding out mobs mindlessly for hours at a time. So because I'm on a low pop server, with an economy that's flopped into the ground, I have no real outlet but to grind out all those credits instead of say...crafting and selling gear for those credits, and this puts me at a major disadvantage to higher population servers. Horrible design on this. Charging credits for fluff is a joke by the way. We've earned it with time leveling.


4) Crashed economies.

- Time and time again, since release, I've seen exploit after exploit that went unchecked for the most part (as I've seen friends and guild members alike state that they've done it and got away with it) for credit duplication, chest farming, speed hacking, etc. that just doesn't get handled. This crashed economies across all servers. Sure some of the high population ones can spread it thin and recuperate but the ones that are on light pop, are destroyed. I give you Anchorhead and Juyo as an example.


5) Simple lack of interest.

- I logged on for 5 minutes tonight. Five minutes...and I couldn't stand the game. Mind you, I pre-ordered the collector's edition, followed this game for four years before release (though my current handle doesn't say so) and put a lot of hope and time into this game even before it was release. What I got, from the beginning, was a steaming pile of single-player, a slap in the face for buying the CE (yeah, nice vendor there...so glad I sank the cash in there for the plastic...oh sorry...'resin' statue and book...along with the metal CD cases.) which has now become a hatred sitting on my shelf.


Closing this out saying that buying the Collector's Edition for this game is the part that burns me the most. You guys gave absolutely nothing to the CE buyers, which by the way were a LARGE chunk of your pre-orders and existing subscribers. The only reason we hung in here for so long is the fact that I think a lot of us are still disillusioned by how bad this game is and we wanted it to be something far more.


All of the PR Campaign was here on this game, none of the delivery. If you guys aimed for making this the first single player MMO, you did it. Congratulations.


Edit: The voice acting was the only reason to play through a story, and if played through without space barring was enjoyable. After the first time around though, it's not even the strong point of the game and it all seems like one big grind again, story quests excluded.


More time should have been invested in design, less in voice acting.

Edited by Darkrite
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I have to say that SWTOR has been a huge disappointment to me. I played and enjoyed both KOTOR games and I was bored with WOW and looking for something new. I thought SWTOR would be that something but it just...wasn't.


The MMO part of the game is lackluster and missing many features that players expect. People point out that WOW didn't have a lot of these features when it was first released, but SWTOR is competing against the WOW of today not the old vanilla game.


The RPG part of the game is okay I guess. I was playing a Sith Inquistor and the story and voice acting were good. But the world itself seemed closed in and sterile. I started a Sith Warrior alt and found myself repeating most of the content because the storyline quests are only a small part of the game. I cancelled my subscription before my first month was up.


Then I decided to resub and finish levelling at least one character. The server I'd been playing on had become a ghost town. I rerolled on a new server and found myself just spacebarring through the quests. I just didn't have enough interest in the game to keep playing and I unsubbed again. I may come back after the server mergers. Maybe.


tl;dr Game tries to be everything, ends up doing nothing well.

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If Bioware keep this pace and doesn't improve drasticaly over the year I will leave, and never come back. SWTOR was really good in the first 4 months. But god it has grown old really fast! ESO will be a massive failure too. Blaming the engine for SWTORs problems is just scratching the bare bones of problems this game has. It's WAY to focused on the themepark-side, which is not good at all. Where is the sandbox elements? the fun? SWTOR it too much focused on it's storyquest, dailies, Operations, flashpoints and instanced warzones. The world feels too instanced, too much corridor areas.


I'm waiting for Blizzards next big MMO; Titan. Remember loving the concepts of EQ and DAoC, but then WoW came and made everything look silly in comparison. Blizzard know how to make a good MMO. Ask yourself, why is it so that world of warcraft still has 8 million subscribers? Just face it, WoW is the best MMO ever made, but after 6 years I have grown tired of that game. It took me 6 *********** years to unsubscribe, and SWTOR? 5 Months..


Enjoy your lousy game. Titan will crush all competition when it gets released

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I already unsubbed and uninstalled, maybe by 1.3 bw will get its **** toghether and we'll be able to play on servers with actual players and be able to do flashpoints without spamming for 2+ hours in fleet....just to do 1 RUN....



honestly when the game came out i could see this problem coming, even with 100+ ppl in fleet it was hard to get groups for flashpoints, now with the dead servers its impossible.



they should have added LFD a LONG time ago instead of listening to the whinning little fanboys (apparently spamming in general is their idea of being social)


Better yet make it cross server....or you can just sit there and watch the subs bleed and see your servers turn dead, your choice .

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EA CEO stated that SWTOR isn't a priority.

1/3 of Bioware is gone.

25% of subs lost (even after fudging the numbers).

Server merges spun as "Mega servers".

EAoware is arrogant.

Their blind followers are in denial.

EAoware have no direction.

The Fatman is in decline.

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If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



1)PVE Endgame:

Tons of bugs plaguing it for months, actually being reinforced with newer and bigger bugs rather than being fixed.

Hilariously easy bosses.

Hilariously hard bosses, where the only difficulty they could think of is doubling damage and hp instead of creating more moves and tricks (I won't even ask for bigger environments for the fights: my God, they managed to cram 4-5 different bugs in those minuscule boss rooms, think what they could do with a canyon or whatnot).

Unfinished operations.

Uninteresting loot: yawn, oh, look, the exact same token for the 100th time, and the usual useless BoP armormech/cybertech/synth schematic. The absence of any kind of juicy loot took away all the fun of raiding for "that shiny gizmo that drops from boss X with a 0.0001% probability". Denova is the worst offender, since it drops only a token that goes for every damn class. Yay. carebears fest.

Gear being handed out for free every X months to the casual players, so they won't go away. Look mommy, I have the same gear that raider got in 5 months! And I just got it in three days! I'm so good!. NO. I don't care if you want to release special gear every few months: I won't ever tolerate being *****slapped and virtually told that I'm just a ******* for skipping the casuals train and trying the hard way.

Tiny ops: In a matter of 2 months you can clear the ops just by raiding 2-3 nights every week (i.e.: casual raiding guild). Nightmare is useless since A) the drops don't change; B) black hole gear is often worse than rakata, so I have no need to farm if after those 2-3 important pieces.


2)Missing features:

no space combat/exploration (I call the game World of Fleet)

no trading at all (the skill are just plain bad, just stick to slicing and biochem and you'll be fine)

no events or funny time sinks

horribad planets'questing zones, either as small as an apple or bigger than a small moon

no dueling (I don't feel like going to Taral's entrance every time I want to duel with someone, thanks)

no world pvp (instanced quets zones, so the casual gamers won't unsub as soon as they are ganked on the pvp server they actually choose, after a precise warning).

no side games to keep you entertained (pazzak, anyone? just copy Kotor's and be done, is it that difficult?)

no balancing (randomly ****** classes is not considered balancing. Especially when you alreayd know that the Balance Hammer will fall on someone else in just a couple of patches)


3)Bioware's stubborness

Features entirely left out of the game due to BW's stance of "that game we hate did it before us, so we'll just recycle and old version of (insert feature) and use it. While it's broken. And claim it's not. Dear BW, when Kill Switch and subsequently Gears of War set the Cover System as a staple of modern Third-Person-Shooters, every develoepr in its right of mind used it in its own tps from then onwards. You still refuse to do the same with the most important MMO features. Too bad that they actually work. And people tend to expect them, now. Horribad AH, poorly remodeled months after the game release, while WoW has had a perfectly working one for years? Check. Weekly maintenance not taking into account the timezones? Check Broken pvp core system on pvp servers themselves, with WoW just around the corner sporting an excellent open world pvp mechanic? Check Shall I go on?



Yay. I'm at lvl 50. I have attained a full rakata set (big deal, any casual raiding guild could do so, even if they were forced to raid with 1-2 *******es every 6 normal players). I will NOT reroll, kthxbye. A) I don't feel like doing the same quests another time, thanks. Everyone knows that every level bracket has the same questzones. Also, I won't ever change sides: everyone knows Rep class quests suck, and the Emp ones are gorgeous. B) if I wanted so badly to check the other 7 storylines, I would have rolled my main on a RP Servers. I'm here for the PVE endgame that BW promised. If I wanted so badly to run around pretending that Darth Trallala is after my neck due to an old feud between my House and his cousin's one or gibberish like that, I would buy thirty fantasy ebooks for 10 dollars and spend the next six months pretending that Fantasy is the best genre in the world , vampires are so damn cool and thank God that meanie Asimov has died, I still have nightmares when I barely imagine the covers of the Foundation books. Fortunately enough, I still have my beloved positive and negative magic, sucks for you progress and inventions.


5)Tell me again why I was paying you

BW has broken so many promises I can't even count them anymore.

On the other hand, I'm torn between the unfinished bugged ops on release, the ranked WZ scam and the 30-free-days trick to inflate the active accounts'number, as the Worst Developers'Scam of the 2010s.

Congrats, BW, you set so many records I can't recall them all.


After long consideration and denial ("It'll surely come back with a roar, I just need to wait"), I finally had the courage to see what I didn't want to: this game is going nowhere. I've already finished Denova on HM, and the newest op will be given to us in what, 5 months? Sorry, but someone else, will take my money. In this case, EvE and D3. And they have already done so.


ps.: to all the dimwits crying that D3 is not an MMO. You are PERFECTLY RIGHT. However, to my dismay, a day has only 24 hours. Assuming I can only play for 3 hours every day, I have to choose between an amzinng, polished and entertainingly hard gem , and a broken, boring mess. Since I dont' 8contrary to popular belief!) receive 3 extra hours from God so I can play both, I'll just stick to D3 for now (something I'm already doing since the 15th). Again, for the slowest of you: D3 = single player experience with MP touches here and there. TOR = the same thing. Even if TOR had been a full fledged MMO, I STILL (that's incredible, I know) would have 3 hours to play at all. It seems that time doesn't take into account game genres. I'm sure that a formal complaint to The Universe, Time Management HQ will do something good. Try it and let me know.

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Well, I would argue that no developer has released their Would-be-WoW-Killer with all the features that WoW has. Not sure if it's possible to do it, but it hasn't been done yet. So, I think you're partly correct. If you're gonna go after WoW type numbers, than you need to do something completely different OR go the WoW clone path but make sure it is a CLONE at release.


Exactly this. If you are going to clone WoW, make sure it is a clone of current WoW at time of release. Bioware made a clone of WoW, but they chose the 2006 version of WoW to clone. You are right, the other MMOs that basically made a clone of WoW, didn't release with the features, especially the quality of life features of WoW.

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I'm well aware that I probably could not come up with a reason to unsub that hasn't already been mentioned here lol.


I've got 20-some days left until next billing and I am this close <--> to unsubscribing. My reasons are:

1. The "Massive" in MMO was never realized. This engine simply is not capable of handling "Massive" number of players. It's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" problem - if there are 130 players on fleet, it's a horrible experience. If there aren't enough players on Fleet (the desolate servers), it's also a horrible experience. While I do possess some patience, it is not endless when I pay to wait. In short: I have absolutely no confidence that the technology used in this game can satisfy anything "massive", be it PVP or PVE, which means that I must settle for a "small group RPG" game.

2. The horrible loading scheme in this game. Dropping to a planet takes longer and longer with each patch and Corellia is probably the worst - so who is the rocket surgeon who put the Black Hole where it is, so that any visitor has to suffer TWO unnecessary Corellia planet loads just to do the half-dozen missions in there?

3. Grouping: In 2012 I don't think the "match-making" aspect of getting a team together is something that should be solved by chat-channel spamming. All the endgame stuff still require a fairly narrow class-composition, so there are no mysteries there. I don't want to bore everyone with my ideas on how to solve it, but I will share my disgruntlement with the klutzy and pre-1990's solution here. It is very ineffective and a waste of player-time.

4. Desolate servers: The one thing that really bugs me about it, is the lack of preparedness for this. The gradual decline of players on servers is THE one thing that ALL MMOs have common. In other words, this is THE best known issue in the history of MMOs and for SWTOR it's a complete and utter surprise. This means that entire servers have had ridiculously small player numbers for MONTHS. Judging from the track record the solution will be over-engineered, un-intuitive, buggy and late (it already is late...past late in fact!).

5. Content: The legacy system does nothing to lessen the mind-numbing grind required to enter the endgame there is. Even with a list of directions it's soul-sucking to get the datacrons for each of your characters, for example. A game that appears to be designed around the idea of 8 or more parallel stories, there is too much simple multiplication of the grindy aspects.


All in all, I think SWTOR should have either aimed for a lot less or for a lot more. It's not quite an MMO and it's not quite an RPG with group elements. It's a rather painful mix.

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