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UI Feature Feedback Request


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Please prevent the UI from randomly minimising during combat.


It appears that a combination of some key and mouse presses causes the client to frequently minimise in warzones etc with very unpleasant effects.


And no its not Alt + Tab


Its doing it on average 5-6 times for me in a warzone.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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saying about the UI, if you guys can put the keybinding into Interface Manage.therefore when we set our own UI,we can bind the key to ability directly, Things like, I choose a block of ability and then decide which key mapping to it~

Maybe it will be hard to realize,but if you can do this awesome function,the UI featuer could be perfect~Dont you think so?:D

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I noticed when i give some minor tweaks to the Default and Extended Quickbars presets, some of the elements tend to overlap others in unsatisfactory ways. I saw some earlier posts similar to this and was hoping that we not only see foreground/background options, but a kind of Photoshop style layering ability for those OCD people (somewhat myself). I understand this may be a long-shot goal, but if anything like this is possible, wonderful!

And many kudos for 1.2. You guys did good so far.

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for me i like to max my world scale all the way up so i can see the writing better , however the only problem with that is it also scales the map up too so when i open it i cant see some of it on the edges. makes tracking some quests annoying. so we need a map scaler or a map scroll would work too .
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The 1.2 UI changes were great step forward! Still this is what I would enjoy in game:


1. Nameplates, adjust level of details seen on player nameplates, I currently am forced to turn them off in ops

  • a. Name only, best for ops
  • b. toggle Legacy name
  • c. toggle Guild name


2. Buffs:

  • a. make buffs scalable, the better PC the smaller they are and we will lose sight staring into 10x10 pixels squares
  • b. option to display or scale up only own debuffs on target or cleansable by players
  • c. make display of buffs and debuffs selective, perhaps by adding buff frames where we could assign buffs ourselves
  • d. display only players debuffs on target: toggle or enlarge own debuffs, or add second frame for shuffling all and own buffs
  • e. ‘static’ buffs on player like class buffs and stims, which I do not want to monitor during encounter
  • f. reactive buffs, e.g. Combat Sentinel is kaleidoscope of them
  • g. do not permit buffs on frame mix with debuffs, two frames?
  • h. I link here also Barrack’s suggestions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=428644


3. Fly Text is literally blinding me during gameplay! I suggest to anchor it to different movable frames:

  • a. incoming damage frame
  • b. incoming healing frames
  • c. player damage dealt, direct damage
  • d. player damage dealt, damage over time
  • e. party / companion damage dealt


4. Focus target:

  • a. add text to this frame
  • b. add focus target frame (with option for text)


5. Mouseover cast, at least for healers – it is not game breaking to have it, to not have it is both game and mice breaking…


6. More action bars with so many abilities…


7. Something like TellMeWhen addon for WoW, I have modified one action bar to track most important CDs on similarity of it: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tellmewhen


8. Keybindings:

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Can we have nameplate/class icon options, like, to show these only in your respective group in ops frames? I really want to see the nameplates and icons of ONLY those in my group. Also, the ability to scale them up and down? Please?


ooh, and like the guy above asked: more options for buffs/debuffs, like scaling, moving them around, and to be able to turn them off all together on each frame.


Only bug I found so far:

Companion frame seems to relocate itself sometimes, when joining a near-full group or within phases

Edited by XLimewaxX
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How about fixing the Social Windows?


Still can't add Friends who are offline to my Friends List.


The Guild Tab barely has anything to it. Not to mention we can't click and whisper players on the Guild tab.


Also, here's a thought. How about as part of the /who function we can also inspect that players gear without having to be stood right next to them?

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I would like to see an on-the-fly "key assign" toggle that works like this:

1. Toggle the key assign option to ON.

2. Hover the mouse over desired quickbar button (which is either empty or has an ability placed in it).

3. Press the desired key on the keyboard to assign the key to that button.

4. Toggle the option back to OFF.

The current key mapping function is a cumbersome pain.

Not really inventing the wheel here, as anyone who has tried Rift at some point will know what I'm talking about.


Another request that is related to the above:

Pressing the key on your keyboard that you know you have assigned to an ability somewhere in the quickbars should flash the button where the ability is placed so you can actually see it. Currently you barely see it if you see it at all. Note: That should work on empty buttons too.

Edited by Massimoto
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Move the button that unlocks the action bars somewhere far away from the action bars. I'm a clicker and i'm always unlocking the buttons and tossing them around the screen.


It's so dang silly to have that unlock/lock button so close to buttons your spamming. Make that unlock button a separate little button you can move around the screen in the editor please.

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Please allow us to move in active player names in group list in a group so that I can hit F2 and KNOW that my target is now the second person in my group list. While I think group leader does have this ability, it reflects the change to entire group and I only need/want it on my point of view.

Currently it does not follow any logic. If someone drops from group and rejoins/replaced the default F2,F3,F4 can end up targeting someone else.



More action bars is a must, and frankly I'd be happy to do away with the function of the 'coverbar' ... My main is an op, and i'd rather have that bar normal with icons/abilities simply showing when can/can't be used. It is wasted me, wasted and unused on 6 out of 8 UI's by class (on each side yet).


PLEASE PLEASE REMOVE the + and lock icon from main bar, as well as the scroll arrows ! let it be same side and not 'accidentally clickable' in a fight (yes I still click sometimes)


Allow us to save globally keybinds OR at the very least dump to a text file what we have our keybinda at by character so that we can sync what we want to (for myself, I can't think of anything in preferences or keybinds that I would want different, but can acknowledge depending on class being played ...others might.


Please allow us to turn off seeing other players titles/legacy-surname info. Tired I am of having someone say "GET FLYGIRL" ...

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My couple of cents (in order of preference):


- Standardization: meaning EVERY UI part should have the same general options (like; flip vertical/horizontal, coordinates, hide, etc...).

- Keyboard shortcuts in the UI XML file. When changing from one UI to the next you don't want to spend the next 5 minutes setting up your shortcut keys again for the respective UI.

- Z-Index. In any layered interface there should be a number indicating whether a certain element should be in front or behind another element.

- Simple macro buttons. Marking or selecting a certain mob should be as easy as pressing a button.

- More bars, but you know this.

- More different frames. Buffs/Debuffs should have a separate frame, health and energy bars the same, portraits etc.

- Scalable popup windows. I'm probably not the only one in need of a little space here. And the global scale is NOT sufficient!

- A different style of buff/debuff frame. A full text, or progress bar style would give a lot of people more information then the current style of small squares.

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• Switch the Focus Target frame right-to-left.

• Resize the buff/status boxes.

• Make the border around all of the quickbar frames the same.


Apart from that I'm pretty happy with the UI modification.


It lets me do the basics. On the other hand, I was doing all this and a lot more with Discord Mods many years ago in WoW…

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Action bars with 14 slots. My nostronomo has 14 buttons. The ui already supports a non-linear layout. If we could go past 12 slots I can cover all the buttons in each bar. Bars for regular, alt, and shift do the trick.


Better visibility on procs and stacking modifiers. For example consulars with shadow spec, could use a 3 part control for stacking buff.


Ability to separate procs from buff/debug indicators, and place or scale separately.

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I for one, would love a better preview window for items.



  • High res textures (even with the game set to low would be nice)
  • split window, 1 for just the item (zoomable, etc) and 1 for the item on your character.
  • The window should also follow your show/hide helm choice, if it can follow the unify colour and corruption why not all?
  • Resizable windows, this also applies to the inventory, character window etc


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I also want to add a few more things I'd like:


-Font-sizes being separate from global UI scale. I like my UI to be small and not take up much space, but I find being able to read the texts is pretty useful as well. I'd rather not having to choose.

-Selecting hotkey bars you want to fade out when out of combat.

-Quest-tracker hiding quests that are on other planets than the one you're currently on and using different colors for different types (daily repeatables, weekly repeatables, class, planet, side- and bonusquests) and an indicator of lowest recommended level to finish relative to your level (like +2, -5, -1, etc).



-Some time in the future, I'd like to have the world/area map be rendered in 3D (like a holoprojection from the movies), seeing as it's pretty hard to read in its current form. It would also be AWESOME and should of course be toggle-able for those not willing to waste their computer power on it. The minimap could work like some sort of 3D radar model of the area around you and I'd rather it would actually look like a holodevice projecting the model like the holocom you use for quests.


I do have a lot to say, but I don't have time for it now.

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I also want to add a few more things I'd like:


-Font-sizes being separate from global UI scale. I like my UI to be small and not take up much space, but I find being able to read the texts is pretty useful as well. I'd rather not having to choose.

-Selecting hotkey bars you want to fade out when out of combat.


The snippet from the previous poster sums up what I would most want to see in a UI, along with:


- Color and brightness options for the borders and text. I for one would darken the "glow" under max graphics. It can get somewhat eye-straining to read a great wall of text (such as mail and GTN pages) with the big blue glow competing for eye-attention.


- Improved query options for /who.

Edited by Bonezmccoy
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I made it threw page 5, and agree with all these posted before me. Consider this my vote to add:


  • Hotbars:
    • Allow us to re-order the companion toolbar so that we can show the two ability's we want when the toolbar isn't expanded
    • Ability to move the companions abilities in their hotbar
    • Allow us the option to make certain toolbar visible on mouse over.
    • Allow us the option to make a toolbar visible only in combat or out of combat.


    • Management:
      • A way to lock windows in place once we move them
      • Re size secondary windows independently
      • Editor Grid and Snap Too ability to make it easier to center and align objects
      • All elements flip horizontally and Vertically.
      • Ops targets frame. You can select anyone in your Ops to make them an Ops target. You can set your main assists this way (Main DPS, Main Tank, etc.)
      • DPS/Threat Meter.

      [*] Graphics:

      • Ability to load custom graphics/textures
      • Ability to remove picture from health bars
      • Customize clock to 24 hour.
      • Ability to add Server time.
      • Heroic Quests different color than solo quests.
      • Zoom for the item preview window.

      [*] chat:

      • Customize chat window - Keep it visible if I want.
      • Chat windows that are lockable.

      • Chat windows option to enable click-through.
      • Allow Tab/Shift-tab key to cycle through previous tells/whispers senders when chat entry has focus.
      • Allow full options of right click on names in all chat scenarios and guild windows.
      • needs to be huge as well.

      [*] Buffs:

      • Separate Buffs/Debuffs.
      • Make Buffs/Debuffs there own windows
      • Separate Mine vs Theirs Buffs/Debuffs

      [*] Map:

      • Way-point on the map
      • ability to re size the overhead map and close the left and right panels on it

      [*] Name Plates:

      • Allow clicking on it.


    • A gear manager to allow us to easily switch between premade gear sets, with each set having pre-set color matching and helm toggles, allowing us to quickly switch between PvE and PvP sets, as an example
    • Mouseover click casting for healers
    • Auto sort items in inventory. (nice if you can set how it does, but can adapt if it just does)
    • materials/resources stack to 999 versus 99


    • Ability to "Shift+Click" item to populate name


    • Shared bank


    • Ability to save keybindings in XML file to import for other characters.
    • Mailbox feature to export message text to a text file.
    • Ready check

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Lots of replies that I liked the suggestions made.

Keeping it short and simple, here's my top priority (would love to see it yesterday) suggestions:

  • Keybinds export file
  • Community UI customization
  • Scale / filter buffs

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Thank you for the UI that we can adjust.


Not sure if this is the spot to suggest something for UI but if not, just please move to appropriate section.


1) to add a compass on the main hub page with X:Y location

I always have to stop to open world map to see where I am and where I am going.


2) To be able to add way-points to the world map or

3) ability to insert the X:Y we want and have it show on the map


Thank you.

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I'd like to see certain things 'saved', such as when you open your crew skill recipe list and you specify to list by Level than by Difficulty, that it saves the settings until you change them.


The same goes for the mission tracker toggle. If I turn if off, I would like to have it stay off when I change areas or log in. Then I can turn it on if I need it.

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