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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is looking for your feedback on the game's development once again. This week he's looking out to the stars... and the planets of the Star Wars universe.


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account (@JamesOhlen), but if you're not on Twitter, his question is below and you can give your feedback here which will be passed on to him.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"


You can name any planet you like, but remember, planets in The Old Republic can be fully explorable (like Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth etc) and/or destinations that are seen as part of a Flashpoint or Operation (like Taral V, Denova, Kaon, etc).


As a reminder, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen. You can also follow our main account @SWTOR.




Personally I want a proper Jedi Temple. We don't have one. The one on Tython is tiny and the ones on Coruscant and Ilum are destroyed. Contrast with the Sith who have one. So I want a planet with a proper Jedi Temple that we can visit.


The only planet that I think can have one currently would be Dantooine, which, when last we left, had the Jedi Enclave in ruins and the Mandalorians raiding it. So I'd like to see what happened to Dantooine.

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I would love to see dagobah and kashyyk, 2 of the most memorable planets in starwars in my opinion, but i also want to see a more abstract sort of thing, like a startdestroyer planet kind of thing or a deathstart, dont actualy make a deathstar planet but i think its a good idea to start with
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Fully Explorable


1) Eshan - Echani Homeworld

2) Mon Calamari /DAC/whatever they are calling it these days

3) Falleen

4) Sullust

5) Myrkr


Corridor/Nar Shadda-Type


1) Duro

2) Centerpoint Station

3) The Wheel

Edited by Blev
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Statement: Lehon (the "Unknown world" from KotOR), Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Manaan, Onderon, Dxun (Onderon's moon), Telos IV, M4-78 (the droid planet that was cut from KotOR2).


Explanation: All of these as normal planets. Especially M4-78.

Edited by HKtheindomitable
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Okay here is my voting breakdown with reasons:


Full exploration:


1.) Yavin IV - In the Star Wars timeline for SWTOR, the whole timeframe of the Exar Kun incident would be a mere 300 years old, meaning still fresh in the minds of both the Sith Empire and the Republic. Think of what potential powers could be unlocked in the ruins of that planet and used to tip the balance of the war. I am surprised they do not have scout teams there already. The jungles, the Massassi Temples, other unknown civilizations, vast wilds with other possible areas (volcanic maybe).


2.) Dathomir - The Witches of Dathomir are a power that neither the Sith nor the Republic are accounting for. This again can spawn an entire series of story lines around either courting them to join (Sith Empire) or keeping them away from the fighting as they are too dangerous (Republic). Plus the planet from all shown is dark and eerie - the whole Kaon Flashpoint was great with it's contrast to a lot of other areas; this gives a whole art aspect to the game.




1.) Kashyyyk - Same for Empire and Republic essentially both around the same general storyline. Basic premise: Battle above Kashyyyk released a chemical agent onto the planet. The Empire blames the Republic and visa versa - however this chemical agent had an unforseen reaction with a rare plant on the planets surface. This plant now has properties which boost kolto, or the force, or other some such thing dozens of times over. There is a catch though, it has mutated the shadow creatures, other animals, and even the Wookiees of the area into much stronger rage beasts and even some retaining signs of higher intelligence despite the madness. Fight through the effected Wookiee village, jungle floor, etc to retrieve the plant and then evac.




1.) Kessel - The spice mines of Kessel have broken off from their neutral stance and are now a part of a rogue Mandalorian faction. The spice is needed both as a black-market control device and a healing aid for the war efforts. Get in there, free the previous mine operators being held hostage, and take out the Mandalorians.




Mustafar - Novare Coast style - Republic and Imperial have setup forward mining outposts for the rich resources on the planet. They are both tapped into the same power centers to keep their shields up - reroute power to your base alone and let the lava burn away at their structure. (Fun little sequence seeing the enemy base drop away into the lava when you win would be a fun bonus)

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I would love to have all of these planets, preferrably fully explorable:


Czilla - I play a Chiss, I want to visit the home world

Mygeeto - love how the place looks

Utapau - interesting concept with the holes

Geonosis - I like Geonosians

Mon Calamari - preferrably with some real water-based content

Kuat - the orbital shipyard ring is just awesome

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