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swtor pvp = no skill required


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Autofacing has made me lazy. When I go play wow after playing swtor, it usually takes me a game or 2 to adust to not having autofacing on casting.


Would be nice having macros just for focus (if focus wasn't buggy). Having a 1 key modifier for focus is a horrible design. Especially since you can't have shift/ctrl/alt be that modifier unless you remap your keyboard. Cleansing a player you constantly play with in a macro only makes people faster and able to react better. Macros tend to add a lot more binds, not less. The only case I could really see a macro really lessening your amount of binds would be if you had one that would pop an adrenal + relic? Cast sequence macros, at least in wow, don't work and wouldn't be effective, hehe.

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you simply cannot make a thread of this title and use WoW as your reference. all validity is lost. not saying I disagree with your overall sentiment, but wow is not any better.
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My take:


1) The OP's post is just funny. A lot of what he said contradict himself.


2) I do just fine in PvP, and consider myself fairly skilled at PvP (in general), but this game (just like most others) does not require very much skill to compete.


3) The skill differences between players can be very subtle, but noticable at times. For example, when someone uses Force Shroud just as their opponent uses their Harnessed Darkness Lightning w/ stims/etc., or uses a knockback at the proper time to knock someone off voidstars bridge, or pops a specific skill when its most beneficial (like right after a triggered buff). You can tell who the "more skilled" players are, but by no means does that make them a very skilled player. Relativity is a funny thing.

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk

Go away you disgusting little wrath-baby.

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Min/Max'ers = no PVP skill


The devs allowing for planned rotational burst, less interupts, and NO counters = Race to burn target dummy not PVP


so I will agree that there is very little skill in PvP....even as a Sniper...I set up and burn...pulse if someone nears....turn and burn them. (can't interupt me :))

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk

2. ¨Lack Of macross¨. And you are talking about skills. Just LoL.

3. Class imbalance? and you come from wow. again, Just LoL.

ALso, im a pvp veteran, SWTOR have one of the most balanced pvp that i have found in a MMO. Anyone here remember Warhammer? AoC?, Rift?, Aion?, WoW? etc etc etc etc. and more etc. You really think that the class balance in swtor is really the that Bad?

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Autofacing has made me lazy. When I go play wow after playing swtor, it usually takes me a game or 2 to adust to not having autofacing on casting.


Would be nice having macros just for focus (if focus wasn't buggy). Having a 1 key modifier for focus is a horrible design. Especially since you can't have shift/ctrl/alt be that modifier unless you remap your keyboard. Cleansing a player you constantly play with in a macro only makes people faster and able to react better. Macros tend to add a lot more binds, not less. The only case I could really see a macro really lessening your amount of binds would be if you had one that would pop an adrenal + relic? Cast sequence macros, at least in wow, don't work and wouldn't be effective, hehe.

If you have the Star Wars branded keyboard, or a programmable mouse, or a game pad, ... You can already do this. Relics, Adrenals and some other abilities are off the GCD and putting them in a macro is trivial on any of these devices. And before anyone starts claiming it is a bannable offense I want to see a BIO/EA rep officially state that using the features of the "Star Wars" licensed keyboard or mouse is a bannable offense so we can have Razer post a disclaimer. I use such a macro on my Razer keypad, I fully admit to it, if they want to ban me go ahead. Somewhere I remember reading that limited in game macros are coming down the line. I have no idea how they would even tell unless you state it as I've done here. You could even do the same thing by taping a stick across three keys, is that bannable?


Automating play, as in Botting is illegal, using normal keypad, keyboard, (Esp the Star Wars Keyboard), functions not so much.


P.S. Not that I'd pay $250 for a keyboard just to have Star Wars Icons on it ;-)

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If you have the Star Wars branded keyboard, or a programmable mouse, or a game pad, ... You can already do this. Relics, Adrenals and some other abilities are off the GCD and putting them in a macro is trivial on any of these devices. And before anyone starts claiming it is a bannable offense I want to see a BIO/EA rep officially state that using the features of the "Star Wars" licensed keyboard or mouse is a bannable offense so we can have Razer post a disclaimer. I use such a macro on my Razer keypad, I fully admit to it, if they want to ban me go ahead. Somewhere I remember reading that limited in game macros are coming down the line. I have no idea how they would even tell unless you state it as I've done here. You could even do the same thing by taping a stick across three keys, is that bannable?


Automating play, as in Botting is illegal, using normal keypad, keyboard, (Esp the Star Wars Keyboard), functions not so much.


P.S. Not that I'd pay $250 for a keyboard just to have Star Wars Icons on it ;-)


No yeah I understand you can make macros already. What i'm talking about is in game macros such as in wow. Right now I use a razer mouse and have focus modifier off one of the side buttons. I wouldn't even macro relic + adrenal, because sometimes you don't need to use both on top of each other. I was just asking if that's what people are referring too when macros make the game easier.


My point was people in this thread seem to think that macros in wow can be written to do cast sequences that will allow you to unbind a lot of abilities and would in turn make pvp easier. Like it wouldn't even make sense to use cast sequence macros in swtor. What am I going to do macro rejuvenate in front of all my heals, so that i'm guaranteed to have that conveyance buff up on every rejuvenate cooldown? I mean that wouldn't even be close to as effective as just binding rejuvenate on a seperate bind and you wouldn't be able to react with it at all. I just don't see how macros do anything, but increase the skill cap, unless i'm missing something?

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No yeah I understand you can make macros already. What i'm talking about is in game macros such as in wow. Right now I use a razer mouse and have focus modifier off one of the side buttons. I wouldn't even macro relic + adrenal, because sometimes you don't need to use both on top of each other. I was just asking if that's what people are referring too when macros make the game easier.


My point was people in this thread seem to think that macros in wow can be written to do cast sequences that will allow you to unbind a lot of abilities and would in turn make pvp easier. Like it wouldn't even make sense to use cast sequence macros in swtor. What am I going to do macro rejuvenate in front of all my heals, so that i'm guaranteed to have that conveyance buff up on every rejuvenate cooldown? I mean that wouldn't even be close to as effective as just binding rejuvenate on a seperate bind and you wouldn't be able to react with it at all. I just don't see how macros do anything, but increase the skill cap, unless i'm missing something?


I wouldn't say macros increase the skill cap, but rather are a symptom of a higher skill cap. On my WoW characters I use macros extensively, but even with the macros I have more keybinds per character than I have on any of my SWTOR characters. (With the possible exception of my DK).


I like both games, but in WoW, to use rogues for an example, you put a highly skilled rogue up against an average rogue and the skilled player most likely won't even take any damage. I've seen my son do it. It is the same with most classes. If I could find them I'd have linked some fraps my son made.


In this game the difference between a skilled player and an average player in the same gear is significant, but not on the same level as I've seen in WoW. That is what caused my son and all of his PvP guild to move on to other games.


Now you can argue that this is a good thing or a bad thing but it is what I believe most players mean when they say SWTOR has a lower skill cap.


As a consequence macros are a convenience but not as important as in WoW. My point is you can still have macros in SWTOR and really with a bit of effort some pretty complex one.


You are correct that many of the players complaining about macros don't really seem to understand them. I've seen many use the cast sequence macro from WoW as an example. I've never known any decent PvP player (Arena/Ranked BGs) that would be caught dead, literally, using a cast sequence macro.


An example macro I use on my Hunters (Alliance and Horde) is a typical hunter macro that on first press puts my Hunter's Mark on the target and sends my pet to attack. The second press of the macro recalls my pet. That is about as close to a cast sequence macro that I've ever used.

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I agree with OP, pvp in this game is a joke. No macros, zerg friendly WZs, too much CC on low CDs so every bad can spam it, not enough CC breakers.

Oh and the keyboard turning War Hero geared pros who couldn't make it to even 2k in WoW running premades that steamroll undergeared pugs.

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I wouldn't say macros increase the skill cap, but rather are a symptom of a higher skill cap. On my WoW characters I use macros extensively, but even with the macros I have more keybinds per character than I have on any of my SWTOR characters. (With the possible exception of my DK).


Yeah I think we're on the same page. This game does have a lot less abilities than wow and a lot less keybinds. It also wouldn't cater to macros (focus being buggy, no keybind/targetting ability for raid members 5-8, etc etc). There's not even a /target function. If you've played high end wow arena and then compare it to swtor warzones, there is no question that arenas take more skill to achieve (speed, awareness, reaction, knowledge of the game) than warzones. Swtor is just starting out though with its pvp, so it will probably get better.


Unholy DK still has to micro a pet and this game doesn't even have pets heh (at least not in pvp).

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I ALMOST agree with everything you are saying. I also came from WOW and find PVP a little on the easy side.


But if what you are saying where true then I wouldn't see all these BADDIES running around. I think it's just High level WOW arena players find the game EASY. You talk too a SWG player or a Guild wars player the PVP is right on par.


That said this game has a much better PVP base then WOW and with the gaurd PVP an actual working Mech, I believe that in the coming Mo the PVP in SWTOR will be far and away better then WOW.


BW/EA just needs to get off their BLANK and get the system rated.


Rated Arenas

Rated Huttball

Rated WZs


When your playing me instead of SWG flunkies the games skill cap will inc. The other stuff like 28 abilities used in EVERY fight more Def CDs More Maco options More Pro moves will come in time. As they move to balance the classes.


You are so sad. Your pathetic themepark playing butt wouldnt last a week in open world pre cu swg. You would be asking everyone where the pvp armor vendor is only to be laughed at and told you need to spend months collecting the proper.crafted gear to compete...smh at kids

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I agree with OP, pvp in this game is a joke. No macros, zerg friendly WZs, too much CC on low CDs so every bad can spam it, not enough CC breakers.

Oh and the keyboard turning War Hero geared pros who couldn't make it to even 2k in WoW running premades that steamroll undergeared pugs.


U mad scrub? Its ok maybe u can get some gear soon, I mean u are only a march 2k12er

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hate to say it... even for the "godly" ranked battlegrounds in WOW dont even make up for a crappy pvp in a pve game like WOW.


anybody who compares WOW to SWTOR pvp and says that one is better then the other, simply has horse blinders on.


Both suffice to say arent top pvp games. both are pve games with some pvp in it. There were way better pvp games out there that are better.


SWTOR to be honest the only reason I am still playing it is because its "STAR WARS"....


thats it.


WOW pvp is a joke and so is this game's pvp...


hell i would even put up as shadowbane's pvp being way more better then this game and WOWs. but that is the problem with straight pvp games. They dont last over time.

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