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Marauders/Sentinels recomended pvp tree


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People can't adapt.


The speed bonus to Predation alone makes it amazing in Group play. The damage it can put out is impressive also. Not sure why they hate on it either. Our main guild Mara runs Carnage and destroys things.


100% armor ignore is quite nice as well.

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It's just not as good compared to the other 2 for solo-queuing/unorganized pub-stomp premading which is what the majority of players do/care about. In a good and organized team it's got the most utility out of all specs due to higher control and mobility (and sick burst).


carnage has the best control out of all the specs - roots.

The 31 point ability that rage gets is cool but id rather have a 10m 3 second root.


More the mobility part can be argued too carnage gets a +15% increase in movement speed in and out of combat.

A 0-10m jump that does damage is cool and works pretty well. I wouldnt say that rage is more mobile than Carnage.


And 80% predation is a awesome utility.


Utility are you talking about with rage - its AoE damage?

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carnage has the best control out of all the specs - roots.

The 31 point ability that rage gets is cool but id rather have a 10m 3 second root.


More the mobility part can be argued too carnage gets a +15% increase in movement speed in and out of combat.

A 0-10m jump that does damage is cool and works pretty well. I wouldnt say that rage is more mobile than Carnage.


And 80% predation is a awesome utility.


Utility are you talking about with rage - its AoE damage?


"It" being Carnage in my post. You read it wrong. :p

Edited by Swarna
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Watchman/Anni is the best "all around" solo hero spec, and the best way to go if your gear isnt built up since its sustainability and DoT damage are strong regardless of gear. Also it has the best interuption game for distrupting casters. Its the best for someone solo queing or for learning the class, but if I were building a team its the spec Id least want on hand


Combat/Carnage is my favorite personally, and is the "team player"'s spec. its strengths are in mobility (and team mobility), ranged pacify, and those every important reslove-ignoring roots. This spec is good for keeping someone stationary, peeling, burst damage, but it mainly excells in a coordinated group.


Focus/Rage gets a lot of hate and a lot of love. to me, its strongest role is that of a tank buster. you can drop a heavy AOE on not only a soft target, but also catch the tank guarding him with the same splash, thus double dipping. Also, the Zen for this spec makes slash spamming hit 2 targets furthiner its crowd component. ITs main weakness is in its predicability though, its very telegraphed. If you identify someone in this build its very easy to watch their ticks, their leaps, and know when to CC/push/stun to disrupt their big sweep/smash. Even if not disrupted, sweep/smash is already a very buggy special anyway. Also noteworthy, this spec has a leap that can be used against snipers in cover which is always good.

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The rage tree can be quite dangerous if you have several rage spec'd people on the same team. Great for breaking up stalemates at defended nodes if a few smashes go off in a crowd in a short period. Can also drop tanks that eat the damage and eat the guard damage from their healer too.


Probably at its best in civil war when people all fight on that platform around the turret on east/west sides, then smash can really put some pressure on.

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From a PVP perspective...


I have to agree, overall Anhilation is the best tree...and the most popular and most complained about... Its does great damage, dots and self healing, very survivable..


Carnage, is kind of feast or famine, you are a wrecking ball and the heavier the mix the better you do (Fury) but only IF you are allowed to continue existing, extremely dependent on outside healing. This is the tree I play.. If you dont have great healing going around then you have to learn hit and run tactics...and a lot of patience...


Rage puts up great damage numbers, and very few specced to this tree, so you can catch people off guard... Also on maps that a huge cluster ***** like Voidstar and NC, you can rock it there, Hutball im not sure, Civil War depends if everyone is fighting clustered at a node or spread out... This MY opinion, I dont know the class that well.

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