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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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I would like to see any planets from original KoTOR or KoTOR 2. It will be nice to have more connections and easter eggs to these two games. This is reason why Taris is my favorite planet in SWTOR :D


But if I must pick some of them, it will be these planets:


1) Onderon + Dxun moon

2) Kashyyyk

3) Manaan

Edited by shaarmoth
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Kashyyyk. I've really wanted to return to both the wookie villages and the shadowlands ever since KotOR.



also i want to make roasted ewok sandwiches on my pyro. Please make ewoks killable like they were in swg.

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If you're going to do a planet where no one speaks Basic, which would be annoying to begin with, it can't be Kashyyyk. Their language doesn't even sound like a language. It grates on the ears. It's irritating.


I may have memorized all of Qyzen Fess' Trandoshan sound bytes, but at least it sounds like words.

Edited by Felioats
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I had a feeling a thread like this would go this way, but I wanted to give a voice to the desire to see some lesser well known planets in the game. I'm sure we'll see plenty of Dathomir-level planets, but not all planets should be that way.


I'd like to see Lahsbane, Bogden, Tammuz-an, Roon, Velmor, or Ingo. These are the unknown planets I'd really want to explore, not "back to Kashyyyk yet again" (bo-ring). Especially Bogden ... "From one of the moons of Bogden" - Dooku. That's a line full of mystery.

Edited by Tristessa
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I'd like to see the following planets: Naboo (I want Gungans!!), Dantoine, Kashyyk, Manaan, & Kamino


*Naboo: It would be cool to have some planets from the movie....and I want playable Gungan characters -- just saying. Plus it has two very different sides: underwater & where the humans live!

*Dantoine: A lot of action took place here in the old KTOR games & it would be cool to see what is going on there now.

*Kashyyk: This was one of the coolest planets in the game, & it would be vastly different from most of the planets we have now.

*Manaan: This was the coolest planet in all of KTOR & I'd love to see it again...the underwater sections were really cool back in the day.

*Kamino: Again I'm just looking for more stuff from the movies, & with it being a stormy water planet it would be a much different change of pace from what we already have.

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Padon me if this sounds rude....but what a stupid question.


There isnt enough end game activities on the planets we currently have. I'm talking about sandbox elements... Open world factional based pvp with objectives(daoc style), pod racing, swoop bike racing, pazaak and the like.


This is a Star Wars game, where the frak is the 'WAR' at endgame?

Edited by MaubeeEiko
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I would like to see more end game activity on the planets that we currently have, we already have enough planets, we need more to do on them before any new planets come along.. lets get he cart behind the horse where it belongs.

I am all for new planets and content, Yavin 4, Dathmir, I am sure I spelled that wrong, would offer great new content, at some point.. we need some diversity in the game, adding another war zone or operations is just that more of what we already have.. How about pazaak, pod racing, building your racer, faction based pvp like Daoc style. this is Star Wars, and it could have great things, and I know Bioware, you can be creative.. you put the rpg back into the mmo lets put the Wars back in Star Wars...

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I would like to see a water world like Manaan first or perhaps a planet mostly covered by jungles and huge forests like Kashyyyk and Yavin IV. Dantooine would be cool aswell.
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If I choose Naboo will we get Gungans in game? Mesa really want a Gungan compainionb(or better, playable race.) You Otherwise I would love to see Manaan or Dantooine. What about Ziost? That could be interesting.

Kessel would also be a neat planet with energy spiders.


Just my thoughts,




Yes Please!!

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