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This is Beyond My Logic, Really!!


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I don't get it, it is a fact now that this game is dying, and you do NOTHING to save it... why you wait all the people to quit, what you expect? that everyone will come back when you announce server transfers? or for future patches? WHAT?


Tomb of Freedom naad europe's best server when it comes to population from full server 3 weeks ago (less even) at prime time became heavy, i won't mention other servers since the situation there is simple unbearable...


Point of my post is not the empty servers, point is Biowares Ignorance, or i would dare to say "elitist" attitude...


Admit that you have a problem, cause you DO have a problem, people leaving a game that you spent millions of dollars/euros to design... But please, oh PLEASE, why you sit there doing NOTHING?


What could you do?


1. Start Manually transfer people from empty servers (queue up servers for that, depending on each server's situation), yes that would meant something... people would have seen something from you besides the faceless "character transfers are currently in development", SOMETHING, that you actually give a damn about your customers and you do care for them.... You did it for Ausies, Pretend thta you care the least...


2. Content, ye give something for ppl to play now and entertain them selves, but come up with an event VERY SOON, and give PERSPECTIVE to people about the future in swtor...

Develop a patch that would be almost as an expansion, that you add SEVERAL stuff the community long for...


Pve Instances, more than one, instances that wont be cleared in 2 weeks,

Fix Pvp, ilum, world pvp, ranked pvp, possibly other additions (arenas?)

U invested alot on legacy... well needs more love with features that RLY matter and ppl like, dunno what, but the community suggested million things..


but the most important thing... MAKE YOUR PLANS KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE, and ofc, no matter what, GIVE THEM ETA... tell them when such thing will be implemented...



Show to people that you care, it's not bad to admit that some things went wrong, cause they did go wrong, and the community can see that... trying to fool the community by ignoring those facts, make no good... ppl just leaving, and they are leaving pissed... if though you give them perspective, i can assure you they will embrace the new effort...


crisis management, open the books...

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I think you're overeacting and over dramatizing.


The reason the servers got a bit lower last week was the guild wars 2 beta and the end of the plague event. Also i think some of it is due to the PvP having become... erm not as enjoyable as before the patch at lvl 50.


As for SWTOR's future, or say near future you just need to look better.


Theres will be LFG tool next patch, there will be a new companion next patch and theres a website that managed to preview the patches all the way way until patch 1.5. Theres stuff coming, and im sure were gonna get news soon. I'm also sure Bioware are happy they could breathe for a bit after the last patch released.


At least the raiding content seems to be in a good place now. :)

Edited by Nemmar
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The game is not Dying. They are offering transfers in early summer, most likely June. They are going t work on Ilum and are working on ranked warzones. More content will be put out soon as well. There is plenty of content as long as people are willing to play it. Bioware cannot do anything about people who only play 1 character. If someone does not want to play a alternate character then nothing BW does will make that person change their mind.
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Aha, so people here can't see that the game is dying, the majority of the servers (and thats a fact) are LIGHT, servers that some time ago, were heavy or normal... that clearly suggests that people are leaving, and what determines if a game is dying or not, is the people....


when people leave at large, then yes you can safely assume that the game is dying, unless ofc something happen...

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Factual statistics please for proving the game is dying. Aside from that, I do not wish to play on a Full Server. I play on Standard servers, which provides quite enough for my tastes. I would prefer to play the game when I want, not have to wait for a server que - not now, not ever.



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am i over reacting rly?.


On my server, there are 4-5 warzones per day,

there are no pve grps whatsoever, and there is one guild only, with more than 10 ppl...


i want to play the game and i clearly cant....


and yes, i know there are stuff in development, but i am saying that this is not enough, summer will be the server transfers, 1.3 god knows when...

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Aha, so people here can't see that the game is dying, the majority of the servers (and thats a fact) are LIGHT, servers that some time ago, were heavy or normal... that clearly suggests that people are leaving, and what determines if a game is dying or not, is the people....


when people leave at large, then yes you can safely assume that the game is dying, unless ofc something happen...


No, what that suggests is that there's fewer people logged in concurrently at peak times, which is what happens naturally when the "WOO NEW STUFF" rush dies off after a release.

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Factual statistics please for proving the game is dying. Aside from that, I do not wish to play on a Full Server. I play on Standard servers, which provides quite enough for my tastes. I would prefer to play the game when I want, not have to wait for a server que - not now, not ever.







and how many normal servers are out there?

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No, what that suggests is that there's fewer people logged in concurrently at peak times, which is what happens naturally when the "WOO NEW STUFF" rush dies off after a release.


man, we are talking for a game that's not even 6 months old...


6 months old... get that?


servers should be like full, all of them (considering that strawars brand name)... but instead...

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Aha, so people here can't see that the game is dying, the majority of the servers (and thats a fact) are LIGHT, servers that some time ago, were heavy or normal... that clearly suggests that people are leaving, and what determines if a game is dying or not, is the people....


when people leave at large, then yes you can safely assume that the game is dying, unless ofc something happen...


When I log in and look at the server listing, I mostly see STANDARD. I do see a few LIGHT ones but mostly STANDARD. Maybe it just is the time you are logging on. The server I am on sports 60+ in the afternoon and 100+ after work/school times.

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and how many normal servers are out there?


I log on pretty much every day. The only time the vast or all servers are Light for any of the three regions is the middle of the night for that region. Every night, on the East Coast, less than 1/3 (I would dare say even less than 1/4) of the US servers are Light - all others are Standard or better. I will be able to provide an exact count for you when I get home today.


man, we are talking for a game that's not even 6 months old...


6 months old... get that?


servers should be like full, all of them (considering that strawars brand name)... but instead...


According to what reasoning? Just because it is Star Wars doesn't mean squat, unless you account for the fact that it sold over 2 million copies, which I understand was the largest/fastest sale of an MMO to date. With that reasoning, LoTR, STO, Conan, and every other big IP would have had packed servers. It just turns out that people have actual lives, and can't be in game 24/7, plus the game does not appeal to every one - even Star Wars fans. There are plenty of crap Star Wars games that I have never, nor will ever play.



Edited by BJWyler
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1. The game is not dying.


2. They can't give ETAs because they can't predict the future. Stuff happens.


3. My foot is cold because I lost my sock, so now I'm a bit surly.


No no... He clearly stated that its a fact that this game is dying...

that makes it a fact.


if he sais its a fact, its a fact.

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Ok I have to agree, the game is dying. I came back after my 30 days ended (ran out of money and college needed more attention). I've been on for a week now, and the planets are pretty empty. Yes people left to try out new things, but it still looks like they're not coming back. It also doesn't help matters that the starting planets are empty, how are you going to attract new people if there's no one there? On top of that it seems some how leveling got even faster, and groups got easier to kill. That is a bad thing.

Basically the game has the appearance of being dead, to public perception if it looks dead, than it is dead. Bioware needs to start transferring people and reduce servers now.

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