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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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It really bums me out that BW could not get it right on this game.


We are all huge Star Wars fans that really enjoy the game I think.


Perhaps the next company to take on the SW license will do better in an MMO.


It was fun while it lasted though.

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Because this game decided to cast as big of a net as possible and therefore alienated everyone. This game isn't as fun as it could've been because bioware went in the wrong direction. That and the fact they messed up the launch, messed up development, messed up EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE is why I'm leaving. That and the server's are dead because they're ill equipped to have basic functions of mmo maintenance like server merging and server transfers.


Yup, their pre launch debakle HURT THEM. It put a good percentage in a bad mood just looking for something to complain about.


And it didnt take long for people to find the content!


If any other game looks at TOR for lessons, I hope they understand that Launch can make and break you.

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WARNING - Very Long Post


I still have my sub but haven't played in over a week now. I really like the game alot but there's just a few things that truly keep me from wanting to commit to it full time. Here's my 5 reasons why I "may not" stick around. I haven't decided yet.


1. Linear leveling - !st of all let me say I love the combat and I love the storylines but I do not enjoy having to redo the same worlds over and over again for each alt with only a handful of unique and new storylines to look forward to each time. I feel less like a person in the Star Wars universe and more like I'm watching reruns. I love playing alts and trying new things. You only get 2 different planets to start out on depending on your class and from there it's point a to b to c to d. It gets kinda old after the third or fourth time. When I started I had every intention of seeing each classes storyline but just can't stand doing those same planets over and over again. Not to mention the same datacron hunt each time. There's only so many balloon rides I can take.


2. Lack of fun in pvp. I am not a hadcore pvp'er but I do enjoy it. I don't mind that it usually takes me a bit longer to get the gear and such since I don't like doing Warzones nonstop each day. Four or five is good for me but what I truly hate is when it feels like you're stuck against the same premade over and over each day, every day, all day long. The pvp reminds of Warhammer because I will literally lose 10 matches on Empire side then jump over to Republic and lose 10 more. If neither side is winning then who's winning? Premades are. I know I could join a guild and run a premade myself but I have alot of rl responsibilities and would just like to queu solo and have some fun. A 50/50 win loss ratio would be nice but when it takes all day long to get in those 3 wins it's just not fun. I don't know what the matchmaking system is but it seems to put me on the worse team every single time. Nobody tries, nobody passes and it's just horribly lame.


3. Lack of anything else to do whatsoever. Yes I know there's lore but I was so hoping that since these guys ran Warhammer they'd give us something closer to Warhammers tome of knowledge or whatever it's called. I like to work on thing and achieve things and get new titles, mounts, pets, vainity item or just bragging rights. It's just such a dumbed down version that it seems almost nonexistant. Would it have been so hard to make a decent lore system which counts most damage taken, done, how many times you've died by fire, falling, bosses defeated, etc. Then they went and took half the titles out of the game. Why? Since win did less = better?


4. Lack of anything remotely social. Apart from speaking to other players there are no social interactions whatsoever. The only two chairs in the game you can sit on are in your ship. You're ship can't be customized and feels more like a gimmick instead of your home away from home. When did mmo's decide that players hated player housing? It used to be such a huge thing and then all of a sudden developers got lazy and just decided we don't want or like that. I used to spend hours in Horizons or even Anarchy Online setting up my little apartment and buying pictures, furniture etc. Why have all the saloons when you can't even sit down in them. It just really takes away from the game and makes everything feel more like a gimmick than a live universe. Very few social items and nothing other than two seats and a jukebox.


5. Developers lack of meeting their audiences needs. Not merging the 120+ servers when most of them have less than a hundred people is either sheer laziness or just sheer ego. I love Bioware and always have but just because you're a great company does NOT mean you can't fail. I really feel that their ego went to their heads on this one and they just assumed the brand name along with the Bioware name would = easy success. Why else would they give no thought into server mergers? They made the legacy system knowing that it would make mergers almost impossible for them. They're worried about character names. Well, nobody's going to have a name if they're not in the game. I hate to say it but every since Dragon Age II things have changed. It took BW years to make Dragon age and then a year later they put out a sequel with copy and pasted dungeons. BW would never have done such a thing in the old days. Maybe all the great people have already left or maybe now that EA owns them they no longer have the luxury of truly caring anymore. Either way it makes me sad and I hope this 400 million disaster doesn't destroy them. Analysts said it was way too much money and would never be vialbe but they went ahead and honestly for that much money we should be having so much more fun. I hope they can turn it around but if they don't start acting, get rid of that ego and start doing what they once used to do best then I feel that SWTOR will die and go down in history as the single largest mmo disaster.

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Im only here thanks to the 30 days, which runs out in 6 days, plus I think I have another 3 from the patch **** up with 1.2. I cancelled way before that simply because this game is awful.


1 - Stale

Its 2012 and Bioware have decided to all but copy a game from 2004(WoW) and even throw in some of the same mistakes.


2 - Programming

Bioware cant program on the Hero engine. Rift - uses the same engine and look at that game. Looks good, doesnt lag when theres more than 20 people in one spot, ability to play AND update at the SAME time(unlike Biowares 7 hour + downtime) and not launching with a customised UI was shameful.


3 - PvP

Boring. Bioware forget that this is Star Wars. Its not Star Sims. 4 limted warzones, broken open world pvp(what a joke), gear grind is SO out of date, Unbalanced classes in pvp(the fact you can have one team with 1 tank and SEVEN healers...) no ranking, no rated.


Why cant we have proper raids(not like WoW) - attacking other planets, capturing bunkers etc on enemy faction planets(like SWG had). And OMG the stuns...SWTOR is a stun fest - probably the worst pvp since WAR(Look who did that..)


4 - Linear

PvE is extremely boring. Why do the side quests have a 'story' - who cares?! The worlds are too closed in and once you ding 50, there is simply no reason to login unless you want to bore yourself doing the same Ops and dailies. YAWN


5 - Guild Wars 2

This will be the final nail in the coffin for those who are still left here. The game is simply offering SO much more. PvP, PvE, gear, stuff, FREE to play!


Overall its such a shame that Bioware didnt know what they were doing with this. Paying £8.99 a month for 3-4 month updates they simply cant justify. This game has lost 700k subs since launch - that is a MASSIVE drop in a sort space of time and I dont think that there is anything they can do to prevent the free fall.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





1. The game is a great single player game but mediocre MMO, as such, I don't think it warrants a subscription fee.

2. I'm waiting for the game to go F2P

3. I've gotten bored with the content being 90% the same across each character, so until I feel like replaying IE a single player game, I'm taking a hiatus.

4. Guild Wars 2 has spoiled me, and I can't see myself truly enjoying the mediocrity of TOR's MMO systems anymore. The same tired questing system, the same tired tank/heal/dps class interactions, the same tired world of warcraft stand there and trade hits with mobs while you get healed combat, the same tired seeing every other player of your faction as competition rather than an ally to help. Not to mention Guild Wars 2 lacks an unnecessary subscription fee. I think I can manage without paying more than $15 a month on micros though a few months I may go over (buying character slots/storage) while most I'll spend nothing.

5. PVP in TOR, IS. A. JOKE. Seriously I thought warhammer was supposed to have great PVP and the guys from Warhammer were working on this... a PVP stat that improves all aspects of combat vs other players? Really? Only 2 factions and having to cope with an extreme faction imbalance so people only get 1 warzone over and over again? Really? I won't even give Bioware an A for effort here, they just outright failed in every design feature for PVP. Even open world PVP is a joke, questing areas almost never overlap, it's like the babies have to be put in different playpens so they don't ever play with each other.

Edited by DarthVindictus
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Y'know I have had this feeling for a bit now and - well its only an opinion and a theory - but


It seems unlikely to me that EA did not know this could happen. They have a history in MMOs after all. I am now fairly certain the chrismas launch, the insane hype AND the misleading statements from developers were all parts of a plan to recoup as many lost dollars as possibly on what EA already knew would be a stinker.


The game was in development for ages. At what point does a responsible investor say "enough with the fooling around" and takes the consequence of what has been shown to be a fundamentally flawed concept (ie. a MMORPG with no replay value) ? That is publish what you have, get the dollars you can get.


Of course, there is a dev team or five that have been in for a rude awakening. Can't say I feel particular sorry for them. They have been enjoying high salaries for five years as well as being superstars on game cons and twitter and what have you. But they can't make games so there.


Funny thing is I think EA comes out ahead. Even funnier, the game will get killed as it will be too much of an embarrasment to have it flop around like a whale in a pond on F2P revenue or sub-100k subscribers. Decisions like these may not be what gamers want but thats why they do not hire gamers as CEO isn't it?


TL;DR: Game was a stinker, EA salvaged as much as possible.

Edited by KhamG
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Y'know I have had this feeling for a bit now and - well its only an opinion and a theory - but


It seems unlikely to me that EA did not know this could happen. They have a history in MMOs after all. I am now fairly certain the chrismas launch, the insane hype AND the misleading statements from developers were all parts of a plan to recoup as many lost dollars as possibly on what EA already knew would be a stinker.


The game was in development for ages. At what point does a responsible investor say "enough with the fooling around" and takes the consequence of what has been shown to be a fundamentally flawed concept (ie. a MMORPG with no replay value) ? That is publish what you have, get the dollars you can get.



EA believed that the combination of Bioware/Star Wars would be a winner, no matter how bad the game was. It was clearly pushed out too early because they couldnt even secure advertising space(which is booked months in advance for the Xmas period) - so they threw money at those disgusting gaming review scores paying for guaranteed 9/10s when the game didnt even deserve 6.


Well it looks like everyone woke up and that the plan back fired. With Guild Wars 2 around the corner, which is free to play, I cant see how this will survive.

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6 months later and they still cant fix bugs that existed in beta. Good choice on the hero engine btw. Superb performance with it. lol. Their idea to fix a static sound issue was to remove the volume of the light sabers in a STAR WARS game. George Lucas should castrate the entire bug fix team for that. Oh and btw the static is still there but the volume is lower. Thanks for that? How many millions spent on a game to give full voice over quests but you can't hear the voice overs and the lips dont move(but hey lets blame the customers computer for that right). Couldnt possibly be an issue that was reported multiple times on the 1.2 pts and you went live with it anyway.


Lets give everyone a free 30 days to be subscribed on april 24th so we can skew our quarter numbers and say we only lost 400,000 subs when it was much MUCH more. Nice trick there i give you credit for that one. Sucked everyone into it.


Lets promise rated 4zones and say "soon" yet all you talk about is useless 1.3 content when you cant even fix 1.2. Good job there.


Lets ban servers top pvpers for detecting "3rd party programs" and then ignore their emails for a week when they ask you which "3rd party program" was detected. Not only that lets just ban people for scoring 3 huttball goals in under 60 seconds because the OPPOSING faction is having their faction send multiple reports out of hate for the servers top pvp guild. Smart TOS team ya got there Bioware. If yas don't believe me just try it. Mass report anyone you dont like that pvps and have everyone on your faction mass report them too. They will get banned with no investigation at all. Simple as that. Suppose rated 4zones will be fair with those policies in place.


Your game is a complete fail and i used to be a lover of it. Until 1.2 and you proved that you were completely useless and cant even update your known issues thread with issues everyone in your game is having.


Whats that? GW2 in june? Goodbye bioware. Free to play wouldnt even save this game.

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Surely some EA analysts knew it would backfire.


Pushed out too early - or Bioware not performing? I think the latter.


EA investors and shareholders don't understand gaming. They base all of their decisions off numbers and 'metrics' that they harvest from their userbase.

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6 months later and they still cant fix bugs that existed in beta. Good choice on the hero engine btw. Superb performance with it. lol.




Actually, the Hero Engine is very good. Just take a look at Rift. No lag, superb peformance, your character can even SWIM. Throw in the ability to record and upload videos IN game IN HD with no drop in frame rates shows it can be very good. Its just Bioware havent a clue what they are doing

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Greetings folks,

I'm sorry, but this needs to be said.

There are good things in SWTOR, pretty graphics, pretty movies, clear voice overs,


But, unfortuantely it is highly superficial more like a kiddy game such as WoW rather than an epic game like EQ or EVE.


Star Wars IS an epic franchise, wether you like it or not, with about 20 movies and tv series and thousands of games and books.


I loved the SWTOR game for the first 2 weeks while levelling, and liked the game for antoher month while i finished exploring everywhere and maxing out my crew skills on my main character and my 4 other alts, but am now just tired....


THINGS TO FIX within 6-12 months or many thousands will leave;

1. have in game GM's that can and do help/do things to fix/alter immediate problems rather than, "oh, we is sorry but you is screwed, yes we knows you spend many long time doing many quest and exploring, but even though alot of things in SWTOR Are only doable once, we wont reset or fixed it for you right now when you are level 50, we will make you redo a character from scratch, thank you for your time" and/or "e is sorry for the inconvenience, your problems have gone to the appropriate department, and we might thinkabout fixing it, maybe downthe track" (there are problems in ord mantell that still havent been fixed since beta).


2. if i want to go into the game and spend many many many hours getting my crew skill from 0-400 master that one then start another crew skill and get that one to 400 AS WELL, and then after about 6 months have all crew skills and all schematics and the ability to help out my guildies/friends that only want to PvE or PvP and i make them stuff... LET ME... dotn be a sheep and be like WoW and "oh you can only do one crew and 2 gathering/mission skills.... please...., if there was foresight/insight to this, you would realise that making artisan levels of crew skills would lengthen your game play, slow people down and keep them playing for longer periods of time..... (meaning longer subscriptions and more money.....)


3. if i am jedi-padawan and i want to become jedi-master then i want to cross factions, or increase my faction on the sepratists side, and either swtich faction, or just be a frikken nice person and help out the other side forthe sake of being humane...... LET ME.....and vice versa if a sith sees the error of his ways and wants to seek redemption and enlightenment from the light side.... what im trying to say is that star wars lore has switching of factions, changing sides, and/or playing both sides ALL the frikken time! anikaan skywalker - darth vader - a redeemed father before death...., senator palpateen & the darkmaster at same time - the dark emporer, luke the farmer - luke skywalekr the Jpadawan/Jknight - possible darkside .....


4. Doing quests that actually increase faction and has meaning; the number of times that i did 50 quests in one area, and actually ended up helping out the supposed enemy, and in the story we ended up becoming friends...... and then, for some reason even though we are wron allies and friends, the faction/followers of that group still hate you and KoS (kill on sight) you..... um hello.... again, if you had the insight/foresight to have done this, you would lengthen the game play because your new allies would give you quests to do and increase game play time.....


5. multiple faction/neutrality..... smugglers and bounty hunters are nuetral, FACT. you have smugglers on hutta, you have bounty hunters on ordmantell and coruscant. FACT. so why the frick can i only be a republic smuggler? why can i attain the title of privateer, but cannot smuggle what i want when i want to make a profit? food, weapons, medicines, terraforming/agricultural equipment, bio-research..... and/or why can the bounty hunters/smugglers not go out and find the bounty boards, and carbonite hande grendae someone, carbonite their arse and then either sell their arse to their enemy or ransome them back to their side.... or smuggle people in the smugglers hold in my ship, um hello! millenium falcon with smugglers hold! doing missions for the huttas should increase your areas you can go to and team up with people..... smugglers and bounty hunters shuld be albe to run around in front of each other and hunt each other or team up with each other



6- baking and brewing, why is it other than a couple of items can we not really get down to eating..... why can we not getin into drinking? again the number of star wars stories that hold eavily on the person(s) getting drunk and/or eating to much..... in turn, this could ahve been another way to keep players busy and play for longer by giving another crew/trade skill - baking and brewing..... with such recipes as "spicy crispy twi-lek" or "creamy bantha stew" and with peopel about to go into battle, and loose their lives drinking to increase your resolve and spirit to fight for your life and your people.....


7 customiseable ships - all bounty hunters do not have the stock standard same ship, all smugglers do not have the sotck standard same ship, ok, maybe the siths do, and the troopers might get their issued military ship, but, come on, like with your customiseable and makeable light sabers you should be able to spend time and energy continuously beefing up your ship, (and even have a few ships liek you have a few speeders), for different circumstances you arent going to try and fly a dreadnaught class/capital ship fast and agile in and out of the protruding parts of another megga large ship.... just liek you arent going to try and to take on one mega large ship with your 1 person fighter, and deploying multiple smaller fighters form you....wether tie be guidl ships being the biggest in the game, and/or as the highest level in the game you should be able to captain/command/general a larger ship than a 1-5 person size..... anikaan for instance would jump in a 1 jedi 1 astromech ship to fly off to do a mission, ro fly inbetween a massive space battle or down to the planets surface while the battle above and below raged on...having 1 ship for soloing/with 1 droid, 1 or mroe ships that you have all your companiosn on, then 1-2 ships with between 10 and 500 people on, then 1 or mroe guild megga ships for battles or patrolling, that way would create epic spaces battles with 500 1 person ships, and 5 on each side megga shps, with many persons runng around on each captial ship fixing or firing its turrets.....


8. space travel - why is it you can only get in your ship and click on one spot int he galaxy and click on another point in the galaxy and go to that point? why can i not go to an enemy planet and try to take them on? and then maybe work as a scavenger and find ship parts or slaves/prisoners .... why can we can not move multiple persons to a sector of space just out fromt eh orbital zone of a planet to get ready for a space and/or planetary raid.... this is called STAR WARS For a reason you know!


9. world/realm pvp/pve/warzones/instances/raids the reason this is failing is one of MANY Reasons, but, increase the population cap on ALL servers, allow cross server instances/raids/warzones/PvE/PvP. having only 3-5 warzones that you can only play over and over and over with the same people is REALLY boring.... and only getting commendations IF you win is rediculous. also, on EVERY planet wether it be open to both factionn or not, you should be able to have fights/battles in ALL parts of the planet, AND to gain honour/faction/reputation/valor for those kills, so if you arent eh best player int he game you can slowly over time build up and pick up items/weapons/armour, and not just have the gridners who play the same thing over and over 5M times always win and only have the best armour....


10. SWTOR, all you had to do is take all the tiny/small SW games and crame them into this one MMO, xwing, tie fighter, privateer, jedi knight, jedi academy, kotor, pod racer, republic commando, (yes i know they are in different parts of time but the fundementals of how they were played could be adapted to the time in which you are playing)

i mean seriosuly all you had to do is look at EQ which has been alive and still running for 13-14 years now, take in the fact of how big the frikken place was at conception and still is big even in todays standards, adapt the story to be star wars, and add on the parts that are needed that do not occur in EQ such as air flight, space flight. and then use better graphics engine..... its not hard.....


11 - water/underwater... one of the first missions you do is in ordmantell "yeah, unfortunately the bridge has been taken out by the sepratists and you will ned to swing across..." not, walk across, not get your ankles wet, not wade across SWIM!!!!!! i jumped off the damged bridge, believing that when they said swim, that, you coudl actually swim in the frikken water! even in supposed open ocean, or "exhaustion" areas, its frikken waist deep! hello....sewerage/pipes/underwater.....!


12- body size, ok, fair enough, i understand that you were lazy and couldnt be bothered to make any rae that isnt basically the same height/size/shape as a human. but, when is it that body type 1 and 2 can go places that 3 and 4 cant....? there are thousands of different species from ugnaughts size and smaller, to wookies and bigger


13 customiseable bodies why can you only be 1 of 4 bodies that essentially look same/similiar in proportion?? what can i not be very short and big butt, small chest, or , big checst and big legs and tall, and flat tummy....


14 species options, all im gonna say is, different species with different skills/abilities/stats, i mean come on, a mon calamari can breath underwater, but a human shouldnt need to....


i only say this as if you dont fix these issues then this will just be another flash in the pan MMO (that isnt really an MMO, its only basically a multiplyer or teamable first person shooter), that will crash and burn...... such as matrix online.....


did i miss anything?

oh yes, i forgot to say, i was a very big fan of MMOs and Star wars, but this experience is causing my love for this to dwindle, i bought the collectors edition as well as paying for a full 6 month subscription, so, yes, i will give it 6 months, which will be the end of the year 2012, then, i shall stop the subscription ....



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Currently on a sub that ends somewhere in June I think, but I'm on the fence seeing what is happening to the game because it is Star Wars, and what little faith I have left in the once visionary and creative (not copy paste wow) BioWare and their portfilio since.. since a long, long time ago..


1. theme-park, shoe-horned, generic and static content from start >> finish >> end-game, most boring grind ever.

2. pvp is a COMPLETE FIASCO.

3. character customization / development / evolvement / class system+design / gear design.. republic gear design.. ... ... ... ... ...

4. crafting and space (pew pew on rails does not count)

5. community tools: no server specific forums, ghost planets, no cross faction tools other than /say, no emotes and other basic rp functions.


and so much, much, much more..


But the worst part is BioWare + Star Wars + Hype vs existing game and decisions and the so called "jesus patch 1.2"

- I've followed the game on and off since well (member date) and rumors before then even.. and under here I'll copy/paste what I tought to be a most excellent q&a that got me a little extra hyped, that and a few others and the one where they talked on and on about WAR their devs and how "sick bubblegum" cool and sweet pvp was going to be in this game.




LINK - Meet & Greet Q&A Pax Prime 2011


8:33p PT - Reid takes stage; Bass splits room into Republic and Empire sections.


8:33p - Joking about Huttball. Erickson says Republic very sad in PvP currently in game testing.


8:35p - Introductions: Rich Vogel, Gabe Amatangelo, Corey Butler, Daniel Erickson, Stephen Reid, and Blaine Christine.


8:35p - SR: First of all, let's just get this clear, Holiday 2011 is the target release date.


8:36p - Q: Force lightning for Dark side Republic players?


8:37p - DE: So, there is no chance you will have it based on morality choices.


8:37p - Q: Any aspects of game particularly challenging?


8:37p - A: It is hard building these things. Tons of content.


8:38p - Q: Why are lightsaber types (double bladed, dual wielded) restricted by class?


8:38p - GA: Class identity is very important.


8:39p - Q: Different color choices for lightsabers, like in KoTOR?


8:39p - DE: Yes. KoTOR influences on crafting system. A little more flexibility than before. Very exciting stuff to be announced later. It's going to make fans of that sort of system very happy. We're continually on the item system and lightsabers are a big part of it.


8:40p - Q: Do you plan to implement new mechanics over time based on popularity?


8:40p - BC: Gabe Amatangelo spins a wheel of chance *laughs*. As live producer, it is my job to separate the real issues raised by the community. There are limitations to what the engine can do, but if you're asking for X, Y, and Z, we'll try and get X, Y, and Z in. And then you'll eventually get X and Z. But they'll ***** about Y. (laughter) I'm looking forward to that 10,000 page thread about Y.


8:41p - Q: Weekend beta testing, is it random or based on preorder?


8:41p - A: Panel tomorrow. Can't talk about it.


8:42p - Q: Trophies... can they be collected? Are there guild halls/capital ships?


8:43p - A: After launch possibly. Wall of crazy.


8:44p - James Ohlen joins and is introduced.


8:44p - Q: Will we be able to upgrade, socket, or enchant items?


8:45p - DE: We've actually just finished doing a pretty big redo on the itemization system. Making modding something that is going to be very exciting for crafting. Very exciting for people who want to keep their particular core appearances. As a crafter, people are going to be coming knocking on your door. That is based upon major feedback we have been getting, so there you go. When people tell us we're stupid we listen


8:46p - Q: Do we have an example of something to motivate people to reroll?


8:46p - DE: An entirely new story! (everyone laughs) There may be something to help you reroll... later.


8:46p - Q: If Force Lightning doesn't depend on morality, what does it depend on?


8:46p - A: Something else.


8:47p - Q: Is there an armor/clothing colorization system in game?


8:47p - A: No, you can color match, and that is it. There is no way to choose the color of your armor beyond what it already is. We have the color matching system, the anti-clown button. But you can't change your black armor into blue armor. Not currently anyways.


8:48p - Q: What features are you implementing for guilds?


8:48p - A: We have ranks within the guild. Basic features at launch, and advanced features marked as some of the most important post-launch items to work on. Guilds are very important to the longevity of an MMO. So we've prioritized guild features at the very top. We want them to be strong, we want players to really like being in a guild. Guild bank, guild leveling, stuff like that.


8:49p - Q: Plan to keep gold selling under control?


8:50p - A: We have lots of things we're doing to catch gold farmers and deal with them. We don't want to hurt the crafting economy either. It's a balancing act. Because if you make things so hard then you're going to actually hurt the crafting economy, which is what we don't want to do. The ways we're going to combat gold sellers are not things we're going to ever necessarily talk about publicly because then they know what we're doing. But we take it very seriously.


8:52p - Q: How are we tracking things to balance crafting, raiding, different playstyles?


8:52p - A: We have a lot of analytics to track things like this. Lots of dashboards we look at. Lots of internal metrics. We don't want tons of nerfing going on. Though that does happen in MMOs because they are rebalancing as an MMO grows over time.


8:53p - JO: The best gear in the game is going to come from the PvE Operations. So if you want to have the best gear in the game, you have to do Operations. You can also get gear that is nearly as good, but more specialized, from the PvP game. Those are our two highest stat gear and they're also the gear that we've reserved some of the best appearances for.


8:54p - DE: The tier right under that, that you're going to need to go get into that Operation, you're going to come see me (the crafter).


8:54p - GA: There are several different slots, and there are some slots that remain specific for the crafters to help with the best PvE and PvP gear. The difference between the PvP and PvE gear is around 10%. And crafting can help support that in a couple of the slots. And we're trying around in testing just to figure out specifically what slots those are.


8:54p - JO: And one thing to mention is the moddable gear. The thing about moddable gear is you can mod it with mods that are at the highest level. So you can, for example, take 10th level Jedi Knight robes that look like what Obi Wan was wearing on Tatooine. Which doesn't look so hot. But once you put all the mods in it, it will actually be as strong as some gear that you've got from Operations. However, to get those mods, you have to do Operations. So it comes back to, if you want to have the best gear, you have to do the high level Operation content.


8:55p - Q: Can a good Sith or bad Jedi change sides? Faction changes?


8:55p - A: No. Interesting story... originally there was a third underworld faction (wall of crazy)! It becomes very expensive from a development point of view if we'd have to double the number of stories. However we are always looking for ways to figure that out in the future. You never know.


8:56p - Q: Will Sith Warriors get lightning? Since Malgus does?


8:56p - DE: Not from making morality decisions. (lots of laughter)


8:56p - SR: The characters you see in cinematics aren't necessarily what you see in the game. They're special.


8:57p - Q: As far as leveling goes, where will we spend most of our time?


8:58p - JO: We hate the word "grind." There will be no grinding in the game. (applause) Class quests, world quests. Heroic quests, which exist on every planet and are done with a group. But also have some very nice rewards. You have the space mini-game. Warzones and Flashpoints. Allows for a lot of variety in how you gain your XP. You can choose which activities you focus on on your way to end game.


8:58p - DE: Unless you love grinding, then go right ahead. That's also your choice.


8:59p - Q: How are you handling threat mechanics?


8:59p - GA: Pretty standard for MMOs. We don't have any threat mods or any UI elements at this point in time. We're working on those things as stuff we want to do.


9:01p - Q: Can Sith Inquisitors be more "intellectually" evil?


9:01p - DE: Alignment is not good/evil. It's light side/dark side. And there are rules to these things. So one of the things that we were talking about when we were putting the plot together for instance: If there's a bunch of people who are going to die in an earthquake or some natural disaster and you go in with your lightsaber and you threaten to kill them all if they don't run their stupid asses out of the house and get to safety? Light side. (laughter) Because you saved their dumb asses. The Light side does not care, as we've seen (go Qui Gon), about cheating, lying. It is a very different alignment system. The Inquisitor is actually a really fun one to try and play light side with. Because they can be the diplomat. They can be the face that Palpatine was putting up there. The problem with the Inquisitor is you often get a dialogue option called "shock them." The temptation level on the Inquisitor is perhaps the strongest one. And dark side/light side options change a lot between classes. So when you start as a Jedi Knight, your first dark side choice is not "Hey, let's go slaughter a bunch of people." Right? How did you get into the academy in the first place? Your first things are temptations, things that go against the Jedi code. And yes, at the time period our game starts in, romance is a no no and if you are a Jedi, you have made an oath around that. So a really easy way to slide into dark slide land is starting to chase a love interest.


9:02p - Q: Changes in character appearance based on morality, like KoTOR?


9:02p - (lots of whispering between devs) A: That is a feature that we haven't developed yet, and we really wanted it for ship. We'll put it in later. It is very important. It is part of the legacy KoTOR. It is not in the game yet. It is a complex system, we have a lot more to worry about than KoTOR when it comes to character appearances, so it's more difficult than you could imagine.


9:04p - Q: Will you change design decisions based on community reaction?


9:04p - DE: Does anybody remember the Jedi Wizard? There are things that happen from testing, both from internal testing and external testing. And when the community stands up, especially when it's really close to being universal, and they as a whole go "No guys," then yeah, we pay attention.


9:07p - Q: How are you going to balance the fact that there are differences with companions with bonuses for crafting as one class versus another class? And are there neutral companions that anyone on the Republic or Empire can go get?


9:07p - DE: We realized that was a dumb feature and cut it. So crafting bonuses, I believe, are well on the way out. Everybody had the same response to that one, which was we really don't want to do anything that is going to stop you from using a companion. If I've got a companion with me who happens to be my favorite companion and happens to be the guy with the biggest bonus towards the mission skill that I use for crafting, so I don't use him. That is fail. That's the first part of the question, the second part (about neutral companions) is, kinda. And, plus, there are some secrets.


9:08p - Session ends.


:rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02:

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For me, along with just generally getting bored, it was the railed space game that really made me realise this was a waste of time.


I mean come on... Star Wars IS space opera, and the space ships are some of the stars of the movies, in SWTOR that side of it is completely wasted.


Hope the next developers don't make the same mistake.

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I would give my reasons but I have given them in the past many times. The only reason I resubbed for a month was due to my nephew visting for 3 weeks and he wanted to try it...and it came with 30 free days if I signed back up before the 25th or whatever it was.


It was the only way I would have done it, $15 for 60 days and providing entertaiment for a relative.

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I like the game a lot and had a blast playing. I definitely got my $60 worth. But I have been busy with work and other things so I haven't had an opportunity to log in and check on my toons.


I do not know if I will let my subscription lapse. Because of work I simply don't have a lot of available time to play which previously was not the case. However, I would be less than honest if I said the lack of PVP and low population on my server were not disincentives to log on, as well. I really would like to see those problems addressed. :)

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1. Bugs, bugs and more bugs: The number of times we've attempted KP timed run and had the Replicator bug out on us is not even funny. For something which is required for an achievement this should not happen! Oh Pylon boss bug, bugs on SOA...need I go on?


2. PVP: Content is restricted to the 4 warzones, what happened to world PVP? From the same house which brought us Warhammer, a pure pvp game, you would not have thought they could fail so miserably. At least we have rated warzones now...oh no we don't!


3. Character development: Where is the epicness in anything? It's just another gear grind, there is NO character development at all. In fact it tries so hard to steer away from any kind of 'sandbox' aspect at all it's very restrictive.


Where are the consequences of your choices whilst levelling up? Ah wait, I remember, that blue relic I used for a week before discarding. Their advertising campaign regarding character development must be the biggest joke going.


4. Dead or dying servers: I'm lucky enough ti be playing on one of the more active servers (The Red Eclipse), yet there are very few groups doing anything at all and you see the same people in PVP all the time. I feel feel sorry for you guys on light servers...can't imagine what that must be like.


5. Content: /Yawn. Apart from logging on to do pvp and responsibilities within the guild I don't play...severe lack of anything to do. Some sort of further character development, this is Star Wars after all, would go a long way to solve this...


Shame, I was probably expecting too much from this game.


Cancelled sub as of today.

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Applause indeed. Mother *********** lied in every word.


The funniest thing is, people in and outside of my guild are all like, oh we dont ike to do the aisan grind thing where you do something 5 million times....


yet everyone will do 3 warzones 50 million times hehehe


i just found it highly insulting that at the guild summit we were basically told, that we had to;


1. reroll on the same server so that we actually had someone to play against, as the developers lack of ability and foresight to make the frikken pop cap big enoguh and/or making server/realm vs server/realm......


2. to enjoy the game fully and to actually have more than a 5 minute(2 week completion) experience, that when we got to 50 we had to start another character again, essentially, well youre an idiot if you havent gone and made 8 characters and gotten them to level 50 (a. because they didnt make it so you can cross factions, and b. you could only have one frikken crew skill per character)


3. when 1.2 comes out it will fix alot of problems and tonnes mroe content will come out - i finished the solo & group content in 1 hour, and the raid we did in one night.


we would have waited a little longer if they had actually delivered on their promise of an MMORPG, but they didnt, and then insult us, and basically turn around and tell us its out fault that they cant make an MMORPG but simply a multiplayer


SWTOR is a theme park. To last you need sandbox with great fun and rewards.....


not only more content at 50, but, actual in depth meaning to the 1-50 grind.

faction that can change and has meaning, if you have increased the faction with someone/something, dont you think that more missions/quests should open up? and the price of items to decrease, and flipside if your faction goes down less is open to you and prices go up....


We know why SWG got shut down, if it had stayed open, even though its graphics we less modern any real MMORPGer would have gone back to it at the end of their first subscription on SWTOR


i mean come on, have you not heard of a crawl button?


and, um, seriously, how many snipers would go from being in a perfectly stationary position, with perfect aim on their target, steady and precise, to all of a sudden, stand up, exposing their position and body to take a snapshot? If you are leaning on a branch or against a tree, or behind a sheild, or on a container, or on the ground even YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STAND UP! the whole point of a sniper is that he/she is hard to see, and hard to kill, but, being noy heavy on the armour when you do shoot them they taken damage quicker...... now yes, some people might go, well this is star wars blah blah blah..... any sniper in star wars wether a professional agent, a Bount hunter, or even a simple sand person is not going to stand up from a perfect aimed lying down position!


i have heard some bioware/ea staff defending other people for their comment they made about; Developer; "oh i dont really like/want to spend much time on pvp or war zones and conflict, so i can get back to spending mroe time on the story and the pve experience...."

(i forget, some female dev. who ended up getting her butt chewed out by fans and game palyers, i might add, they were not very nice and were saying things about the person and hurtful things that had nothing to do with her work or her skill.... so i dont condone what some people said)

the point being, they failed on both points, the pve is lacking the pvp is lacking, the story 1-49 story/questline is lacking and the 50-50+ is lacking......


had SWTOR been made into a single player with the option of multiplyer, i would be right now defending its greatness and how cool it is, but, it is not a single player, it is not a small multiplayer it stepped foot into the MMO realm. And if you ar going to step up to the MMO world your cojones had better be the size of earth's moon, and the depth of the game would want to be at least 1-2 times deeper than the marianas trench.... and if you are going to have a sub scription fee, then you MUST have 24/7 tech support AND in game GM's, not a bunch of automated messages and persons who cannot do anything to alter/help fix the game there and then, instead of waiting 6-12 months later in the follwoing patch. i think out of the 80-100 /bug reports i have made, 1 maybe 2 has been fixed

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1. My class is a joke. Mercs do less damage than tanks and have less survivability. Ranged in general is very weak vs melee.

2. PVP is not a focus in this game. Lack of balance, updates, and planned features.


3. My server is dead. I can't wait around for hours a day to do my pvp dailes.


4. Itemization is terrible. Expertise is poorly thought through and everything has worthless accuracy on it.


5. Bioware refuses to address the above issues.

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I just canceled my subscription yesterday and the reason I am still here is that I have 28 paid days left and am kind of pissed that this game has not lived up to my expectations after patiently waiting and tracking this games progress over three years. Here are the reasons I have decided to hit the cancel button:

1. Server population is super low - I am here to play a MMORG. That means I am here to play in a dynamic environment with other people. It is not acceptable that I had to wait 2 hours before giving up yesterday to get in a WZ. It is not acceptable that there are so few people playing that not even one person is selling parts for my space ship. It is not acceptable that it takes over an hour to find enough people for a flash point.

2. Healer classes get no love - I like playing a healer class but why should I when FTOM DPS classes are getting 10-14 wz medals/multipliers and I am only able to get 4-6 after healing my *** off.

3. Major game change so early - patch 1.2 brought major changes to many professions. It can be debated if they were good or bad, but the message I got was that I can work my tail off in order to achieve the profession I want, only to have it all yanked away from me in the blink of an eye. In-other-words, I do not want to invest my TIME and money into something and have it taken away at someone's whim.

4. Even considering my first 3 reasons, the game is still way unbalanced between professions and even within professions but between expertise. - i.e. 1) A BH healer, heal two to three times that of a AI healer. Talk about imbalance between like professions 2) A Pyro Merc BH does two to three times the damage than that of an Arsenal BH. A major imbalance within a profession but between expertise. 3) the FOTM Inquisitors can 2 to 3 hit kill and always out damage all other professions, even other professions which are specified as DPS professions.

5. Unbalanced factions - On the server I am on, there is one faction that overwhelmingly and completely rules the server. As bored as I am sure they are of winning by completely slaughtering my faction it is even more frustrating and disheartened my faction is to pvp knowing that there is no possible chance. In the end, this imbalance creates an environment where one group of people figure why bother and the other group sit around bored.

6 bonus reason. The game is not set up to inspire a sense of community. - Almost all quests can be and are soloed. There is no in-game voice chat system. There is no need for pvp or pve players to interact with crafters. People don't use social gathering places because there is no game benefit to do so. Sure you can fight over control points on Ilum but there are no player created control points, bases, towns, etc. Despite space content and the engine sucking, there are no group missions.

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I've read about to page 7...


I've decided to stop playing after 4 months though I still have something like 2 weeks on my account.


I agree with most of the reasons people wrote but I'll add two which I think are the main reason.


1. Horrible customer service. Almost every ticket I open is responded with "we will forward this to our developers check patch notes"... c'mon! bit of sympathy please?


2. I wanted to play an mmo, and not just an mmo but Knight of the old republic mmo. I've played the 2 KOTOR games for over 8 times each and they were so good I can still play them today. The thought there will be an mmo in a Kotor style universe was always a small wish of mine.

BUT SWTOR is not an mmo. It's CO-OP single player. most of the missions can be done solo, once you've finished your missions on a planet there is no reason to go back there.. the only parts which require a number of players like high ends flashpoints (bugged as hell), pvp and raiding are extremely bugged.

Since I got level 50 characther a usual day at the office looks like that: logging to the game, picking up daily FP\Daily pvp... doing daily missions on ilum\belsavis\corellia while pvping for the daily.. doing 1 FP HM if I get a group or logging out. BORING... if I wanted a single player game to play over and over with same character I'll go play skyrim much more to do there then on SWTOR.

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Unsubbing today for the second time, I was persuaded back in to the game to try the PVE side of things. Same reasons this time as last time, in no particular order:


1. Poor PVP balance. BW making the same hasty and heavy handed nerfs/boosts to classes that Warhammer did and relying far too much on metrics and generally making the entire PVP experience far too care-bear for my liking.


2. No open world PVP. Even before 1.2 this was true, Ilum was just a merry go round of collecting boxes.


3. Gear progression. PVP is all about the gear, an idiot with 1200 expertise can demolish the best player on the server if he has no expertise. Stupid, not thought out at all and pointless. PVE is worse - HM flashpoints are a joke when you can get all the same gear and probably better in a week or so of OPs instead of a month or two of HM flashpoints.


4. Dead servers. This one is new, but I re-rolled once already and I'm not doing it again.


5. Releasing the damn game too early. So many missing features, how can you be a AAA game when you haven't got half the things any competent MMO is released with? Guild ships, guild banks, LFG tools, cross server interaction, ranked PVP competition. Could be an endless list here.


Finally, although not specifically reasons for quitting -


6. Legacy. I spent a lot of time on getting legacy levels 20+ and I really feel I should get something for my time put in whereas any idiot exploting the game can just buy what they want. 2m credits for rocket boots? Get lost.


7. Annoying me with changes. Sure - make the PVP champ gear I spent weeks grinding through to get a full set in your ridiculous RNG drop system totally worthless. I love how someone who just dinged 50 can basically buy better gear than I had in 10 seconds at a vendor. Make valor totally worthless too, and make sure you forget to change the tips on loading screens about it as well to further remind me of how annoying your dev team is..


8. Far too many instances and shards. For 90% of the game you feel like you are completely alone even when the servers were busy. No global chat across worlds to communicate what might be going on. Ilum should have had bolster and anyone should have been able to go there, should have been events, ways to communicate to everyone what was going on and to come to Ilum...


9. Breaking my main char and breaking healers in PVP entirely. You screwed the sorc/sage entirely. You made healing worthless in PVP and made melee DPS the gods of everything. Insanity. Averagely geared (1100 expertise) I routinely get crit for 4, 5, 6 and 7k from melee DPS.


10. Gear. Sigh, it is pathetic. Full BM sorc I look like a damn drag queen. Seriously is that the best your art department can come up with!? This is STAR WARS for crying out loud.


11. Completely overzealous forum mods. Honestly the warnings I have had from forums mods is a complete joke, I should start a wordpress blog about it - it would be hilarious.


12. Customer service. What, wait a sec - WHAT customer service? Precisely. I rest my case.


13. Bugs. Patches that bring more bugs than fixes. Stupid bugs that make the game a complete pain to play.


14. Loading, orbital stations and more. January, picture the scene - guild chat is buzzing, lots of open world PVP on Ilum for a change. By the time I get to my ship, fly to illum, wait 40 seconds for ilum to load, go through orbital, wait 40 seconds for planet to load. Take 30 second taxi to PVP area. Take 30 seconds on my speeder to get to central... oh what, the PVP is over now? Oh. Well i guess I can use my fleet pass to get back to what I was doing... oh shoot, I used that 12 hours ago. Better get my speeder out again... WHAT!? No more, I think I'd rather be sticking pins in my eyes than watching your loading screens for 20% or more of my game time thanks.


15. Daily comms. It really isn't enough that this repetitive ultra grindy horror is all that you can do on dead servers. Damn even the gear on them now is pretty much worthless for your 120 or 200 daily comms. The ONLY point of doing them is for cash, which you can spend on ... well, nothing really. Server is so dead nothing for sale on GTN and even if there was best gear needs to be ground out anyway. I guess if I'm that bored I can grind out enough daily quests on belsavis/Ilum/Corelia to get the 2m for rocket boots huh? Well guess what, NO THANKS. I'll unsub instead.


16. Crafting. Um not even sure where to begin here. Effort has been made I guess, but honestly this is just another part of the game (like PVP, space flight, itemization, class balance, the whole works in fact) I think the devs though we wouldn't notice how poor it was because we would be blown away by the story. LOL. Right. I spent the best part of a month on the game during vent and the constant background noise was people space bar-ring through the story parts.


17. Repeating the mistakes of Warhammer. Could write pages on this but won't. Clearly there are too many ex Warhammer devs or mods patrolling the threads ;)


18. Animations. My sorc knockback takes an endless age to load, so much so I will frequently complete my KB 40m from where I started it as anyone decent has enough time to see my start it they can KB me a world away before it actually goes off. It feels like is has 1 5s cast time, it is a joke. And for sage it is worse on more common standard skills.


I could go on for another 20 or so points. 5 really isn't enough.

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