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How much thought do you put into a name?


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Another thread has me thinking -- though I'm not touching the actual subject matter with a ten foot poll:


Girls and lack of creativity with toon names



I noticed that people have various methods of picking names for their toons. Some people seem to be able to easily create and discard names for characters, others (like me) pick names of some significance to them and grow rather attached to them.


e.g. My names are all from decade-old computer games that I was particularily fond of. Some more than a decade actually... Kudos to anyone who can figure out Nydus, Ordos, and Arcada (Naresa wasn't named by me).


Anyone care to elaborate on their process?


- Arcada

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I do put thought into names. I try not to spend much time on it, but I prefer a thematic fit for my character.


Rule 1. Never roll Drizzt. Taking characters from existing universes is lazy.


Rule 2. Pick the concept, then the name.


For example, I wanted my smuggler to be the black sheep of Alderaanian nobility. I wanted a tomboyish nickname and some stupid flowery "I hate that my parents gave this to me" name. Ended up with Nicolana, or Nic if you want to keep all your limbs intact.


My Neutral Good Sith Warrior was Ruth. One, precisely so I could be non-ruthless; the old meaning of the word is "mercy" and "compassion." Two, because I rolled her after I met Quinn, I had a crazy strong desire to do the pro-Empire thing with him, and it was the Biblical Ruth who said "where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay; your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."


Three, because "Ruth" also means "remorse." I didn't realize that until much, much later.


My neat little Agent, a good little servant of the Empire, was Winston (or Wynston because the other name was taken). One because I was willing to break my no-existing-names policy to have a man who loves Big Brother; two because Winston Churchill kicked *** and saved Britain. I wanted my Agent to partake of both.


My serene paragon Jedi Knight was Rho because I was in a hurry and couldn't think of anything good. A Greek letter seemed as good as anything. But I can backfill a reason. In my industry, the letter rho indicates a certain measurement of distance used in navigation. It's incomplete, it's just one humble value, but in a very real sense, Rho is the first step in finding your path.


My idiot Consular Avvash'ka pretty much made up an impressive mystical-sounding name because he thought it would make him sound cooler. Avvash'ka is a moron.


My chaotic evil Bounty Hunter is named Delenda, straight from the Latin: Complete and total destruction, with the implication that this destruction ought to be done. 'Nuff said.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I've been told i put way to much effort into my toon's names, Then again when it take weeks or even months for me to come up with a name i like then yeah maybe i do put too much effort in the names, I've even deleted toons that when past level 20 because i just didn't like their name
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I've been told i put way to much effort into my toon's names, Then again when it take weeks or even months for me to come up with a name i like then yeah maybe i do put too much effort in the names, I've even deleted toons that when past level 20 because i just didn't like their name


Thank goodness it's not just me. I've rerolled more times that I can remember because the name didn't feel right.

I try to go with something original, but sometimes I' ll slip something in like 'Sleuth' (for my Imp agent) for the novelty.

I customise my character, look at the finished 'person' and try to get a name that suits.

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My consular is Magdalane, and my smuggler Miriah-- names I've used before in mmo's but that aren't all that common. Everyone knows me by Mags, and I've just kept them forever. In legacy, their mom is a Jedi knight named Sarai (another old mmo name of mine). The names are only significant to me, but I agree with Doozer, I've also deleted characters whose names I grew to hate. Edited by Magdalane
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I put a lot of thought into my character names. I mean, I'll see that name for many years, everytime I'll log into the name, everytime I'll join a group, everytime I'll check my Legacy Tree, everytime I'll post something in the general chat, etc. So yeah, it has to be something meaningful.


I don't want to become one those pathetic players who end up posting in the forum: "Zomg Trolololol!!! I want to change my name now or I leave the game! Trololol!!!!".

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I usually hit Google Translate and start translating words that mean something that defines my character in another language. I type a word in English and then translate into several different languages for different results. For example, the word valens means strong/potent/powerful in Latin, which describes my Vanguard's personality (since she's the Star Wars version of my Shepard). In the true nature of the thread you linked, I thought of a way to make it sound like a real and feminine name. Slapping an A on the end seemed to work. It's probably my favourite name of all my characters as well.


I won't say that I always put a great deal of effort into names, but I take it a little seriously. I want names that I like and are original, so that's what I work for.

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I don't spend weeks on my character names, but I will spend hours. I usually come up with a feel/idea for a character, how I want to play her. For instance, my Jedi Consular I play almost to the book light side, but I still pick some snarky choices now and then. : P Can never be too uptight in a game, I just can't. xD Anyway, for her I picked the name Adala, which means "enlightened one" I think. I am waiting to create my Knight because I'd like him to be Sith race, so I need to level up my Sith. xD But when it comes time to make him, he'll have a darker name and be far more neutral than my Consular.


My Smuggler was originally a Twi'lek named Madani, which means "vine" in Sanskrit if I remember correctly. I've used the name a number of times in different games and is from a character I developed a long time ago. But after playing up to the end of Act 1, I decided I didn't like how the character looked and felt. Things just didn't fit. So I recreated my Smuggler as a human (sister to Adala) and named her Nadima. I think it has a meaning, but I don't remember it.


My Sorcerer is the only one I didn't search for a name for. I have no story for her in my head, no way I'd like to play her. She's really only there to get me my Sith Jedi. xD My next character will probably be named Katarine. Mostly because I like the name and I want something different than my normal choices. I've still got some thinking to do on the character and I'm not ready to make a new one yet though.

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My toons are named and modeled after characters I have created for my own works in progress. I use the game to see how they would react in certain situations so I can get a general 'feel' of the character. If a choice I make does or doesn't fit the character, I make note of it. Basically, I use the game as one of my writing 'tools'. Whether that is a good or bad idea will greatly depend on who you talk to.
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I sometimes spend weeks on a name and then simply come up with a "normal" name. For me I choose a name by it's meaning. Is my char all dark and gloomy it will have a name with that "meaning" or simular so I look for the meaning of a name in different cultures/mythology and either pick the exact name of make a variation of it.

One name though is play simple, I took my actual name and family name and merged it. Chantellé :D


Too bad that the name I have been using for years now could not be used in Star Wars for it's been flagged as invalid. My forum name : Kirameki (which means sparkling) so my sorc is now less sparkling for me. :(


Edit : I just spend 3 hours coming up with a female name that does not end on a vowel. :D

Edited by Kirameki
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I've used the same name for all online games. My alts often use variations of that name but occasionally I give them silly, immature names derived from infomercials or mundane foodstuffs or the game's random name generator.
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20% thought.


Usually I'll just random name it until I find something I like, then switch the vowels around.


My main character is my Jedi Guardian whom I named after the Governor of Florida because his name is Crist, and I mean... that's an interesting name.


Although I've gotten whispers a few times being yelled at because people think apparently I'm mocking Jesus. Fun stuff.

Edited by Seymour
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I chose to make my own set of Carmines yet as a Mandalorian clan. I based there names on mando names specifically the names of the Null ARC troopers from the Republic Commando books. I chose the names on what Null they were like.


Nerf was ment to be Sev. Nerf is the born leader and soldier who chose to serve the Republic in opposision of the Empires hold on mandalorians. He has a personal hate for Sith and keeps a count on how many he has killed. Is utterly loyal to his clan and the Republic.


Jaing previously served in the Republic military my left on his path as a Bounty Hunter. He only works with Imperials if they pay is good. He intended to win the Great Hunt to bring such fame to the Carmine Clan. He is an expert with tech esspecialy cybernetics. During his time serving he lost an eye and had it replaced with a cybernetic one that he even modfied himself.


Korm'mk is a master duelist. Him and his brothers are all slighty force sensistive but he was the strongest. Chosen to be a Jedi Knight the brothers were not so sure as to how to take it including him. He defies most of the Orders tenants chosing his clan over all else. He may carry a lightsaber but he weilds a Vibrosword with skill. He found robes pointless and instead wore regular Army armours.


Prudii is a master infiltrator working for SIS. He also thinks himself as a ladies man. Working in utter disguise in Imperial Intel he works to learn more about the Empire from within. Him and Jaing have worked together many times. Prudii finds working with Imperials to be troubling seeing such corruption in the ranks all wanting power.


Oddball was once a pilot in the Republic Navy but thought freelance work was best. He has the fastest reactions out of the brothers. Hes cocky and adores credits. Him and Jaing both duel wield pistols and theres a rivalry between them.



See i chose a story to go with the names i made.

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Honestly im bad at naming things. i usely use comic books or manga or a anime iv watched, i usely spend hours on making a character.


As long as you love your names and it isn't against the ToS, it's perfect imo. :jawa_biggrin:

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