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My Impressions of GW2 vs. SWTOR


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"You can't discuss GW2 vs SWTOR without mentioning GW2."


I know you're afraid of the game, but we don't live in a vacuum.


I dont care about diet warcraft.


SWG was around for years and that game was awful.


Scifi fan =/= fantasy fans.


You can't get my sub with werewolf vs vampire elf crap.


And if you think I am alone, remember, SWG was around till the launch of swtor.


The less fantasy players in my swtor the better.

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No you missed my point.


You are over-hyping GW2 into something it isn't, or at least other people here are, and are using SWTOR as the sacrificial lamb to do this with.


Now my opinion is that, GW2 is far too much like other MMORPGs currently on the market, most notably NCSoft's wrank smell of Cash shop is all over it, and I can already see the flaws people are going to be ranting about on that game to.


What I am doing is stating, no SWTOR is not as perfect as the game you think Guild Wars 2 is going to be, but neither is the actual Guild Wars 2.


This always happens, in-fact it happened to SWTOR, over-hyped to the point where the asinine expectations of the General MMO Community were inevitably un-fulfilled, and now it's already labelled as dead, well no it isn't, the server spread is the damage that needs to be healed and it will be healed this summer.


That is the problem, the MMO community has this 'Beat WoW and be perfect or die' mentality, a ludicrous expectation.


You seem to have the same problem to, Guild Wars 2 is going to suffer just like TOR does, because of these expectations.


I know that SWTOR is still in it's infancy and by the end of the year, it's going to be the game it was meant to be from the start, hence the fact this should've been released this December, not last.


Simply put, I will enjoy Guild Wars 2, but not as much as SWTOR, simply because it provides to a different community than mine, here is the main problem though, I am not on a forum for Guild Wars 2 trolling their potential subscribers about how bad that game is, you and many others here are.


That is the exact reason why I don't value your opinion at all, because it's just meant to aggravate.


I am expressing my opinion in defence of this game, and pointing out the flaws of your precious game.


Simple as that.


So because our opinions are different, I'm just trying to aggravate? There's a discussion going on and I'm trying to contribute; you don't like what I have to say so you resort to name-calling. When you end up using fun words like "trolling" and "fanboy" you've clearly lost the argument (as if anything could be won in the first place).


No one is trolling here. You just disagree with [us] so you feel like you're being trolled because the world isn't exactly how you've imagined it.


I don't see much (emphasis on much) trolling in this thread, just a bunch of people insecure about their particular hobbies, throwing poo at each other.


Now if you want to have a constructive debate about the pros and cons of these two games, I'd love to engage with you. Otherwise, let people spout off until the mods come in and clean house--as they always do.

Edited by Dezzi
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gw2 another sword and board fantasy, the genre does not have enough ways to swing a sword kill an orc, I am so sick of fantasy games I could hurl.. I will pass on gw2 for at least the first year or so, maybe by then I will want to go play another fantasy game..but thats just me I sure gw2 will do well and it's fans will enjoy it, they can have all the fun they want, I am glad for them..:)
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I dont care about diet warcraft.


SWG was around for years and that game was awful.


Scifi fan =/= fantasy fans.


You can't get my sub with werewolf vs vampire elf crap.


And if you think I am alone, remember, SWG was around till the launch of swtor.


The less fantasy players in my swtor the better.


I wish swg was still around.:(

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So because our opinions are different, I'm just trying to aggravate? There's a discussion going on and I'm trying to contribute; you don't like what I have to say so you resort to name-calling. When you end up using fun words like "trolling" and "fanboy" you've clearly lost the argument (as if anything could be won in the first place).


No one is trolling here. You just disagree with [us] so you feel like you're being trolled because the world isn't exactly how you've imagined it.


I don't see much (emphasis on much) trolling in this thread, just a bunch of people insecure about their particular hobbies, throwing poo at each other.


Now if you want to have a constructive debate about the pros and cons of these two games, I'd love to engage with you. Otherwise, let people spout off until the mods come in and clean house--as they always do.


That argument would work if you didn't practically admit to trolling in the first place.

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GW2 has shown more promise in beta than SWTOR can even show us now. I have two level 50s in SWTOR and have been playing since launch - but we all know where this game is headed soon - server merges with probably free to play later down the road.


As for the cartoony looks, you have a point to a certain degree - I wasn't digging the anime-style of SOME of the chracters (particularly the humans) but overall, it's an impressive looking game.





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Someone didn't see the released screenshots did he? and someone didn't turn on the Ultra graphics did he? nope he didn't.


I'd honestly like to see how you turned on ultra graphics on a beta that was cpu bound, please enlighten us all on your skill.

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i saw a apple that was a orange that really was a rock and the rock ended up being a pie and the pie really became the cake.


so thats why rocks are rocks.


I just couldn't this pass without giving you a +1 mate. :D


Well done!

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I dont care about diet warcraft.


SWG was around for years and that game was awful.


Scifi fan =/= fantasy fans.


You can't get my sub with werewolf vs vampire elf crap.


And if you think I am alone, remember, SWG was around till the launch of swtor.


The less fantasy players in my swtor the better.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. I hate(d) WoW and only managed to eek my way through a couple of free trials before I burned it; SWG was a great game that suffered from bad development decisions; I'm both a Sci-Fi and Fantasy fan; Werewolves and Vampires don't do much for me either; how can having less players at all be good for an MMO?


You should be more welcoming--even if you don't like fantasy or fantasy fans, those players help fund development for the game you enjoy.

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I'd honestly like to see how you turned on ultra graphics on a beta that was cpu bound, please enlighten us all on your skill.




The screenshots part was about GW2.


The Ultra graphics part was in reference to Aion.

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Im sorry but to the one guy in this thread that uses the purple text, you have no clue about GW2. It is the first MMO in years to not copy WoW, it is more like Dark Age of Camelot than WoW...and THANK GOD for that!!


So GW2 really has no quests....it has a class quest and Dynamic PvE events, that and PvP is how you level up. What other MMO has a system like this?....Ill wait for that answer lol


Its combat is innovative in that you can Dodge attacks/spells....there is NO gear grind (Thank God) and the PvP will be based on skill...not gear (Thank God).....its going to seperate the pros from the schmoes that think their good at PvP but really suck and only win due to gear advantages



Both Guild Wars 2 and the new Elder Scrolls 3 Faction RvR MMO to be released in 2013 are going to dominate the MMO PvP market for years to come...and one big reason is that they are copying Dark Age of Camelot instead of kiddie WoW

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Im sorry but to the one guy in this thread that uses the purple text, you have no clue about GW2. It is the first MMO in years to not copy WoW, it is more like Dark Age of Camelot than WoW...and THANK GOD for that!!


So GW2 really has no quests....it has a class quest and Dynamic PvE events, that and PvP is how you level up. What other MMO has a system like this?....Ill wait for that answer lol


Its combat is innovative in that you can Dodge attacks/spells....there is NO gear grind (Thank God) and the PvP will be based on skill...not gear (Thank God).....its going to seperate the pros from the schmoes that think their good at PvP but really suck and only win due to gear advantages



Both Guild Wars 2 and the new Elder Scrolls 3 Faction RvR MMO to be released in 2013 are going to dominate the MMO PvP market for years to come...and one big reason is that they are copying Dark Age of Camelot instead of kiddie WoW


'Guy'? nice assumption there boss.


Oh and it seems you completely and utterly misread my states, but that's cool.

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Could you provide a quote please? I'm having trouble finding this.


Well a Hutt guy stated this thread should have been closed.


You replied with 'But it wasn't'


Then he called you out on degrading the forums(trolling), you didn't have much to say past that point.

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You lost me here, bro.


Tera is the definition of cutesy/cartoonish.


Some people like that. I don't, but some do. Then again, some people like contemporary art.



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Well a Hutt guy stated this thread should have been closed.


You replied with 'But it wasn't'


Then he called you out on degrading the forums(trolling), you didn't have much to say past that point.


Silence doesn't mean acquiescence. ;)

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To be perfectly honest, I hated the thought of GW2 from the start, being a SWTOR "Fanboy". However, as I heard more and more about GW2, it sounded pretty cool. The videos got me intrigued. And after testing it out, frankly, everything about GW2 somehow seems somehow..."smoother" or more "fluid." I almost wanted to say more "WoWish" but I won't use that phrase. The gameplay mechanics and features...SWTOR has a lot it can learn from it. In fact, after watching Game of Thrones, this whole "fantasy" setting which I got so sick of after games like WoW/Dragon Age/Witcher/Fable, actually started appealing to me again.


But here's the kicker, and the thing I can't get over no matter how hard I try, and the reason why I will not be playing GW2:


The characters and animations are so damn cartoonish! I find it so hard to feel any kind of bond or connection to the world or my character or other characters, when they all look like a cartoon that you'd see on the Disney Channel. Same exact reason I never really could get myself into WoW. Tera looks great, and I like the art style, but won't be doing that.


Really, I get the point of "fantasy," but fantasy should be rooted in reality, something that creates in our imaginations the suspension of disbelief - that such a world could exist, maybe on another planet, or some long forgotten past. Where in the real world have you ever seen the shades of green, purple, brown that are so prevalent in WoW and GW2? Nowhere. D3 at least looks like it takes place on a real world. WoW and GW2 just look like they take place in a Dr. Seuss novel, or a Johnny Depp flick.


So really, IMHO, the biggest advantages SWTOR has over GW2 are story, more "grown-up" art style, and the Star Wars license. I give the nod to GW2 as far as gameplay, PvP and technical fluidity of the game engine. But why, WHY do game developers continue to design games as if they are meant for children, with overly cartoonish characters? Imagine GW2 with D3 art style...now that would have been epic.


Really? Don't get me wrong, I have no love for GW2 at all frankly but you're playing a game (SWTOR) based off a IP with little savage teddy bears (ewoks), a midget green muppet (yoda) and........ wait for it...... Jar Jar Binks. And then there's these little guys.....




Tiny, blue elephant guys. Yep, not cartoon like at all. Nope.

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99% of the time it does.


If you would like to refute his statement, please feel free to do so.


I don't have to. You've proven each of my points by continuing to harass me. :)

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I love these threads.


GW2 is the best game I have EVER player. Peroid.


Swtor is such a poor game that I now use my 70+ days of subscription left to talk on these forums which is mildly interesting and far more interesting than SWTOR


Can't wait for this 70th day to come over...... We will feel your absence....... Or we won't?? :eek:

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