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Open plea to Bioware


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Dear Bioware,


I've been a beta tester for this game since late June last year, was in pre launch day 1, a Collector Edition owner, and active on this forum since October 21st, 2008. SWTOR is now reaching the 6 month mark of its development life, and I can't help but think what would have happened if you didn't succumb to the EA greed machine and launch the game around this time (roughly 1 year postponed from original Spring 2011).


It seems like you've spent these months playing catch up with certain key MMO features missing at launch (guild banks, UI customization, 8 man WZ qs), while making other features redundant (Ilum Battlefield). You cracked at launch and opened up way too many servers for all those QQers threatening to quit (which by now have probably already due to the population spread out way too thin across the board).


Games like Tera launch with a Character Transfer Service and for free (for now). You have just started that now with Asia, and we're still at least another 6 weeks- 2 months for NA / Europe? I'm sorry this is just completely unacceptable, a bunch of us are suffering from lack of people to form groups (group finder will NOT fix this on low servers btw), getting matched against the same faceroll group of PvPers in War Zones (also due to no cross server q / rated War Zones).


Other games on the horizon offer more World PvP then this game has ever had. Ilum had it's fun moments, even with all the issues, yet you completely butchered it and forced most of us to just instance pvp to death. Now you can clearly see a lot are getting burned out, and now it's becoming a wait for the next patch type of game.


You really need to communicate to your playerbase what exactly is going on. Yes we understand you want Bioware polish and not say anything before it's ready, but after the failed ranked WZ, Ilum and other bugs, I'm not believing you anymore. If you don't do something before mid, June, expect to see a lot more ppl leave out of frustration.

Edited by Mailek
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Because you talked to "alot more people" and they all selected a deadline of "mid-june" ???



Why not just post "plan to see ME leave by mid-june"? It would give you a lot more credibility than making up random, unknown "alot mores" like all the other posts do with "my whole guild", "everyone on my server" or my faves, the random %s values, "83% of everyone on my server has said they are quitting at 12.04am!!!" ....

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Because you talked to "alot more people" and they all selected a deadline of "mid-june" ???



Why not just post "plan to see ME leave by mid-june"? It would give you a lot more credibility than making up random, unknown "alot mores" like all the other posts do with "my whole guild", "everyone on my server" or my faves, the random %s values, "83% of everyone on my server has said they are quitting at 12.04am!!!" ....


I can post whatever I want buddy, and no offense but I've talked to and just seen across all these boards the negative issues people are concerned with and they are valid I'm sorry you are too blinded by your own ignorance you can't see it. Want to know why mid June? A lot will probably check out The Secret World even if it's made by Funcom, because that's what MMO gamer junkies do.


This community is probably one of the worse things about this game, both on these forums and actually live. You're a living example of it, pat youself on your man ***** now.

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Balrizangor, I agree with the OP. Were already seeing the population thinning out. The once heavy server populations are now light. I'm seeing 30 odd people on the Imperial side Fleet at primetime on my server. Right now (8:18pm), i'm on Tatooine with 7 other players. Many people already voted with their feet after the free month was up.


Personally I'll be here for another 2-3 weeks before having a good look at Diablo3.


Don't get me wrong, I like SWTOR, but theres just too many things that need fixing/updating. It feels like a 2008 RPG game. The MMO part packed up it's bags and left after the first month.

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He's just focusing on one sentence instead of the whole point of your post. Lots of people are quitting, for a myriad of reasons. It's obvious to anyone still playing. Groups are harder to find for everything, because people are leaving. No amount of spin will cover it up. 1.2 made everything much worse and also destroyed an entire class. SWTOR is on its last legs, on the plus side, you can expect massive server merges/transfers very quickly and probably for free (they can't afford to lose even more customers).
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when they decided to let players leave our servers now and make the rest of us wait till next quarter is when i gave up hope. we now have even less players on our servers they have the ability to do server changes as we have already seen. but yet they make us wait. not letting us transfur now is a big mistake as i wont wait till summer. i wont even wait till the end of this month. i log in i do dailys i stand around for a hour till i cant take it anymore and log out. i cant say im having fun in the game as of right now.
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All that time/beta testing/talking to people and you did it in just 89 posts....Yea. I'm gonna go with no.


The above is just a whine. They are working on it, if you don't like the time table they have planned, you can always unsub and then come back.

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I can post whatever I want buddy, and no offense but I've talked to and just seen across all these boards the negative issues people are concerned with and they are valid I'm sorry you are too blinded by your own ignorance you can't see it. Want to know why mid June? A lot will probably check out The Secret World even if it's made by Funcom, because that's what MMO gamer junkies do.


This community is probably one of the worse things about this game, both on these forums and actually live. You're a living example of it, pat youself on your man ***** now.


And your post and response are ironic. I am sure you won't get that but ....


You are correct, you can post anything you want and, judging by the responses so far, no one is taking anything in your post seriously, hence why I was trying to help you sound more credible, but your attacking response does not help your case, better luck next time =)

Edited by Balrizangor
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He's just focusing on one sentence instead of the whole point of your post. Lots of people are quitting, for a myriad of reasons. It's obvious to anyone still playing. Groups are harder to find for everything, because people are leaving. No amount of spin will cover it up. 1.2 made everything much worse and also destroyed an entire class. SWTOR is on its last legs, on the plus side, you can expect massive server merges/transfers very quickly and probably for free (they can't afford to lose even more customers).


You are correct, at no point in my post did I say "I disagree" I was pointing out a way for the OP to gain more credibility as opposed to the many other posts on these forums of people using the "everyone in the world is quitting" style of posts.


He turned this into a verbal attack though which further took credibility away from his post ;)

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That's not a plea, that's a long winded complaint IMO.


And I disagree with you.


As someone who pays for their service, I should be able to voice my opinion on what I think is wrong with it. Of course there are complaints, but I'm not going to blow smoke and say that everything is fine? You can disagree with me all you want, you got sand in your eyes.

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Because you talked to "alot more people" and they all selected a deadline of "mid-june" ???



Why not just post "plan to see ME leave by mid-june"? It would give you a lot more credibility than making up random, unknown "alot mores" like all the other posts do with "my whole guild", "everyone on my server" or my faves, the random %s values, "83% of everyone on my server has said they are quitting at 12.04am!!!" ....


You can add me and quite a few people that I play with to the "alot" list. The only difference is that we won't wait until mid-June.

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All that time/beta testing/talking to people and you did it in just 89 posts....Yea. I'm gonna go with no.


The above is just a whine. They are working on it, if you don't like the time table they have planned, you can always unsub and then come back.


Are you serious dude? You actually are that pathetic that you want to judge what I have to say based on my post count on these forums? Did you know the beta forums were separate and did not add to my post count? Ever think of that Einstein?


The above wasn't a whine it was my opinion and the truth. Sorry I don't waste all of my life on these forums and have 200+ posts like you.

Edited by Mailek
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You are correct, at no point in my post did I say "I disagree" I was pointing out a way for the OP to gain more credibility as opposed to the many other posts on these forums of people using the "everyone in the world is quitting" style of posts.


He turned this into a verbal attack though which further took credibility away from his post ;)


The way you turned it was an obvious flame / troll attack, so I treat people the way they treat me buddy. Want to add like a goof, you'll get it back from me too.

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And your post and response are ironic. I am sure you won't get that but ....


You are correct, you can post anything you want and, judging by the responses so far, no one is taking anything in your post seriously, hence why I was trying to help you sound more credible, but your attacking response does not help your case, better luck next time =)


The only thing I care / cared about is the devs seeing my initial response, your comments mean nothing to me as they are all but useless since you aren't a developer. You accusing me of creating another "I quit or everyone is leaving post" just helps bump this to the top and hopefully they might actually read what I originally had to say and none of the BS that follows

Edited by Mailek
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As someone active since October 2008 (changed my forum account), tested in Beta, and played witih CE from day one, I agree with everything you've said.


Yet perhaps what I agree with the most is:

This community is probably one of the worse things about this game, both on these forums and actually live.


All I'll say is I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I stopped playing a week ago out of sheer frustration of the people I was dealing with both on the forums and in-game, and have adopted a new policy of staying out of forum debates and not lowering myself to the standards of many forum participants (if anyone tries to start an argument with me on this, we'll have to agree to disagree because I'm not going to retaliate). I've remained guildless since January (levelled 9 characters solo during that time with solo WZ queuing the entire time) simply because every decent guild I found on my server have consisted of unacceptably rude and arrogant individuals. I was warned of the type of people who were going to migrate here, and have never encountered such a poor community across 7+ MMORPGs.


But I digress. As said, I completely agree with you, this game was very much a missed opportunity that could have been so..so much more. A sad conclusion...



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You can add me and quite a few people that I play with to the "alot" list. The only difference is that we won't wait until mid-June.


Add myself and many others I know as well.

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Balrizangor, I agree with the OP. Were already seeing the population thinning out. The once heavy server populations are now light. I'm seeing 30 odd people on the Imperial side Fleet at primetime on my server. Right now (8:18pm), i'm on Tatooine with 7 other players. Many people already voted with their feet after the free month was up.


Personally I'll be here for another 2-3 weeks before having a good look at Diablo3.


Don't get me wrong, I like SWTOR, but theres just too many things that need fixing/updating. It feels like a 2008 RPG game. The MMO part packed up it's bags and left after the first month.


remember a fair bit of that thinning out is due to the new servers for the oceanic players. their servers are all pretty full.. and let me ask you a question..where do you think those servers got those people to fill them?

it wasnt like the people in the oceanic regions were not playing the game before the transfers, they were on all of the other servers.. you know the ones that are suffering from less players after a massive server transfer..


gosh.. i wonder why our servers are lighter while the new servers are all full..


rocket science this is not..

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The only thing I care / cared about is the devs seeing my initial response, your comments mean nothing to me as they are all but useless since you aren't a developer. You accusing me of creating another "I quit or everyone is leaving post" just helps bump this to the top and hopefully they might actually read what I originally had to say and none of the BS that follows


You aren't a developer either. Do you have any idea how these games are made and the length of time every little aspect of a game takes? This game has a quite a bit of problems I will agree with you to that extent. However, you have to realize these changes you are asking for do not come swiftly. All changes are purely codes, scripts, writing everything from scratch, this is a very difficult process. Furthermore, they have to test the changes, view how they will change other aspects of the game. It's a long process. No matter how big the team is, no matter how much money they have at their disposal.


And to all the people complaining that server transfer are too late coming mid-june, grow up. You can't expect things to come to you at your convenience. Would you rather they deploy this feature now, without extensive testing, so that your character is lost in a void, because something went wrong in the transfer they didn't foresee because they didn't test out the system? You may rant all you want, we are entitled to do so, but as least use some logic, I would rather wait months for a change that I want in game, than have it immediately and deal with the many consequences that will come out of untested content.

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Same for me as well


And it's not that I dislike the game...none of us really do...we're just getting to the point of utter frustration.

PvP is non-existent, the sound being bugged for 3 weeks now is driving players MAD, the lockouts prevent us from helping others in Ops, there's ZERO tools to foster a community, WZ's suck, the nerfs suck the new GTN bug...UGH! The list is seriously endless right now. ALL of the things Bioware has managed to **edit** up and they seem to have NO concern over any of it.


I'm just getting tired of it all. I HATE so many other sword and fairy games...but I can't take THIS much longer. I'm a customer - we're ALL customers. We deserve to be treated as such...not like children.

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