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A CM Reply To Sorcerer PvP Survivability


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As Madness spec, a 1v1 against a Marauder is a good fight. You just abuse the hell out of CT's root and the combo of Force Slow and Overload. They'll get some hits in on you, but you should be able to pull off the win against them. The main things to keep in mind are what to do during Force Camo and Undying Rage. For FC I just immediately start spamming Dark Heals, you're probably not going to achieve range on them by the time they come out of it so running is a waste of time, 2-3 Dark Heals might erase the next incoming attack they get in though. Undying Rage is simply countered by Electrocute. Learn the icon for it and look for it.


The problem with Madness is, it's a 1v1 spec. I personally don't consider it viable for ranked WZs.


The spec runs out of Force very quickly if you're forced to be on the move constantly, and again, in ranked WZs DPS Sorcerers should be pressured into constantly being on the move. Two decent melee on a Madness Sorcerer will make a quick kill. The Sorcerer can tie up one melee but all he has for the second one is Whirlwind so maybe he can hold off for 8 seconds, maybe the guy just uses his CC break or better yet, a healer or Sorcerer teammate just cleanses it.


My prediction for ranked WZ DPS Sorcerer specs is 21/2/18 or variations of 0/20/21. The first one is probably a better 1v1 spec than 31 Madness, and it gives you the ability to throw out some heals whenever your Force allows for it. The downside is, it's still a Force-starved spec whenever you're forced to do more healing than damage or you can't turret FLs for regen. 20/21 does similar DPS to 31 Madness but you also have Backlash and Electric Bindings to help you shake off a melee focus-fire as well as a near infinite pool of Force.


I've been using this spec here:




I can shift to spamming DIs on a focused healer or ball-carrier and run my Force down to about 40% and then simply switching back over to doing DPS and I will have 95%+ Force in probably 60-90 seconds, with no change to the way I do my damage.

Edited by Numerii
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Sorcerer is based on the Mage archetype in most MMO's wearing Light armor and has a wide range of control abilities, Sorcerer are supposed to be at a disadvantage when facing melee burst classes such as Marauder and Operatives but are supposed to be at an advantage when facing tank archetypes.


What do you guys think, do Sorcerers have an advantage when facing tank builds?


What about other DPS builds, what are Pyro Vanguards?


powertechs have the highest brust damage in the game right now they can kill players in around 4 seconds

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What do you guys think, do Sorcerers have an advantage when facing tank builds?

lol no.


all tanks can close the gape and are mitigating most of their damage while interrupting and thus locking down it anyway.


What about other DPS builds, what are Pyro Vanguards?

why even asking? they have no advantage against any class!


p.s. i assume you are talking about dd sages/sorcs.



there are only 3 situations where a sage/sorc has a chance against a sent/mara:

1. pre level 50

2. sent/mara is worse equipped than t2 (doesn't matter what the sage/sorc has, can be better)

3. sent/mara is an idiot


you can be chuck noris and would lose as sage/sorc if not one of the above cases is true.

Edited by me_unknown
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As Madness spec, a 1v1 against a Marauder is a good fight. You just abuse the hell out of CT's root and the combo of Force Slow and Overload. They'll get some hits in on you, but you should be able to pull off the win against them. The main things to keep in mind are what to do during Force Camo and Undying Rage. For FC I just immediately start spamming Dark Heals, you're probably not going to achieve range on them by the time they come out of it so running is a waste of time, 2-3 Dark Heals might erase the next incoming attack they get in though. Undying Rage is simply countered by Electrocute. Learn the icon for it and look for it.


The problem with Madness is, it's a 1v1 spec. I personally don't consider it viable for ranked WZs.


The spec runs out of Force very quickly if you're forced to be on the move constantly, and again, in ranked WZs DPS Sorcerers should be pressured into constantly being on the move. Two decent melee on a Madness Sorcerer will make a quick kill. The Sorcerer can tie up one melee but all he has for the second one is Whirlwind so maybe he can hold off for 8 seconds, maybe the guy just uses his CC break or better yet, a healer or Sorcerer teammate just cleanses it.


My prediction for ranked WZ DPS Sorcerer specs is 21/2/18 or variations of 0/20/21. The first one is probably a better 1v1 spec than 31 Madness, and it gives you the ability to throw out some heals whenever your Force allows for it. The downside is, it's still a Force-starved spec whenever you're forced to do more healing than damage or you can't turret FLs for regen. 20/21 does similar DPS to 31 Madness but you also have Backlash and Electric Bindings to help you shake off a melee focus-fire as well as a near infinite pool of Force.


I've been using this spec here:




I can shift to spamming DIs on a focused healer or ball-carrier and run my Force down to about 40% and then simply switching back over to doing DPS and I will have 95%+ Force in probably 60-90 seconds, with no change to the way I do my damage.


I don't like it but you are right regarding ranked spec, I hope game designers realize that 31 Lightning can not function and 31 Madness is lacking force enough force regen to sustain utility + damage in even as short a period as 5 minutes.


If I could make 1 change I would move Electric Binding and Effusion to tier 1 -though thats 2 changes.

Edited by Cempa
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I dunno, Sorc's have a very forgiving resource system. Be hard to buff their damage while keeping it so they never have to stop....


This is part of the problem and why they have screwed Sages/Sorcs up. The problem is a Sage can't stay alive if they stay still, and for 2 out of the 3 trees a sage needs to stay still to cast the majority of thier abilities.


See the problem?


They went about trying to balance sages/sorcs (and especially healing) all wrong. They needed to put the trauma debuff on force regen and not healing output. Reduce the cast times or even make them instant like just about every other class' abilities. And of course add a cool down to them.


Sage/Sorc Standing still = Death, moving = can't use best abilities.


The sages biggest problem shouldn't be staying alive it should be going out of force. Thier surviability should be tied to their force pool. It currently is not and is why they are completly broken right now.

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As a full tank, i have trouble vs dps sages/sages. My defenses doesnt work, my gap closer negated by the knock back, stun slow etc. They have their bubbles and speed and dot to kill me comfortably. End of discussion on dps sages/socres against tanks.
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Most of the damage Sorc/Sage does is actually mitigated by armor. There are few internal damage abilities and they don't do much damage. I guess if you plan on standing there for 15 seconds without doing anything as a tank you would have trouble. Considering the DOTs pretty much just tick about 2k or so in that time, even stacked it will be awhile. Stuff like FL is mitigated by armor.
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