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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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One of the biggest problems this game has is the factions are seperated so much on the planets, infact this is the reason my entire WOW guild went back to wow, the planets are lonely boring places because you put the factions too far apart, we never see them so no world pvp ever happens.


So in answer to your question, call it planet bananas for all I care as long as it encourages world pvp.

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Can we get ilum back first. Its not really worth talking about what future planets we want when we still dont have all the planets in the current game working. I mean its nice to ask for things you can tell us are coming soon to make it seem like were being listened too but how about what we were promised and already pay for?


Also if the past is any indication of the future then the question should be what planet do you want JO? Cause i still dont see the other million things we ask for going live.

Edited by Masturomenos
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I would love to see Kashyyyk, Dantooine, and Naboo. All three of those planets were some of my favorites in both Kotor and SWG, and I simply love the environments of each planet. I feel they would make a great addition to the game, as well as more kotor references for those planets featured in the original game!
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The planets of Dathomir (the tv series rendition) and Umbara would be fascinating, unique, and fun planets to go to.


I think Dathomir's red lighting across the landscape and thick mists among the twisted fauna would be really interesting and the Nightsisters. What is said here http://www.starwars.com/explore/encyclopedia/locations/dathomir/ and what has recently been added to the Nightsister's culture and religion makes the world extremely unique and interesting for BW to toy with and develop with the witches and all.



Also, Umbara is simply too unique to not have. A planet of eternal darkness, where the light never entirely reaches it. Based on what is said here http://www.starwars.com/explore/encyclopedia/locations/umbara/ the planet would be ideal because of how mobs and dangerous predators would make sense being everywhere since the planet is so dangerous. The natives are also apparently either more advanced or on a different technological path than the rest of the galaxy (perhaps they are technological isolationists who are part of the Republic?) and the Empire and Republic are trying to convince the Umbarans to share their secrets to help either side's war effort.



I encourage James Ohlen to consider these planets, their aesthetic appearance and unique culture and landscape is just something I don't think BW should ignore. Thank you.


Edit: I would also love Dromund Kaas fully explorable. Kaas City especially should be expanded and be more "layered" like Coruscant so that we can see much more and spread out farther. As for the actual planet, more ruins to explore (maybe like Korriban) or more jungles and stuff would be great. I love the planet's aesthetic and would love to see it expanded.

Edited by Forgon
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I would like to see Dantooine and Dathomir added to the game. Both of these planets would fit into the current time line for the Star Wars universe.


Personally I would like to see Naboo, but the situation on Naboo at this time in the official time line would not be possible.


For Dathomir I suggest the one from Clone Wars and not SWG.

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Yet another vote for Kashyyyk. I loved the feeling of truly deep forests back in KotOR, and I would absolutely love to explore the place now.


Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it (haven't read the whole thread), but I'd like to see Lehon, also known as Rakata Prime. It's the Rakata planet from KotOR. There's tons of potential story there, especially considering how often Rakata and artifacts from the Infinite Empire show up in TOR. It's also nice to look at, what with the beaches and ancient temples and wrecks of starships that are just begging to be looted. :D

Edited by MusedMoose
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I would like to see Dantooine and Dathomir added to the game. Both of these planets would fit into the current time line for the Star Wars universe.


Personally I would like to see Naboo, but the situation on Naboo at this time in the official time line would not be possible.


For Dathomir I suggest the one from Clone Wars and not SWG.


For Naboo, The Republic and Empire are sending colonists here to establish bases, both are attempting to strike alliances with the natives "the Gungans" to establish trade rights, Naboo has a MASSIVE reserve of natural plasma, this is from Darth Plageuis the Novel so I would take it as cannon. What ever happens at this time, leads to a war between the natives and the colonists, but Im sure the Sith have nothing to do with the war. ;)

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Personally, I would love to see Dathomir.


That being said, it would make more "sense" (economically speaking) to have a planet that the public at large (and by this I mean not the hardcore fanbase) is familiar with.


So something like Naboo, Endor or to a certain extent Yavin 4, would help attract more people to the game (more people = more planets later :D )

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"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"


Mustafar (Lava planet that Anakin fights Obi Wan on)

I think this one's completely obvious, it looks awesome.


Sernpidal (Planet that Chewbacca dies on)

Well, Chewbacca dies there, the planet deserves some level of recognition within at least one Star Wars game sometime, what better game than this one. Sadly due to the descriptions of the world provided in the novels, there's not much ability to make the storyline here larger than that of Quesh.


Mon Calamari (Admiral Ackbar's home world)

This world could add new elements into the gameplay, including some method to explore in a water environment while utilizing character skills without requiring a pre-planned path as is done in the space missions. On the other side of it without adding new mechanics into the game the planetary scenery has a lot of potential for beauty, huge clear dome rooms with windows that the water-life can be seen through, or even the concept of a semi-permeable surface that only keeps out water but allows sea life to break through and attack you.


Myrkr (Planet that the force negating Ysalamiri are native to)

Adds a new facet into the gameplay cripling many of the jedi characters abilities.


Yavin 4 (eventual location of Jedi Temple in the post Star Wars books)

Freedom to integrate some of the backstory of why Yavin 4 holds some of the features it does in the novels, the force tainted places, the Mayan like architecture, etc.


Hapes Consortium (Planetary system featured in the novels from which Tenel Ka originates)

Creates a multi-planet map, much like Coruscant and Nar Shadaa use the multi based city map allowing for a huge differentiation between royal-esque stylings of cities upon greatly varying wilderness.

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I already replied to this earlier but having since seen the last 3 planets currently in the game I want to add something. Make more planets like Voss, Tatooine and Taris, ie. planets that have distinct charactheristics of their own. These planets feel unique, unlike pretty much all the rest in the game which are either grass planets with slighty different color scheme, or city planets which look and feel even more alike.
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I fully agree with this post, swtor needs planets which are dark (and terrifying)

The game needs to show us the dark side of the Star Wars universe (and I dont mean the force), it would be so much better!

Of course each planet is unique and everything, but they are also similar in some way.

That's why swtor needs darker planets, it would be a totally different feeling! (I've experienced this already in other games)

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