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Are the Devs in touch with this game?


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The issue here is that not everyone agrees, a few months back there were literally hundreds of posts in the forums complaining about the search system on the GTN, now they have fixed it (and it does work a lot better) and people complain it was a small change that shouldn't have been prioritised.


The changes they make are requested by large sections of the community but those changes are also considered irrelevant by large sections of the community. It's impossible to keep everyone happy.


Really How is the GTN better I would like to know. And who are these people you talking about?

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I don't want to bandy words with the OP. I can see why the question is asked. The management seems a bit on the insular side. In the aggregate, who can blame them for that? It's not like petty ranting and raving by hyper-inflated MMO lifetime experts is a rarity.


I do, however, want to mention something. It's kind of difficult to play now without being mindful of the plethora of complaints, and outright accusations of early-on game failure. True. The game needs a lot of work to bring it into a challenging and functional line. (I can't imagine the devs are oblivious to this.) What I want to say is, I've spent some time the past couple of days taking a fresh look at what we have here. There are some very strong features to this game. I'm not going to laundry list them, but I do want to emphasize that I see the designers and developers have many features of a real gem here.


The tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater is prevelant among self-certified MMO experts. It's easy to overlook what IS here when obsessed by what is somewhere else, but NOT here. And, yeah, there's a few foolish things in this game. It's far from perfect. But, there's some strong stuff in SWTOR too. I'm confident the craftsmen portion of this show are intent upon bringing this baby home. I just hope the corporate end of it lets them.

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Well I certainly think the pvp devs are out of touch with what the player base wants.


On another note, I too was frustrated when they took away the enter button accept. This allowed me to buy consumables fast w/out having to click-drag stack & then wipe the item out of chat. It was my way around the other problem. Oh well,,,what can you do.

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Coming from a PvE side, it's really hard to say any more. For instance, looking at the Community Q&A, to me it seems like they're cherry picking easy to answer questions so they can avoid the harder hitting ones (i.e. constant bugs with Ops bosses/blatantly obvious class imbalances/etc.) without taking too much flak; personally feels like they'd rather spew 'X ability/boss works according to our metrics (whatever those may be), so if you experience bugs, it's on your end, deal with it.' Ahh Soa HM/NMM, yep platforms that don't drop down correctly are totally on my end...


Another issue that really bugs me is the lack of the ready check. I mean, for god's sake, they knew about it back at the Guild Summit and have still not implemented one? Honestly, if they can change coding so you cannot exit an Op or FP while in combat, they can certainly take a brief period of time to implement a basic "Ready/Not_Ready" pop-up window so Op leaders will easily be able to tell if players are back and ready to roll.


Just my 2 cents...

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