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not enough quests


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I find myself skipping side missions because there are way too many and I outlevel the planet often.

I do play heroics and FPs but I don't do space missions or pvp. I think heroics give quite a bit of exp.

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Yeah, you're missing quests. I never did heroics because i didn't want to wait for groups, and I was always at least 2-3 levels higher than recommended. I played around with space, but not enough to make a serious impact. Are you a stealth class and avoiding enemies? I suppose that could have an effect by the time hoth comes around.
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That is normal, if you don't do the heroics you'll be a level behind. Unless you're like Keymod, who likely always has a full bar of rest exp saved up.


Not really. I have done less than 6 heroics total on my 2 main characters and have been over level when arriving at planets.


I would guess that the OP has missed the Bonus series mission lines.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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i think it is normal for someone like the op to feel this way if they are new to the game and dont know about all of the bonus series on each planet.


each bonus series will give you almost a entire level in itself. some though you cant get until you complete something to "flag" the quest givers availibility to hand out the quest. i am not sure what it is but noticed while leveling my first 50 all of these new "bonus" quests now being given on the various planet space ports when i came back to do something else. if you do all of the solo quests on the planet it will unlock this. i think it might be tied to the planets main line completion. usually this is the one that gives you the orange item reward.


if you do these and other bonus quests there is no need to ever do a flashpoint, space mission or pvp to keep up with the content levelwise. actually you should be ahead of it.


if you play a stealth class you will pay the price for not killing stuff and stealthing around it. stealth is great for pvp, farming/harvesting but can really sux for leveling if used this way. i know. i have played stealth classes in other games and resist using it to level for this very reason.

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Did you do the bonus series quests on:








There are more than enough quests to keep you at a level of 2-3 levels above the level cap of the planet.


You should leave Balmorra at lvl 24 if you do the bonus quests

You should leave Narshadaa at lvl 26.5 if you do all the quests before going to tat ( not the bonus yet)

You should leave Tatooine just shy of 31 if you do the bonus quests

You should leave Alderaan at lvl 34 if you do all the quests

You should then be doing narshadaa bonus quests and finish near 36

You should leave Taris around 39-40

You should leave Quesh around 41

You should leave Hoth around 42

You should leave Alderaan ( doing the bonus quests at 43.5)

You should be starting belsavis at 43.5


An example


That was done doing nothing but story and planet quests with the bonus series.

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I generally skip planet heroics AND the FPs, but do everything else. I also throw in some PvP from time to time and I've never been underleveled for any planet. You do have to revisit planets and check the quest givers on the fleet since some of these are sending you back to a planet you may be done with for a bonus series.


Example being a fleet NPC sent me back to Alderaan. The quest was gray, but I figured I'd just do it for the money. When I got there the quest mobs were my level and gave xp. Same deal with Hoth I think - ended up going back a planet or so later for the Bonus series. In other words, the bonus series for a planet will not always be available when you initially finish said planet.

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