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Taspan ambush


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Funny that. I escorted him no problem. The massive drop in health was intentional, otherwise it'd be identical to the first escort mission.


Usually I save all my missiles for after the asteroids.

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i failed this one too during my first try. upgraded my ship equipment to 3+, then next runs, i just focused on getting the other ships/fighters, and made the turrets on big ships secondary. that has been my strategy ever since for this.
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Concentrate on the fighters, frigates second.


The shuttle will take the majority of its damage going through the valley. Look above the shuttle as you are going through. As the first set of fighters zip past you, you will see a group coming in. They are the target. Fire guns and missiles (keep gun button down, hold right mouse down and drag across that group to auto lock them and release). Once you get them, then take the two fighters passing you, then two coming up from the bottom, and three from the top. A few seconds later there will be two more coming in up high. Ignore the frigate and hit them. Once through there you will have a few more coming straight in as fighters pass you on the left.


Its pretty confusing until you figure it out, and If you make it through there without getting dismantled, it will buy you that extra health to finish.



Edited by Blackardin
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  • 4 weeks later...
Concentrate on the fighters, frigates second.


The shuttle will take the majority of its damage going through the valley. Look above the shuttle as you are going through. As the first set of fighters zip past you, you will see a group coming in. They are the target. Fire guns and missiles (keep gun button down, hold right mouse down and drag across that group to auto lock them and release). Once you get them, then take the two fighters passing you, then two coming up from the bottom, and three from the top. A few seconds later there will be two more coming in up high. Ignore the frigate and hit them. Once through there you will have a few more coming straight in as fighters pass you on the left.


Its pretty confusing until you figure it out, and If you make it through there without getting dismantled, it will buy you that extra health to finish.




i never was able to do this mission till today...and i think i just got lucky cause i had no strategy whatsoever and the shuttle made it with like 2 hp left.

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After doing it like 5 times one day and failing multiple times, I gave up.


Went back and did it again another day, and figured what the heck, I know it's that frigate that comes in right after you get out of the valley that blows it up...so I used my missile lock and aimed at the side of the valley where the frigate is supposed to be and it locked on THROUGH the side of the asteroid valley wall (They need to tweak that..you should be able to see it and it makes zero sense that you fire missiles through a solid wall of rock. Same with the space station one...you can fire through the station and hit something on the other side of it...)

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Use your basters on the incoming fighters. The blasters are faster than missiles. Missiles will hit after the fighters have already shot up the shuttle.


Use the missiles on fighters that come from behind you. And use them on capitol ship turrets. (blasters too when there aren't any fighters)


in the valley you can target the fighters that come in from the lower left through the wall of the asteroid. Missiles lock on and can travel through solid objects to hit their target.


I've never found this particularly hard... They aren't targeting you... just keep blasting pretty much non stop and use your missiles to get things that you can't yet hit with your blasters and turrets.


Use the super charger that increases your blaster damage and reduces your shield recharge rate. in this mission you are not the target. my shields never dip below half.

Edited by FITorion
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