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What build for pvp

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Okay.. so i wasn't sure fully on what some of the skills are etc.. and whats a must.

But when i was looking at it the combat tree just seemed so much superior for pvp.. but i realized that if i dropped the top tier skill i could get another gap closer.. something along these lines.


before flaming on bad choices read above where i say that i'm not sure on all the abilities and what they do

its more focused around the idea of dropping combats last talent for an additional gap closer im asking about.



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Do you really need to grab zealous leap as a gap closer?


I usually find myself using it more as a dmg dealer than a gap closer, as I am focus spec.


I think that at this point not grabbing the top of the tree skills is a mistake, but that just my opinion.



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its not that i need to, since i haven't really played sential much yet.

but i usually have a pre-decided build for when i level before i start the character then once i'm more exp at the class from using it ill change it around a lil more

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Okay.. so i wasn't sure fully on what some of the skills are etc.. and whats a must.

But when i was looking at it the combat tree just seemed so much superior for pvp.. but i realized that if i dropped the top tier skill i could get another gap closer.. something along these lines.


before flaming on bad choices read above where i say that i'm not sure on all the abilities and what they do

its more focused around the idea of dropping combats last talent for an additional gap closer im asking about.




You are really doing Combat a disservice by skipping Blade Rush. Another mini-gap closer is nice, but...the 31-pt talents in each tree are VERY strong.


If you want to try deep Combat, try this:




If you want Watchman, try this:




Finally, if you want Focus, try this:




To reiterate, the 31-pt talents are VERY strong. Blade Rush is a core part of damage as Combat, Force Exhaustion is necessary to reliably (and often) have big-damage Sweeps, and Merc Slash is the high-damage skill Watchman needs in order to put targets down. Sentinels are one of maybe two classes in this game that don't do well with any kind of hybrid build. You *want* those 31-pt talents.

Edited by Quor
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You are really doing Combat a disservice by skipping Blade Rush. Another mini-gap closer is nice, but...the 31-pt talents in each tree are VERY strong.


If you want to try deep Combat, try this:




If you want Watchman, try this:




Finally, if you want Focus, try this:




To reiterate, the 31-pt talents are VERY strong. Blade Rush is a core part of damage as Combat, Force Exhaustion is necessary to reliably (and often) have big-damage Sweeps, and Merc Slash is the high-damage skill Watchman needs in order to put targets down. Sentinels are one of maybe two classes in this game that don't do well with any kind of hybrid build. You *want* those 31-pt talents.


Agree 100% you MUST get the top tier skill for each tree. I don't know of any serious spec that doesn't. Sent is not a class that hybrids like other classes can and miss the top tier 31 point skill.


Those are also solid builds. My only real difference is I choose Defensive roll for Combat and WM over Stagger. And WM can go with 1/2 Close Quarters in PvP (tho I have 2/2 for PvE).

Edited by ErisktheRed
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Yeah, some of the points are wiggly in that you have a bit of room to refine the build as you see fit. I asked my healer friend I typically run with if she noticed me taking a lot of damage via aoe, and she said that I tended to have pretty good situational awareness and reacted fast enough that the only thing that really gets me are the big Sweeps and Smashes from Focus/Rage spec JK's and SW's.


And since I end up peeling for her fairly often, the extra 1s on charge just seemed a good fit to me. But I'll likely spec out of Steadfast once I have enough Acc from gear to not worry about missing against most targets.

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How about this one? Master Strike is quite good since the patch imho so lowering the CD a bit and upping the damage might not be a bad idea, yes? Not really sure about Swelling Winds though. Are the points wasted in that talent? Should those points rather go to Plasma Blades and Close Quarters for example?


Thanks for helping a n00b Sentinel out!

Edited by Pikasso
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