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My server is dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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I am sick and *********** tired of having to queue 15-20 minutes between warzones, and then hoping to get in as there's 20 imps and 10 reps queueing.


15-20minutes between Queues is bad? I'd kill for that. Try waiting hours between queues and when you're done waiting hours try waiting days.

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15-20minutes between Queues is bad? I'd kill for that. Try waiting hours between queues and when you're done waiting hours try waiting days.


I bet.... I would quit if that happened to my server.


Bioware needs to grow a pair and step it up. We want concrete answers and not some vague BS. Early summer could be anywhere from 2-4 months from now. Do you honestly think people will wait that long?


We don't want new gear, bioware. We don't want new PvE content. We want an MMORPG.


And right now this game feels like a single player game. Which is the 1 golden rule you can't mess with.


Stop ignoring the crowd , stop giving vague answers. You know what happens when you ignore your people? They turn against you and leave the country.


Without your subscribers you are nothing but a game company that screwed up majorly. Think before stalling the updates longer. I sure as hell won't be around another 30 days to see this game die, I play this game to PvP, and if I can't PvP, I won't be playing this game. Simple as that. I will NOT sit around, with my 3 war hero pieces, and see players on heavy servers ( Which there are like 2-3 of ) get full War Hero soon. This is BS.

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My server, Chuundar (EU) is dying aswell. You can't even warzone or raid in weekends anymore. We only face the same 8 man republic group whenever a warzone pops up, and when they decide to log out, it's over with warzones for the entire day.


We have roughly 10-20 players on the fleet at prime time, it is absolutely baffling.


My entire guild is thinking of quitting and moving to a different game. We aren't going to PAY for transfers, and if the free transfers ( merges ) aren't going to suffice we already made a backup plan.


Let me remind you bioware, some other big mmo's are releasing soon. Every day you stall your stupid merges the servers die more and more. Every day you postpone cross server PvP, and patch 1.3, you will have drops in subs.


I don't care what you say on paper, people quit everywhere around me. I've got about 6 friends that are still playing untill the 30 free days run out.


Something needs to be done ASAP. I am sick and *********** tired of having to queue 15-20 minutes between warzones, and then hoping to get in as there's 20 imps and 10 reps queueing.


I agree, I feel like every day I log in there are fewer and fewer people playing. My server used to have a decent population now it is low pop all day and might jump up to standard pop for an hour or so before going back down again....then I look at the server listings and there are only a handful of servers that have a decent population size. What you say is correct, every day they don't give us transfers, mergers, or cross server queues people leave and probably won't come back. They are killing off their own subscriber base...

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Any idea why we're still "demanding" stuff now?


Bioware aint doing anything and will definitely not discuss with us either.


Because, they are Bioware.


Also all the negativity that is allowed to fester here cannot help anything. Anyone looking at the forums wouldnt play this game. Anything positive is stifiled and we have 1000 threads on server merges. :rolleyes:

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Also all the negativity that is allowed to fester here cannot help anything. Anyone looking at the forums wouldnt play this game. Anything positive is stifiled and we have 1000 threads on server merges. :rolleyes:


You should be seeing these. '1000' threads as positive because it at least shows that, currently, they want to continue playing.

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Also all the negativity that is allowed to fester here cannot help anything. Anyone looking at the forums wouldnt play this game. Anything positive is stifiled and we have 1000 threads on server merges. :rolleyes:


Well, maybe if they did something about it....half a year later and still no cross server queues. Servers are dying across the board and still no definite date on transfers and you expect us to look the other way and not speak up?

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You should be seeing these. '1000' threads as positive because it at least shows that, currently, they want to continue playing.


Actually there would be a lot more negative posts if it weren't for the disappearing act.


Ironically, if negative posts would have stayed on, been listened to and acted upon, the whole situation might have been averted.


It is now too late however, so hey, fuggedaboudit

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While playing tera i had the bright idea to log on my server tassaa bareesh. Guess what ... 30 people online server wife !!!! None of my guild is thinking of returning. I told the people still on it that they either haf to cancel sub or reroll on a heavy server. Bioware... You made a joke out of yourself.
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Don't insult Bioware! THEY'LL BAN YOU!!! :(


Anyway, I've been in a PVP queue for an hour now. It's 11 AM on a sunday at Bloodworthy EU PVP Republic side.



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ironically, my main char is on Trayus too. I stopped playing the game for 2 months, got back with patch 1.2, played for 1 week and stopped. After some consideration me and my wife decided to reroll on a better populated server (Lord Calypho), Empire side. It was really not easy to do since we both got pretty attached to our characters (sup story driven mmo, it really makes you connected), i can tell since i played WoW for 6 years and did a major reroll 3 times, it was never that hard. But now, suddenly, we are playing every night and having a blast - PvP queue is instant, you can get a popup at 6am on Tuesday, there are a lot of people to chat and hang out with. The game is amazing, i am really having a blast.


Now what puts me into stupor - why didnt Bioware just merge some low pop servers? it would make a game much more healthier, it will make community stronger and give the game more lasting appeal. And subs are the only thing they are getting income from now, really. The whole idea behind " oh we will not merge because its bad for PR" will actually kill the game much more faster then all the bad PR it can get. Oh, and, yeah, reroll. Right now if you are on Trayus or similar server, its the only option to enjoy the game. Reroll, or quit. Or struggle with Bioware stubborness.

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Now what puts me into stupor - why didnt Bioware just merge some low pop servers? it would make a game much more healthier, it will make community stronger and give the game more lasting appeal. And subs are the only thing they are getting income from now, really. The whole idea behind " oh we will not merge because its bad for PR" will actually kill the game much more faster then all the bad PR it can get. Oh, and, yeah, reroll. Right now if you are on Trayus or similar server, its the only option to enjoy the game. Reroll, or quit. Or struggle with Bioware stubborness.


It's also all about;


"We're the game company, you're not.


You're not supposed to tell us what to do, we know what we're doing.


Excuse me, are the customers designing SWTOR or is the company behind it?


I think we (read Bioware) are enough capable and know what's best for our own game.


Thank you for your ideas though, however, they don't mean a single thing because we're the ones designing SWTOR's future and not you (read customers/players)."


That's another point of view how Bioware might think.


Imagine a big gaming company like Bioware letting the customers design the game from their ideas. What kind of innovative company are you then?




They are hoping that what they're doing is what's best for the game, which only results conflicts between the customers and the company.


I know that when our 30 free days are gone, people will leave and the situation will be even far worse than what it is now.

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While playing tera i had the bright idea to log on my server tassaa bareesh. Guess what ... 30 people online server wife !!!! None of my guild is thinking of returning. I told the people still on it that they either haf to cancel sub or reroll on a heavy server. Bioware... You made a joke out of yourself.


Hey Sinisterz, Fadneeni here :). Yep, its pretty much dead, but we had a good time I remeber when we went for your columi chest piece into False Emperor each day.



It's too late anyway. Game is dead. 400k subs and dropping.


There would be more info on this but somehow it keeps disappearing.



That might be accurate, but Id like to know the source, can you please ? :)

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Bioware has already taken so many ideas from the playerbase, both pre-beta and post-beta. They listen to the vocal minority so much that they make mistakes (like any other MMO that listens TOO much to their players).

People scream/beg/whine for change, and then the developer actually listens and implements changes, and then everyone cries about how this new change ruined the game.


THIS is why developers of ANY MMO do not implement every little change that players scream for in the forums. Not because they are spoiled children saying "It's our ball. If you don't like it, go home."


The servers are dead now because BW listened to the outcry on the forums complaining about queues and went a little overboard in the solution. It could've been worse. We could've gotten a CU or an NGE out of it.


If you (i.e. all of you asking for immediate transfers) really want to go to another server - just do it. Start over. Level up a new toon or class for awhile and get into a good guild. Then when server transfers do become available, you can get your other toons moved over.


Leveling a toon from level 1 on a new server is really no different than "playing KOTOR 1 for the fifth time". You can do this or go play another game for awhile.

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Leveling a toon from level 1 on a new server is really no different than "playing KOTOR 1 for the fifth time". You can do this or go play another game for awhile.


There is some irony here.

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Bioware has already taken so many ideas from the playerbase, both pre-beta and post-beta. They listen to the vocal minority so much that they make mistakes (like any other MMO that listens TOO much to their players).

People scream/beg/whine for change, and then the developer actually listens and implements changes, and then everyone cries about how this new change ruined the game.


THIS is why developers of ANY MMO do not implement every little change that players scream for in the forums. Not because they are spoiled children saying "It's our ball. If you don't like it, go home."


The servers are dead now because BW listened to the outcry on the forums complaining about queues and went a little overboard in the solution. It could've been worse. We could've gotten a CU or an NGE out of it.


If you (i.e. all of you asking for immediate transfers) really want to go to another server - just do it. Start over. Level up a new toon or class for awhile and get into a good guild. Then when server transfers do become available, you can get your other toons moved over.


Leveling a toon from level 1 on a new server is really no different than "playing KOTOR 1 for the fifth time". You can do this or go play another game for awhile.


The community asked for more servers because of the heavy population and queues.


- Bioware responded with more servers and "an increase of population cap on servers" (?)




The community asking for less servers/merging servers because of the dropped population on the majority of the servers since launch. Most of the servers are ghost towns because of people have left for other games and those who stayed are affected heavily. The MMO in MMORPG is no longer in some servers.


- Bioware ignores the solution and after a long time announces "free transfers early summer" with nothing else. There is no information if you can move all your toons to another heavy populated server or if only light servers will be available to move TO and not from.





This is a fact Ashton and therefore your arguement is invalid.

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with Tera launch its worse now. I finish my daily at black hole and ilum and only 1 warzone pop. and that at saturday prime time.


I hate to say, but we need server transfer now bioware. I love the game, i love everything and i really want to stay here but with this low population its being really hard.


its not fun wait at imperial fleet ....

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True people did ask for more servers but because back then the server population caps were REDUCED, Bioware said it themselves caps are now twice and than what it was at launch and had Bioware increase the caps at launch you wouldnt have people complaining to add more servers.

Not only that Bioware also told everyone to pick servers with no queues and people did and those servers with no queues in early access were first to be dead.

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Bioware has already taken so many ideas from the playerbase, both pre-beta and post-beta. They listen to the vocal minority so much that they make mistakes (like any other MMO that listens TOO much to their players).

People scream/beg/whine for change, and then the developer actually listens and implements changes, and then everyone cries about how this new change ruined the game.


So, we agree. Perhaps not on the details, but we both agree Bioware is at fault. :p


Also, if you think Bioware takes so many ideas from the playerbase, I'd have directed you to the beta forums. However, the PvP forums, the PTR forum, and the healer forums are excellent sources of how this doesn't seem to be the case.

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So, we agree. Perhaps not on the details, but we both agree Bioware is at fault. :p


Also, if you think Bioware takes so many ideas from the playerbase, I'd have directed you to the beta forums. However, the PvP forums, the PTR forum, and the healer forums are excellent sources of how this doesn't seem to be the case.


I was in the beta and they definitely did not "listen" to suggestions as the above stated. They did fix some abilities of classes, but when it came to core game mechanics it was Biowares way or ****. The following were Beta posts and General forum posts that were great suggestions.


First Impressions of the game (Characters, Customization)

-- More diverse aliens: The major, most requested things of Beta. Players were not happy that all of the races were of 90% "human" features. The most "popular" alien races were completely ignored (Bothans/rodians/togrutas/nautalons) and Biowares response was "We want romanceable races". Yes. The community was denied because of Biowares vision of who should get their shag on and it be "real"... IE, no wookie on Princess leia action (which I believe was the analogy that they used)

-- Character Customization. Easily the next biggest complaint of the community when the leaks came out of beta. "Millions" of options wasn't anywhere near accurate because the choices were barely different from one another. The community of both the general forums and the Beta forums wanted to see Slide bars and more control over their character creation (Since the majority of your time would be spent looking at your character in dialogue screens.) Biowares response to this was : Nothing. They never responded anywhere as to why they didn't allow color palettes or slide bars for everything to give the player a more robust FIRST IMPRESSION of the game. No response = Horrible.


Gameplay itself:

-- Space. The hope of the space side of things being as amazing as Xwing vs Tie fighter and JTL was quickly destroyed when details came out about the missions. Barrel roll starfox rail shooting was loudly dismissed by the community as a joke.

--Dynamic Events. No dynamic gameplay events that occur during leveling lead to extremely stale re-playability and gave no reason to re-visit most of the planets in the game. At 50, dynamic events could keep the player interested in leaving fleet to accomplish something other than waiting in a pvp que. In this day and age of MMO's, dynamic events are needed and desired, something that Bioware should've picked up on from what the community was saying in both forum areas.

--World PvP. The majority of people wanted more DAoC type wars and we got a broken "pvp" planet that was easily exploited. Also, most of the planets in this game are so big that you could level to 50 and rarely see a flagged player to fight. This resulted in the majority of pvp'ing still occurring in instances wz's. Granted, the majority of people that followed this game knew the PVP side of things would be on the back burner compared to the "story", but Bioware should've done its homework on what pvp'ers want. (Or listened to pvp feedback and not the whiners.)

--UI customization // dual spec. I'm only bringing this up because it was something that was hammered on the forums time and time again that bioware needed to adjust and fix. It took -too long- to see the UI customization and still far too long for the Dual Spec feature to even arrive. One of the major complaints from people that left was the UI and lack of being able to set it how they wanted. Both of these features were spoken about in depth during beta and well before the game released on the General forums.

--Stale 50 gameplay. Most notably dailies being the only reason to continue log on from the PvE side of things and even then, you didn't have to. There was really no reason to go back into Flashpoints because you could run normal EV's and be geared up within 2 weeks. This also goes back to the Dynamic events, giving level 50 characters another area to explore and keep themselves interested in the game.

--"Lifeless" planets. Mobs need to move and roam around, cities need to be more lively and interactive... all ideas from beta and general forums that would've given the worlds we explored more "depth" and not just zig zagging through the static bad guy places. One thing that Open World environments do well is suck a player into its surroundings.

--Bugs. I really don't even have to go into this one because players have harped on fixing the same bugs that are still around since release (and before it).



These were just some of the major components that the community had brought to the surface and I want to believe that Bioware will turn this ship around for the better. The devs asking for our feedback in what we'd want to see in the game is a good start (way too late IMO, but still a worthy cause), but they need to LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY and actually make those changes.


Oh. As for the OP: We need Server MERGERS right now. That would increase the current population on the planets while maintaining the little community feeling that we have left. Transfers will just leave servers more empty and that shouldn't be the goal. Community was something that this company harped on so much ((Their reason for not having cross server WZ // instancing)) so to maintain it, we need mergers.

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