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What's the best PVE empirial healing class?


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Sorc / Op / BH


That is my opinion with the current changes to 1.2


The real issue is that I find as a Merc healer I need to be carried since my AoE and utility healing is garbge.

Compound the issue with having one of the worst resource systems in the game, and we can't put up very decent healing for long in Raids.


What I have found is if you pare a BH/Sorc or BH/Op you can do FAR more being a focus healer on the MT while the OP/Sorc supports with HoTs and GOOD AoE healing ( That freaking Sorc healing ring is seriously so helpful it is game changing )


I have run HM EV and HM KP with a sorc partner after 1.2 and found it to be a little rougher on heat but doable.


When I whent into a Pug STORY MODE EC with double Merc healing.... we seriously couldn't get the first boss down, since our AoE healing and healing resources are so weak..... story mode :rolleyes:


I would normally blame some fail on the group but honestly soon as I stepped out and let a sorc heal it was 100% easier, and I have been healing for a very long time...


In so many words, "Healing as a BH in pve is not rewarding, and honestly stressful after 1.2"

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Sorc if you want to be able to complete operation Denova(hm) in its current state. You can bring a BH or Op but you will need to bring at least one sorc to carry them.


Other than the first boss of 16-man HM Denova due to the raid wide DoT and after the red circle spam fest phase, Sorcs don't really shine compared to the other healers like they did in EV. It was the mechanics of EV, which made Revivification essential and thus made Sorcs superior healers. Even then, the damage from Toth and Zorn doesn't seem grave enough that a Merc or Operative couldn't handle healing the raid in the Sorc's stead (haven't actually tried it without a Sorc, so I could be talking out of my *** here).


I might actually argue that Sorcs are the worst healers for General Kepess as the final phase is the only phase of the fight where healing requires any thinking and it's all tank damage. For the second boss, at least for my guild, we prefer 2 Operative healers (Sorcs are a second choice) for taking the Double Destruction due to their mobility and HoTs, especially when "Defensive Positions" is called out immediately after a Double Destruction. The Firebrand healers can be anyone as the healing is light over there.

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Op's are the best single target healers and Sorcs are the AoE kings with excellent all around utility so either one of those are best. I would say if you have an Op and Sorc in a party they compliment each other very well.
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Ops aoe healing imo is better if and when the people that are being healed can't afford to stand in a single spot (most of EC). Also ops aoe heal tick far faster then the sorc's purple ring, even though it does heal a slight less per tick, you get far more healing in over a short period of time.
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Would have to agree that sorc or operative right now is the way to go. Ops have incredible mobility and single target heals, while sorcs have the best AOE heal capability.


Merc has strong single target heals but is lacking in the aoe department. Their utility while fantastic in pvp is not very functional in pve.

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The OP question has to be answered in context.


For single target, best healer is Mercenary.

For 2-4 targets, best healer is Operative.

For 5-8 targets, best healer is Sorcerer.

For 9-16 targets, best healer is Operative.


The best healer to back up a Merc on a tank is another Mercenary, or failing that, an Operative.

The best healer to back up an Operative on 2-4 targets is a Mercenary, failing that, another Operative, or failing that, a Sorcerer.

The best healer to back up a Sorcerer on 5-8 targets is another Sorcerer, or failing that, two Sorcerers.

Edited by Slipt
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God help you if you bring 2 mercenary healers to an 8-man op, because whatever benefit having 2 kolto shells on the tank gives you will be outweighed by the healers dying of stress-related heart attacks when trying to heal AoE damage.
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God help you if you bring 2 mercenary healers to an 8-man op, because whatever benefit having 2 kolto shells on the tank gives you will be outweighed by the healers dying of stress-related heart attacks when trying to heal AoE damage.


I run double-merc fairly often for 8man. I'll agree that it's not quite as easy as merc + op, but as a rule in 8man you generally have to break the ops group up for different tasks or bosses anyway, and usually have 4 ppl in melee and 4 ppl at range... so a 4-person AOE heal is easily targetable to those people who need it most.

There are not many 8man fights where all 8 people are stacking in one spot.

Only First and last bosses in EV come to mind, and neither of those are sufficiently challenging to warrant a sorc as a must-have.


This is where allocating grouping in the ops frame is very handy, so you know if the entirety of group 1 is hurting, you aoe heal the boss or tank to heal them all back up. Simple little workarounds like that. A targeted, 4-person, instant heal is very practical for situational response.

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Our guild runs all ranged dps (not by intent, just so happened to be that way). just about every fight involves more than 4 players stacked on top of each other.


Something that's important to remember is that even when you're at 4 or less targets, salvation is still better.

Edited by Arzoo
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